At first she thought that it was the case, but given that no one had yet reported Einz’s condition to the temple, it was possible that it was just a coincidence that the drug caused such a reaction.

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Demon poisons were quite sensitive, and even with such a drug, there was a chance that he would have had a seizure for a while.

The short duration of the seizure also favored the latter option.

‘Was it some sort of Aphrodisiac then?’

‘Were they trying to catch Einz while he was still with me?’

“Einz, I’m fine.”

“But Erin…”

“It won’t change anything if you tell the truth now, because I’m never going back to the palace.”

Erin looked at the pained Einz and declared firmly.

“I won’t go even if the Duke knows the truth and begs me to come back, so even if you reveal the truth, you’ll be the only one sacrificed and nothing will change. Is that what you want?”

“I want you… to be exonerated.”

“What’s the point of exonerating myself for such an asshole?”

For nine years, Raymond lived with his mistress in his palace.

She lived the past Nine years of her life as a sensible duchess for a man like that. That’s already enough.

It was better that he believed Erin was having an affair and was annoyed that his heavenly pride was crumpled.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yes, Einz. I’m fine, and I got this shop because of you. I’m so happy.”

As she prepared to open, Erin had already grown attached to the shop.

It was nice that the shop was on a quiet street, far away from the upscale neighborhoods where nobles lived.

As a result, she had never run into anyone she knew here before.

“Are you feeling better now?”

Erin changed the subject. Einz sighed softly and put a hand on her shoulder.

“Yep. I’m feeling much better. The medicine I got up north worked.”

“That’s good.”

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Demon poison can be cured. If you take good care of yourself and keep treating yourself, you can get better.

Einz is healthy, so there’s a chance he’ll recover. He just needs to stay out of sight during the treatment.

Erin placed a hand on Einz’s shoulder and spoke clearly.

“If you want to tell them the truth, you’ll have to wait until you’re done with your treatment, and then you can do it safely.”

It’s okay to tell the truth after the demonic poison is finally cured. He might get punished for hiding about his conditions, but that would be a demotion utmost, not death.

“Okay? Promise me.”

Einz hesitated, but when Erin pressed him, he raised his hands.

“Okay. I will.”

Erin stood up, satisfied.

“Wait. I’ll make you something delicious. It’s been a while since I’ve made one for you.”

Erin went into the kitchen to make dinner for Einz. The menu was tomato stew.

Before she could start cooking, she needed to get the ingredients. So Erin opened the back door and went out into the garden.

A white moon loomed over the blue night sky. The moonlight bathed the dark garden in white.

Erin walked over to the tomato plants. It had been neglected by the previous owner for so long that many of the vegetables were wilted and dead. But there were some that had survived.

Ever since she arrived, Erin has been pulling out the dead plants and watering the surviving ones daily. She sowed new seeds in the empty spots as well.

Now, easy-to-grow vegetables like lettuce and tomatoes were filling the garden with freshness again.

She reached through the bushes and grabbed a plump heirloom tomato. Erin then picked the ripe tomatoes one by one.

When she reached out to pick another one, instead of fresh tomatoes, she felt warm fingers.

Einz, who was now in close proximity to her, grabbed the tomato before Erin could. Then he smiled slightly.

“Let me help you.”

So together they picked tomatoes inside the small garden.

A memory suddenly flashed in her mind. It was from her childhood. She had also grown vegetables at home like this when she was younger too.

And she and Einz would often play together in that garden full of vegetables and plants.

As Erin reminisced, she turned to Einz and asked.

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“Einz, do you remember our 9th birthday?”

“Yes. I remember.”

He said.

“How could I forget?”

No matter how many memories tangled together to block out the brightness of those days, he knew he wouldn’t be able to forget a single moment with Erin.

‘They would never be forgotten.’


The platinum-haired girl was laughing, and the memory was still as vivid as if it had just happened yesterday.

She was holding a cake plate with both hands.

‘Einz, happy birthday!’

She smiled innocently. As if she was overjoyed.

It was the first time Einz realized that a child her age could be so happy.

On the plate was a round cake covered in pink cream. On top of the cake were jagged letters in white chocolate frosting.

『Einz, Happy Birthday!』

It wasn’t very big. It was a small cake, maybe the size of an adult’s hand.

Young Einz cut off a piece of cake and ate it with Erin.

‘It’s delicious..’

He thought that he would never forget the taste of that cake.

In retrospect, it wasn’t that great – just a fluffy sponge cake with lots of strawberry cream.

But for young Einz, who lived alone with his father and was always lonely, Erin’s cake was a sweet comfort for his soul.

Erin smiled.

“That same year you also made me a birthday cake for my birthday.”

A few months later, on Erin’s ninth birthday, Einz made a cake to repay her as well.

He laughs as he remembers it.

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“Yes, even though I asked your mom to give me instructions, the cake still didn’t rise. It was really difficult and a complete mess.”

Erin laughed and a clear sound reverberated over the entire garden.

“It was delicious, though.”

Erin was a beautiful woman, both innocent and sweet. Platinum hair as soft as moonlight. A white, slender jawline. Lips the color of rose petals and eyes as deep green as blades of grass.

Her thin body looked fragile, but her whole body exuded grace and strength.

Although she had grown up to be a regal lady, there were still traces of her innocent self in the past on her beautiful and graceful features.

There were still traces of the little girl that he used to play with as a child.

‘If only I was born different…’

When he grew up, he dreamed of marrying Erin.

But as the son of a poor knight, Einz didn’t have the resources to help him. That’s why he volunteered to be sent to the dangerous north.

He knew that if he distinguished himself on the battlefield, gaining fame and fortune, he would be able to formally propose to her.

In desperation, he studied swordsmanship and went to battle.

But suddenly, Einz received word that Erin had already become the duchess.

And their statuses were now worlds apart.

‘…I tried too hard to get into the palace.’

Although he got the position he wanted, he pushed himself too hard and became infected with Demon poison, which also implicated Erin. Regret immediately washed over him.

‘If I can cure this poison then I will reveal the truth.’

‘Even if I couldn’t be cured, I would still tell the truth one day.’

He couldn’t let Erin live with this false accusation forever.

They returned to the kitchen with a basket full of tomatoes. Erin washed, peeled, and sliced the fresh tomatoes.

She cut up potatoes and onions as well, fried them, added some marinated pork, poured in some broth, and cooked them inside a pot. Then a delicious tomato stew was finally bubbling inside it.

It smelled delicious, it was full of flavor, with the fresh tomatoes mingling with the taste of meat.

When it was finally done, she seasoned the stew with salt and pepper.

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The sour smell of the tomatoes and the savory, tender meat filled the small kitchen.

As Erin carried the finished meal into the small dining room and set the table, Melly came into the dining room.

Once everyone was seated, she immediately passed down the food from one bowl to another.

Melly scooped up the stew with curious eyes and savored the flavors with amazement.

“Wow, this is really good!”

Melly exclaimed as she devoured the food in front of her.

The stew wafted a sour tomato aroma and Einz cautiously took a bite of it as well.

The rich flavor of the tomato stew was definitely appetizing.

The freshness that comes from home grown tomatoes and the depth of flavor from the meat and potatoes combined were in perfect harmony.

“This is really good.”

“Isn’t it? Erin’s food is the best.”

Melly praised Erin as she scooped up another share and put it on another bowl.

“You make such delicious food, but you’re especially good with desserts. I guess what they said about Erdans having impeccable palates is true.”

Melly complimented Erin like that every single time she cooked something. So she just smiled awkwardly and murmured.

“Actually, I think Erdans have a sweet tooth.”

Most Erdan dishes that her mother used to cook were often sweet.

Perhaps the fact that her mother, who had lived in the Erdan Mountains before migrating to the Empire, had chosen a career as a baker had something to do with their sweet tooth.

Erin had once thought so.

She couldn’t be sure, though, as the Erdans were one of the most obscure ethnic groups on the continent, and little was known about them.

A light rain was already dripping outside, and they could see the garden being enveloped by it, through the window.

“By the way, have you decided on a name for the shop?”


Their gazes locked. Erin set her empty bowl down and replied, “I’ve been thinking about it.”

The name she’d been thinking about for a while was,

“Lemon Tree.”

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