The children opened their eyes wide as they peered into the cake box.

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Inside was a fresh cream cake as white as snow.

“I tried to make it as you ordered. I hope you like it.”

Inside the box was a round cake, smoothly frosted with a white whipped cream, and a single cherry blossom, made with white chocolate in the center.

It was then surrounded by tiny, pastel, and light pink flowers.


But it was the marzipan cat ornament that caught the kids’ attention the most.

These three Kittens were sitting among the light pink petals.

She rolled out a piece of white marzipan no bigger than her thumb.

Then three cats were formed from that rolled up circle, each one was smaller than the last.

There was a white cat standing on all fours as if about to leap, and a chubby tri-colored cat curled up in a ball with no tail.

Next to it was a cute little pale cheesy-yellow chubby cat sitting with its front legs next to a white chocolate flower.

‘I made it all in a hurry because I didn’t have enough marzipan. But I think it’s better than I expected.’

On that little cat’s round face, Light brown marzipan was cut into threads to make the eyes and whiskers which were folded into half-moons, and thin layers of yellow and brown marzipan were thinly cut to form a pattern on the chubby cat’s back.

Two pale pink ears also stood out above its head.

The ears were made after the leftover from the cherry blossom decor in the middle, and she cut the remaining pink marzipan into triangular shapes, then attached it to the head to look like ears.

Then the cat was formed with a white and fluffy body, four chubby legs and a cute tail.

They were the cutest, roundest kittens ever.

The children admired the cake with sparkling eyes, and was mesmerized.

“They’re so cute!”

“Wow! They’re so cute!”

“I’m glad you like it.”

I was worried because I’ve never sold children’s birthday cakes before.

“I made some extra petals, so I have some left over, do you want to try some?”

Erin opened the small paper bag that came with the box.

Inside the small paper bag were light pink petals used as cake decorations.

“I’ll try them!”

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Erin opened the bag and handed them over to the children.

The sisters looked at it curiously, then picked out a petal the size of their fingernail and ate it.

As soon as they put the pink petal into their mouth, a nutty almond flavor wafted over it immediately.

Each bite of the sweet marzipan was savory and tender.

The two sisters can’t help but admire the fluffy marzipan petals as they munched it


“These are so good.”

“I put all the leftovers on it, so you can take them and eat them when you get home.”

“Thank you.”

The older sister politely said thank you, while the pink-haired girl who was named Sharen picked up two or three petals from the paper bag and ate them while muttering happily.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten something this good.”

Erin was folding the cake box back up when she heard her and asked.

“Do you guys live around here?”

The auburn-haired girl, who had been cutting off the petals and eating them, quickly said,


“No, we live down the street, near a fruit stall on Bay Yard Street.”

Bay Yard Street’s market area was a collection of small shops selling daily necessities and ingredients, and this must be one of them.

Erin hadn’t been to the fruit stand area much because it was Melly’s job to get the ingredients for the food now.

But from the stories she’d heard, it sounded like she’d been out on Bay Yard Street and seen a fruit stand with two little girls looking after it before.

The child named Sharen said as she welled up marzipan petals,

“We work there.”

“You work?”

‘Children at this age are working?’

“Yes. My sister cleans the stall and I deliver.”

Sharen replied in a cheerful voice.

“Is the owner of the stall a relative of yours?”

The older sister replied calmly.

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“He’s a friend of our late parents.”

“Ah, I see.”

‘Late parents… They must be orphaned children.’

Normal kids wouldn’t be living and working at this age.

Erin didn’t want to hurt their feelings by asking more details, so she quickly changed the subject.

“Do you want more lemonade?”

“No. We have to go back now. Come on Sharen, Let’s go.”

“Okay. Sister.”

They then asked for the price of the cake.

Erin decided not to charge them. She hadn’t made those cakes for sale anyway, and the cake sheet, Genoise, was just for practice.

However, before she could even tell them that it’s free, the auburn-haired girl reached into her small pocket and pulled out a handful of coins.

She calculated the price, and placed them on the counter. A single silver coin and a few copper ones were placed in front of her.

It was a jumble of different coins.

“It’s my sister’s birthday, and I really wanted to buy her a birthday cake. Thank you so much for making the cake at such a late hour.”

Erin was stunned for a while, she then wondered if this little girl had been saving up for a while now just to buy this cake.

The auburn-haired child bowed politely to Erin and thanked her.

Her voice was filled with sincere gratitude.

She was a polite girl. Her parents had obviously educated her well.

As Erin watched the children leave, she saw Melly approaching from the other side.

She was walking toward the shop with a basket.

She then looked back at the two sisters as they walked by and entered the shop.

“Those are the kids from the fruit stand.”

“Do you know them?”

“Yes. I’ve seen them a few times when I’ve gone to buy some fruits. What are they here for?”

“They came to buy a birthday cake.”

‘Come to think of it, I think there was a small bakery on Bay Yard Street, too. Although I bet they don’t sell birthday cakes there. It was so late, I thought maybe they were closed. It’s a very quiet neighborhood, and they close immediately once there’s a slight disturbance.’

Erin closed the shop and headed home.

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She walked inside their two-story house, then Melly followed her into the kitchen with a jar of pickled roses.

Erin made the cake order and now she’s cleaning up the mess.

“Huh? What’s this?”

Melly asked after noticing a piece of Marzipan on a frying pan.

“Oh, it’s a marzipan flower I was going to put on the cake as an ornament, but I messed up while making it.”

It had a weirdly colored spot on it, so it got pulled apart. Erin was about to throw it away, but Melly was curious.

“Can I eat it?”

Erin said yes, and so she took a bite.

Melly slowly ate the fluffy marzipan as well while savoring the flavor.

“I don’t usually like marzipan, but Erin’s marzipan is really good, heheh. I guess I didn’t realize how good marzipan tastes until now.”

Erin, who was cleaning the kitchen, smiled modestly. She said,

“Haha, that’s too much of a praise.”

Even if they weren’t as good as an imperial chef, people will still be happy to eat their desserts.

When she was younger, she had diligently memorized different recipes for every dessert.

But there is a nine-year gap now…


After all, she stopped baking after her marriage to the duke.

However, seeing people enjoying her creations made Erin feel like she had gotten better in the meantime.

Everyone who tasted her dessert, young and old alike, said It was delicious, but Erin was also a little nervous.

It’s probably due to the difference brought upon by her mother’s bloodline.

The Erdan clan is such a small ethnic group that very little is known about them.

Could her cooking skills really be due to her Erdan bloodline?

As she was thinking about it, Melly asked a question from the side.

“Are you going to use marzipan to decorate the cake you’re taking to the ball?”

“I was thinking about it…”

Marzipan is really easy to make, which is great for Erin, but as Melly said, marzipan is not really popular to some people.

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They don’t really like its distinctive almond flavor.

“It’s a chocolate cake, after all, so even if it’s a lot of work, I think it would be easier to make the decorations with chocolate.”

Erin looked back at Melly.

“Speaking of the Ball, Melly,
I have a favor to ask of you.”


“I need you to make a model for the cake.”

“A model?”

Melly’s eyes widened at the unexpected request.

Erin had gotten an idea when she saw the modeling tools in the living room, and she had a plan on what to do for the cake decorations.

Melly had already made a bunch of dessert models and lined them up in front of the window. Each one was as elaborate as the next.

Colorful macarons and pies filled with syrupy fruit colored decorations.

The pies were replicated down to the translucent icing.

Even the cupcakes, deliciously puffed croissants, right down to the slightly darker tops.

If you didn’t know it was a model, you’d think it was the real thing.

To make them, Melly used plaster, cotton wool, clay, different colored paints, and all kinds of cosmetics.

“Make me a model.”

Erin outlined her plan to Melly.

She described the shape of the cake and told her what to do with the model.

“What do you think? Can you make it?”

Melly smiled meaningfully and nodded when she was done.

“Yes, Erin. I’ll make it right away.”

Melly put down the glass jar of pickled roses and hurried back out into the living room.

Erin then went into her room and opened a drawer.

Inside was a small piece of stationery.

She took out a quill pen and wrote in neat cursive on the stationery.

dear serena

This was a letter to Serena.

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