A Fateful Antidote

Chapter 3.3

Of course, Master Liang had his own thoughts. He has heard about the gossip of Spencer’s family. Wilfred hadn’t been to Spencer’s house half a month after he came back from abroad, let alone mentioned the marriage engagement with Lorry which was set by the elder of the family in his child’s age. If Wilfred did not accept Lorry, she would be very awkward. Who dared to marry a girl abandoned by Spencer’s family?

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Being Lorry’s master, he had to think more for her. Besides, he needed to finish something requested by Ralph Spencer, Wilfred’s grandpa, who was also his friend.

Wilfred was thinking of the words “top girl”.

When Lorry was just brought to the Spencer, she was timid and self-abased. She was arranged in the same class as Philip. But she got the lowest marks in the first exam in Chinese and Maths. Philip laughed at her stupidity and deliberately tore her exam paper. Although Philip was told to keep out of mischief, he was not punished a bit. No one would do this for Lorry after all.

She was weak and vulnerable at that time. She could do nothing but hold her small fist trembling and hide in a corner with red eyes, but dared not to look at Philip.

Wilfred vaguely remembered that her grades were really poor. So what had happened to her over these years?

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Wilfred put down the teacup. His eyes showed a faint and indistinct luster. His tall and elegant figure moved into the light. Although Master Liang had seen Wilfred grow up from childhood, he couldn’t figure out what was in Wilfred’s mind.

It is said that mental state could change a person’s appearance. Wilfred had changed from a cold kid with sharp edges to a leisure and peaceful man. His acquaintances knew he had been abroad for many years, while the strangers might think he had been practicing in mountains, based on his temperament like a Daoist master.

Master Liang’s lounge was on the second floor. Through a floor glass, they could clearly see the apprentices’ practicing on the first floor. The one-way glass blocked the outsiders to look inside but was convenient for him to monitor the apprentices. The apprentices didn’t know whether the master was watching them or not, and dared not to fool around.

Lorry didn’t know that all her moves with the apprentices had fallen into the quiet and deep eyes on the second floor.

Suddenly, everyone behind her stopped and shouted, “Big Brother…”

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Lorry turned around when a sandbag in front of her stroke hardly towards her face, which was too fast to react. Lorry flexibly dodged the attack of the sandbag and saw Anthony Spencer behind the sandbag who was wearing wristers. She frowned, “What’s the matter with you?” Then angrily hit the sandbag toward Anthony with her fist.

Anthony didn’t hide at all. He stared at Lorry with his chilly eyes and punched back with penetrating power, causing a dull thud throughout the gym of the Kongfu school.

All the apprentices were shocked and stopped to look toward them.

Lorry turned to bypass the sandbag and jumped up to kick Anthony’s face, but was grasped by the ankle fast and hard. She stood in split with unimaginable flexibility.

The next second, Anthony expressed a ferocious sight and wanted to give her a power slam. When she was about to be thrown on the floor mat, she suddenly bent back to avoid Anthony’s fist with a backward somersault. When squatting down, her knees hit upward. But Anthony’s fist hit her jaw at a devious angle at the same time.

Both of them attacked each other’s weak points at the same time. Lorry’s knee kicked heavily into Anthony’s lower belly, while his fist suddenly pulled back its force, passing close to Lorry’s cheek without hurting her.

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Everybody was silent and dumbfounded.

It had been three years since the last fight between them. When Anthony dislocated Lorry’s arm and was almost expelled by outrageous Master Liang.

Every apprentice in the Kongfu school was afraid of Anthony. He was the only person Lorry couldn’t defeat in the whole school. She was not lost in skill or speed but in strength. As a girl, she could never surpass Anthony.

For so many years, Master Liang wouldn’t allow Anthony to begin his apprenticeship because he was lack of moral integrity and was impulsive in nature.

Anthony’s mother was Ralph Spencer’s only daughter who gave birth to him disgracefully. His mother had an affair with a man after marriage. Her husband Edwin Allison was also from a nominal family, who made a paternity test and sent Anthony to the Spencers when he was five or six years old.

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Due to the status of the Spencers, no one made it widely known. Old Ralph knew it was their fault and sent a lot of cooperation to pacify Allison’s family. Besides, he forbade his daughter to return to Spencer’s house.

Thus Anthony was raised by the old man. When he returned to Spencer’s house, the old Spencer changed his name to Asher Spencer. Asher was disagreeable since childhood whose eyes were always fierce. He grew up wildly like a wolf.

The old Ralph had no requirements on him. His only hope was that Asher could lead a peaceful life, as the family could provide all he needed

However, as soon as the old Ralph passed away, Asher changed his name to Anthony Spencer.

The Spencers thus believed that the boy was a jerkass who will never learn to be thankful no matter how nicely you treat him. Changing his name meant he didn’t want to be at ease. So everyone in the family was wary of him and didn’t allow him to enter the enterprise of the family.

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