A Contractual Marriage with the Best Leading Actor Chapter 67

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I’m the Clown (3)

Cheng Jin was burning with excitement as he peeked from the side. ‘Isn’t Qiu Sichuan going to do something? Wasn’t he going to try to steal my idol’s significant other? How did he end up convinced instead?’

Shang Guang was speechless too. Bai Qi’s mouth is absolutely amazing.

“Cheng Jin, don't you have something to say?” Qiu Sichuan suddenly said, and Cheng Jin jumped in shock. Bai Qi turned and looked towards the greenhouse, shocked.

‘Oh my, Qiu Sichuan knew that someone had been listening in on them the entire time. He’s such a calculative person!’ Cheng Jin couldn’t help but think. ‘If they had said something that wasn’t appropriate, wouldn’t my Xi-ge’s marriage crumble right in front of us?’

“Speak,” Qiu Sichuan said as he stared at Cheng Jin coldly.

Cheng Jin quickly responded, “I… don’t have anything to say.” He’d forgotten about the fact that he was here for Xi Chengyun in the first place.

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Qiu Sichuan snorted in response, clearly not worried about offending Cheng Jin.

Just then, Shang Guang stepped forward to wrap up the conversation. “Alright, alright. It’s getting late. Let’s hurry up, else we miss our plane.”

Cheng Jin was the first to leave. Qiu Sichuan smiled at Bai Qi and said, “See you.”

In an instant, the three of them were the only ones left. Xi Chengyun turned around and stared at the greenhouse. He was reminiscing over the scenery of the sea of flowers. “Bring the fish tank along.”

Shang Guang couldn’t help but sarcastically add, “Why don’t you bring the entire plot of flowers back as well?”

Xi Chengyun paused for a moment and said, “Mn. Then let’s bring that along too.”

Shang Guang silently choked back streams of tears. Despite that, he couldn’t take back what he had said.

Shang Guang picked up the fish tank and left the rest to the staff members. The Chinese roses in the fish tank hadn’t withered and were still beautiful because they were kept under constant temperature.

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Xi Chengyun took the fish tank over from him and held it in one arm. “Get in the car.”

The assistants brought their luggage bags over, then entered the cars behind theirs. Bai Qi merrily got into the car with him. Bai Qi wasn’t blushing at all despite having said a whole string of compliments about Xi Chengyun.

The driver started their journey as soon as Shang Guang got onto the car, slowly driving away from the beautiful countryside.

Xi Chengyun took Bai Qi’s phone again and sent a message to someone. Bai Qi assumed that by “I’ve deleted everything”, Xi Chengyun meant that he didn’t want him to go through his DMs.

After some time, Xi Chengyun suddenly said, “The story that you told, about me staying in the park during my first fashion show when I was 16, that story is not true.”

“The story about me repeatedly jumping into the pool is also not true.”

“The story about me getting bad-mouthed by the director due to a difference in opinion, is also not true.”

Though, Bai Qi looked really cute when he narrated the fake stories so seriously. Xi Chengyun turned over and looked at Bai Qi. He smiled affectionately, his eyes as beautiful as ever.

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“Those experiences were made up by speculative accounts.”

Bai Qi was speechless.

Shang Guang was the most affected. ‘??!! Wait, so it turns out that I’m the clown?!’ Out of all of them, Shang Guang was the most moved by Bai Qi’s narration of Xi Chengyun’s experiences. So… the half-smile that he saw on Xi-ge’s face, was an actual smile.

“So what actually happened back then?” Bai Qi asked. Damn it. It was his fault. The research he had done was too one-sided! He had to make up for it.

Xi Chengyun seldom brought up his past, but since he’d already brought Bai Qi to the Jiang family house, telling him the rest didn’t seem to be much at all. Xi Chengyun smiled. His smile was much more truthful than the one he had before. “Actually, the high-end brand which invited me to the catwalk could’ve never afforded to hire me.”

Shang Guang and Bai Qi were baffled.

“I played a game with an overseas family friend of the Xi household, and I lost. That’s why I had to do the walk.”

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“The pool jumping part was also because of a lost bet.”

“As for the movie… Perhaps the speculative accounts thought that the movie needed a bit something more to add the meaning behind it…”

Shang Guang was dumbfounded.

Bai Qi knew it. He was very moved when he read the story, but he had questioned why the story sounded a lot like a masterpiece from a speculative account? And just now, when he was talking, he added a little salt to spice things up and fill in the gaps. So, the story turned out to be super far-fetched.

‘All this hardship and glory is what makes him the one and only Xi Chengyun.’ God, in this case, if he were to draw Xi Chengyun, Xi Chengyun’s nose will be on his mouth, and he’d probably have a few missing limbs.

“Ah…” No can do, he couldn’t screw this up. “But with this artistic addition, your story has an added touch to it, and would impact even more people,” Bai Qi gave a plausible explanation.

Shang Guang almost gave him a thumbs up. ‘You are truly a pearl in the entertainment industry! From acting to maneuvering through public relations, you are truly the genius of the century!’

However, Xi Chengyun’s smile didn't reach his eyes. He felt an odd sense of irritation.

‘So… Bai Qi prefers the version of me made up by the speculative accounts?’

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