Raised with affection by the best fathers and mother.

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Trained strictly by the strongest fathers and mother.

I grew quickly and finely. I grew to 12 years old without any illness.

In this world, 15 years of age meant you were an adult but by the age of 12, most children either took over the family business or chose to take a different path.

Children that inherited farmland learned how to repair hoes and plows. They knew what seasons were meant for sowing.

Children who took over their families territory began training in martial arts and would swear to be worthy knights.

Merchant children mastered the abacus and learnt how to read and write.

On the other hand, on my pathway I was lost because the opinions of my mother and fathers differed so much.

The sword god Ronin, naturally entrusted the sword to me.

“It seems stupid for a man to learn healing and magic. A man should hold a sword,” he would say.

The healing goddess Miria looks at that savage while passing a potion. “Will is a gentle child. He should pursue a healing path and become a mountain saint.”

The god of magic Vandal says both were stupid ideas. “The truth within magic is what humans need to learn. Only by exploring the depths of magic can you enjoy the preciousness of life.”

Each of them made different claims. *Everyone had their own area of expertise.* Ronin reached for his sword, Miria applied magic to her body and Vandal reached for his cane.

All three could clean up their enemies.I personally liked all three parents, so I couldn’t choose one alone.I loved each of them, Ronin, Milia and Vandal.

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And not only did I love them but I also like the separate fields in which they excelled in.

I loved to wield my sword, mix potions, and read magic books.

I want to master all of them. I learned a lot about the basics, but wanted to begin to master each of them.

In a quiet place without the three of them I confess this to a tree and suddenly someone praised me.

He was a bird. His name was Reus, the all purpose god. He was my benefactor, the one who took me in as a baby.

He is the synonymous god, the god of a thousand incarnations. He can transform into any shape.

He was my third father, appearing as an albatross he praised me with an honest voice.

“Will, you are wonderful. You are meeting the expectations of three selfish parents.”

I respond while laughing. “That’s not the case. Everyone’s training is really interesting.”

“However one day you will have to choose one.”

“Is that true?”

“Yes. You have the talent but it will be difficult to master everything. You are not as good as Ronin in swordplay, inferior to Miria in healing and cannot beat Vandal in magic. Then you will be a dragon’s head in a place where you will have a strong beginning and a weak ending, which is okay.”

“If father Reus says it’s still good, I think it’s good enough being a dragon’s head.”

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“I change my mind. Your talent is the strongest. I want you to be the strongest man.”

“Is there anything good about becoming the strongest?”

“Yes. Protect your friends. Protect your family. You don’t have to bow to the bad guys. ”

“The first two are fascinating.”

“Do you want to be a strong man who can protect his friends and family?”

“Yeah, I want to protect the animals in the mountains. I want to help my parents… but …”


“I don’t have to protect my fathers, they are already too strong.”


Hahaha, Reus laughed with a big smile. The corner of my mouth loosened.

“However, I want you to have a bigger perspective.”

“A bigger perspective?”

“Aaah, it’s important to protect your family and friends, because there are many things you can’t protect. However I think you have the power to save even more things.”

“Save more things?”

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“That’s right. Look out at the sight spread in front of you.”

“… in front of me?” I stare out at the familiar scenery.

The mountains spread out. Trees jumped into my eyes and beyond that was an artificial looking object made of stone.

“That’s a city, isn’t it where human beings live?”

“correct, that’s where humans live. They are your kin.”

“But I’ve never met them?”

“Yes, we have forbidden you from going down there.”

“mm, there are many dangers.”

“Yes, you are a child. You will face many dangers. There are a lot of temptations out there, as well as a lot of enemies. But I hope you will travel there someday.”

“travel there?”

“Yes, there are so many people living there that are good and bad for you. By meeting them you will grow. It will open up new possibilities for you.”

“New possibilities …”

I look down at the city again. I definitely wanted to go there one day.

“And you’ll leave someday. That’s fate.”

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“Your fate has been determined. When I first picked you up as a baby I had a divine revelation.”

“A revelation? From a great god?” I smile at the similar word.

“I’m called God, but I’m not an absolute person. There may be overwhelming transcendents who made God in this world.

Reus sounded deeply emotional, but he did not seem to expand the topic.

“Anyway, when I picked you up, a voice sprang into my head. Something whispered. This child will become someone who will save the world. It will become the savior of our world.”

“The Savior …” I muttered, but I didn’t feel like one.

“Don’t worry,” Reus said. He said there will come a certain time even though there is no real feeling.

Sounding like a prophet Reus began to speak. “The messenger who will release you into the ocean will soon come. That day we your parents will say goodbye but it will not be sad. Departure is also a the beginning of a new encounter. The bod that we as parents have cultivated cannot be torn by distance, violence or by the devil of time.

It is the day we and our parents say goodbye. But that is not sad. Departure is also the beginning of a new encounter. And the bond that our parents and children have cultivated cannot be torn by distance violence or the devil of time. No matter how far away, no matter how much time passes, we will still be here. ”

As an Albatross Reus says, “Don’t worry.” He says that this will come at a certain time even if he has no real feeling.

I nodded, “mm!”

And so the both of them went home together. Today, my mother Miria will be cooking with multiple arms.

*皆、こめかみをひくつかせる。I couldn’t understand what “Everyone attracted a temple” meant so if anyone has any suggestions I am all ears.

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