“Yes, it’s my first time drinking wedding liquor.”

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It is a drink that should be drunk alone with the bride in the bride's room. His first queen, who he can't even remember her face, hangs her neck before sharing the drink.

Young-young watched Sa Heon-yeong bring his glass of wine to his mouth. It must have looked like he was pouring boiling molten iron, but he drank without changing his expression. How could that be? As she looked at him curiously, Sa Heon-young raised his eyebrows a little as if puzzled as he wiped his wet lips with the back of his hand.


“Isn’t it hot?”

“It is hot. It’s a shame because I’m not strong on alcohol.”

He has been on the battlefield since he was young, so he must be strong in alcohol, but Sa Heon-yeong was not strong in alcohol. He stayed away from alcohol because he had to wear a mask as much as possible to avoid distractions.

“It’s amazing to drink so casually…….”

Sa Heon-young burst into laughter at Young-young's words.

“If I could have you as my bride, I would swallow fire.”

He said so and pulled Young-young.

Young-young blinked as she was dragged into his arms. Fire? His face looked like he meant it. He wasn't the kind of person who said this in vain. Young-young wondered if he could do that. She likes Sa Heon-yeong very well, but he doesn't seem to be able to swallow the fire. How do people swallow fire? That was impossible.

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“You, you can’t swallow fire. It will burn you.”

Young-Young was serious. Then Sa Heon-yeong disrupted Young-young's wedding dress and whispered.

“If it’s necessary to have you.”

“I don’t need it. I don’t need it.”


"Really. Really."

Young-young didn't mind him taking off her clothes, and covered Sa Heon-yeong's cheeks with her hands. And he kissed her face with a peck. Sa Heon-yeong asked, sliding the hem of the robe from Young-young's round shoulders.

“Will you go nowhere and stay with me forever?”


“Then I won’t be on fire. I’m so grateful.”

Sa Heon-young laughed.


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“Huuu, ah! Aahh! Ung!"

By dawn, Young-young was completely alluring. Like scattered flowers, she was spread and swaying helplessly. Between her legs was wet, and her body was full of red and blue marks. Last night, the night before, the continuous marks. The dark, attractive marks show how tenacious the man is.

Sa Heon-yeong looked at Young-young's naked body and sucked on his lips strongly. His throat was dry. But he didn't want to drink water.

“Young-ah, open your mouth.”

“No…… Ahng!"

She opened her mouth and Sa Heon-young sucked the inside of her mouth. Just sucking her saliva made him go crazy. Their body was connected, but it wasn't enough. He wanted to mix with her more. What should he do? Impossible. How can he be more one with her? At the climax he feels a sense of oneness with her, as if he had become one of her, but as soon as the climax was over, he couldn't stand the feeling of being forced to tremble from her.

When the kiss was over, Young-young, who had been deprived of her saliva, tried to swallow her saliva forcibly. It looks like her throat is dry. Sa Heon-yeong reached out his hand and took the wine bottle. He gulped, gulped, swallowed the drink and pressed his wet lips to Young-young. Young-young frowned while sucking Sa Heon-yeong's saliva.

“Huu, your body, it’s blooming.”

When she drank little by little of the strong wine, Young-young's whole body became bright. Soaked in the drink and pleasure, Young-young spread her legs apart and was impaled without even being able to cling to Sa Heon-yeong. She shook her head at the touch of the little flesh on her private part. Her tear-stained face was as lustful as a new bride.

Moving his waist, Sa Heon-yeong bit and sucked Young-young's neck, shoulders, and chest as much as he could. Young-young wept. She has been squeezing her inside while crying for a quick release. He knows he has to let go. Sa Heon-young kissed the poor bride's cheek. How did she come across such a goblin and become like this, my poor wife. Sa Heon-yeong sticks out his tongue and licks the cheeks long, and Young-young screams. Her whole body was as sensitive as an erogenous zone.

“Please, quickly. Hiiik, uhh, hahhk! Please, uhng? Ahhh!"

“Are you squeezing my seeds? You are lewd.”

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Sa Heon-young moved slowly. Young-young, who fell asleep quickly, for some reason did not sleep today. Young-young twisted her body as if in pain. Each time, her inside was also twisted. She suffers more from him being slow. Sa Heon-young looked down at Young-young's face and smiled.

For a long time, she shook. Young-young wept sadly. Please please. She wanted to stop now. This pleasure was painful. Her inside was hot. With a little more, it seems that she could be freed from this suffering, but Sa Heon-yeong did not give her liberation. A little bit more. Sa Heon-young continued to whisper. Are you going to sleep after this? Please hang on a little more. Young-young shook her head. It was hard. Her whole body was tingling and trembling. After shaking for a while, Sa Heon-yeong suddenly rushed in several times and he spouted hot liquid. At that moment, her eyes suddenly flickered. It was the end of pleasure.

Hwaaaanng! Young-young reached a climax with a loud voice, and then she slowly pulled the strength away from her body and fell into a sleep. Sa Heon-yeong was familiar with this, but as his habit was, he put his finger on her neck and traced her pulse.

“It would be nice if you could just fix this habit.”

Sa Heon-young smiled bitterly and took his fingers off. The dawn was coming. He pulled himself out of her lap and spread her legs. It is true that he has already put a lot inside. Even while he was embracing her, the seeds he had put there before were still dripping down. It was nice to see the seeds running down her thighs. Sa Heon-yeong lifted his finger and put the flowing semen back into her body. The sleeping body trembled. The flower below her, even though she was exhausted, bit his finger.


Sa Heon-young kissed the scruffy mound and beneath it. He put his tongue at the little flesh between the slit and the entrance below it. She sobbed in her sleep. please please. It was sad to hear her voice begging in her sleep, Sa Heon-young lifted his head, pulled the fingers out, and gently brushed her hair.


It was the morning after when Court Lady Yoon of the Empress Hall came back.

Young-young was in a deep sleep. Sa Heon-yeong left the bed without making a sound so as not to wake Young-young. Once he got out of the bedroom, the attendants were waiting. The servants immediately helped Sa Heon-yeong get dressed. Sa Heon-yeong glanced at the escort who had just stood there without saying a word.

[“Yes, what did the prince say last night?”]

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[“Her Highness So Jae-in has been summoned…….]

Sa Heon-young does not know who So Jae-in is. There were so many concubines that he couldn't remember them all, and there were so many new concubines that it wasn't worth remembering.

[“Have she been called?”]

[“When she comes out, it is said that she has been rolled out in a straw mat.”]

The prince was cruel from an early age. He likes to see blood, so he often harasses and kills animals like small birds. Then he started killing people when he was seven years old. When the prince pierced a human body for the first time with the dagger he always carried, Sa Heon-yeong was lying under the prince. It was. The first person the prince hurt was Sa Heon-yeong himself. And he was also the only living, breathing person among the other end of the Prince’s sword. The Crown Prince has not kept anyone alive since then.


He thought the report was over, but the escort continued to speak.


[“It is said that the Crown Princess had another miscarriage.”]

The empress, well aware of the prince's ferocious disposition, attached a weak and fragile woman as the prince's wife . She seemed to think that it might soften the Prince’s malignancy. But it was a mistake. The Prince was still the same, and it got worse, and the Crown Princess withered and withered. It was a miscarriage all the time. The princess was afraid of the prince, and the prince abused and neglected such a princess. Occasionally, when they joined bodies, there was a lot of verbal abuse and assault. The Crown Princess soon became pregnant, but the miscarriage was repeated. From one moment on, the Crown Princess was almost bedridden, unable to get up.

[“The royal physician said it would be difficult to conceive any more…….”]

Sa Heon-young's eyes were everywhere. He was the inspector general and planted spies everywhere. That was his job.

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