Chapter 37: Al, Knowing the Demon Tribe [p2]

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 Al gets a refill of tea and tea cakes, and takes a sigh of relief to calm down. Mana remains calm, but emotionally confused is another story.

 According to Vince, the family has changed its policy since that incident with Al. He said that those who were dissatisfied with it took Naina out of the house and ran away.

 As Vince mentioned earlier, if that is all, it is just a family problem. All we have to do is to hunt Naina and the others by ourselves while alerting Al.

 But there was a problem that did not go away so easily. There was a dispute between the reconciliation faction and the open warfare faction.

“We are demons who have chosen to integrate into human society. For the sake of convenience, we are called the “harmony faction. And I thought that the ones who took Naina and the others who ran away were those who entered the kingdom on a secret mission from the demon territory’s mainland and were called the “open warfare faction” ……, but it seems that is not the case.”

“Huh. So you’re a peacemaker and an open warlord.”(As I recall, it came up in the game as well. I think it was only after the middle of the game that the demons started to appear in earnest, Demons were fighting amongst themselves, ……. So the detailed story of the game is only for reference. You know, the setting and flow of this world: ……)

 It is true that Al was a bit out of his element when he learned about the demon tribe. What, they are no different from the human race? ……

 At the same time, I understand why Vince and the others were hesitant to say anything about it.

“Until now, the kingdom has tolerated the existence of demon tribes in the country, but recently there seems to be a growing anti-demon movement among high ranking nobles. …… It has been difficult to get in touch with the collaborators of the kingdom …… whom we call our “protectors” who have assured us of our position. For this reason, I personally contacted the warring factions and held a dialogue with them, telling them to refrain from conspicuous behavior and to leave us alone.

That’s when I discovered what was going on. There were other people claiming to be part of the “open war” group who had been in contact with Naina and her group for several years. It’s funny to call them “official”, but they were different from the war mongers with whom I had negotiated. I don’t know what their purpose is.”

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(….The anti-demon momentum will surely be related to the “Divine Child”. What was it? What is it about having contact with the demon tribe and the darkness of a hundred years of suffering in the kingdom, ……? That would make them anti-demon, to keep the divine children away from the demon tribe. Could this be the reason for the near-civil war between noble families that was depicted in the game? No, well, I’m not even sure if civil war will actually happen in this world anymore. And the demons who are deceiving themselves as open war fighters are definitely the “dark adversaries” on the side of the demon tribe. There are four heavenly kings and so on.)

 While listening to Vince’s story, Al thinks about all the unprofitable things he has to say. ……, but in the end, it’s ‘too much trouble. Al, in a manner of speaking, is now a collaborator of the regime, albeit with a collar. The roundabout thought is that if he passes information to the shadow of the royal family, he will be able to roast those dark adversaries to some extent.

 Even if the adversary side is in collusion with some of the city’s aristocrats, that is the strength of the regime side. They should be able to influence the investigative agencies. For Al, it is “Viva Power,” and he does not feel much danger.

 More than that, Al’s mind is spinning with thoughts about the war against the demon tribe. Of course, it is no longer clear whether the war with the demons will really break out as in the game.

 Al learned that the demon tribe was not as different from the human tribe as he had thought.

 In other words, depending on the way things are done, even if the nobles in the capital are feckless, as long as the balance of numbers is achieved, they should be able to cross over. At least, even if Vince and all the executives in this mansion were to band together, they would not be an enemy of his father, Brian. It would give him a different sense of security in case of an emergency. Such a plan was going through Al’s mind.

“So you are asking me to inform the royal shadow that there is a completely different group of demons who call themselves “open warriors”? So this is the second story?”

“Simply put, yes. We cannot move directly against the kingdom without the approval of the “protector”. We are going after Naina and the others who have run away from the family, but we also feel that if we don’t inform the kingdom, we may all be lumped in with the “demon tribe” and be punished.”

 However, as long as we are active in the royal capital, it is necessary for us to put down some roots on the regime side, and we need to be a bridge between the two ….. At the very least, they would like to ask Al to help them exchange information. That is what Vince and his team consulted this time.

“Well, I’m sure the royal shadow will further examine the truth of the information I’ve given them anyway. I’ll at least tell them what you’ve just told me ……. In any case, I’m sure we’ll be meeting soon on another matter, so I’ll just tell them about it.”

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“I’m sorry. Mister Al. Thank you. We should have completed this ourselves, but we thank you for your help …..I am sure that the shadow of the royal family is aware of us, and we are cooperating with the original war fighters to the extent of sharing information with them about those who call themselves unknown war fighters. If there is any further information, we will pass it on to them appropriately.”

Some of the options include even the mainland of the demon territory, i.e. ……, which relies on the founding faction, ……. And each of the kingdom’s frontiers. Oh, the Falconer territory is not a consideration. I will not go there even if requested to do so.

“Well, that’s all I have to say. ……Mister Al isn’t too surprised to learn that we are demons. ……No, I don’t want him to be surprised, but…”

“No, of course I am surprised. But, with all due respect, I had the selfish impression that the demon tribe had horns, claws, and beastly features,…… and so on.”

 Al’s image of the demon tribe is exactly how they appear in the game.

 There were some who had the same visual appearance as the human race, but they were basically depicted as stronger and more deformed than the human race. However, if that image were to remain unchanged, the balance between the human race and the demon race would have long since collapsed. By now, the human race would only survive in servitude to the demonic race.

 However, in this world, the majority of the demon tribe is not so different from the human tribe. On average, they have a little more mana and are better with magic than the humans,…… but even so, overall, the humans are superior to the humans, who have inherited bloodlines and secret magic and have accumulated systematic magical knowledge, like the aristocrats.

“Hoho. Well, that’s what the church calls the demon tribe. In fact, we are not so different from the human race. Some of them have horns and scales, but they can be hidden by their hair and clothes. In fact, those who have these characteristics are called “true demons” and are commonly referred to as “Majin”.

There are only a few among the reconciliationist demon tribe, and because of their prominence, they have all left the capital. ……I thought at one time that Naina was one of them because of the amount of mana she had. …… As for the demons, there probably aren’t that many of them even in the demon territory’s home country. “

“Wow, such a difference is …… true demons …… (I wouldn’t feel safe if that fiend or whatever he/she is is of my father’s class. One person could change the war situation. I hope he/she is at least the head of an ordinary noble family.)

 Al is only measuring the demons as a force to be reckoned with. There is no discrimination there. There is only a distinction. A cold line of demarcation between friend and foe.

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(Lord Al seems to be interested in the power of the demons. …… Was he the one who wanted to fight the demons? No, our attitude did not change when we found out that we are demons. He is not a fervent believer in the goddess, nor is he an opponent of the demon tribe. …… What?)

(Even though Lord Vince and his friends are under the protection of the kingdom, you never know depending on the future situation. …… Well, that’s just the way it is.)

 They continue to talk over tea, but inwardly they have their own thoughts.

 Vince will move to preserve as many of his kin as possible and to increase the number of survivors if the kingdom’s protection is to be removed. Preparations for this have already begun.

And Al could see that Vince was prepared to do so as the head of the clan.

If we lose our protection, we will have to walk on our own feet. Even if Vince and his team chose to become enemies of the kingdom at that time, it was a matter of course. It was just a choice to survive. No one can blame them for that decision.

 Al does not show mercy to those who become his enemies, but he does not care if they choose that path. You could say that he respects it. It is much wiser than to sit back and perish.

“Mister Vince. I am aware of what happened to Ada or Naina, and of the people who are deceiving the open war faction ……. I know it’s none of my business, but I don’t think it’s a mistake for Vince and the others to choose whatever path they take in the future. If it were possible, I would not want to meet them as enemies, but that is just the way it is.”‘

“Hoho. I’m ready for it now. But as for Naina and the suspicious war mongers, I swear to you that I will not go against the interests of Al and the kingdom. That’s the end of it.”

 Al, of course, is aware of this, as is Vince. There were people around them who were becoming increasingly frustrated with their conversation.

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 As the head of the reconciliationist demon tribe, Vince was determined.

 With the growing anti-demon tribe momentum in the kingdom, he can clearly sense that the days when he could live peacefully under the protection of the kingdom are coming to an end.

It is no exaggeration to say that the clan’s very existence is in jeopardy. In the midst of such a situation, Vince no longer gently reprimands those who put their own feelings first and fail to follow the chief’s instructions.

“Mr. Vince. Let me tell you again. When I am thanked, I return the courtesy. I give respect to those who deserve it. And to those who mean me harm, I mean them harm. I return ill will for ill will. That is the Falconer way of saying, “When you are hit, you hit back.”

“Mister Al. I understand. I fully understand your style of Falconer. I know that you once told me, “I tried to attack a demon I couldn’t beat, and I was beaten back. I guess that’s what it means to mess with Al.”

 Here is what was established between Al and Vince.

 Al will kill anyone, even those of the Vince clan, if they come toward him with intent to harm. And Vince condones it.

 This is truly a contract of a license to kill.

 As for Al, they are a demon tribe under the protection of the kingdom. I just felt that it would be a hassle to clean up afterwards if I “got to know” them. ……

 Unusually, it gave legitimacy, albeit limited, to Falconer’s style.


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