Erin’s shop on the side of a quiet street was very small.

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When he heard the word small, he thought of a tiny coffee house. This seemed ten times smaller than he thought.

Before Raymond even got to the shop. He already had his carriage parked a lesser distance away, so when it stopped, he opened the door.

“Wait around here.”

It looks like it was closed for business, the lights were already off, but the door was open.

Raymond opened the shop door and stepped inside.

The shop was larger than it looked from the outside, but it was still small.

The shops he’d been in were large, weapons shops or large costume shops that took up an entire building.

Erin’s shop was a hole-in-the-wall compared to those.

“I can’t believe she’s living in a place like this.”

Upon closer inspection, he realized that although it was small, it was neat and tidy in its own way.

There were tables and chairs on the carpeted floor. The tables, which were all covered with white tablecloths.

He saw a bunch of Plaster and clay scattered on the table in the middle.

There was also a mountain of cotton balls and other oddities.

As Raymond looked around the shop, he noticed a glass display case next to the stack.

All the glass was filled with colorful cakes, pies, and muffins. There was even some cakes and crème brûlée.

‘Surely you didn’t make these yourself?’

He’d heard rumors, but he didn’t believe them because they sounded ridiculous.

‘No, of course not, a woman who was a Duchess would never make her own food.’

House Briscia is deeply drowning in debt, and he had heard people talk about Erin baking and selling pies in the past.

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Someone once sent her a bunch of pie crusts in a gift box to mock her for it.

It was an anonymous gift, so no one ever found out who the culprit was.

On her birthday, Erin opened the box, found the crusts and was so disgusted that she immediately put it down.

Erin didn’t get angry and demand that the culprit be caught. She simply had her maids take the gift away, and pretended that nothing happened.

It didn’t take long for the whole palace to hear about it. Everyone gossiped about it and laughed at Erin for coming from a poor family.

At the time, he didn’t care what people said about Erin, except that he wondered at that time if she really made and sold pies.

Looking back, he really knew nothing about her. It’s no wonder though since he hadn’t talked to her much in the past nine years.

As Raymond was thinking about this, he was looking around the shop. A woman walked through the back door of the shop, spotted him, and bent over in surprise.

“Your Highness…!”

“I think I recognize you.”

The woman who came in was Melly, the shopkeeper. But Raymond didn’t recognize her.

He vaguely suspected she was a clerk hired by Erin, and for good reason. Raymond had rarely been to the Crown Princess’ Palace, where Erin lived, so he didn’t recognize Melly, who worked there.

“Where is Erin?”

Melly thought for a moment. Erin wouldn’t want Raymond here. In fact, she wanted him out.

She’d seen how Erin lived in the palace. She didn’t want Raymond to show up and make her suffer again.

“She’s out shopping for ingredients. It might take her a while, so why don’t you come back later…”

Melly lied to send him away. But Raymond wasn’t giving up so easily.

“It’s okay, I’ll wait.”

It took less than an hour to walk from Viltrout Street, with its shops, to the shopping district of Bay Yard street.

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It was located in the southeastern part of the capital, it was also bordered by a small river. A bridge over the river led to another city, which was dingy and crude.

Bay Yard Street is divided into three main areas. There was a bustling section with a bazaar, a cluster of small shops, and a slum area where suspicious people come and go.

Like everywhere else in the capital, Bay Yard Street has clean, well-maintained sidewalks, but towards the back you’ll find dirty brick streets with poor pavement.

It’s a narrow, dirty alleyway with shoddy shops crammed into narrow, dirty alleys.

‘I shouldn’t go down the deserted side.’

A normal noble young lady would never come to a place like this. But Erin had come here with her parents before, sometimes to shop.

The market was a great place to get groceries because it was cheap.

Erin walked into a shop with a familiar sign. It sold baking ingredients like chocolates and jams.

So a large box was filled with sweets immediately.

Sachertortes was a type of cake with lots of chocolate. Naturally, it required a lot of chocolate as well.

Erin dug into her purse and bought lots of chocolate and apricot jam for the torte.

When she was done, she headed back the way she came from.

It was already late in the evening, so she walked for a while, but there were no longer people around her.

The sun set behind a brick house with a shabby sign.

Soon enough, the sparse lights came on and the shops went dark. The surroundings gradually became darker.

The once bustling street was unnervingly quiet. The hazy evening fog dampened the shabby roads.

Erin walked as fast as she could through the dark streets. It was only then that she sensed a familiar presence. Erin knew that there was someone following her.

She immediately turned her head at the sensation. At that moment, a thug was about to burst out of the side alley and lunged at Erin.


Luckily, she had turned around just in time to avoid being dragged to the ground. Erin hit the man in the face with the basket she was carrying.

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The chocolate in the basket shattered and the paper bag rained chocolate chips down on the man’s body.

It poured out like an explosion. Her opponent paused for a moment in panic, and Erin pushed past him and ran.

She didn’t know where she was going, but she ran down a narrow alleyway lined with small shops and dilapidated houses.

She looked around for help, but they were all closed. Erin fled down the winding streets without stopping.

She was dressed simply, but she wore a petticoat and a dress that she wore as an underskirt. As she ran, the long hem of her skirt swirled around her legs in a dainty fashion.

If she had been wearing a corset, she wouldn’t have been able to run as far as she did, but the skirt alone was heavy enough.

Erin was out of breath. Her body was sore and tired. She wasn’t going to just run away. Erin knew the geography of the alley somewhat.

Even as she ran frantically, she searched her memory for a way to get to the next alley. She realized it was a complicated alleyway with a sideways turn and then a crisscross.

From there, she could hide in one of the side streets and counterattack. She tried to take a side street, but the petticoat was in her way. Her long skirt made it hard to keep up with her.

Erin was running desperately toward a fork in the road, but the man chasing her grabbed her long skirt from behind.


Erin fell immediately. The man then quickly lunged forward and grabbed her. Erin pushed him off with her balled foot, but she lacked the strength.

She struggled to get free. With both hands, she slapped and punched the man, but he held her tightly and refused to let go.

The man pulled out a small knife from within his inner pocket. It was a dagger with a small but sharp blade.

When she saw it, she hurriedly bit down as hard as she could on the man’s hand covering her mouth.


The man screamed, while clutching his hand. Erin managed to break free of his grasp and quickly scrambled to her feet.

But before she could get to her feet, the man lunged and grabbed her ankle.

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Erin fell back to the ground. Again.
Still, as she fell, she quickly reached into her waistband and pulled out a small dagger.

As the man approached, Erin spun around to face him and plunged the dagger into the man’s shoulder.


Blood gushed from the blade like a fountain. She then threw herself to the ground and tried to run away.

But the man pulled the dagger out of his shoulder and grabbed her by the skirt and locked her again.


The man raised his hand to stab Erin, the sharp blade glowing wildly in the darkness. Erin struggled frantically.

At that moment, a foreign sound suddenly rang out. Erin spun around in surprise to see a sharp object sticking out of the man’s chest. It was a blade.

A jet-black blade pierced the man’s chest, while blood was dripping down the blade as it pierced his chest.

The man’s glazed eyes rolled up, while life was slowly draining from them.


The blade that had pierced the man’s chest came out in an instant, and the man tumbled towards Erin.

Frightened, she pushed the man away immediately, and hot blood poured out of the man’s chest, soaking the whole floor red.

The man was already dead.

Erin slowly raised her head, and the first thing she saw was a sharp, blood-soaked blade.

There was a tall man standing still while holding a sword against the cyan night sky, his blue eyes shining coldly in the dimly lit alleyway.

He stepped closer to Erin.

“Sister-in-law, are you okay?”

It was Calix.

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