“Oh, Your Highness!”

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Sa Heon-young stared blankly at the woman who called him ‘Your Highness’.

The woman was wearing only light makeup. Her hair was half braided, with a hairpin, and dazzling chalcedony earrings, and barely revealing the upper part of her breasts, considering the attire of the women of the Sun country. She had a patina necklace made of several layers. Long hair ran down her chest.

It was breathtakingly beautiful that Sa Heon-young stopped breathing for a moment and only looked at the woman. Then he saw the woman tilting her head and approaching him at a quick pace. Her body, almost running, fell right in front of him. Sa Heon-young quickly grabbed her by the waist.

“You can’t run. You have weak legs.”

The woman asked as if it was the first time she had ever heard of it.

“Are my legs weak?”

“The physician said that. Your legs are very weak, so you have to be careful when walking. If it's not in the bedroom, I think you'll have to hold me or tell the attendants. Otherwise, it is dangerous.”

Saying that, Sa Heon-young naturally held the woman. "I’ve been fine so far," she said with a face that found it difficult to understand as she was held.

“Because of the herbs. And it was because of the herbs that you can’t use your legs. This is because the strength that should remain on your legs was forcibly used when eating the herbs. If a person does not eat for four days, it is right that he cannot move, but didn't you move by the power of the herbs? Each time, you used the strength of your legs to endure. Now you have to be careful. Before you can’t even stand.”

The woman's eyes widened at Sa Heon-yeong's lie. Then she immediately nodded her head. It must have been a big deal. She grabbed Sa Heon-yeong's neck with one arm and stroked her chest with the other hand.

Sa Heon-young glanced down at the woman.

Normally, women in the Sun Dynasty tend to show off their chests, but the maids tied the upper part of the women's breasts tightly so that her chest was not even slightly visible. He liked it. It was also nice that the patina necklace was hiding most of the skin.

Ha Soye is doing her job well.

Sa Heon-young started walking around while still holding the light woman.

“Wife is my queen, and from now on you will stay in the queen’s palace.”

Sa Heon-yeong entered the palace and said, and the woman nodded her head.

“Is it okay if I wait for Your Highness?”

“Who taught you to say Your Highness?”

Sa Heon-yeong asked as he kissed the woman's hair. His lips tickled, and she smiled mischievously.

“The maids. Everyone was surprised when I called you Mr. Sa Heon-young. I promised to call you Your Highness.”

‘Mr. Sa Heon-young is the king. The king is very rich, isn't he?'

When the woman asked while getting groomed, the maids looked like they were seeing a ghost. The woman could tell that she had said something absurd. As she stood still, Jaeran hurriedly shook her head.

‘Well, well, you should never call His Highness that way. It is blasphemy against the imperial family!’

Imperial family?’

Seeing the woman asking what it was, the maids opened their mouths again. Jaeran's head tilted back.

‘…… Jade Emperor.’

Another maid said cautiously while Jaeran was looking around.

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‘These are scary people. Your Highness, you must never speak their names in vain.’

“You may call me by my name.”

Contrary to what the maids ordered her to do, Sa Heon-yeong spoke casually. The woman looked at Sa Heon-yeong for a moment. She looked at the black eyes of the man wearing the red goblin mask, and he smiled.


“Your Highness like me calling your name?”

"I like it."

“But I know that I’m not allowed to.”

A warning not to do anything wrong. It was then Sa Heon-young clicked his tongue inside.

“So, shall I call you Your Highness Heon-yeong? Is that okay?”

It's a title he never heard of. Sa Heon-young burst into laughter.

“No, that’s a little bit.”

Adding his name to the title of ‘Your Highness’ was still a bit strange. Then the woman smiled brightly and said, “Brother? Shall I call you that?” she asked.


At that moment, Sa Heon-yeong's voice became completely cold.

The woman became puzzled. Sometimes, she hears that women call older men ‘brother’, and men call older women ‘sister’. The woman was somewhat envious of such friendly names. But Sa Heon-young doesn't seem to like that name. Maybe he doesn't know that they use such a title even though it’s not between siblings.

Well, she doesn't know what the imperial family was, but they seemed complicated. She thinks they might not know.

She felt sorry.

People keep saying they’re scary and avoided them, so maybe they don't know about it...….


Sa Heon-young said, "Oh my," while the woman was silent for a moment, and clicked his tongue. It was a disaster. He hated his family. Among the many titles given to this lovely woman, there was no desire to be called by a title like ‘brother’. So his words came out a little cold.

That’s why he wondered if she was scared.

It was a moment for her to pick up the words Sa Heon-young spit and put them in. The woman hugged Sa Heon-yeong's head with her arms. The woman hugged him and patted him, stroking him.

“…… wife?"

“I’ll call you whatever Sa Heon-young likes. What do you like?”

The sweet voice warmed Sa Heon-young's ears. Sa Heon-yeong, stopped in the corridor and blinked his eyes.

“I like Mr. Sa Heon-young the best. …… If you don't want other people to have any problems listening to you, Lord Heon-yeong, I think that's enough.

“Lord Heon-young? Is that okay then?”

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Asked the woman.

The truth is that it wasn’t very good. It was a nickname that could be used to beat up the mouth of someone. However, the name that the woman puts in her mouth is drenched in a dream like the song she sings, so Sa Heon-yeong wanted to hear that name all the time.

“Yes, that’s fine.”

“Alright then.”

“Doesn’t the wife really don’t have a name?”

Sa Heon-young raised the head in the woman's arms. The woman, who didn't even get her name, nodded her head, saying, "It's nothing."

“What did the matriarch call wife?”


“It’s your mother.”

“She called me baby.”


The woman narrowed her eyes and smiled. Her mother's voice seemed to ring in her ears.

“It would be nice to have a name to put in the genealogy.”

Saying that, Sa Heon-yeong began to climb towards the queen’s palace, which they had already arrived at. The woman widened her eyes.

“But a name is what your father gives you.”

“It’s what the guardians do. Now that we are married, I am the wife’s guardian, and I have to give it.”

"Really? Do I get a name too?”

The woman asked with an excited face.

The bright cheeks are pretty. Sa Heon-young lips keep drying. She's a woman he’s only met for a while, and he already couldn’t see anything before his eyes. He couldn't stand the desire to hold her even though he hadn't held her all yesterday. He felt like he was going crazy by the faint scent of flowers from the woman's body.

He was glad he had a mask.

He replied with a bitter smile.



Song Young-young. Sa Heon-yeong named the woman like that. He didn't want to give Song's surname, but it was unavoidable for the marriage. Young Young. Although the characters were different, it was derived from the pronunciation of his name. He had no intention of putting anything else in that name but himself. Young Young. When he gave her a name full of flowers, Song Young-young laughed like a flower in full bloom.

Song Young-Young, Song Young-Young. She chanted her own name over and over again. Song Young-Young, Song Young-Young. Thinking that the voice was good to hear, Sa Heon-young suddenly came to his senses. That voice was too good to hear. When he lifted his head, all of them, including maids and soldiers, were all staring at Young-young and were in awe. Exactly, they were mesmerized by that voice.


At Sa Heon-yeong's words, Song Young-young, who had been saying her own name, bit her lips. Her big eyes looked up at him. Her eyes were asking why.

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“Someone else should call you by name, Young-ah.”

Sa Heon-yeong pulled Song Young-young into his arms and looked around once. Then the people who came to their senses quickly bowed their heads in shock.

Song Young-young, who was called Young-ah, shrugged her shoulders. As if her whole body was tickling. She shook her shoulder whenever her own name was called.

Sa Heon-yeong knew that Young-young wanted other people to call her by her own name as well. But the name is precious. Only Sa Heon-yeong can call that name.

“Young-ah, did you eat well?”


At the queen's informal remark, the maids' complexions darkened. However, the demon king ordered them not to interfere with the queen's etiquette.

'She is the king's mistress, and all her actions within the royal family are futile. Do you, the lesser ones, dare to discuss etiquette with my wife?’

The maid who taught the queen the word ‘Your Highness’, was kicked out to do chores. She will never be able to attend the queen again. The word is a chore, yet it is an arduous place to work mixed with slaves. It is the most avoided place for maids. They were desperately looking into the eyes of the Demon King.

“The physician said you should eat a little more.”

“Oh, the physician has changed. It wasn’t the grandfather from the last time."

Young-young smiled brightly and said. Sa Heon-young answered, caressing her cheek.

“Unfortunately, the physician has gone through bad things.”

Young-young did not understand Sa Heon-yeong's elegant way of speaking.

“Bad things?”

“He’s dead.”

Young-young's eyes widened. Sa Heon-yeong looked at her face silently. He wanted to know how she reacted to death and to what extent she was shocked by it.

Young-Young widened her eyes for a moment, then she seemed to think a little, and then she was puzzled.

“He  must have brought a grudge against someone?”

And this time, Sa Heon-young's eyes widened.

A little earlier than ever, he noticed that she was staring at him. So he slowly lowered his eyes and smiled casually.

“What makes you think so?”

“There was no sign of death. If he had died soon, I would have seen the death.”

“Can you see death?”

"Hmm. But I don't see those getting killed. Because it's not death."

After saying that, Young-young hesitated for a moment and looked at Sa Heon-yeong.

“Are you uncomfortable?”

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Of course.

Sa Heon-young rolled his eyes. There are things she shouldn't know and he’s in trouble as there's no way to hide it. When he didn't answer, Young-young became pale. She shouldn’t have said that. Well, she really hated this part of her. Didn't his father say she was a demon bitch? Young-young bit her lip and asked with regret.

“Did you hate me?”


Sa Heon-yeong, embarrassed by her gloomy face, hugged her and put her on the bed. He clasped it with one hand and took off the mask and looked straight at Youngyoung's face.


Sa Heon-young said seriously. Song Young-young looked at his face. He was actively telling her no, like someone who couldn't stand the slightest upset. If she doesn't believe him, he'll have to show his heart. Young-young blinked her eyes, and Sa Heon-young patted her cheek slightly.

“Young-young. I swear, no. I was just flustered, but I can’t believe this would make me hate my wife. I am a man who fell in love at a glance when I met wife. I couldn't even sleep at night. She wouldn't have bothered in the first place if I was only going to hate you.”

It doesn't matter whether she sees death or enjoys it. On a foggy and rainy day, the moment he met this woman, Sa Heon-yeong fell into a trap. The trap was like an ant-hell made of honey. It's sweet, but you can't escape it. A swamp like that, no matter how much he struggles, he only falls deeper.

“At a glance?”

Song Young-young's face turned red in anger. As her sunset spreads out.

“Yes, at a glance. And even now, at a glance.”

Sa Heon-young grabbed Song Young-young's cheeks with both hands and kissed her.

The man comes in. Young-young opened her mouth. His thick flesh is like a blunt snake. Cunning. The snake knows everything in her mouth. In front of the snake she couldn't hide anything. As she stood still with her mouth open, the man's snake sucked and licked all over her soul, and after enjoying her awhile it slowly heated her. No matter how hard she tried to be patient, a sound came out of her throat. Umm, unngg.

Did he fall in love at first sight?

Song Young-young's heart was pounding. She can’t understand. She knows herself, who is neither beautiful nor great. Why did this man want a woman who was dry and twisted? She can't understand it, but she can tell that this man's feelings are sincere. The emotion is so intense that she can't quite figure it out.

When she squinted her eyes, she saw the man with his eyes closed and preoccupied with her. A beautiful man. Looking at his face and moving her tongue a little, the man's brow furrowed a little. Then he frantically digs through the hem of her clothes. Even the slightest touch of her stimulates him as if on fire.

His lips ran down her neck and sucked in her breasts. He licked his lips, then shoved it into her sensitive nipples. Haangg! Even though Young-Young let out a moan and fell, he tickled the nipple that was crushed with his tongue. Her chest and crotch were numb at the painful and strange feeling.

Heuk! Young-young flapped her body like a fish that was forcibly drawn to the shore. Sa Heon-yeong shoved his finger into Yeong-young's vagina, pressing her body down with his own. Ahhh…… ! Young-young twisted her body, while Sa Heon-yeong's fingers tightened.

“Oh-this place is begging already?”

"Hmm…… ?”

Young-young asked with eyes clouded with pleasure.

“I mean here.”

Sa Heon-young carefully rubbed Young-yeong's inside. Hiikk. Young-young swallowed her breath strangely, and, unable to take the strength out of her body, clung to his body.

“Don, don’t do that.”

Young-young refused with a voice mixed with weeping.

“Who is moving their hips now?”

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