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For the past few days.

Kiel was practicing forging by the day and reading and cultivating by the night. Soon he was able to learn more techniques from books and from the advices and experiences of other forgers.

Qin Yifeng looked at the finished works of Kiel, his mouth wide open. He said. "You did all of this? In just a week?" pointing at the rows of metal parts, blades and other parts of weapons and armors.

He took a blade and scrutinized it with his deep eyes, It had a shining luster. He could tell the quality from its weight and texture. He mumbled. "This one is crafted well too, though not up to standard, but for a complete beginner..."

He also took a look at other parts, the more parts he judged, the more awed he became, He said. "There's consistency! Such rate of improvement! Only a forging genius can achieve this!"

He stared at Kiel, his eyes still full of shock, he said, "Is this really your first time? How long have you been doing it?"

Kiel had a innocent smile. He said. "I've studied forging in my free time in the past" But in his heart said otherwise; 'What do you think? I've been a mechanic for half of my life!'

Qin Yifeng couldn't help but praise Kiel. He said. "You wanted to enroll forging on Cloud Valley City right?"

Kiel nodded. He said. "Yes, Uncle Jie already sent my application all I need is to past the Evaluat-"

Qin Yifeng waved his hand, stopping him and said. "There's no need for a evaluation, Take this badge, when they ask you to take the evaluation, just show this." He took out a a small badge with a flaming hammer imprinted on it.

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Qin Yifeng continued. "This will count as proof that your skill and talent is already approved and no further evaluation is needed."

Kiel was surprised. Did senior Qin have any ties with the Cloud Valley Academy? He thought that it would be rude to ask and just bowed and clasped his hands. He said. "Thank you, Senior Qin. If there's anything that I could do help you, Please just say so."

Qin Yifeng only laughed and said. "Kid if you want to repay me, then do well on your classes. Me helping someone become a forger is more than enough."

Kiel was happy in his heart and bowed again, He remembered something and suddenly asked. "Senior, do you know where I could get great quantities of different ores?"

Qi Yifeng raised his brows, curious. He asked. "What are you gonna use such quantities of ores?"

Kiel scratched his head, trying to make up an excuse. He said. "I want to practice and test my skill on different varieties of ores."

Qi Yifeng nodded, saying. "I see, I see. Someone is eager to improve is skills eh? I'll tell you one near here. The place is called Metal Valley Pub, it is own by a merchant named by Zhou Cai. You can get any kinds of ores there, given you have the money."

Kiel committed this names to his mind and said. "Thank you Senior!"

Qi Yifeng smiled and said. "Don't mention It, Just tell them that I recommended you there, So that Old coot would give me some discounts!"


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Kiel wore a hood and a mask he bought earlier in the market. Behind were his Nektro'ti warriors wearing the same outfit. Kiel assumed wearing this cloaks would make them low-key since its normal for people to wear one. But with the tall stature of warriors, people around them couldn't help but take a second look.

Anyone would be intimidated by a group of strong looking mysterious men. Speculations were thrown out one after another, Like he was some young master from a powerful family, to a leader of a dark organization. Kiel could only sigh, He should have just brought out just one of the warriors.

They finally arrived at the Metal Valley Pub. Outside were carriages containing ores drove in and out of the building. While inside, were a crowd of people looking at buying ores.

A female staff approached them and said. "Welcome sir! How may I help you?" Kiel could see a curious glint in her eyes.

"I'm here to look for ores, and Senior Qin Yifeng said that this place would have the ores I need." Kiel said.

The female staff smiled brightly and bowed, she said. "I see your a friend of Sir Qin. Please follow me sir, here in our shop, you could find ores ranging from he lowest grade one to fifth grade!" She introduced different kinds of ores from different grades.

Under his mask, Kiel was surprised with the myriad of ores, their diversity and their different uses. He asked. "How much does ore cost? based on their grades?"

The female staff patiently enumerated each cost. The prices ranges from 1000 crystal coins to more than a 1000000 crystal coins, depending on their uses, or demands. A grade one ore might be pricier than a grade two ore, depending on the market.

Kiel calculated. What they needed right now was stronger ores and another supply line to build more warriors and space-ships. Kiel realized that if he were to find earth by himself, it would take him to long. But if he had a strong and massive army on his beck and call, then it would the time for searching .

He already talked with Emilia earlier the amount of ores they needed. He said. "Could you show me your grade 2 and 3 ores?"

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The female staff gave him a jade stone with complete information about the various ores. She said, "You could find everything here."

Kiel looked through the information within the jade stone and skimmed through it. Soon he found decent ores that were good enough but were not too pricey. He said. "I need 100 tons of this Red Chrome ore and 50 tones of Balsic ore"

These two were both mostly found here in Yenmen region, especially the grade three Balsic ore which is found in Balsi mountain just near the city, thus costing less.

Female staff said. "Please wait, I'm not allowed to process big deals like this and would call someone with a higher authority"

Kiel nodded and said, "I see, then I'll wait"

A middle aged man soon came up to Kiel and said. "Please excuse us for the delay, I'm elder Gan, I heard of the details. Each ton of Red Chrome cost 36,000 per ton while the Balsic ore cost 78,000 per ton, totaling up to 7,500,000 crystal coins and since your recommended by a valued costumer then we would give you a discount of 10%, making it only 6,750,000 crystal coins. We can also have it deliver it to you this day. Where do you want it to be delivered?"

Kiel was surprised at the discount, he nodded and said. "I want it delivered at Yulong Iron Fortress, My guards here would come with you, They will give you the money."

Elder Gan nodded and processed the procedures, and handed Kiel a card and said. "Please accept this card. You can show it on our other branches and to show that your a valued costumer. You can drop your blood to claim ownership."

Kiel took the card and took a good look in it. It was silver in color had the mark and the name of shop. He then made a cut on his finger and the dropping a droplet blood on it surface before it was sucked inside the card.

Elder Gan said. "Now it would only belong to you, other people won't be able to use this card anymore."

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Kiel nodded before asking. "Elder Gan, do you also have ore mines in sell?"

Elder Gan stopped what his doing and thought for a moment. He said. "No, we don't have any ore mines on sell, but the Star Mist Pavilion would house it annual auction in a month, and I heard that a mine would be auction there. There also might be strong and rare ores."

Kiel stood up and clasped his fist and said. "I see, Thank you elder Gan."


He calls Emilia and told her about the transaction and the auction that will hosted in a month.

Emilia said. "I see, then I would personally go there in a month, you have to come too."

"Of course I will," Kiel said. He would definitely go. He was curious about it since he never had gone to an auction in the past. He wanted to see what other kinds of stuff they'll gonna be auctioning.

"By the way, how's the progress of the base? any good news?" He added.

Emilia took a sip on her favorite tea before saying. "The necessary facilities and factories are almost complete. The first batch of corvettes are fully functioning. We also made a hundred more Nekro'ti warriors. With the batch of grade three ores, we'll be able to create commander and admin types of Nekro'ti"

Kiel was surprised. He asked. "Commander type? admin type? there are different types of warriors?"

Emilia tilted her head, saying. "Did I say this before? Well anyway. There are different types of Nekro'ti, the ones we have now are the most basic type, the foot soldiers. The commanders are stronger and have better understanding of warfare tactics since they have more complicated AI's. The admin type is another version of the commander, the difference is that they weaker in battle but are well versed in management. There are more different types, but we won't be able to build them without proper facilities and resources."

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