A Hero Erratic

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The Dragon Was Eaten

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Translator: Flying-Lines

In Wuxia novels, the main character often eats some genius treasures and then becomes superhero.

But if that happened in real life, what would he become? A monster? Who knows?


Daming Wang, a very common name. He lives in a small village near the sea in K County, 17 years old, freshman of local K vocational school with average grade.

He has ordinary looking and a bit big body of 120kg plus, which is really a kind "big".

Fortunately, he is nearly 1.8m tall, which elongate his figure. Otherwise he would look like a round ball. Even so, everybody never wants to be with him.

For this reason, Daming has few friends. Many people advised him to lose weight, he just shrugged it off.

Daming is, not surprisingly, laughed at by the whole class.

At first, he would get angry. After six years of primary school and three years of middle school, he has been used to it.

Habit is a second nature. Daming has forgotten when he began to not care about it.

Actually, he has not lost his temper for a long time, even his classmates call him “Auto-slaughtered frozen pig” behind his back now. In all school years, there are always a few guys in each class who enjoy laughing at others.

“They are seriously lacking in self-confidence and need to compare others' shortcomings with their own strengths, so as to gain a sense of superiority,” Daming never cares.

Daming is only 16 years old, but he feels as if he has been 60. Not only he, but also his teachers, elders and friends think so.

Upon graduation, Daming's middle school teacher gave him comments: You are a young but experienced man with a high reputation.

“I’m just more optimistic and don’t care about many things,” he feels ridiculous too.

Reading books, sleeping and wandering are the very things Daming like doing most. Today, he finds a very lonely place for fishing.

Daming likes only entertainments that don’t waste energy. Moreover, he can be in a daze when fishing. Cyber cafe is also a good choice, but there are too many people on holidays.

In the eyes of others, a lazy person with bad grades like Daming can only be described by two words: lame duck.

The bobber is vibrating on the water, but Daming ignores it and goes into deep thought.

Last night, he dreamed of the most beautiful girl of his class in middle school, an elegant girl. She was also the campus queen and very popular among boys.

Daming admitted that he had a crush on the queen, but he was very clear what his role is. He always knows very well when to do and what he has to do.

So for the campus queen, he ended with appreciation, not love. Two months after graduating from middle school, Daming forgot all about her, not only her name, even her face.

Why did she appear in last night's dream? Daming attributes it to subconscious mind.

The bobber stirs, and then sinks into water. Daming awakes from meditation, pulling hard at the fishing rod.

“So heavy, is it possible a big fish?” he thinks.

All of a sudden, a little boat sails into the lonely creek and crashes into Daming's fishing line.

With a collapse, the big fish slips away. He is gonna swear when something cold is against the back of his head.

“There are people here! Boss, just kill him”, a man’s deep voice comes from behind Daming.

“No, it will leave tracks for the police. If they find it, we’ll be in trouble. Take him to the sea first,” the so-called boss answers coldly.

“Well, you little boy, stand up. You are unlucky to interfere with our business”. Then Daming's things are kicked into water.

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Daming is taken aboard. Just as he thought, the two men are definitely gang members, with black pistol in hand.

Gun, this is the first time Daming sees a real gun and he would be a little excited. But now the gun is pointed at him, he is not happy at all.

And with him, is a sack, the size and shape of a man.

Kidnapping, the word immediately flashes into Daming’s mind. “It’s such a bad day for me!”

Thinking of his life is ending today, Daming does not feel sad.

Daming has faced down death. Even when his grandfather died, he didn’t cry.

Everyone is ordered death. Better he’s dead than good for nothing. Moreover, there are people to help handle the dead, but the process will not be very happy.

The boat stops beside a big yacht, Daming and the sack are taken aboard.

There’s another man there.

“What's the matter with the fat?" asks the man.

“A witness, never mind, we’ll kill him at sea. Do you get the money?” the boss answers cruelly.

“Yes, no problem with the amount.”

“Bravo, we can flee to the mainland and see what the cops can do to us,” the boss reveals smiling face.

“How about the hostage?” the man points at the sack.

“Kill her, of course. But so beautiful a girl, don’t waste,” he unties the sack. That’s a girl inside.

The girl is wearing a uniform of K girls’ school, a star school in K city. She is in good shape, the skin is very white, but the face is blocked by long hair. Her shoulders twitch vaguely, as if she is crying.

“Who is the first?” the boss asks indifferently.

“Me, me, young girl is so invaluable, I’ve long desired her,” the man who went aboard with the boss is impatient and raises the girl's head rudely.

Daming is startled, that’s the campus queen in his class. What is her name? Lin… Why is she kidnapped?

From her red eyes, she seems to have been crying for a long time. She is struggling with uneasiness when hearing the kidnappers are gonna take advantage of her.

“Come on, my little pretty. I’ll make you happy to extreme.”

Daming called the three men on the yacht as the boss, the kidnapper A and the kidnapper B.

The kidnapper A is taking the girl into the cabin, but doesn’t notice the boss sneering at him.

“Bang,” the kidnapper A was shot in the head. The girl screams.

The kidnapper B, who was watching Daming, yells, “What are you doing?”

“Nothing, you just get out of my way,” the boss says, and fires shots at the kidnapper B.

“The party won’t let you off,” says the kidnapper B before he dies with eyes open.

“They never will know. I have put a bomb on the boat, when it blows up, the party will think that we are all dead,” the boss squats down and says coldly.


With a gunshot, the boss looks at his heart with disbelief. The heart is opened with a hole and bleeding.

He turns around. Daming is holding a gun, which is still smoking.

“Good boy, it’s my slip-up this time, but all of you must die with me,” and there he dies unwillingly.

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Daming saw the boss was pressing something in his hand. Without a second thought, he jumps out of the boat with the girl in his arms.

With a terrible noise, the fire waves are rushing from behind. Daming hugs the petite girl tightly with his huge body to shield her from the explosion.

After the explosion, the wreckage of the ship sink, the sea calms down, as if nothing has happened.


An intense pain comes from the back, and it wakes him up from coma.

Waves run through Daming’s body. Daming finds himself on a beach, and a crab is walking sideways in front of him.

Daming struggles to his feet with a stinging body, noticing that the campus queen is not far away.

“Hey, are you still alive, can you hear me?” Daming asks in a feeble voice.

There is breathing, and the chest is heaving. She is alive, that’s right! But nobody knows when she will wake up.

Daming drags her under a coconut tree. He has hardly any strength left to hug her.

After doing these things, Daming begins to look around.

The sky is light-blue with white clouds. The awfully bright sun is high in the sky, and the coconut trees on the beach are swaying with the wind.

Behind the beach is a hill covered with woods. The scenery is pleasant. It is really a great place for a holiday.

But now, the only thing Daming wanna do is to call for help. The coastline is invisible on both sides, and it is likely to be a small island.

Jesus! Daming has played many games about Survival Island, but he never thought he would face this situation.

He has a rest, and turns out his pockets.

There are a ball of fishing string, a hook, a chocolate bar, a bottle of water and a knife. Ah! A lighter, but he doesn’t know if it can work.

Seeing that there is a lot of stuff in his fishing vest, but only the front part of which is left, as is his coat, Daming dares not to think about his back.

Even worse, the pistol is still there. It reminds him of killing people for the first time in his life. He feels a little weird.

With the sun setting down, the campus queen finally wakes up.

“Where am I?” she mutters.

“I don’t know,” Daming just says.

“You saved me?”

“Kind of, but I'm also saving myself.”

“Have we met before?”

“Good question, you ask a classmate who had been in the same class for 3 years, and graduated for not quite a year.” Daming wonders, “Is my life really a failure?”

“If I remember correctly, we were classmates in middle school.” Daming says casually.

“Ah, you are Daming Wang,” she says, surprised.

“Remember now, classmate,” he stands up.

“What are you doing?” her tone suddenly becomes cold.

Daming is startled, “Of course find something to eat!”

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From the eyes of the girl, Daming is bare-chested, letting his body fat jiggling, which can’t be more disgusting and obscene.

When Daming takes a step closer, she quickly screams.

“No, back off, or I’ll kill myself.”

Daming is stunned, what happened? But he sees the campus queen is about to cry out, he thinks that he might as well stay away from her. “Anyway, I’ve always been a pest.”

“I’ll get something to eat,” after saying quietly, Daming turns around and walks into the woods.

At that time, she notices Daming’s torn and bloody back and throws up. “His injuries are all because of me,” she covers her mouth and cries.

The setting sun is shining in the woods. “It’s getting dark,” Daming looks around.

“It‘s so dark here, I can’t see anything. I’d better come tomorrow morning.”

Daming makes up his mind, then picks up some woods and goes back.

Suddenly, Daming feels himself fully alert.

Although Daming is a loser in life, his hunch is always right. But it’s too late for him to take out pistol when a large devil snake has wraps itself around him tightly.

Daming feels that every bone in his body is nearly strangled off. The snake's mouth is gradually approaching. “Am I gonna die today?” Daming thinks.

All of a sudden, Daming finds a white spot in the snake’s jelly. He wonders,

“Isn't it said in Wuxia novels that that’s the Achilles’ heel of the snake?” Anyway, this is a losing battle. Daming opens his mouth, biting the snake savagely.

It might be coincidence, but works. The devil snake turns in pain and looses him. Daming holds the snake in turn immediately and bits it hard.

Daming doesn’t know how much blood he has drunk. After a long time, the devil snake can’t move.

Daming holds the snake, gasping on the ground. A sweet scent comes from the blood hole he just bit.

Daming reaches in to dig out a soft but elastic mass. Daming puts it in mouth. It tastes good! He digs again and there is none.

The queen is shocked to see Daming covered with pale blue liquid, dragging something huge and long.

“What’s happened?” the girl is anxious.

“A devil snake,”

“Snake…” the girl screams and runs far away.

Without following her, Daming cuts open the snake’s body with a knife, and begins to roast its flesh.

“Do you wanna try?” Daming asks.

She is so hungry, and with the smell of barbecue overflowing, she could not help eating.

“Here you are,” Daming gives her a cup of snake blood in a cup made of leaves.

She takes a sip of it, sweet and delicious.

“What’s this?” the girl is curious.

“Snake blood, I guess.”

“Bullshit! How could blood be this color?”

“Why should I be kidding you? Look, the snake is bleeding.”

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In the moonlight, the pale blue blood is shining faintly like liquid crystal.

“Is this really a snake?” the girl wonders.

Daming looks at the devil snake.

Its body is covered with scales except for the belly, two horns on the head and eyes like sapphires.

“I doubt it,” Daming gives his opinion.

“Can we eat it?”

“We’ve eaten enough.”

“What will happen to us?” the campus queen is nervous.

“I have no idea.”


3 days, it takes them three days to eat the snake up. But during that time, they didn't see any boat passing by.

Perhaps this is really somewhat spirit thing; Daming feels he is fully recovered, and full of energy.

But they can’t stay here all the time, so Daming advises them to go into the wood to find a way out.

When thinking about there might be snakes in the woods, the girl shakes her head hard.

Daming has to warn her to be careful and explores the woods alone.

The island is so small that Daming spends only half an hour to reach the top in the centre of the hill.

The sea stretches as far as eye could see on all sides, which makes Daming a little frustrated. On the mountaintop, he finds a sword stuck in the tone with only the hilt exposed. From the looks, it’s very old.

There is a stone tablet beside the sword, but Daming can't read it. Also there is a small iron box, and Daming puts it in his trousers.

It’s not until the campus queen is pulled here that Daming understands what’s written on the tablet.

“You can read it?” Daming is surprised.

“That's just some ancient prose,” the girl shoots him a look.

“It says that the island has a mysterious power to seal a devil dragon. If the sword is pulled up, the power will disappear.”

“What the devil dragon looks like?” Daming wonders.

The girl begins to describe the features of the dragon. Her face grows whiter with every word she says. At last, she turns very pale, for it’s exactly the same devil snake they had eaten.

“Wow, we have eaten a dragon.”

Regardless of the girl’s pale face, he pulls the sword out.

“What are you gonna do?”

“Go home.”

“Those who pull the sword out will be punished by god.”

“You should have said earlier.” A falling lightning hit the sword before he could finish.

The island begins to collapse, and the fairy air on island is sucked in by the ancient sword.

They both miss their steps and fall into the bottomless abyss.

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