A Capable Maid

Chapter 4.6

As the southwestern folks listened to Marie playing the piano around the bonfire, a feeling of indescribable warmth enveloped them.

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‘It’s beautiful,’ they couldn’t help but think so. Although the melody was simple, it felt like a balm to their souls, as if they were momentarily freed from the torments of reality.

Marie continued her performance, effortlessly transitioning between different pieces, each one bringing immense comfort to their hearts.


“You’re amazing! Thank you!”

As her performance reached its peak, the audience erupted into thunderous applause, with some moved to tears by the sheer brilliance of her playing.

Thus, the concert had concluded successfully.

While the audience was still basking in the afterglow of the performance, a figure unexpectedly emerged on the platform.

It was none other than the Crown Prince! The audience, still enchanted by the performance, was caught off guard by his unexpected appearance.

However, the usual hostility they once directed towards him was notably absent. It wasn’t due to any fear of the knights behind the Crown Prince, but rather because everyone knew he had orchestrated all the recent events, including the concert.

Although the past animosity hadn’t entirely vanished, it now seemed to exist in a somewhat gray area, not as intense as it used to be.

As the Crown Prince stood on the platform, he silently observed the crowd.

As they laid eyes on each other after a long time since the civil war, the plaza was filled with tension.

With bated breath, everyone awaited the Crown Prince’s words.

Eventually, the iron masked Crown Prince broke his silence.

“I won’t apologize for what happened in the past.”


In an instant, his words cast a gloomy shadow over the gathered crowd. How many lives had been lost in the Southern region due to the actions of that wretched Crown Prince?

Then, the Crown Prince continued, “I won’t try to justify what happened in the war. It would be remiss of me to expect that mere words could erase the haunting memories of that time.”

Everyone’s expression took a sudden turn as soon as the Crown Prince continued cautiously, “Zadar, Split, Trogir, Knin, Shabatz, Ruma, Novi Sad….” The words that came out of his mouth caught everyone off guard, for they were the names of villages that endured bloodshed during the civil war between the 2nd Prince and himself. Many more names followed, listing them off one by one.

“I haven’t forgotten any of them.”

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“As the Crown Prince, I can only do one thing for these villages: it is to restore the entire Southwestern region!”

Everyone’s eyes trembled in response.

“In memory of those who were sacrificed in the war, I want to restore the southwestern region. But I cannot accomplish that by myself. I won’t ask for forgiveness, as that wouldn’t be fair. Instead, I’ll ask for your support in honoring their memory.”

Having said that, the Crown Prince turned around and stepped down from the platform.

“May you all have a pleasant evening.”

Following the Crown Prince’s departure, Marie also left the plaza. Those who remained exchanged glances, finding themselves in a peculiar position. Despite their deep-seated disdain for the Crown Prince, they couldn’t help but sense sincerity in his words.

Suddenly, something had shifted within them, unlike anything they had felt towards him before.

Upon returning to the Vale Case, the Crown Prince said to Marie, “You did an amazing job, Marie. This whole thing happened thanks to you.”

“No, it’s nothing….” Marie replied, shaking her head.

Despite the limited time, she had given her absolute best.

To show the southwestern folks the value of sugar, she employed her baking prowess. Next, she cleverly utilized the carriage to distribute the confections among them. As they began to enjoy the sweet treats and slightly warm up to the Crown Prince, Marie arranged a heartwarming concert at just the right moment.

‘If I had simply gathered them in the plaza and made a speech without Marie’s help, no one would have listened to me,’ he thought to himself. ‘It’s all thanks to Marie.’

Of course, they’re still uncertain of how they would react.

Still, the Crown Prince had made up his mind to reward Marie’s commendable efforts. Regardless of the outcome, she deserved recognition, considering the tremendous amount of work she had dedicated to the cause.

But suddenly, in that moment…

“Your Highness!”

Viscount Givrol, the administrator of the Vale Castle, burst into the office, gasping for breath. Both the Crown Prince and Marie turned their attention to him, taken aback by his sudden appearance.

“What’s wrong? Is there an emergency?”

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“Not exactly, but something major did happen…!” Viscount Givrol stammered, immensely flustered that he struggled to articulate his words properly.

“Breathe and speak slowly. What happened?”

“Everyone in the plaza… they all expressed their willingness to support Your Highness’ plan!”

Marie and the Crown Prince exchanged looks of surprise with each other.

“Your Highness…” Marie said with a joyful expression on her face.

In response, the Crown Prince also grinned slightly and remarked, “It’s all thanks to you, Marie.”

The news of the Crown Prince’s declaration that day quickly spread across the entire southwestern region through word of mouth.

Although the wounds of the civil war couldn’t be healed overnight, the southwestern people ultimately decided to support the Crown Prince’s cause.

Just like that, the task of recruiting manpower for sugarcane farming was successfully accomplished.

“I’m glad it worked out.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Now that it’s all over, it’s time for us to head back to the capital.”

With all the other tasks completed, the Crown Prince and his entourage got ready to depart from the Southwestern region.

Just before leaving Vale Castle, Marie and the Crown Prince stood atop a battlement overlooking the entire Northwestern region.

“All those fields will be filled with sugarcane now,” the Crown Prince said, prompting Marie to turn her gaze towards him. “How do you feel about it?”


“You were the driving force behind the establishment of sugarcane farming in the southwestern region. From start to finish, you played a crucial role in making it happen. It feels like history has been made because of you.”

Blushing at the Crown Prince’s praise, Marie replied, “Well… I suppose it feels good.”

“Is that so?”


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Marie nodded.

She didn’t know how to put it into words, but she felt really good about it. No, actually, she felt over the moon knowing she had been able to help people.

As the Crown Prince looked at Marie with a serene gaze, he seemed to have something to say, but hesitated, so unlike his usual self.

When Marie gave him a puzzled look, he finally broke his silence, saying, “Once the new crops grow in that field later, can you come with me again to see how it looks?”

‘Can I really do that?’

Filling the field with sugarcane would take several years at least. Could she truly stay by his side until then?

The Crown Prince spoke once more, saying, “I hope you can accompany me on my journey ahead; that you would be there to support me along the way.”

Marie’s heart raced at his words.

‘If only I weren’t a princess of the Cloyan Kingdom…’

Suddenly, a profound longing engulfed her—the desire to be by his side, to be with him and offer support in all his future endeavors.

‘Is there truly no other way?’

Then suddenly, the Crown Prince reached out his hand to her, and asked, “Would you?”

Upon hearing his hopeful voice, Marie couldn’t help but bite her lip.

‘I’m not sure.’

Deep down, she also longed to be with him, to accept his hand and stand by his side as his loyal supporter.

‘Is it really impossible?’

She was well aware that she couldn’t realistically stay by the Crown Prince’s side. The moment her true identity was revealed, he would have to kill her for the Empire’s best interest.

‘But… could there be no other way?’ She thought, her eyes trembling.

What if, just what if?

If she stayed by his side and really really really offered him immense help as his loyal servant, could there be a different outcome?

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It might be a risky gamble, but maybe he wouldn’t have to end her life, even if he found out she was Princess Marina.

‘Can I really take the risk?’

However, seeing her hesitation, the Crown Prince’s eyes casted downward.

“As I expected… was I being presumptuous?”

Upon hearing his shaking voice, Marie bit her lips, to the point of drawing blood.

Then, suddenly, the Crown Prince’s eyes widened the moment he saw Marie tentatively holding his outstretched hand.


“Your Highness.” Marie took a deep breath and said, “Could you please grant me mercy at least once in the future?”

The Crown Prince’s face hardened. “What’s this all of a sudden?”

“Please promise me. If you do, I’ll serve you faithfully and loyally from this moment forward.”

Upon hearing Marie’s request, the Crown Prince blinked his eyes for a moment. However, he shook his head as if he couldn’t believe what she was saying.

“I cannot grant your request.”


Marie felt her heart sink in disappointment, but the Crown Prince continued, “Have mercy on you just this once? What do you take me for? I don’t care how many times you ask. So don’t worry.”

His words brought a smile to Marie’s face. “Thank you, Your Highness.”

But of course, she’s well aware that even if he’d said those things, he wouldn’t hesitate to take her life if it went against the empire’s interest. After all, he was the Prince of Blood, capable of becoming a demon for the empire’s sake. But… but…

‘Even if it’s risky, let’s give it a try. Let’s make significant contributions and become so indispensable to him that he won’t kill me, even if he finds out my identity.’

With determination, she firmly held his hand.

From that day forward, something in Marie’s heart started to shift.

She decided not to run away anymore.

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