Litty tried to make some sort of excuse, but she knew it was futile. While she was desperately searching for a way out in her mind, Baider took the wrists of both the Rank 5 adventurer and Litty at the same time.

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“There’s been a lot of property damage around here, you know. As a person of interest, I’d like to interview you.” (Baider)


“Sure. Go ahead until you’re satisfied.” (Litty)


“I wonder how long you can stay so stubborn.” (Baider)


Baider stared at the adventurer, silently appealing to him. The adventurer, sensing what was going on, strained his trembling voice.


“This girl…is an accomplice…” (Culprit)


“Huh?!” (Litty)


“Hahahaha! Oh, is that so! It’s obvious at a glance, isn’t it?” (Baider)


“…I see. However, I am not a culprit, even if you are accusing me.” (Litty)


“I don’t have to listen to you.” (Baider)


Litty already had the urge to punch Baider. He was precisely the kind of person who trampled on and interfered with other people’s wishes.


In the current situation, Baider was about to end Litty’s adventure.


He had tasted the fear of facing Litty at the Martial Guild, but now he believed that he would be able to finally have his revenge.


“Please take me wherever you want, as soon as possible.” (Litty)

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“Hmph! I’m so excited that I’ll never have to see your cocky attitude again!” (Baider)


“This is also an adventure, I guess?” (Litty)


Baider felt uncomfortable, watching Litty being so calm despite the current situation, he couldn’t help but be inwardly nervous.


Baider felt a cold sensation down his spine.


“Take them away!” (Baider)


Baider, despite thinking that he was at an advantage, was afraid to restrain Litty and forced his subordinates to restrain her along with the other criminal.




“It’s closed, and…”


After checking all the doors of the Martial Guild, Aida was walking outside. Already a graduate with a title, she ended up supporting Duggam.


She worked for the guild as his assistant and earned her keep, an unbeatable deal for a Rank 5 adventurer, and many envied her.


The Martial Guild used to be strict, but now, thanks to her, the gates have opened wider.


“My brothers, I hope they are not hungry… Hmm?”


Aida saw something crouching in the corner of the guild’s entrance wall. A demon, a prowler, or something else?

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Approaching it with the utmost caution, she could see that it was a person.






A dirty-looking man opened his eyes and looked at Aida. Then, as if awakening from a dream, he hurriedly checked his surroundings and looked back at her.


“Is this the Martial Guild?” (Unkempt man)


“Yes, but… who are you?” (Aida)


“Hey, I used to be a member of the Amphisbaena…. You may not believe me for saying this out of the blue, but hear me out.” (Unkempt man)


As a former member of the Amphisbaena, he visited that place before with Baider. He explained that he had no choice but to join him in his tyranny, but now he was different.


He wanted to be a knight, but he was fed up with his captain Baider’s bad behavior and lost sight of everything.


He came here with the intention of exposing everything about Baider once and for all.


“…Why did you choose to come here exactly?” (Aida)


“The Adventurer’s Guild…it’s where they visit now as well… This was the only place I knew. And I know who you are. That little pink-haired adventurer… is she here?” (Unkempt man)


“You mean Litty-san? She’s not here right now.” (Aida)


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“I see… But please! I need your help! I can’t do it alone…!” (Unkempt man)


“Wait a minute!” (Aida)


The young man held on to her, and Aida couldn’t help but pull away. But she was curious about the notebook he had taken out.


“This has everything they slipped up on.” (Unkempt man)


“…Is this true? Let me see… How, how could they take the money and let the crimes go unnoticed!” (Aida)


“I know how they work. Because everyone, including the captain, used to have a lot of drinks and talk in the stuffy room…” (Unkempt man)


“This is too much…” (Aida)


Inside the notes were descriptions of taking money and breaking up families. Reading them, Aida held her mouth with her hand. It was truly an act that made her want to vomit.


He had escaped from those people and wanted to fight them. Aida praised the young man’s courage, saying that he could have been killed if he had been careless.


But on the other hand, she was also worried about the young man’s safety.


“With this notebook, I can expose the wrongdoings of the Amphisbaena squad, but you as well…” (Aida)


“Don’t worry about me… now I want to take this to the right place. I want to get this to someone I can trust… and if you can get the branch manager here, please inform him as well, it’ll make the whole process a lot easier.” (Unkempt man)


“Hey! The Idiot is acting like an idiot!”


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Two oddly shaped men were at the entrance. A slender man was twisting his body and holding a weapon that looked like a whip.


Then a fat man showed a weapon with a metal serpent as the blade, and Aida who witnessed the two couldn’t help but brace herself.


“Ah… ah…! You, you two, I’m sorry I am just asking this kid something…”


“Hey! You really did it!”


“Shuu! I know! He was moving suspiciously, so I followed him, and this is what I found… he’s really done it!”


A slender man, Gohra, waved his whip, and a nearby fence broke in a strange way. The whip bounced repeatedly, as if it had a mind of its own.


The undulating whip struck the block wall again and again, relentlessly destroying it.


“You bastards! You’re not going to beg for your life at this point, are you? Huh?” (Gohra)


“Hey, look, Gohra has lost his temper. You are now in trouble, you little bastard.” 


Aida knew that a fight was inevitable, but she wasn’t sure about the odds. The branch leader, Duggam, had already gone home, and it was hopeless to expect reinforcements.


In other words, Aida would practically have to deal with two people with magic tools on her own.


“Aida…calm down, calm down…” (Aida)


Aida recalled her days of training with Duggam. She was the one who Duggam recognized, and if she lost here, she would be betraying her mentor.


The earnest Aida steeled herself and decided to take on the two men, who were no better than the two brutes.

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