At the foot of the mountain there was a beautiful woman on the road.

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She may be a little older than me, looking neat and clam like a saint in a story.

“She’s more divine than the healing god Miria,” I suddenly laughed at Shultz’s words but his opinion was correct.

She notices that we are there and asks like a priestess.

“People who are there, do you live on this mountain?”

“That’s right,” I answered, she smiled.

“I’m sorry to have stepped on this sacred mountain where god and the genius inhabits. That I have also pulled in people like this too.”

“Don’t worry. Men look like villains no matter how you look at them.”

“These things are probably a group of heretics. They refuse to let me contact the hero.”


“A boy living on this mountain and raised by the gods.”

“Would that be me?”

“Excuse me, do you have black hair?”

“Yes but…”

“If that’s so, it is probably you.”

I wondered why she couldn’t even tell that I had black hair but soon I knew why. The silver haired woman wearing a robe, was blind. Her blindness was what was doing it.  There was a mask around her eyes.

“I’ve just realised you must have noticed. I’m the blind shrine maiden Luna Maria dedicated to the mother earth goddess,” she explains.

“Mother earth goddess?” I have heard about her. It is the name of an ancient god who brings fertility to this land.

Known as a god with a very strict discipline, every shrine maiden who devotes themselves to the mother earth goddess takes away their light. They close their eyes when they are young.

It was the words of the priest who proclaimed that the mother earth theology was that you would grow up so that things could be seen without hesitation and they could become a pure priestess.

However, it was a myth or legend and I had never heard that there are shrine maidens who still imitate this in modern times.

When I tell Luna Maria about this she laughs. “It’s an old tradition but the tradition has still been passed on. There are many blind shrine maidens besides me.

“Why is this blind shrine maiden on this Table Mountain?”

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“That is…”

I didn’t know if it was because there was something wrong I said or maybe that the enemy’s attacks were becoming more intense, I didn’t know.

I felt as though it was both but anyway, I felt like I should support Luna Maria.

Shultz and I stood between the enemy soldiers, showing our intention for combat.

“A grey wolf and a human kid. An unusual combination.”

“If you show your hand out I’ll just cut it.”

“Are you going to kill a child? I was told that only the shrine maiden should be dealt with.”

The men in armour started consulting but in the end it seemed that they decided to kill me by a majority vote. The client wanted the death of Luna Maria but they seemed to also be interested in the hero Luna Maria was trying to find.

It seemed incidentally that they could kill the hero too. They were people who didn’t really care about human life.

“Shultz, what do you call these guys?” I sighed trying to search for a word.

“Villains.” Shultz cut it with one word.

“That’s right. They’re villains. You don’t have to hold back with these guys right?”

“Aaah, I’ll cut your throats!” Shultz immediately aims at their throats, I attack as well.

Of course I didn’t use my knife. I used physical arts. Looking at them now, they weren’t that strong. It was very dull. Every move is so slow. It seemed easy to deal with them without using a knife.

I used the old style martial arts I learned from Ronin. Enter the opponent’s pocket and push according to the opponent’s breath. It was only a child’s fist but at the moment when the opponent leans forward it can be severely damaged by throwing it into a critical place.

When the opponent’s throat, critical nerve points, eyes and temples were hit properly where no other master has been able to train to hit before. The villains were in agony and suffered on the spot.

Luna Maria, who was listening to this exclaimed. “The hero’s martial arts are godly.”

“It’s martial arts the gods taught me.”

“You are a legendary child, lord hero.”

“I don’t think that’s the case. I was brought up by my parents who are gods but there is no sign of a hero on me.”

“… is there no sign?”

Luna Maria’s expression gently becomes cloudy.

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“What brings good and evil into harmony. The savior of this world. He is a true being brought up by the gods.”

“That is?”

“It is an old saying that is passed down in my religion.”

“The only thing I have in common is that I am raised by the gods.”

“Yes, but that is enough,” Luna Maria said, her right hand flashed with light. She placed it on the villain’s chest and the *villain is blown away with the wind up to 10 metres which folds the trees.*

“You have great power too.”

“This power is nothing more than a grace of god.”

“That’s some amazing graze the goddess has bestowed,” I said. I already had taken out 5 villains from the battle. I thought it would be easy to annihilate them but that was not the case.

This is because reinforcements had appeared from behind. Around 10 of them, heavily armed.

“…this is awkward. Some have magical weapons.” Looking at the shining short sword, it was as if all of them were skilled mercenaries.

“They’re probably mercenaries hired by some heretics. This might be tough.”

“It looks that way. I don’t think there’s nothing you can’t beat. I wonder. Luna Maria, can you get down behind me?”

“I’m happy too but I am a shrine maiden dedicated to god and the hero. Life is not regrettable.”

“Even if you’re ready to die, I’m not. That’s because, this area will be dyed red soon. Being behind me would prevent you from getting hurt by my magic of《Barrier》.

“Dyed red? Do you use fire magic?”

“That’s incorrect. I’m not the one who will be using the flames. It will be a lizard flying down from heaven.”


When Luna Maria bowed her head, the sky went dark. The surroundings, which were bright before were now wrapped in darkness.

It wasn’t a cloud.

It was a lizard with wings that covered the sky. In other words, it was a dragon.

A dragon with bright red skin flapped its wings while spewing flames from its mouth. The wind wrapped around as if a storm was approaching.

Luna Maria seemed to have sensed the existence of fear on the wind and roar of the dragon.

“It’s a dragon!”

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“Yes, it’s not from Table Mountain but there are a few around the mountain. it looks like the mercenaries have brought it in.”

The mercenary clothes are not so worn out when you look at them. They probably went the shortest distance from the town. They may have gone through the valley without knowing that there was a dragon’s nest. You have to pay for the shortcut.

When the red dragon stopped hovering it plunged down and grabbed one of the mercenaries. It flew up high and let the mercenary go from a high altitude.

It was the mercenary who shouted out loud but the dragon swallowed the mercenary whole as he fell. Eating up his screams.

Angry fellow mercenaries tried to counterattack with a crossbow or bow but was unable to penetrate the scales of the giant dragon.

On the contrary, breathing flames from above the men caught on fire becoming a fire man.

If you look at it like this, the mercenaries and villains would soon be annihilated but I couldn’t just be a bystander.

There were two reasons, one was that if the dragon defeated them it would next turn itself on us. I had only just met the priestess named Luna Maria but she had a strange and familiar feeling.

There is also the desire to protect. For me, she is no different from my mountain companions.

Another reason was even though they were villains, it was disappointing to see them killed.

They were saying they were trying to kill Luna Maria but they haven’t killed her yet. Maybe someone else commanded them to do it and they also had fathers and mothers.

I don’t know if it is this world but it seems that both sides will be sad if they die.

Father Reus, father Ronin, Mother Miria and father Vandal and their smiles came to mind. Remembering their expressions, the option of killing them was not in my sights. So I pull out my dagger on my waist.

It’s a dagger made of pure silver so it’ll pass through the scales of a dragon but it doesn’t seem it would reach the internal organs no matter how deeply it could be inserted. That’s how big this red dragon was.

Having such thick skin was outrageous.

“If you do it normally, it will hurt you but I have a special move.” A special technique I learned from Ronin, a sword god. As well as a magic I learned from the magical god Vandal.

Ronin’s sword technique was a comprehensive sword technique that turned a paper knife into a deadly weapon and Vandal had an extremely effective technique to turn even twigs into a weapon.

In other words, if you add magic to the metal called mithril, the power will become immeasurable. I stare at the dragon that had over run the villains.

The eyes of a merciless dragon intersect with my line of sight but I didn’t feel fear. No, on the other hand, it seems that the dragon seemed to have an unusual sign.

It’s dangerous to keep this boy alive!

When the dragon thought this, he threw a half eaten villain, raising his wings he began to head towards me.

“… this saves me time.”

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I appreciated that the target moved here. It’s easier to set up big moves if you’re away from the villains. I thought this as I casted a spell.

“Ice of regret, freeze the wind of the void! Dominate the silence and freeze everything!”

When I finished casting, the silver dagger was wrapped in ice. Surrounded by the magical power of cold air.

All I had to do was turn it into a sword and unleash it. I gave the dragon a strike with my dagger that I had practiced many times. Although it was practiced hundreds of times, it flew straight in an actual battle.

Reon praises the fine line and Ronin praises his talented blow of a magic sword that attacks the dragon.

Luna Maria, who had confirmed this from the rear, was startled. Of course, there was no light in her eyes, but her five senses were better than anyone else’s

The boy’s magical cold air was cold enough to pierce the dragon’s skin. The magical vibrations seemed to wrap Luna Maria’s entire body. The power of his cold magic sword had been tremendous.

Luna Maria was convinced, her original conviction was not wrong.

The red dragon had been dissected with the cold sword.

He tried to fight by breathing fire but the cold air released by the boy was frozen in ice and broke throw the dragon’s flesh.

The dragon’s skin had split in half while also becoming ice-cold like an ice sculpture.

With its red skin and with the dragon’s fresh blood scattered amongst the ice it looked very beautiful.

It’s almost like a work of art but what was scary was that the one who killed this giant dragon was a 14-year-old boy.

They haven’t heard of any such boy. The villainous people escaped while muttering among themselves.

After confirming that they had completely withdrawn, Luna Maria again stands in front of the boy and holds out her right hand.

She wanted to shake hands.

She also wanted to hear my name.

When she told me this I shyly smiled and said.

“-My name is Will. It’s just Will. I’m a commoner, but my parents are gods.”

A boy with a shy smile.

Unbeknown to the boy who defeated the dragon, Luna Maria was convinced that he was the hero who will save the world.


*I have no idea what it is saying here so I made it my own way from what the text was saying but if any one can help here is the sentence. 悪党は10スーメトル吹き飛び、木々を折る。

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