A Dragon among the Stars

Chapter 35: 35

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Teacher Qin led the class to the workshop, where students could practice their forging skills. There were a lot of other students wearing uniforms with different colors, the color white freshmen, blue for sophomores, red for juniors, and grey for the seniors. Most student on the workshops are mostly freshmen and sophomores, since the latter years have their own smiths furnaces.

It was quite busy inside the workshop, their were a lot of other students from other classes, each doing their own things. Teacher Qin looked at his class and said. "This is the academy's workshop, most of the training and works will be done here. For our first class, I will test each one of you, your to capacity to work. Being a forger requires stamina, endurance and proper form."

He took a hammer and took a good look at it, he said. "You can use any hammer you like, I'll grade you according to your form, the hammer type and the time you could last. Men and women will be graded the same."

This roused complaints from the students. They hoped that their first day would include physical training.

Teacher Qin ignored their protest and the student could only suck up their complaints. Kiel weighted the different hammers, each hammer have different kinds, they are known by the materials used, stronger hammers weighted more, therefore, they are mostly used by higher grade forgers. Kiel chose a hammer with the weight of a 500 kilogram, although with his strong body, he could properly used a hammer weighing more than a thousand kilogram, he chose to not to.

Most of the students used a hammer weighing 500 kilograms or more, only a few used a hammer weighing beyond the thousand boundary. They were mostly students who came from a prominent family, thus having strong and solid foundations, giving them advantage over other students.

An hour and half passed and all of the student were exhausted. Teacher Qin, with his stern face said. "Only a few of you, could meet my expectations, especially Yang Chen, he lasted the longest among you, and was able to maintain proper form. As for the others, I expected more from you guys"

A youth with a prideful face suddenly said. 'Teacher Qin, There isn't anything praiseworthy about him. Isn't it just a 500 kilogram hammer? I could last longer than him if I used the same hammer."

A few student beside him all agreed, nodding their head, one said. "That's right! Brother Yu would definitely last longer."

Teacher Qin frowned and said, "Min Yu, it is true that you were able to wield a thousand kilogram hammer, but you were barely able to use it with proper form. Do you think you'll be able to maintain the quality of a weapon, forging like that?"

Min Yu shook his head and said, "Isn't it just practice? I don't believe that I'll be beaten by some who's only at the 10 stage of body refinement, what's more is that this Yang Chen is the infamous disappointment of the Yang Clan."

Most of the students were surprised. They never expected that their classmate would actually be the infamous trash. Most of them started looking at Kiel with contempt. They were only a few who didn't care.

Kiel looked around seeing their faces, he felt a faint anger rising up within him. He thought 'You're angry Yang Chen?' Kiel stopped caring what other thought of him a long time ago. Feeling the anger, he assumed that this was the past Yang Chen's feeling.

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Fang Tao was enraged and said. "Aren't you guys a little bit too much?"

Kiel laughed and stopped and Fang Tao, he said. "It's okay Fang Tao." He looked at Min Yu and said. "What are you fighting me for? I'm just a small body refinement cultivator while you're a foundation stage cultivator. Shouldn't you be ashamed?"

Min Yu said. "ashamed? shouldn't be the shamed here is you? What's the point of you enrolling here? nothing will change trash will be always trash!"

Fang Tao said. "Min Yu, You're just bitter since Yang Chen outperformed you."

Min Yu only laughed, he said "Me? Bitter?" Why would I be? How about his Yang Chen, How a bout we compete? If I win you'll withdraw from the academy."

Fang Tao said. "Shameless! your already in the 1st phase of foundation stage."

Min Yu was getting irritated. He berated. "What are you shouting for you piece of trash? A stupid trash who had to take the evaluation three times before passing!"

fang Tao became flustered. He couldn't say anything. The embarrassment and the pressure gave by Min Yu made him tongue-tied

Kiel raised his brows and said. "you failed twice?"

Fang Tao was embarrassed. He hung his head down his softly said. "Ye-yes."

Kiel was amused. He thought. 'What are you being embarrassed for? Isn't it just three times? I failed many times trying to get hired for the company I wanted.' Thinking about those memories, He couldn't help but feel pity for himself.

Min Yu sneered and said. "Birds of the feathers flock together. If your scared then you can decline."

Kiel nodded and said "Sure, I'll accept your challenge." He was already started to get annoyed. He wanted to make this kid's mouth shut.

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Min yu was a little surprised. He thought that this Yang Chen wouldn't dare and only cower, he never expected that he would go mad and accept. He laughed and said "I see that the trash is eager to withdraw from the academy eh? fine, fine! I'll make you're wish come true!."

Kiel raised his hand, stopping Min Yu. He said. "Before that, Since we're betting, then it would only be fair if you bet something with the same value. If I win, then you'll withdraw from the academy!" This caused an uproar within the class, They never thought that he would actually have the guts to even bet with Min Yu. Even before the match they already knew that Min Yu would undoubtedly win.

Min Yu held his stomach from laughing too much. The students beside too, were laughing their ass out. This was the most absurd thing they have ever heard. Min Yu wiped the tear in his and eye and said. "Can you believe this kid? he actually thinks that he can defeat me!"

One of them. "this is the first time I saw someone so stupid like this."

Kiel with his thick face, ignored the comments. He teased. "What? you scared to bet?"

Min Yu said. "Me scared? " He laughed and jeered, thinking that this kid must be blind to challenge him. He walked towards Kiel and said ."We will be competing using a thousand kilogram hammer." this was the basis for a peak stage body refinement forger.

Kiel laughed and shook his head. he said. "No, we will compete with 1500 kilogram hammer"

Min Yu became surprised. He became suspicious with Kiel's choice to use a 1500 kilogram hammer. He only got promoted to the foundation stage. His body wasn't that powerful to wield a 1500 kilogram hammer for a long time. but thinking about Kiel's cultivation he became confident. he laughed and said. "Fine with me. Don't regret it later"

The students around them gave out comments like .

"This kid is done for!"

"he actually challenged Min Yu! This kid got guts. but too bad he'll have to withdraw."

Min Tu took the hammer and looked at Kiel, seeing him looking just looking and caressing the hammer he said. "what? can't pick it up? It's not too late for you to give up and withdraw."

Kiel shook his head and said, "no i'm just curious at the materials used." he picked up the hammer like it was light. Min Yu and the rest were slightly surprised.

Looks like this kid got some strength. Min Yu thought. But too bad I'm much stronger than him. The two went their respected places.

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A student came and said. "Both of you get ready! go!"

Two started pounding, creating loud banging sounds that could echo along the workshop. Other students saw the commotion and started watching it to.

Soon it got crowded, cheering and discussions filled the workshop, although they were only cheering for Min Yu, Kiel didn't let this affect him.

Min Yu proudly smiled and his hammering becoming more vigorous. He look at Kiel and sneered. "let see how long you last!"

Time slowly passed and Min Yu's face became dark. The shock in his start only grew. He thought. "how could this kid last? isn't he just some one from the body refinement realm?"

Exhaustion finally came shrouding him. Min Yu gritted his teeth and continued hammering. Kiel on other hand might look exhausted from the sweat from his body, but his body was actually still vigorous. he was only slightly exhausted.

Teacher Qin on the other hand had a faint smile. Two teachers from other classes approached him and said. "What's going here?"

Teacher Qin looked at the two newcomer before saying. "Zhou cang, Ji Feng what are you two doing here?'

Zhou Cang was a man with a bulky stature. He said. "I came to see how're you doing at your first class." He pointed. "Arent that two your students? Its the first day of the academy and they're already competing."

Ji Feng beside him was a thin man waving a fan in his hands. He had a refined disposition in contrast to Zhou Cang blunt and brutish personality. He raised his brows and said. "Why is a refinement kid competing with a foundation stage cultivator? "

Zhou Cang was surprised, he looked closely and said. "you right. that kid could actually compete with a foundation stage cultivator, they're even using a 1500 kilogram hammer!"

Ji Feng commented. "He's strong but too bad, he's too hot blooded. He would definitely lose."

Qin Yifeng only laughed and said. "Your wrong, he won't lose."

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The two were surprised. Ji Feng had his mouth wide open and said. "What are you talking about? this body refinement kid can not compete with a foundation stage. their cultivation are three whole levels apart."

Zhou Cang noticed something as he look at Kiel. His haw dropped and said. "such a strong body!"

The crowd had long became silent. Their once amused faces were now full of shock.

Min Yu felt pain and his arm started shaking. Every time he hammered, the more heavier it got. He gritted his teeth. Anger and shock, mixing in his heart. He said. "There's no way I'll lost to some trash kid!"

His arms started cramping from over exhaustion, he couldn't;t help but drop the hammer and clutch his arm in agony, screaming. "Dammint dammint! How could I lose!?"

He stood up and tried to lift the hammer, he said. "There's no way I lost! I haven't lost!"

Teacher Qin walked through the crowd and shouted. "That's enough! you lost! your arm can no longer take it." He was a little disappointed with Min Yu's attitude.

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He beckoned some student and said. " Take him to the infirmary to have his arm treated."

Fang Tao was laughing hard and said. "Who told that Yang Chen was trash? If he was trash then Min Yu is worse!"

The surrounding onlooker who looked down on Kiel felt like their face's were slapped. They thought in their hearts. 'Is this the trash of the yang clan? how did he beat Min Yu?'

Min Yu refused to believe and said. "I haven't lost!"

Kiel shook his head and said. "Believe or not, you lost! I'll let you got this time, You don't need to withdraw!" He waved his hands and went on his way. the crowd moved to the side. making a path for him.

Min Yu clutched his hands into a fist. This was one of the most humiliating that has happened to him.

Teacher Qin looked at the crowd and said. "you're all dismissed."

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