Celios replied in bewilderment.

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“He is not the king’s son. There is no family in this palace who would be openly close to him.”


“That goes for you too. I know you had no choice but to get Hayer’s help. But it has to end here.”

Iris retraced her memory.

Come to think of it, Hayer had never come to the royal palace before the North Gate, from the day Iris got married to the day the war broke out.

Hayer was like a floating weed of the royal palace. There was no place, no one to root him in.

Celios said, grabbing Iris, who was about to leave.

“Even if you have feelings for Hayer, it’s better to set them aside. He’s attractive, I understand. Yes, fine as a lover. But that’s it.”


“In the end, his lineage will be an obstacle going forward.”

Iris stared at her mother, and said to her.

“I don’t think it’s any pleasure to become Luwan’s king.”

“…Are you crazy?”

Celios was born as the king’s only legitimate heir, but was deprived of the throne by her cousin because she was a daughter.

It was a miracle that Iris had a chance because the reputation for the current king has fallen, and as a child of a mistress, his lineage has been questioned.

Her daughter could sit on the throne she didn’t have. It was the seed of ambition that would make Celios’s unfulfilled dream come true.

But you aren’t happy to be king?

When Celios was bewildered, Iris continued.

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“Everything is a mess in Luwan right now. How much does the royal family owe Everhart?”

“It seems you don’t know. The royal family doesn’t have to pay their debts.”

You don’t think so.

Iris burst into laughter.

This self-righteousness eventually helped drive Everhart into bankruptcy, which had previously led to Luwan’s collapse.

Iris knew Celios would not easily let her out of the east building. As such, Celios’s ambition to establish herself was a great agent.

“I have my own thoughts.”

“What are the thoughts of someone who grew up in a convent all her life?”

“Do you think I’m doing this because I’m in love?”

Iris raised her voice on purpose.

Iris knew that all the creatures that walked on two legs in the royal palace were against those who raised their voices.

Nevertheless, she raised her voice now. She thought these words were worth hearing in that way.

“If we start a war with Siere, Asheri will join hands with the enemy immediately.”

Celios paused at Iris’s firm words.

Iris continued.

“At that time, Hayer will play an important role in winning the hearts of the Asheri family. Don’t you know that? This is for Luwan.”


“Just as Sid tried to marry me, whom he didn’t even know.”

She didn’t know if anyone else had heard it.

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If you look around and check the reactions, you will be caught having fear in your heart, just pretending to speak without hesitation and being confident.

* * *

Dane Hall, deputy of the Hall family’s head Sandra Hall, sensed the nobles and royalty listening to the voices of the mother and daughter fighting in the drawing room of the east wing.

The prejudice against Iris Lepos was also strongly held by Dane. Therefore, he definitely understood the feelings of those who were surprised by her existence.

Iris, whom Dane Hall met, was not only born with the ability of the Lepos family, but also had political savvy. She was as good as Sid Lepos, who learned royal studies at an early age.

Of course, for the most part, Iris still had nothing to call a foundation, and he thought that rebellious period would eventually end and she would simply tie the couple’s knot with Sid by the great war.

But there was a clear difference from when he didn’t care about her at all.

Dane thought it was luck that Iris stayed with the Hall family early on. If she hadn’t, he would have been surprised by the person Iris Lepos like everyone else today.

It was less than half a day after the rumor spread that it was not because of love that she joined hands with Hayer.

And the rumor had a strange effect on high society that Iris or Dane had not expected.

Until now, no noble or royal women have found any reason to approach the king’s troubled son, Hayer Asheri. However, through Iris’s words today, there was a justification for approaching Hayer.

He was able to take on the role of conciliating the Asheri family so that they would not go over to the enemy country.

This was a good cause, given the half-mad queen confined in a small room, and the poor relationship between the Asheri family and the royal family.

* * *

Iris eventually stayed up all night because she was worried about Hayer, who did not come to the east building.

How many nights did she stay up because of that man?

Fortunately, there was going to be a nice luncheon today at the royal palace. Hayer will also be there, so she thought they were going to have a proper conversation again.

Iris got up early in the morning and started dressing up with Celios’s strong insistence that her daughter should not be looked down upon at the luncheon.

With her hair down, Celios wore a new custom-made gown. It was a sky blue gown with the bodice in a darker blue.

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Her long black hair, which was always down, was put up with a wig to make it longer and richer. It felt like a strain to her shoulders.

Not wanting to arrive too early, Iris checked the location for the luncheon on the balcony overlooking the back garden.

Then she saw Hayer standing under a large flower tree in her field of vision. A noblewoman stood in front of him.

The noblewoman giggled. It was obvious that Hayer had told a joke.

Iris thought in her head that she should stop looking down at those two people, but she couldn’t stop looking at them.

When the petals fell and stuck on to the woman’s hair, she could see Hayer taking them out and handing them to her.

“…Not wanting me to misunderstand, isn’t he a real bad guy?”

Iris was talking to herself when she heard a clash behind her.


Surprised by the sound, Iris turned around and her expression brightened. It was Annie, a maid from the Asheri family who helped Iris before.

Iris asked.

“Annie! When did you get here? How did you get in here?”

“I guess the head was worried when he heard that Young Master Hayer was coming to the capital. The Asheri family sent their servants.”

“I see.”

Knowing that Hayer’s position in the royal palace was small, he seemed to send many servants to show the prestige of the Asheri family.

Annie said.

“The young master told me to go up here. If there’s anything I can help you with, I’ll help.”

“There’s nothing you can do for me… ah, the handkerchief.”

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Iris hurried to find her bag.

She had very little baggage, and everything she had always fit in this knee-high bag here.

Iris soon took out a yellow handkerchief decorated with blue pigments from inside the bag that was arranged to make things easier to find.

“You told me to buy you a handkerchief when I go to Everhart. What do you think of the one I picked?”

“Wow! So pretty!”

Annie’s expression was bright as she fortunately liked the yellow handkerchief.

Iris let out a sigh of relief and then told her.

“At Asheri’s mansion, thank you. If it weren’t for you, I would have already been dragged away by Sid and married without my heart’s consent.”

“What I did was a bit of a hassle.”

Iris smiled and nodded as Annie spoke smugly.

Annie really liked the handkerchief as she checked it around, put it in her pocket, and said.

“By the way, the princess is right. I don’t think the young master should make the women around him doubt him like that. Bad…”

Annie closed her mouth while inadvertently following Iris to say ‘bad guy.’

Then Iris grumbled.

“Who cares if it’s just us?”

“Right? He’s a bad guy, a bad guy.”

“That’s what I’m saying.”

Iris nodded in agreement again.



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