A Capable Maid

Chapter 2.11

A Capable Maid — 2.11

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Upon hearing those words, Marie already had an inkling. ‘There’s no doubt he was practicing the fire magic trick!’

As she thought that, everything fell into place. Prince Oscar, who often wandered around on his own and knew every nook and cranny of the palace, had been secretly practicing the flame vanishing trick in the storage area of the Crystal Palace. It was during that practice that he accidentally set fire on the timpani.

‘What should I do? I shouldn’t have shown him the flame vanishing trick so carelessly.’ Marie deeply blamed herself. She couldn’t have imagined that he would attempt such a dangerous magic trick.

‘Hold on. What’s the punishment then?’ She swallowed hard. If he’d been from a different family, it would have been a minor issue that could easily be swept under the rug. Such matters could be overlooked if he had backing. However, Prince Oscar was different. No one would come to the defense of the little prince.

Besides, wasn’t he born into a family where his life could be taken at any moment? And now, he’d committed a serious offense by starting a fire. She had no idea what severe punishment awaited him.

Then suddenly, the Duke who was standing nearby asked, “What kind of punishment shall be imposed upon Prince Oscar?”


“According to imperial law, those who set fire to the imperial palace and damage the empire’s property are subject to severe punishment.”

“Severe punishment?”

“Based on past cases, there have been precedents of wrist amputation,” the Duke explained.

Hearing this, Marie was taken aback. ‘What did he just say? Wrist amputation?’

Even the Crown Prince seemed to think it was excessive, furrowing his brow. “Isn’t that the punishment for the slaves?”

“While that is true, the imperial law does not discriminate between the nobles and commoners when it comes to causing damage to the empire’s properties.”

‘No one would punish a noble like that!’ Wrist amputation? It was a punishment too horrifying to imagine. Even if the offender had been a commoner maid instead of a noble, such punishment would not have been imposed.

‘Prime Minister Oren is using this opportunity to eliminate Prince Oscar!’ Marie thought with a pale face. Prince Oscar is the current Crown Prince’s enemy. It was evident that he wanted to remove him in advance, as he would undoubtedly become a powerful opponent once he grow up.

The Crown Prince remained silent for a moment.

The Prime Minister looked frustrated. “Your Highness, what are you hesitating about?”


“In truth, he should’ve been beheaded during the civil war. First you spared him, and now you’re hesitating—it’s quite unbecoming of you as a Crown Prince, Your Highness.”

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It’s not like His Highness at all—the Crown Prince of Blood who’d shed countless amount of blood.

Eventually, the Crown Prince said, “Is that what everyone wants?”

“That’s right. The supporters of Marquis Kierhan—the commander of the Imperial Guard—‘s faction will surely oppose, but they are only a minority. Besides, there’s an undeniable offense this time, so it doesn’t matter if they oppose.”

Rael sighed softly. “I see.”

Marie, who was listening to their exchange, felt her heart would burst. ‘What should I do? How can I handle this?’

If Crown Prince Rael assented, Prince Oscar will receive a terrible punishment.

‘That can’t happen!’ She recalled the sight of the little prince.

The way he proudly flaunted his clothes.

The way he was amazed by magic.

The way he cried over their cold treatment.

How could the poor little prince deserve such a terrible punishment? Just because he accidentally set fire while imitating her magic? No, rather, because of the political conflicts among the adults?

“Regarding the punishment for Prince Oscar…” The Crown Prince finally spoke up. If a verdict came out of his mouth, there would be no turning back.

Suddenly, she gritted her teeth and stepped forward. “Your Highness, pardon me for interrupting your conversation, but may I now speak about the reward you mentioned?”

Both the Crown Prince and the Prime Minister looked puzzled by her sudden intervention.

Rael nodded. “Alright, go ahead.”

Marie took a deep breath.

At first, she never intended to step forward, fearing the consequences that would befall her. But she couldn’t just stay still and turn a blind eye.

“I, too, bear the responsibility for the 10th Prince’s crime,” Marie fell to her knees and prostrated to the floor. “So please, let me share a portion of the punishment that 10th Prince Oscar will receive!’”

Crown Prince Rael and Prime Minister Oren exchanged a look of disbelief at her unexpected plea. “What? Are you saying that you’re an accomplice?”

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Marie explained what had transpired between herself and Prince Oscar; that they made a bet with magic, and then an accident occurred while he’s practicing the fire magic trick.

“…So, it can be said that I am to blame for showing that magic. Prince Oscar didn’t start the fire with malicious intent, and since I am partly responsible, please share the punishment with me and reduce the punishment imposed on His Highness,”

Upon hearing those words, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister became speechless for a moment, an uncomfortable silence filling the room.


“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Do you understand what you just said?”

Marie swallowed a lump in her throat. Of course, she knew but still, she made a request without knowing what consequences might befall her.

It was a request that should never have been made in the first place. ‘But…’ Marie couldn’t bear to watch the pitiful little prince endure a severe punishment. Especially when it’s due to the magic trick she’d shown him.

“I will confirm it if what you said is true by asking Oscar. Anyway, I’ll ask you one last time. Are you sure you don’t want to take back what you said?”


“I am offering you a chance to avoid punishment. Even if he imitated the magic you showed and accidentally caused the fire, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s your fault.”

Marie remained silent, bowing her head quietly.

Realizing that she had no intention of changing her mind, the Crown Prince gave her a confused look. “Why? Unlike Marquis Kierhan—who’s a distant relative of Oscar’s—aren’t you and Prince Oscar mere acquaintances?”

He wasn’t wrong. Marie and Oscar had simply coincidentally crossed paths a few times, and had truly no relationship whatsoever.

It wasn’t as if she had any gain in helping Oscar either.

The Crown Prince was genuinely curious and so he said, “Answer me.”

After hesitating for a moment, Marie said, “I… I don’t know.”


“I just… had the thought of wanting to help. That’s… all there is to it. I’m sorry,” Marie replied, rendering the Crown Prince speechless.

Her words conveyed one thing: ‘Just pure goodwill?’ His pupils wavered with confusion. ‘She’s risking herself for the sake of others, just out of goodwill? Even though she would be in danger? Why?’

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Rael was stunned. Considering the world he’d lived in thus far, he simply found it confusing.

He’d always regarded others with suspicion, living amongst those who hid daggers behind his back. To survive, he had no choice but to kill, and in the end, Rael climbed atop the throne by slitting everyone’s throats. Having walked such a ruthless path, Rael felt an indescribable confusion in Marie’s pure kindness.

‘How is that possible?’

It would be understandable if she’d grown up solely as a delicate flower in a greenhouse. However, as a prisoner of war and a commoner maid, her life must have had its share of hardships. How could she possess such good faith while living through those circumstances?

‘I can’t comprehend it. I just can’t.’ The stuffiness that arose every time he saw her, welled up within him once again.

He couldn’t figure out what the hell was up with that frustrating feeling no matter how hard he tried.

Rael shook his head and then said, “Very well. I will grant your request.”

“Your Highness?” Prime Minister Oren exclaimed in surprise.

“Enough. I’ve already said that I will grant the maid’s request.”


“That’s enough,” Rael said, silencing Prime Minister Oren.

“I will decide the punishment for Oscar this instant. He shall be sentenced to two months of confinement for causing the fire and damaging the imperial property.”

Marie was floored. The punishment that Oscar would receive was significantly reduced, just as she had requested!

Marie expressed her gratitude. “Thank you, Your Highness!”

However, the Crown Prince said coldly, “There is no need for thanks. As you requested, you will also receive punishment.”

Marie’s face stiffened. ‘What kind of punishment awaits me?’ She was terrified, but since she brought it on herself, she had to bear it. “Please, tell me, Your Highness.”

“Very well.”

However, instead of immediately revealing the details of the punishment, the Crown Prince turned to Prime Minister Oren. “Oren.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

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“Leave for a while. I have something to discuss with the maid alone,” the Crown Prince instructed, causing Prime Minister Oren to wear a puzzled expression. Nonetheless, he complied with the Crown Prince’s order and left the room.

“Then, I shall take my leave.”


The sound of the door closing echoed, sending shivers down her spine.

“…Your Highness?” Marie’s eyes widened as soon as she found herself alone with the Crown Prince, whom she’d always been so afraid of.

Why did they have to be alone for her punishment?

The Crown Prince silently observed her for a moment. As they were alone and he looked at her without saying a word, she clenched her fist in distress. ‘What kind of punishment is he planning to give me?’

Finally, the Crown Prince spoke up—but what came out of his mouth was something she’d never expected. “Go in front of the piano and play it for me.”


What on earth was that? She began to doubt her own ears, wondering if she’d heard it wrong.

But she hadn’t.

The Crown Prince reiterated his command, “Play the piano. I will listen to your performance and decide onwards what punishment to give you.”


With a pale and horrified face, Marie sat in front of the piano. That was a much more serious crisis than when she stood up for Prince Oscar. ‘Why is he asking me to play the piano?’

She bit her lip. ‘Did he find out? No, the Crown Prince didn’t see me at the third floor.’ She tried to deny it with all her might. But if it wasn’t because she’s discovered, then why was she being asked to play the piano?

She glanced at the Crown Prince for a moment. Underneath the eerie iron mask, his blue eyes observed her intently. The moment she met his cold eyes, she instinctively sensed something. ‘The Crown Prince… he knows something.’

She’s not sure if he caught her or not, but she had a strong suspicion. ‘Did he see me hiding in the storage compartment?’ Marie wondered, unaware that the Crown Prince had secretly watched her descending from the third floor of the banquet hall.

However, what mattered now wasn’t how the Crown Prince found out.

“Hurry up and play,” the Crown Prince commanded.

Marie’s mind went blank.

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