A Fateful Antidote

Chapter 6.1

Nicole returned from the toilet and found that Wilfred had left. She ran out of the courtyard. As she was about to stand in front of Wilfred, she tripped over her high heels and fell straight towards him.

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At that moment, Lorry heard a very faint sound from somewhere from aside. Wilfred did not reach out for Nicole. He still had his hands in his pockets and stood still, staring calmly at the woman who had suddenly appeared.

Just as Nicole was about to lean against him, he turned slightly to the side. Nicole did not even touch a thread of his shirt before falling to the ground. Lorry was stunned by her fall. She hadn’t expected Wilfred to be so impersonal.

The brilliant and beautiful star on the screen fell face-landing. Her underwear was exposed by the miniskirt. Lorry felt she couldn’t bear to watch the tragedy.

Wilfred didn’t look down at Nicole. He turned to Lorry and said, “Deal with it.”

Then he walked out. Lorry went over to carry Nicole. Her assistant appeared out of nowhere. With the help of her assistant, Lorry carried Nicole to her house car.

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Meanwhile, Wilfred had already gotten into the Cullinan and left the Juya Pavilion. As soon as he left, he received a call from Master Liang. On the phone, Master Liang asked with a smile, “How was my disciple’s performance tonight? Did she pass the test?”

Wilfred half leaned on the seat and polished the beads in his hand, looking at the texture on the beads with deep feeling, “If I want her, are you willing to let her go?”

“It’s hard to keep an adult girl at home.” Master Liang replied meaningfully.

“By the way, what did you test her with?”


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“You told her to play mahjong?”

Wilfred said calmly, “I just want to see her psychological quality and ability to adapt to the situation.”

After all, not many could calm down when faced with million-valued of chips before mastering a game. This girl was indeed unusually brave.

But apparently Master Liang didn’t think so, he said that Lorry was his only female apprentice. Wilfred should not lead her astray.

Wilfred pinched between his eyebrows and listened patiently. Master Liang rambled on for a long time before finally ending the conversation.

Robert saw Wilfred’s helpless look in the rearview mirror and asked in a low voice, “Was Master Liang angry? This girl is really too young.”

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Robert used to drive for Wilfred’s father. Now that Wilfred had returned from abroad, he naturally followed him. He knew a lot about what had happened in the Spencer family all these years. And he was the only one who dared to point out when Wilfred  did something wrong.

Wilfred kept his eyes down and put the beads around his wrist. “Do you think she would take the money if I gave her a sum?” He asked nonchalantly.

Robert was stunned for a moment. He remembered that on the way back to the Yi Jian Cottage from the VIX Club, Wilfred suddenly asked, “How did the Spencers raise that girl so poor?”

Thinking about it, Robert was even more confused. He was not sure if the young master was using Mahjong to test Lorry, or if he was letting Lorry earn a sum of money? Or… both.

But something was certain. After Lorry stuffed Nicole into her house car, the woman in the cheongsam found her and helped her convert all the chips into a deposit. On the way back, she still had a smug feeling. It was like going outside and suddenly getting ¥2,000,000. Who could believe it?

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After returning home, she looked at the number on the account and felt a sense of fantasy. She decided to sleep first. When she woke up, she would find out if it was a dream.

But as soon as she lay down, she got a call from Master Liang asking how she was doing.

Lorry was silent for a long time and said, “Master, you didn’t tell me that person was Wilfred.

Master Liang had assumed that she would say that. He changed to a soft tone and said, “I have studied traditional martial arts all my life. I know that there’s always a way to crack any trick except a person’s heart. To work with him, you’ll know what kind of mentality Wilfred needs to hold the top position in such a family. You’ll learn a lot from him, but at the same time his identity will be a test for you. After two months, I’ll review your performance during that time.

Shortly after Master Liang hung up the phone, a call from an unknown number informed Lorry to be on duty tomorrow.


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