A Capable Maid

Chapter 3.07

“What… What are you saying? You expect me to help you, Milady? But I’m nothing but an ordinary maid.”

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“Correct,” said the beautiful woman. “For it is imperative that I am selected as the Crown Princess.”

“I am aware of that, Milady.” As the Crown Princess candidate, it was only natural that the ultimate goal would be to marry the Crown Prince.

But Lady Rachel insisted resolutely, “It’s not a matter of personal ambition, Miss Marie. The very fate of my family hinges upon my success in this selection.”

Marie looked at Rachel in surprise. “What do you mean by the fate of your family is at stake…?”

Rachel’s expression turned bitter. “Ever since our family suffered a devastating defeat in the civil war against the Crown Prince, we’ve been on a path of decline. If it continues to spiral like that, we might reach a point of no return.”


“There is but one path to resurrect the esteemed name of the Istvan County: to be chosen as the Crown Princess. It is my only hope for the revival of my family.”

Marie understood the gravity of Lady Rachel’s reason. Indeed, if she were to marry the Crown Prince, the Istvan County would be able to get back on its feet.

“That’s why my family and I have staked our lives on this selection. It’s our last chance to revive the family. However, objectively speaking, I am aware that Lady Ariel is the more likely candidate to be chosen, not me. Not only does the Schulian Duchy wield significant influence, but they have long been a staunch ally to the Crown Prince as well.”

Rachel looked at Marie with slightly trembling eyes. “So, I hope you, Miss Marie, would help me in the selection. I truly need your help.”

Upon hearing that, Marie murmured inwardly, ‘She intends to get closer to the Crown Prince through my help.’ She then took a moment to carefully weigh the situation. ‘Lady Rachel’s proposal aligns perfectly with what I’d planned.’

To help the Crown Princess candidate in winning the Crown Prince’s affections! That had been Marie’s plan all along. While Marie had been finding ways to approach Rachel, the latter had fortunately reached out to the former first.

But, for some reason, Marie couldn’t immediately nod her head. ‘Can I really help her?’ Despite all Rachel’s grandiose talk, her ultimate goal to marry the Crown Prince was still personally motivated—to revive her family.

But Marie shook her head.

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Since it was essentially a political marriage, it was understandable that Lady Rachel had her family’s best interests at heart. Marie couldn’t fault her for that.

‘Besides, her personality seemed okay. She doesn’t seem like she’d make a terrible Crown Princess.’

Although it was a presumption that couldn’t be easily confirmed, Lady Rachel appeared no worse than the haughty Lady Ariel. With that thought in mind, Marie decided to help Lady Rachel in her endeavor to become the Crown Princess, saying, “I see. I will do everything in my power to help you and the Crown Prince become closer.”

Fortunately, the Crown Prince seemed to think highly of her, so there would be plenty of opportunities to help Lady Rachel.

However, Lady Rachel’s reaction were totally unexpected.

Rachel shook her head. “No, I don’t expect that kind of help from you, Miss Marie. While your help would undeniably make me closer to the Crown Prince, I am capable of accomplishing that on my own.”

“….Then?” Marie asked in a puzzled tone.

“What I truly need from you is not that, but your ‘abilities,’ Miss Marie.”

“……Come again?” Marie asked in a daze, taken aback by her request. Lady Rachel needed her ability?

“I am aware, Miss Marie, that you possess exceptional abilities in various areas. It is precisely due to that versatile abilities that His Highness favors you so, isn’t it?”


“What I want is for you to utilize your ‘abilities’ during the selection period, Miss Marie.”

Marie’s eyes trembled as Rachel stared at her with a determined expression on her face.

“Throughout the selection period, I will encounter numerous trials, and every single one of them will be reported directly to the Crown Prince. In essence, everything that happens during the selection period serves as a test to determine the rightful Crown Princess.”


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Marie looked at Rachel in surprise.

Lady Rachel was right. Building a close relationship with the Crown Prince was important, but demonstrating wisdom and foresight during the selection period was equally crucial.

“I implore you, Miss Marie, to help me with your abilities during this trial. With your help, I aspire to stand out and achieve the most favorable outcome possible.”

“……” Caught off guard by the unexpected proposal, Marie found herself momentarily speechless.

Rachel concluded, “Please lend me your abilities, Misd Marie. In return, I will grant whatever your heart desires.”

After careful consideration, Marie accepted Rachel’s proposal. It was an unexpected offer, but she had no reason to decline it. Above all, the reward Rachel offered was undeniably advantageous.

‘A guaranteed status as a free person, emigration to another country, and a sum of 1,000 Pena.”

1,000 Pena was a fortune that could sustain a lifetime of leisure. Rachel not only promised to release Marie from the Lion Palace, but also offered a completely new identity as a free person.

It was evident that Rachel was truly in desperate need of help. ‘To promise such a generous reward…’

The deal was undeniably favorable to Marie, but there was one pressing concern. ‘Can I truly give Lady Rachel the help she seeks?’

In truth, Marie’s original plan was simple. While staying by the Crown Prince’s side, she would subtly facilitate connection between one of the candidates and the latter. But Rachel’s request went beyond that. ‘I must help Lady Rachel with the challenges she’ll encounter.’

Marie sighed. Although her heart felt heavy, she shook her head and thought, ‘It can’t be helped. It’s not like Lady Ariel would even consider my input. Since it has come to this, I’ll do my best to assist Lady Rachel as much as possible. And then finally, I’ll leave this palace—no—this empire.’

If Rachel succeeded in becoming the Crown Princess, Marie could escape the threat to her life forever; she would be able to leave the empire and become a free person.

‘No longer will I need to worry about showing my abilities and arousing suspicion. By operating from the shadows, all attention will be focused on Lady Rachel.’

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If Marie displayed her abilities and solved problems openly, Rachel wouldn’t gain anything. All the attention would be on Marie, not Rachel.

What Rachel need was for Marie to help furtively, not to take a prominent role. Instead, Rachel would claim the credit for herself. Since Marie also had to avoid drawing attention as much as possible, it was better off that way.

‘Alright, it’s not bad.’ With that conclusion, Marie strengthened her resolve. ‘Let’s do our best with everything we can.’

Just like that, a clandestine deal between Marie and Rachel was formed. From that day forward, whenever Rachel encountered any difficulties, Marie would provide assistance to the best of her abilities.

Rachel planned to showcase her value to the Crown Prince through Marie’s furtive assistance—a plan that was mutually beneficial to them. However, neither one of them had anticipated one crucial factor: the Crown Prince’s unwavering focus on Marie.

It meant that anything that involved Marie would never escape his notice. That was a detail that had eluded both Rachel and Marie.

After that day, Rachel requested to make Marie as her personal maid.

As a Crown Princess candidate, Rachel had the right to select her preferred personal maid. Under normal circumstances, there would be no issue with Marie assuming that position.

Countess Ashlyn, the chief head maid, was fully prepared to assign Marie to Rachel without any hesitation. However, an unexpected hurdle presented itself.

It was Marie’s ’master’, the Crown Prince himself, who raised an objection. “You plan to assign Marie as Lady Rachel’s personal maid?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Countess Ashlyn, surprised by his stern tone, bowed her head with a perplexed expression.

“Marie is my personal property, so she’s mine. Why would you assign her as Lady Rachel’s personal maid?”


Countess Ashlyn froze in surprise. The Crown Prince’s declaration of his ownership over Marie caught her completely off guard. More so by his use of the word “mine”.

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Technically speaking, it was true that as a prisoner of war, Marie belonged to the Crown Prince.

Countess Ashlyn observed the Crown Prince carefully, trying to determine if he simply didn’t want someone from his palace to serve another or if there was something more than that. But, as usual, she couldn’t read his blue eyes hidden beneath the iron mask.

“It doesn’t matter if Marie serves Lady Rachel in the annex. However, she’s mine, so do not assign her as someone else’s personal maid.”

“…Understood, Your Highness.”

Marie, now working in the Lion Palace’s annex, attended to Lady Rachel’s needs without officially becoming her personal maid. While the matter didn’t stir up much controversy in the palace like usual, it greatly affected Marie.

It meant that the Crown Prince took his words to heart. ‘From now on, Marie, you belong to me.’

‘He hadn’t mentioned it since then, so I thought he didn’t attach much significance to it,’ cried Marie.

In the end, she work in Lady Rachel’s chamber during the day, while she soothed the Crown Prince’s insomnia during the night.

A few uneventful days passed by, marked by the two Crown Princess candidates taking turns in meeting the Crown Prince.

Soon, a sense of monotony washed over Marie, as time passed by without any incidents.

Marie, who was restless by their side, thought, ‘Is there anything I can do? Wouldn’t it have been better to stay by the Crown Prince’s side and subtly make him and Lady Rachel get closer?’

But that uneventfulness didn’t last long. Soon, something sobering had happened. On the eve of the welcoming banquet for the Crown Princess candidates, Lady Ariel of the Schulian Duchy had resorted to a scheme!

Coincidentally, Marie had another dream that night.

t/n: this is an unpopular opinion but i couldn’t help but feel for rachel, she’s just a girl treated as a pawn by her own family. idk why there’s a lot of outrage with her claiming credit when marie had agreed to it. they’re basically just helping each other

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