A Capable Maid

Chapter 2.02

A Capable Maid — 2.2

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The mere thought of performing a magic show in front of so many people was so terrifying. Fortunately, the people in her dream didn’t seem to be professional magicians. They were just amateurs who dabbled in magic as a hobby.

‘But why did I have this dream? And why was it specifically about amateur magicians?’ There wasn’t much she could do with that level of ability. Anyway, she had no reason to perform in front of an audience.

‘Never mind. I’m definitely not going to get involve this time, so it doesn’t matter,’ she firmly resolved. This time, no matter what happened in front of her, she wouldn’t care. Totally.

After getting ready, Marie went to work at the banquet hall. Once again, she’d asked an intermediate maid to allow her to work outside the hall.

‘It’s tiring, but at least I won’t attract too much attention.’

Plus, she had reservations about getting involved in any “magic”-related incidents that might occur inside the banquet hall. On the other hand, it seemed less likely for such occurrences to happen outside, where there were fewer people around.

“Could you please get me a drink?”

“Yes, please wait a moment.”

Thus, she went about her tasks just as she did yesterday. She was busy running errands, and fortunately, there were no signs of any significant incidents happening.

‘Yes, let’s just get through with this. Stay strong, Marie!’

However, Marie’s life wasn’t going to unfold so smoothly. Although there were no magic-related incidents, another troublesome situation presented itself.

“Hey, aren’t you that awful maid from yesterday?”

Marie turned around at the sudden sound of voice. There, perched on a low branch of a tree in the garden, was a little boy with doll-like features, pouting his lips as he gazed at her.

It was Prince Oscar, the 10th Prince!

“Greetings, Your Highness Prince Oscar,” said Marie hastily to Oscar.

Being an impudent child, Oscar snorted and turned his head. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m attending to the guests of the banquet. But Your Highness, what brings you here?”

“Can’t you tell? I’ve come to attend the banquet too!” The little prince proudly displayed his stylish outfit, lifting his chin in a way that seemed to convey, ‘Don’t I look cool?’ However, with his delicate face, he appeared more cute than cool.

“Ahem. I have something to ask you. You should consider it a great honor that I’m asking you.” Despite his attempts to sound authoritative, he lacked any real dignity. Instead, he became even more endearing, making Marie chuckle as she replied, “Yes, please go ahead and ask.”

“Where is the banquet hall?”

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“The banquet hall is over there inside the Gloria Hall…” Suddenly, a strange thought crossed her mind. ‘Hold on, why did he come alone without any attendants?’

While it was uncommon for a child like him to attend a banquet, it was unusual for nobles to go unaccompanied—especially for a young prince like him. ‘Come to think of it, he’d also been alone yesterday.’

“Your Highness, did you not bring any servants or maids with you?”

But Prince Oscar’s reaction was peculiar. His expression stiffened, and he became visibly irritated with a flushed face. “I don’t need any of that!”


“I don’t know! Don’t ask about unnecessary things like that and just quickly guide me to the banquet hall!”

As the child suddenly got angry, Marie wondered if she said something wrong. ‘Why is he so upset?’ Nonetheless, she guided Prince Oscar to the banquet hall.

“You can go inside now.”

“Hmph! Fine, thank you!”

But there was another odd occurrence. As Prince Oscar stood at the entrance of the banquet hall, the herald who was supposed to announce the entrance of nobles, showed no reaction to his presence. He pretended not to notice when he saw him, as if Prince Oscar were a ghost.


Marie watched as Prince Oscar—who had quietly entered the banquet hall—wandered around like a cute doll, unnoticed by anyone.

It wasn’t that no one could see Prince Oscar as if he were a ghost. On the contrary, people would occasionally steal glances at the little boy. However, despite his hurried roaming around the banquet hall, no one made an effort to approach and strike up a conversation with him.


Marie became speechless. It was only then that she realized what a slip of the tongue she’d made to Prince Oscar.

And so she wondered how the little prince was regarded within the palace.

That day, Marie had another dream.

“This useless child is our sister?”

“What’s this? She’s rather unremarkable. Is it because of her lowly bloodline?”

It wasn’t the usual lucid dream that bestowed her with miracles. Instead, it was a regular dream, a glimpse into the past, recounting the events that took place in the Cloyan Kingdom.

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“Why did father leave such a lowly bastard behind? However, she is still of Father’s blood, so we can’t deny her as a princess. Tsk, it can’t be helped. Her name is Morina, right?” The eldest brother, the Crown Prince, clucked his tongue.

The Crown Prince’s younger brothers—who’d rebelled against him—had killed him before he could even fight the Crown Prince of Blood in war.

With a troubled expression, the Crown Prince pondered his options and then spoke as if he had a brilliant idea. “I have a solution. Let Morina reside in the Palace of Confinement.”


Upon hearing those words, the other princes expressed their surprise. “Brother, you mean…?”

The Palace of Confinement.

That place was once used to confine guilty members of the royal family in the past, but now it lay abandoned and neglected. The Crown Prince chuckled and said, “Why not? Isn’t it a perfect place for our low-blooded sister? That way, even that wretched child can live comfortably. It would be impossible for anyone to see her there.”

After waking up from the dream, Marie silently got up and made her bed. It wasn’t the first time Marie had dreamed of the Kingdom of Cloyan. Instead, it was a recurring dream that haunted her.

Those dreams were not pleasant. In truth, they were filled with traumatic memories. Looking back, not once did they bring her any joy or comfort.

‘Let’s face the day with courage!’ After making her bed, Marie went back to work again.

‘A lot of festivals have already passed.’ The preparations had been hectic, and now more than half of the events were over. In just two days, there would be a day of rest following the grand banquet, and then, finally, after the masquerade ball, the long-awaited festival would come to an end.

‘I wonder, who will be invited to the masquerade ball among the maids?’

On the last day of the festival, during the masquerade ball, there was a special event planned. It involved inviting maids who’d caught the attention of high-ranking nobles. These maids would attend the ball wearing masks, allowing them to enjoy the festivities without any concerns about their social status.

The masquerade ball had even become a catalyst for successful marriages in some cases. As a result, all the maids were highly interested in who would receive an invitation.

‘Well, it’s not like it concerns me.’ She knew her place. After all, she wouldn’t receive an invitation to the masquerade ball. ‘What follows after the festival ends is more significant.’

It goes without saying, but the end of the festival didn’t mean the end of the maids’ duties. There were countless tasks scheduled after that.

In particular, the most significant event was the selection of the Crown Prince’s bride. As the Crown Prince would soon ascend the throne, the matter of his marriage was of great importance. Speculations circulated that the selection process for the Crown Princess would commence promptly after the conclusion of the festival.

‘Of course, I have no interest in whoever becomes the Crown Princess at all, but…’ She bit her lip. ‘I must get out of the Lion Palace before the Crown Princess selection begins and chaos ensues.’

That was her biggest concern. After the festival, she would be transferred to the Lion Palace, where she would have to stay in the same place as the fearsome Crown Prince.

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’Of course, the best option would be to leave this palace altogether, but…’ That was impossible. She was not a free person—but rather, a prisoner of war. Unless there was a special reason to revoke her status and grant her freedom, she couldn’t leave the palace.

‘Anyway, I must stay strong.’ After clearing her head, she continued to work diligently.

Suddenly, a voice called out to her.

“What’s this? You again?” said the blunt voice.

It was Prince Oscar, the little boy.

“Greetings, Your Highness, the 10th Prince. Are you here for the banquet?”

“Of course, I came for the banquet. Why else would I be here?” He replied with a huff. He still had an impolite attitude, but was it because it held no malice? Somehow, Marie found it cute.

Smiling, Marie asked, “Shall I escort you to the banquet hall again today?”

“No, it’s fine. I already found my way.”

Marie became puzzled. Unlike usual, Oscar’s voice was surprisingly downcast.

“Your Highness?”

“It’s fine. I… I won’t attend this… banquet ever again.” There was a hint of whimper in his voice, startling Marie. The little prince seemed to be holding back tears, biting his lip.

“Never. I will never go again. Ever.”

Marie became speechless. She could guess what he’d experienced at the banquet hall. ‘Everyone must’ve ignored him again.’

Marie recalled the rumors she’d heard about the little boy, 10th Prince Oscar: the only survivor of the civil war, but doomed to never know when he’d die.

Unlike the bastard Crown Prince Rael, Prince Oscar was the direct descendant of the Empress.

Since Rael emerged victorious, according to the natural course of events, the little prince should have died during the civil war. Strangely, Crown Prince Rael did not took his life. Nonetheless, the likelihood of Rael sparing Prince Oscar until the end was small. He was too ruthless to leave any potential threats behind.

‘That’s why no one pays attention to him, fearing that they might displease the Crown Prince.’

It wasn’t just the nobles; even the attendants and maids subtly treated Oscar as if he didn’t exist.

“I will never attend the banquet again.”

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Marie looked at Oscar pitifully.

The little prince, who seemed hurt by the cold treatment he received over the past two days, had tears welling up in his eyes.

Marie sighed inwardly. He was too young to be burdened with political matters.

‘He’s just a child.’

Memories of the past abuse she’d received at the Cloyan Kingdom came to her mind. She was already a bit older at the time, while the little prince was still a mere child.

‘Is there any way to comfort him?’ Was it because he reminded her of her past self? He couldn’t bear to let him go. If he returned to the palace like this, the young child would surely cry silently, just as Marie had done in the past.

“Your Highness, would you like some delicious juice, perhaps?”

“It’s fine. I’ve drunk enough.”

“Then how about some sweets?”

“No. I don’t have an appetite.” Marie had thought about offering him some delicious food to brighten his mood, but Oscar firmly kept his mouth shut and shook his head.

‘Hmm, what should I do?’ Marie agonized. The truth was, she didn’t have any particular skill in comforting a child.

‘Lord, please give me a good idea.’

Suddenly, one method came to mind. ‘Ah, that might work!’

“Your Highness.”


Marie said to the pouting little boy, “Would you like to play a game with me?”

“A game?” In typical childlike fashion, Oscar reacted to the word “game.”

Marie grinned and said, “Yes, a game. A magic trick game.” And in her hand, seemingly out of nowhere, appeared a single coin.

t/n: holy shit, that’s so fucked up. solitary confinement is basically a death sentence… the serious toll it has on a person’s mental health alone is horrendous, i can’t even imagine how marie would’ve turned out if she stayed in that palace a lot longer (iirc she’s only there for a year)…

if rael didn’t go to war with them she would’ve rotted there. her brothers didn’t deserve quick deaths, i can’t believe how vile they are!!! and no wonder no one knew what she looked like, they ~literally~ hid her.

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