A Capable Maid

Chapter 3.02

“What kind of tea is this, my love?”

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“It’s Bai Cha (White Tea) from Nanyang.”

After taking a sip of the tea, the man couldn’t help but sing its praises, his expression relaxed and content.

“As expected, it’s fantastic. How on earth did you learn to brew a tea like this? It feels like all the problems in the world had vanished in just a single sip. Is there a secret technique you follow?”

In response to the man’s compliments, the woman smiled softly and said, “Well, you know what they say, sincerity is manifested from within*, so I prepared it with all my heart.”

The phrase “誠於中形於外” (sincerity is manifested from within.) is a chinese proverb based on the concept of “慎独” (shendu), which is an important principle in Confucianism that represents the highest moral requirement for an individual. It means that a person should maintain good conduct even when they’re alone. While someone may embellish their words to portray themselves in a positive light, their true character will eventually be revealed through their actions. Pretense may work temporarily, but ultimately, it is difficult to conceal one’s true nature.

After the dream ended, Marie blinked.

‘Fortunately… it doesn’t seem like something major will happen.’

Compared to her dreams of Mozart, combat medic, detective, and so on, the last dream felt rather peaceful. ‘But haven’t I already dreamt of someone who knows how to brew tea? Why did I have a dream like that?’

Marie cocked her head. As usual, she had no idea what it meant.

‘Anyway, what a relief, it seems like nothing serious will happen.’

Marie, feeling somewhat relieved, left her room and made her way towards the Lion Palace. Her newly assigned private bedchamber was conveniently located next to the palace, allowing her to arrive quickly.

A senior maid who was already there welcomed her. “Marie, you’re finally here. Today’s the day you will attend to His Highness, right?”

“Yes, Miss.”

“There’s no need to be nervous. Although he’s known as the Prince of Blood, he doesn’t treat us maids harshly.”

Then the senior maid looked at her meaningfully and added, “Although, of course, you understand better than anyone else.”

Marie shook her head in shock. It seemed like everyone had misunderstood due to the Crown Prince personally appointing her to the palace. “No, I don’t have that kind of relationship with His Highness.”

“Sure, sure, if you say so. Anyway, good luck.” The senior maid nodded knowingly and gave a look that seemed to say, ‘Why on earth is the Crown Prince interested in someone as plain and skinny as her?’

Marie inwardly screamed, ‘What in the world are they all thinking?!’ as none of them believed her.

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Marie sighed and headed to the Crown Prince’s office, holding a tray of refreshments. “May I come in?”

The door creaked opened, revealing the familiar sight of the Crown Prince’s office that she had visited a few times before. The piano in the corner, the desk, the chairs, and the ever-present Viscount Almond, the guard knight who’d always stood by the Crown Prince’s side. Marie swallowed hard as her eyes landed on the unsettling iron mask.

It was none other than Crown Prince Rael.

He lifted his head from the documents he’s reading and looked coldly at her.

“Marie, right?”

“Yes, Your Highness, I am here to serve you.”

Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

Her heart raced uncontrollably, betraying her efforts to remain calm. It was an instinctive fear, akin to a rabbit facing a predatory beast.

Trying her best to suppress her nerves, she said, “I have brought refreshments. Should you need anything else, please let me know.” After carefully placing the refreshments on the Crown Prince’s desk, Marie moved to the corner of the office. Her role now was to silently wait in the shadows, ensuring the Crown Prince’s comfort.

While it wasn’t particularly challenging, being in such close proximity to the Crown Prince throughout the day felt incredibly uncomfortable.

‘I wish time would pass quickly.’

She endured the uncomfortable silence as time stretched on.

Scratch. Scratch.

Other than the sound of the Crown Prince’s pen scratching against the paper, the room was engulfed in a stifling silence.

Marie, who had been standing quietly, suddenly wore a perplexed expression.

It’s because she noticed the Crown Prince stealing cursory glances at her as he reviewed the documents.

‘Huh?’ At first, she dismissed it as a mere coincidence, assuming that he happened to look in her direction. After all, he didn’t look directly at her, only from the corner of his eyes. However, it soon became undeniable that the Crown Prince was looking at her.

‘Why is he looking at me like that? Does he need something from me?’ She cocked her head in confusion.

“Your Highness, is there something you wish to say?” Upon hearing Marie’s question, the Crown Prince seemed momentarily caught off guard, freezing in place. Then, he let out a soft sigh before responding, “……No.”

She became baffled at his odd response. ‘What’s up with him?’

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As time passed by, something even more confusing happened. The Crown Prince, while reviewing the documents, suddenly asked, “Aren’t your legs tired?”

Unsure if he was talking to her, she did not respond.


“Ah, yes? Did you mean me?”

“Yes, aren’t you tired of standing?”

Caught off guard by his unexpected question, Marie stammered, “I-I’m fine.”

“Is that so?”


In truth, her legs were starting to feel sore from standing too long. It would have been better to walk around instead—remaining still was a lot more taxing. However, she couldn’t just casually tell the Crown Prince that.

Thus, Marie only shook her head.

Upon hearing Marie’s response, the Crown Prince fell silent. “I see.”

He seemed somewhat uneasy, prompting Marie to ask him once again. However, just as she was to voice her confusion, the Crown Prince issued an unexpected command. “Still, take a sit.”

“…Pardon?” Marie questioned, thinking that she’d misheard it. What did he just say?

But she didn’t hear it wrong. “I said, sit down.”

Marie became completely flustered. How could she, a maid, dare to sit in front of the Crown Prince?

“I… I cannot do that, Your Highness. How could I possibly dare to sit in front of your esteemed presence?”

“Is it really necessary for you to stand still?”

“Yes, otherwise it would be against the protocol.”

Hearing her words, the Crown Prince fell silent for a moment. Although his expression was hidden beneath the iron mask, she could sense a hint of frustration emanating from him.

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“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Is there a protocol that requires a lady-in-waiting to stand by the Crown Prince’s side?”

“…….I’m not sure.”

“I don’t recall seeing a provision that includes such protocol. So sit down.”

Marie’s mouth hung open. No, it’s basic etiquette, of course it would be an unwritten rule! ‘Why is he acting like that? Could he possibly be testing me? To make me violate the protocol so he can use it as a pretense to punish me?’

Of course, that couldn’t be the case, but Marie was so shocked that she’d entertained such thoughts.

Then the Crown Prince said, “My command takes precedence over any protocol. So, sit down.”


In the end, Marie brought a small chair and hesitantly sat beside him. With a perplexed expression, she pondered, ‘Why is he doing this? Was it really out of consideration for my sore legs?’

Given the circumstances, that seemed to be the most plausible explanation. But was he really concerned for her? The Crown Prince of Blood, who was rumored to consume the blood of virgins?

Marie glanced at the Crown Prince for a moment, but his iron mask concealed any trace of emotion. Meanwhile, the Crown Prince continued reviewing the documents in silence, as if nothing had happened.

‘What in the world is happening?’ She held back a sigh. Setting aside her confusion, time continued to pass by. Like a working machine, the Crown Prince continued to review documents after documents without budging. Except for the occasional interruptions when officials came to discuss political matters, he didn’t take a break.

‘Can he really go on like this without resting? Not to mention, he only filled his stomach with bread, too.’ Marie, who was watching from the side, unconsciously thought so.

Suddenly, the Crown Prince turned to look at her. Startled, Marie rose from her seat and asked, “Is there something I can help you with, Your Highness?”

“Isn’t it exhausting?”

“P-Pardon?” She was caught off guard once more. How could it be difficult for her, when all she had done so far was sitting and occasionally attending to the guests?

“I’m fine.” She shook her head, but the Crown Prince unexpectedly issued another order. “You haven’t had a proper meal because you’ve been by my side all day, correct? So go out and take a break for a while.”

Marie wanted to reassure him that she was alright, but she had a feeling that if she didn’t comply, she would hear something worse. Reluctantly, she bowed and cautiously exited the office. “Then I will go out for a moment and be back shortly.”

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As soon as she closed the door behind her, the Crown Prince let out a long sigh. Rael removed his mask and leaned back in his chair, wearing a weary expression.

“Is something bothering you, Your Highness?” asked Almond.

“Ah, it’s nothing. Everything’s fine.” Rael shook his head, but Almond couldn’t shake off his confusion. The Crown Prince seemed different today, though it was hard to put into words. There was something about him that was unlike his usual self.

Rael closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair, trying to clear his mess of a mind.

Then eventually, he shook his head—as if he couldn’t believe what he was thinking—donned his iron mask again, and resumed reviewing the documents as usual. Almond looked at him with a perplexed expression, unsure of what was happening.

After taking a short break as ordered by the Crown Prince, Marie returned to the office. However, as she entered the room, she was puzzled to find Almond, the guard knight, nowhere in sight.

“There’s a sudden issue with the guards, so he went out to resolve it. It might take a while,” the Crown Prince said briefly.

“I see,” Marie absentmindedly replied. It only dawned on her when she headed towards her seat. ‘Wait. Does that mean I have to be alone with the Crown Prince in this room? Indefinitely?’

She swallowed nervously. Based on the schedule she had checked earlier, the Crown Prince had already met all the expected visitors. Since Almond would be delayed for quite some time, it meant she would be alone with the Crown Prince for hours. ‘It must be something important, of course…’

Since she’d already been so frightened of the Crown Prince, her anxiety heightened tenfold. She stiffened, but tried her best to regain her composure in order to avoid making any mistakes.

Meanwhile, the Crown Prince continued to review, approve, and sign documents in silence. Despite doing the same thing over and over again since morning, he showed no signs of fatigue.

It went on for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours…

How long had it been? Suddenly, something unexpected happened to Marie.

‘Oh no, this is bad. What should I do?’

She gripped her skirt tightly, clenching her fist.

“Oh, I’m getting s-sleepy!”

Marie suddenly found herself in a huge predicament! A wave of overwhelming drowsiness washed over her. ‘No, this can’t be happening. Pull yourself together, Marie. You can’t fall asleep in front of the Crown Prince!’

In truth, her body was already exhausted as it is from enduring the recent string of events.

t/n: i knew it’s too good to be true, these fake ass maids are only sucking up to her lmao. the countess also called marie ugly in her head in the previous chapter im gonna kick their ass

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