Meeting the Parents (1)

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The others urged themselves to snap out of their shock, voices trembling as they asked, “Xi-laoshi, you’re married?”

“Mn,” Xi Chengyun replied.

“Xi-ge, when did you get married?” Some people were still a little stunned.

“Today,” President Liang quickly answered. “Before he came here, he was rushing to pick the boy up in order to get their certificate from the Civil Affairs Bureau.”

“Mn,” Xi Chengyun replied in agreement.

Thus, everyone stood up, knocking over countless plates and bowls in the process as they raised their glasses to congratulate them. “Congratulations… Congratulations on your marriage.”

“Thank you,” Bai Qi pursed his lips and smiled.

He then picked up the cup of milk next to him, clinking it against their glasses, and then he raised his head and gulped away. 

Bai Qi looked young, and now he looked even more so.

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Suddenly, everyone in the small banquet hall felt as if Xi Chengyun was a great devil who could no longer hide his true nature; a great devil who kidnapped a soft and tender little sheep from who knows where.

Shit, hahaha.  

The group knew that Xi Chengyun was newly married and didn’t dare to hold the two back for too long. They had no choice but to withhold their plans… Their plans to drink, to blast party poppers, and to even find a few idols to accompany themselves…

At half-past 10, Bai Qi left the dinner with Xi Chengyun.

The two stopped linking arms after they had left the hotel.

“Are you free tomorrow?” Xi Chengyun asked.

“Hm? I am. Are we eating together again?” Bai Qi asked in response.

“There’s no need for that,” Xi Chengyun paused before continuing, “Pack some of your things and leave them at my house. For now, you don’t have to stay with me, but you should come over for a while on the weekends. Is that okay with you?” 

Bai Qi took a shallow breath. When he breathed out, his breath swiftly turned into a gust of white mist. “No problem,” he replied.

Now, when he thought about it, to suddenly have a stranger shoved into your everyday life...Well, he found that rather awkward actually. 

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“Alright. I’ll send an assistant for you tomorrow. I’ll be a bit busy, so we might not be able to see each other.”

As expected, dealing with mature men was a much more pleasant experience. Plus it saved so much effort, everything was properly arranged for him.

“Sure, okay.” Bai Qi kept nodding as if he were a baby chick pecking on rice. “It’s fine, really.”

The feelings in Shang Guang’s heart were very complicated when he saw all this play out.

Actually, he should have been happy about the way Bai Qi reacted. Bai Qi was understanding and knowledgeable. He was very professional, and he didn’t take advantage of the fake relationship he had with Xi-ge to pester him.

However, right now, Bai Qi had an honest and cheerful look on his face, with no yearning for Xi Chengyun at all. Shang Guang couldn’t help but think… If Bai Qi were to go around, smiling as he flirted with people, Xi-ge would end up looking as if he were being cheated on. And that wasn’t okay, was it?

“Let’s go. We’ll drop you off at campus first,” Xi Chengyun noted.

Bai Qi looked down as he fastened his seat belt. Then, he leaned back, slumping entirely into his seat. Before long, he had unknowingly fallen asleep.

He was rarely not in bed by this hour.

The only time he did so was a little while back; it was actually when he rushed to watch all of Xi Chengyun’s works.

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The car continued forth steadily. The colorful city lights shone against the window, penetrating the car windows as they gently brushed a kiss on Bai Qi’s cheeks.

Xi Chengyun turned over and took a glance at Bai Qi.

He has fallen asleep?

Wow. He seems like someone with a kind heart, his guard is completely down too.

Xi Chengyun reached out, softly poking a finger on Bai Qi’s cheek; it felt smooth.

He quickly withdrew his hand soon after though.

En, he is quite good-looking when he smiles.


Bai Qi napped comfortably.

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I have to say, Xi Chengyun’s car is not bad indeed. It’s perfect for napping! I’m absolutely in love with it!

When they arrived, Bai Qi pushed open the door and got out of the car.

It was warm inside the car, but it was very cold outside; Bai Qi shrunk into his coat as he took a step back. Then, he waved goodbye to Xi Chengyun and walked away. 

On his way back to his dorm,  Bai Qi received a call from his mom.

His mom’s surname was “Su”.

When he picked up the phone, Lady Su immediately asked him, “Qi Qi, did you stop by our house today?”

“Yup, I made a swing back to pick up a few things,” Bai Qi replied.

Lady Su was very worried about her child as she continued to ramble. “Is it because of the fall in temperature? It’s very cold these days. After I got off from work today, I even fetched two padded jackets for your dad.”

“With my down jacket, my woolen sweater… I’ve been layering myself in loads of clothing mom. I looked like a polar bear already!” Bai Qi replied.  

His conscience was a little stricken when he said that.

After all, today, he’d just secretly taken his family’s registry and went to get married, thus conducting the most unacceptable thing he could possibly do within his lifetime.

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