Our Little Sister-in-Law (1)

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The underground garage was in complete silence.

The brains of Bai Qi’s roommates seemed to have stopped functioning.

What on earth did they just say?

No one would be happy to gain a few children out of nowhere, especially children who are strong 20-year-olds!

“Xi…” Just as they started, they heard Xi Chengyun agree. “Mn.” Xi Chengyun’s expression remained unchanged as he agreed.

Xi Chengyun smiled gently. “Hop on.”

The roommates were overwhelmingly flattered. ‘Xi-laoshi is way too good-tempered!’

Xi Chengyun glanced at each of them and paused. “Oh, the thing is, I can’t fit so many people in my car. I still have an assistant here with me.”

“It’s alright. We’ll walk there,” the roommates quickly said.

Xi Chengyun looked at Mu Dong and said, “Could you go with my bodyguard’s car instead?”

Mu Dong quickly nodded. ‘Xi-laoshi is an amazing person! He’s even having his bodyguards drive and fetch me there!’

Xi Chengyun made a call and gave a few simple directions. Soon, a few bodyguards were there to pick Mu Dong up.

Mu Dong was extremely happy as he waved at them. “Goodbye, my fellow dads.”

Gosh, he was able to ride a luxury car within his lifetime!

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The two remaining roommates squeezed into the back seats, their feeling of overwhelmed flattery had yet to subside. “Xi-laoshi, will you be driving?”

Xi Chengyun nodded. “That’s right.”

‘Oh god.’

‘My favorite movie star is going to fetch us with his car!!!’

An expression of pure bewilderment appeared on the faces of the two big boys.

One of them even took out his phone and excitedly asked, “Xi-laoshi, can, can I take a photo of you? I, I promise to keep it to myself.”

“Sure, it’s fine.” Xi Chengyun seemed like an easy-going person, he even proposed, “Do you want a picture with me?”


The two squeezed their heads into the frame, appearing between the driver’s seat and passenger’s seat. Then, they took the picture.

Bai Qi made a ‘peace’ sign.

They immediately posted the picture without any touch-ups.

Mu Dong, who was in the other car, was scrolling through his Moments page on WeChat.

He was feeling jealous as he scrolled through his Moments.

He gently nudged his screen, right on his roommate’s face in the middle of the picture. “They’re smiling like idiots. This looks like a photo of parents and their retarded children.”

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Just then, the car doors opened.

A bodyguard got on from the left, and another from the right. Both of them were dressed in black suits, with muscles even bigger than his. He could also safely estimate that they were around the height of 1.8m.

Mu Dong sat squashed in the middle.

‘Sigh, my god, this is difficult!’


The car stopped outside a hotpot restaurant that they had decided on earlier.

Mu Dong got off the car and mumbled to himself, “Never would I say that another person is retarded.”

When he walked into the restaurant, he saw Xi Chengyun’s assistant waiting for him.

“Mr. Mu, this way please.”

Mu Dong straightened his back. This was new to him, he was now qualified to be called a “Mr. XX”. Truly, Xi-laoshi was a cultured man, he did not look down upon poor students like them.

The assistant escorted him into a room.

He saw his two other roommates on their phones, rapidly replying to messages. He guessed the picture they posted have roused a huge commotion.

“Sit,” Xi Chengyun said, putting down the teapot.

Mu Dong answered, and out of habit, he picked a seat next to Bai Qi.

Mu Dong was the one who chose to eat at a hotpot restaurant. Bai Qi accepted a cup of tea from Xi Chengyun and said, “Eating outside is not very convenient for Xi-ge, so we are in a private room instead.”

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“The meal is on me,” Xi Chengyun continued.

“Oh, we couldn’t.” Mu Dong smiled.

“No problem,” Xi Chengyun said and paused before he continued, “I should’ve treated everyone to a meal when Bai Qi and I first started dating.”

Bai Qi covertly pressed a ‘like’ button for Xi Chengyun in his heart.

He made it seem so real.

The other roommates hurriedly looked up and said, “No no, it’s fine. The circumstances  were special back then.”

After rounds of pleasantries, the roommates had no other way to reject Xi Chengyun’s offer. This meal was on him.

The assistant had gone to keep an eye on the dishes.

Very soon, all the dishes were served. A hotpot with different soup bases bubbled in the center of the table.

“Let’s eat.” Bai Qi picked up his chopsticks and dug in.

They couldn’t take too long, he still had to go back to the library to study, and he wouldn’t be able to find a spot if he were late.

This was the first time Mu Dong and the rest ate at the same table with such an important figure.

The way Xi Chengyun held his chopsticks, pulled tissues, and poured tea… each movement was slow and graceful. Upclose, Xi Chengyun seemed even more beautiful than on TV; he was far superior to them.

But, it was kinda weird. When they sat in front of Xi-laoshi, the atmosphere didn’t feel suffocating at all.

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In fact, they felt even more relaxed than when they had a meal with Jiang Fangcheng and his roommates.

This was likely Xi-laoshi’s unique charm. No wonder he had such good rapport.

After lunch, Xi Chengyun had his bodyguards drive again, and sent everyone back to campus.

Then, Bai Qi and him walked towards the library.

On the way, Bai Qi’s phone pinged like crazy.

He looked down and opened the group chat with his roommates:

【Qi Qi baby, I approve of your marriage】

【+1,I used to kinda sneer when I saw compliments directed towards Xi Chengyun online. Fine, Xi Chengyun is good at acting, but why do they treat him like a God outside his acting?】

【That was until today! I am sold. Xi-laoshi is a God!】

【Qi Qi, I believe your marriage will be blessed!!!】

Bai Qi felt a little guilty, they didn’t know that it was all an act.

But when he thought about it… ‘Since Xi Chengyun is such an amazing person, when I bring him home to meet mom and dad, they won’t break his legs… right?’

Bai Qi kept his phone away and broke into a relieved smile.

Then, he continued with his studies.

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