Don’t Give Me a Piggyback (1) - unedited

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Xi Chengyun wiped his face with a piece of tissue and smiled. He turned to look at Bai Qi, the emotions in his eyes were changing by the second. In the end, he muttered, “Qi Qi, that, we really can’t do.”

【Xi-ge, you’re incapable】

【Ahhh, Xi-laoshi, if you can’t, let me!】

【You’ve been added to Xi-laoshi’s list of people to assassinate】

“Oh,” Bai Qi replied.

【Qi Qi, our poor baby is disappointed】

【Let’s give him a few votes, please don’t be sad】

【Sobs. What did our little wife do wrong, he merely wanted to have a child with Xi-ge. He’s the cutest. I’ll give him my vote. Please, everyone, come love him! Support him ‘harder’!】

【Friend, what is going on in your dirty mind? Harder?】

The comments flooded the screen, and Bai Qi’s face was almost entirely covered by the words that floated past the screen.

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Yang Yiru finally came back to her senses after some time. She was utterly taken aback by Bai Qi’s response.

She had to double check if her logic was correct. Bai Qi is a man, he doesn’t have the ability to have kids.

So, even though he’s said that, it was… useless!

Wait, no, wait a moment.

It’s only useless in regards to them having their own children.

But not useless in regards to gaining votes!

A man, who can’t bear his own children, would even flirt with his spouse about the idea. Isn’t that even flirtier than a woman who is already pregnant?

Yang Yiru cocked her head and just happened to lean against Wu Jun who walked over. “I lost again,” she said disappointedly.

She had horrible motion sickness on the boat and even vomited a lot after she arrived at the hotel. That’s why the team invited a doctor over to perform a checkup on her, and that’s how they found out that she was pregnant.

Wu Jun was extra cautious with his wife’s well-being. He hurriedly held her by her waist and whispered, “It’s alright, we can enjoy some of the VIP treatment if we ask Bai Qi instead.”

“You’ve become a baddie,” Yang Yiru exclaimed, “I like it!”

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Then, the couple walked to a side to secretly ask the crew about the number of votes each couple had.

“The f*ck! That’s unbelievable?! The day has just started, and they already have seventeen thousand?” Yang Yiru’s astonished voice could be heard throughout the hall, and two of the special guests couldn’t help but take an extra glance at Bai Qi.

Bai Qi turned towards Xi Chengyun and passed an egg to him. He blinked a few times and said, “Help me please.”

The sparkle in his eyes seemed to ask, ‘I’m doing a great job, ain’t I?’

Xi Chenguyn reached to take the egg.

Bai Qi’s hand gently touched the palm of his hands, as if to signify a sense of accomplishment.

Xi Chengyun’s eyes darkened and said, “Certainly.”

In a jiffy, he was done peeling the egg.

“I want some spicy and sour vermicelli,” Bai Qi requested.

Xi Chengyun stood up and happily smiled. “Mn, I’ll get some for you.”

By the time he was back with the noodles, Bai Qi had already devoured the egg. “Xi-ge, could you help me to stir the noodles a little so the sauce is evenly spread.”

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【Wow, he’s treating him as if he’s already pregnant】

【But, but… they’re so cute. Way cuter than when Bai Qi was one-sidedly sacrificing for Xi-ge!】

【They will be the death of me. He’s already pregnant, why don’t you allow him to enjoy the perks of being pregnant】

The camera switched to the one that was focusing on the special guests. Bu Xiao didn’t seem to have the patience for all this and was already zoning out.

【Bu Xiao: Inefficient learning ——To learn to be a good couple,True learning —— To eat dog food】

Bu Xiao and Su Meng’s expressions are priceless】

【Bu Xiao & Su Meng: Your act is almost believable, if only we didn’t see you ride the waves on that wakesurf board】

After breakfast, the votes the Xi team had was way more than any other team.

The voters didn’t know if they should laugh or cry. They should allow our little baby to experience the happiness of being pregnant.

“Alright, moving on, our next activity will be on a cable car.” The crew clapped their hands and led them towards their next destination.

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Wu Jun didn’t want Yang Yiru to join the activity, but she was persistent, so all he could do was to carefully hold onto her while she walked.

“Hey, I’m not crippled you know,” Yang Yiru couldn’t help but grumble.

Bai Qi and Xi Chengyun followed behind them.

When they exited the main gate of the resort, Xi Chengyun suddenly turned to ask, “Shall I carry you on my back?”

Bai Qi was shocked and shook his head. “There’s no need for that.”

Xi Chengyun suddenly looked down at his tummy and said with a smile, “But this little one might need it.”

Bai Qi had been spouting flirtatious words around easily, but now under Xi Chengyun’s gaze, he felt his face burn up in embarrassment.

Bai Qi opened his mouth but couldn’t really find the words to say. “It’s alright, we can’t do this. They, they, the ones who are pregnant won’t, won’t be willing to get a piggyback ride… It’ll press against the baby, right?”

Xi Chengyun nodded and gently replied, “You’ve got a point there.”

“I’ll hug you instead,” he continued.

Bai Qi was flustered.

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