Meanwhile, on the summit at the time.

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Vandal sat silent, deep in thought while wearing his magician’s hat.

The hourglass silently fell but Ronin looked upon it sarcastically.

“Nevertheless, Vandal the magician is merciless. Even though it is a test, it’s such a demanding one.”

“Yeah, I don’t have the heart.” For once Miria agreed. “I feel sorry for Will on such an impossible condition. When he comes back, I’ll have to wrap him in my breasts and make him a good boy.”

“… Isn’t that going to make my Will have a mother *complex?”

“That’s right.” Miria responded immediately without sounding haughty.

Vandal gave out a nasal laugh.

“What’s wrong?”

“Yah, you don’t seem to believe in Will.”

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“That’s not true.”

“Then why you worry so? Will will overcome this challenge brilliantly.”

“Will alone. He’ll come back in less than an hour if he has the physical and balance abilities but if the girl names Luna maria is with him, it’s a different story.”

“Even if they piggyback, it will shake.”

“Do you think Will can’t come back?”

“Unfortunately.” Vandal laughed loudly at them.

“Fofofofo, After all they don’t have eyes to see.”

“You old man, preparing such a difficult trial.”

“It’s a difficult trial to do but I thought that Will could solve it, so I prepared it. In fact, it will be solved.” Vandal said with his cane pointed far away.

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Looking past the tip of the cane, they saw Will and Luna maria sprinting.

“Oh, that’s cute Will!”

hmm, they are running at that speed? Aside form Will, is princess Luna maria spilling water?”

However, there was no sign of water spillage from this distance.

“Isn’t it all spilled?” Miria doubts this possibility, but it never happens.

They came in their shoulders moving each reath, they put a cup in front of the desk prepared by Vandal.

There was a lot of water poured in there – it wasn’t there!?

What was in the cup was an object that was not water.

“This is ice?” Miria shouts when she realises this. Will nods.

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“There was a risk of spilling the liquid, so I magically made it ice.”

“sure, you can’t spill ice, is the water there?”

Miria looked at the frightening Vandal but the expression of the old man was the same as usual. His tone as well.

He had a soft tone, “of course, yes,” he declared.

“It is there?” Ronin was surprised. Vandal explains.

“It’s supposed to be. I said you can bring water in a cup and carry it. I didn’t say that the water shouldn’t be ice. Liquid when going out, when returned to me it is liquid but if it doesn’t lose a drop, there is no problem.”

Will put the cup on the ground and created a small flame around it. It began to thaw.

The ice turned into water in just a few minutes. When given to Vandal, Vandal spoke.

“It’s a nice white hot spring. I know this temperature. As expected of my child Will.”

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With a smile, Vandal patted Will on the head saying “It’s a pass.”

Will happily accepted the hand of the old man.

In his own way, Will surpassed the test of the magic god. Miria and ronin seemed worried but Vandal wasn’t worried at all.

He believed that Will would definitely solve it with his wisdom. In a sense, this was a service issue.

Needless to say, it was hard for Vandal to leave Will but he also wanted Will to study as much as he could. He wanted him to jump out and learn in this wide world.

Although he can learn a lot of things under his own control, it would be very valuable to actually go out and learn by himself.

Vandal knew that much as someone who lived on a mountain surrounded by books.

He wanted Will, his best son and strongest disciple, to be bigger than himself.

That was Vandal’s true feelings.

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