The assassin, who was expected to enter in no time, didn’t come in. No, was it really an assassin?

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They were making some sort of bustling noise to the point that it was clearly noticeable. What was it?


The man’s voice softened a little, just in case it was someone who had been sent by her.


“Who is it?”


When he asked while trying to hide his murderous look, the noise stopped came to an halt just outside the door.


“I asked who is it?”


He asked again, however he got no response either.


It wasn’t someone who was sent by her. But he didn’t think they were assassins either.


Because what they did was very sloppy to be considered as an assassin.


He had this particular experience in the past. It’s been seven years since then.


“You……… Are you still alive?”


The man let out a growling noise. He seemed really angry.


Why did he come back?


He wasn’t sure because it was a long time ago, but the man returned in a half-dead state. It was a violet-haired and purple eyed weakling who had never even held a sword.


“Did you come here because you wanted to die again?”


The man, who was mocking, did not stop speaking rudely. The man didn’t stop giving insultory remarks to mock them.


He acted completely different from when Helen was there.


The other man who just arrived outside the door swallowed his saliva due to the man who considered him a threat.


‘He… He remained the same…!’


His purple eyes shook violently. It was all because of the Emperor’s order that he snuck into the library at this time of night.


Today, he was ordered to wait for the woman who brought the medicine container in the library.


Because of all people, he had to be the only one who the Emperor shared secrets with, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet.




“Answer me. Can’t you hear me?”


His voice was filled with anger while spitting out such an arrogant remark.


It was such a shame to see his master losing his memory when the night came by.


Viester agonized whether to answer or not. The man at night was not an Emperor. The Emperor also did not consider himself as the man at night.


He thought it was such an awful disease, a terrible curse, where another soul stayed inside his master’s body.


Viester agreed. His face, voice, tone, and behavior was the same with the Emperor, but most importantly, he had no recollection of being one. The man who lost his memory was getting aggressive day by day.


He seemed to want to find his lost memories, but he wasn’t able to do so.


Because the man inside that door looked like a person who just suddenly appeared in a day.


Viester retracted from outside the door and hid his anxious feeling.

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What was he supposed to do?




Viester, who was about to talk, suddenly closed his mouth.


The threatening aura he felt from outside the door wasn’t just a joke, but he was scared even to sink down on the ground.


Ten years ago, he appeared in front of that man under the Emperor’s order.


He was very young and his build was smaller than now, but he was more like an edgy animal at that time.


Shrinking down and on a high alert, he mistook Viester as the Emperor who locked him up and lunged on him.


He tried to cut off Viester’s neck with a sword that was given to him on purpose to deal with the assassins.


Luckily, the sun rose shortly after and he ended up not killing Viester. After that, the Emperor prohibited the library from anyone and drew a barrier before locking the man there.


He reasoned that the man was someone who could hurt others any time.


Those memories with Viester remained horrific until now. After that, the Emperor admitted his fault and never issued an order for him again, but today was an exception.


The Emperor said he didn’t have to go in and he was asked to sacrifice himself just for once.


Viester nodded at the rare request of the arrogant Emperor.




Perhaps frustrated, the man at the door let out a long sigh.


“Do you refuse to talk with me?”


No. Viester tried to answer, but he just couldn’t let that word out.


It was because that event remained as a trauma for him. Moreover, the sharp noise from earlier was definitely the sound of him taking out the sword.


When he realized his thought had gone that far, he shut his mouth even tighter.


He only came here by His Majesty’s order!


Viester just wanted to cry.


That time, there was a loud noise again.




This time, the sound was a little more violent. He had no time to think about what the man was doing inside before the sound continued. Viester looked at the door as he distanced himself from it.


The shaking door soon made a sound as if it was going to break, and each time it let out a pounding noise, gray dust came through it.


Viester’s heart began to beat as fast as the pounding sound.


He knew the man couldn’t get out of the place which had been drawn with a barrier, but it wasn’t strange if he would break it soon when he heard the sound again.


“Please stop!”


The man did not stop his conduct even when Viester shouted at him.


The man was anxious. That path was frequently used by her. Even if she came to see him tonight out of concern by any chance, you shouldn’t get caught by that man.


So that she would avoid this place once she heard this commotion.


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The man’s hand was holding the pierced sword, and he held it even tighter.


When he pounded at the door with the sword once again, it made a clunking sound and also a light crack on the sword.


The man scowled as he ran his hands roughly through his head in annoyance when the cracked sword let out a cracking sound again.


“What kind of sword is this?”


He thought it was a good sword, but it couldn’t even break a single wooden door.


The man threw his sword out of anger just like that.


Viester was very perplexed from the other side of the door.


‘He definitely strengthened the barrier….’


Far from being unscathed, the back of the door was smashed badly.


Just before it was broken down, the barrier was visible through the cracks of the wooden door. When he saw the man struggling through the cracks, Viester felt the chill in his spine.


The man wouldn’t let go of him as he considered him as a spy of someone who locked him up here.


After he almost got killed in the man’s hand, he learned the sword on his own, but he still couldn’t beat or win over His Majesty the Emperor who was naturally born to be good at it.


But one good thing was the fact that the sword held by a man was not as strong as the door.


“What kind of sword is this?”


The sharp sound of a sword falling to the floor followed suit after the man’s voice.


‘Such a relief.’


Viester was greatly relieved.


His trembling legs gave in. Viester struggled to hold onto the stairway when he felt like he was about to collapse on the ground.


He could sense another commotion in the room. As if he was looking for something to replace the sword.


Viester quickly tried to think of something.


“I, I found someone who brought medicine to you!”


The man’s conduct was cut off by Viester’s remark.


He stopped as if he had become a stone, tightened his jaw and looked at the man over the door threateningly.


“Are you threatening me now?”


Was he planning to touch her?


He thought that he was able to hear a growling noise from within his throat.


Viester recalled the man who acted like a wild animal when they met for the first time.


The man became enraged that his neck turned stiff. He wanted to break this door right away and strangle that guy.


How dare he…


She was his only savior. It was too hard for him to get himself together when that guy wanted to touch her.


The man forgot that his sword was broken and grabbed the handle.


His hands had turned red from earlier and swelled up, but it didn’t matter.

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Because it was more important for him to catch that guy right away and beat him.


Viester felt something was wrong when he heard the man’s words which were filled with anger.


He couldn’t believe the man would have gotten so angry like this…!


Soon, the door shook precariously, as if it was going to break.


-Slam! Slam!


The noise repeated until the door eventually opened.


The man could not come out as the barrier was not broken, but in conclusion, a small hole was formed on the door.


Through the hole, he was able to see the murderous eyes of the man.


“Say it… Again….”


The man’s eyes were popping out frighteningly. There was an unfamiliar madness in it like someone who was out of his mind.


Viester held onto the railing and took a step back.


The barrier has not yet to be broken. But he thought it wasn’t perfect.


When did he…

He was similar to a monster. It wasn’t enough to restore and fix the barrier as it grew weaker each year.


“Say it again. What did you do to her?




Viester gained a single conviction from the verbal slip of the enraged man.


It was the fact that the person who stepped into this library was a woman.


‘It must be either a concubine or maid.’


Viester racked his brain even if his life was at stake.


“If you touch her, you won’t get to see the morning sun tomorrow.”




A preposterous laugh escaped Viester’s mouth.


“You’re laughing…?”


The man stared at Viester with an angry look. With a narrow frown, he acted as if Viester was his enemy.


“Isn’t it too easy to find out your weaknesses?””


Viester racked his brain in a brief moment and got an answer.


He didn’t know why this man was so excited about this ‘woman’ they were talking about, so it seemed that she was a very important person to him.


He had a light smile on his lips only after he came up with a way to save his life.


“About that woman, I won’t lay a hand on her as long as you remain quiet.”




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His teeth were grinding against each other and there was a tumultuous noise.


The terrifying sound echoed through the library, which was built solidly from old wood.


Viester pretended to be fine, but he wanted to curse his master, who ordered him to find the person who gave the medicine box to the man in the library.


He was trying to kill himself by doing this, but!


“…I promise.”


The lump in Viester’s throat was very nauseating.


When he managed to hide his anxiousness and answered so, the man turned around with a vicious expression.


“…Keep your promise.”


He could hear a light sound of cotton sunk down, as if the quiet man was taking a seat on the sofa.


Only after the commotion had passed that Viester clutched onto his chest.


“I, I almost died for real.’


Viester closed his eyes tightly and waited for his heart to stop beating precipitously.


He was similar to someone who just got a heart attack. His chest hurt, as if he got beaten for real earlier.


The door barrier was stronger than the iron door. It was not like a standard metal material.


It was a barrier that the claws of Hochi, which is large and ferocious in the deep mountains, are also strong. It was the kind of barrier that would be immune to the big and ferocious claws of Hochi which resided deep in the mountain.


When he tried to break through the barrier and stuck his eyes out, he thought his pounding heart would fall to the ground.


‘Euh… I will definitely tell him about this… I should ask for a long-term vacation or treatment expenses.’


Viester suddenly became irritated and wrinkled his eyebrows.


What was the point of being praised as the only aide of the Emperor, but he was bullied by the Emperor during the day and his life was threatened during the night?


He just wanted to quit his job… Left from the palace….


Viester, who worked all day and night, was eagerly hoping to leave from his job in the palace. Unfortunately, it didn’t come true because His Majesty didn’t even accept his resignation letter.


Viester stood close to the door and peeked into the inside of the room to look at the Emperor.


A man who wasn’t aware that he was an Emperor, and he actually thought that the Emperor locked him up in this place.


“What kind of woman would he treat so preciously like that?”


The man sat still on the couch and didn’t even budge. He could only see the man’s back as he sat quietly.


He didn’t expect the man to become so obedient.


It was stupid to be worried that he would go wild again.


There was no barrier anymore. The barrier that required the presence of a high priest had been busted by him.


If I had swung the sword a bit more, it might have completely broken if he had swung his sword a little more…


But luckily, when he saw him immediately taking a submissive attitude after hearing something related to her, Viester quickly put his brilliant brain to work.




It seemed that he had found a very good leash to tame that ferocious beastly man.

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