The Wedding

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When Young-young opened her eyes, she was in a carriage. Rattle, rattle. When she opened her eyes to the shaking, black eyes were smiling over the goblin mask.

“Are you awake?”

Young-young didn't smile. She slowly turned her head and looked out the window. It was dark and noisy outside the window. They seemed to be passing through the downtown area. Young-young hardly ever left the house, so she didn't know where this was. Where was she. But she knew that her home was in the city.

He said she would never go there again...….

She remembered the house where she lived. A house in the mountains. The hut that is collapsing. Food that arrives once in three or four days, and terrifying hunger, and loneliness more painful than hunger.

It was as if a reddish ghost screamed inside her, but Young-young looked up at Sa Heon-yeong and barely swallowed her words of dislike. She didn't know if anything troubling had happened to this person. She hates it even more. He was a good person. A good person she met for the first time in her life. Someone who wants to do anything for her. If this person wants her to go back...….

Her heart was pounding, it hurt. Young-young grabbed her chest and curled her body.

“Young-ah? Why, what’s wrong?”

“No, no.”

“No, you’re in a cold sweat. Hey, hurry up.”

Young-young opened her eyes wide.

The rattle of the carriage grew worse. Young-young looked around her, not knowing what to do. Not enough to stop, the carriage runs even faster. What to do. She looked at Sa Heon-yeong.

Will I never see this man again? Never?

Young-young reached out her hand and tried to remove Sa Heon-yeong's mask. She wanted to see his face. That beautiful face. A gentle and lovely face. But before her hand could even touch the mask, Sa Heon-yeong grabbed Young-young's hand. Interlacing his hands, he gently shook his head.

“Not here.”

“But when we arrive, we have to part.”


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Sa Heon-yeong looked down at Young-young, not knowing what she meant. Young-young's face was so serious.

“Show me your face.”

“…… .”

“The face, …… Lord Heonyoung!”

There was a sense of urgency in Young-young's voice. When he heard her voice, it was as if Sa Heon-young was acting nonsensical. Sa Heon-yeong bit his lip, feeling a little overwhelmed. He took off his cloak and covered her and himself. And he stuck out his face in it. Then Young-young took off his mask, hastily.

Her trembling fingertips touched his cheek. It felt good to touch gently around his eyes, but he could sense that something was wrong. Young-young was trembling and desperate, and she was squeezing out a smile above all else. Why is the woman who smiled like a flower so scared now when he said he fell in love at first sight just before?

“Young-ah, what’s going on?”

He was holding her all the time, who could have scared her in the meantime?

“Young-ah, please tell me. I will take care of everything.”

Who dared to fear the wife in his arms?

The Queen Mother's face flashed past Sa Heon-yeong's mind. She was the queen, and to Sa Heon-yeong, she was the mother anyway. However, she was the ruler of the battlefield called the concubinage, who she had been victorious for decades. Did she do anything in that short time? When Sa Heon-yeong frowned, Young-young straightened her forehead.

“Can’t we meet again?”

“Why are you saying that?”

“But when we arrive, we have to part. After that……, will you come to see me again?”

“Why do we part when we arrive?”

“If you’re not father’s guest,”

It was then that Sa Heon-yeong realized what his wife was thinking. He grabbed Young-young's slender forearm.

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“Listen to me, Young-ah.”


“You are my wife, and you will never step there again. I understand how the wife feels, but”

Young-young's eyes became confused. Sa Heon-young let out a long sigh and spoke slowly.

“You are my queen, and I’m talking about the deceased mother-in-law. I mean, your mother.”


“Wife has already moved her place. Tomorrow let’s make a memorial service and move the grave to a good place.”

Young-young nodded her head hastily. As if she wanted to hear more, her eyes urged him.

It was only for a moment that his anger swelled at the thought of her returning home. Sa Heon-yeong looked down at Yeong-yeong, who had desperate eyes. The world with just the two of them under the cloak was narrow and warm.

Sa Heon-young caressed Young-young's cheek. Then Young-young rested her face on his cheek. He was glad to see her look like a young beast.

Anyway, she’s a genius at making his mood feel better.

Sa Heon-young smiled bitterly inside and opened his mouth.

“Did you make a face like this because you didn’t want to part?”


Young-young cannot tell lies.

“Are you scared?”


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“If you don’t have to leave, will you still be by my side?”

Young-young's stiff shoulders came down slowly. It looked like a bird resting its wings, so Sa Heon-yeong kissed Young-young's forehead. My pitiful and cute bird.

Young-young closed her eyes and whispered like a sigh.

“I like Lord Heon-yeong.”

However, if Young-young really had wings, it would have been Sa Heon-yeong himself who plucked those wings off and tore them apart.

The carriage rattles, rattles, rattles. without knowing what was at the end.


The next day, rumors spread that the Demon King had arrived at the famous temple Horyeonsa with his wife in his arms. People flocked to the Horyeonsa temple to see the royal concubine from a commoner who was said to be dear to the Demon King. The black soldiers pushed the crowd that had gathered like a cloud to both sides, and the carriage ran nonstop along the road.

“You have been through a lot. It is more difficult than I thought.”

In the carriage alone, Sa Heon-yeong, who was not wearing a mask, put Young-young in his arms and rubbed her legs and whispered. During the ceremony, they had to bow, stand, or kneel. It must have been quite a daunting task for Young-young, who had no strength in her legs. As time went on, Sa Heon-yeong became annoyed, and the High Priest, who was wary of the demon king, hurriedly finished the ritual.

"Hm, hmm. Now, I'm fine.”

“You’re trembling here, what do you mean?”

It was cool and nice when he massaged her calf. However, as his large hand gradually moved upward and turned into a strange touch, Young-young twisted in Sa Heon-yeong's arms. Sa Heon-yeong's hand had already reached the inside of her thigh.

“Are you holding on to the breakfast I put in you?”

Sa Heon-young embraced Young-young in the morning. He sowed morning seeds inside her and made her stand and put on her clothes.

‘Today, you are going out. All kinds of men will see wife's pretty face. I have no doubts about the fidelity of wife, but I have some doubts about the patience of other men. So hold on to mine. So they can smell it.’

Young-young blinked, not knowing what Sa Heon-yeong was saying so elegantly. Then, Sa Heon-yeong grabbed Young-young's lower body.

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'Tighten up. Until the memorial service is over and you come back.’


Young-young shook her head. No matter how hard she tried, it was too much. The more she tightened it, the more the inside started to rumble in the morning, and in the end she poured out what she was holding on to. The good news is that, for whatever reason, the maids put thick fabrics on her underwear these days.

Sa Heon-young's fingers crawled into Young-young's underwear like a snake.

“You’ve got a lot.”

Sa Heon-young's lips sucked Young-young's earlobe. Young-young was hugged from behind, like a stone wall wrapped in the roots of a huge old tree.

“Like a grown person peeing on a wet blanket.”

Sa Heon-young's voice is gentle. Young-young was confused. She felt ashamed, and she had a hard time understanding why she felt ashamed. He is sweet, but why does she want to run away?

One of Sa Heon-young's arms was tightly wrapped around Young-young's waist. As if he had noticed her mind. Young-young felt a bit uncomfortable and twisted her body a little. Then Sa Heon-yeong poked his finger inside her. Huuuhh! Young-young swallowed the moan.

“It’s wet. In the morning, you asked for me so wildly, and now it’s soft.”

Sa Heon-yeong whispered while licking Young-young's ear with his tongue.

If Sa Heon-yeong had experience, he would have had some control over himself. However, Sa Heon-yeong was unfortunately inexperienced. To be precise, he was taught like an imperial family, but he had no experience. So he was doing what he wanted to do. He said what he wanted to say and liked the part he wanted to be nice.

“Ha, uhhh. Ah, there,”

“Do you like it? You like to have the insides pierced, but this part is lewd.”

As he entered the woman's inside and touched the wrinkled area just above, Young-young bent her body.

“Do you enjoy being loved like this? Ha…… , are you done already?”

Squelch, water starts leaking from her lower lips. When Sa Heon-yeong revealed this, Young-young shook her head.

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