As soon as Hayer found the necessary information, he immediately took the book and ran to the dungeon where Cadella was being held.

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His subordinates, who knew he had bad memories of the dungeon, followed him, but rather stopped when they saw Hayer going inside without a moment’s hesitation.

Hencke said to Annamaria.

“Is the captain okay with going in and out of prison now?”

“That’s how much of a hurry he’s in.”


“He can break down a prison if it’s for the person he loves.”

“What are you talking about? Even if it’s not for someone he loves, he can just destroy a prison cell.”

Annamaria acknowledged Hencke’s words and nodded.

“That’s true, too.”

“Do the two love each other?”

Annamaria answered Hencke’s words in bewilderment, as if she were wondering what he was talking about.

“I don’t know about love, man. They go in and out of each other’s rooms like that. It’s a wonder that they haven’t had a child yet.”

“They must have been good at contraception. They have a lot of work to do ahead.”

“Ah, of course. They’re both people with a plan.”

Treatment could be done during the day, but since the two of them were in and out of the bedroom at night, the Tejas Knights didn’t even think about other reasons. No one thought that there hadn’t been a proper kiss yet.

While his subordinates were talking, Hayer went into the dungeon, threatened the jailer to get the key, and headed to Cadella.

Cadella’s arms, eyes, and mouth were all blocked because they didn’t know how the magic worked.

As soon as Hayer released them all, Cadella cried.

“Bad… the bad guy is the king!”

Cadella shouted with relief as soon as he saw Hayer.

Hayer replied with a smile.

“I know that.”

“Now. There are no strongest guys in the Royal Knights right now, Hayer! Kill the king now!”

“That’s a good idea, but there’s too much work to do to turn Luwan upside down right now.”

Hayer said regretfully and patted the frightened Cadella on the back to soothe him. Then he asked, holding out the book.

“Rather than that, read this part.”

Cadella glanced at Hayer’s thrusted hand. Then he looked at Hayer again and said.

“How am I supposed to read this?”

“Ah, sorry.”

Hayer hastily apologized. Cadella is from a slum where just reading is difficult, and most of Hayer’s history books consisted of words that are never used in daily life.

Hayer said.

“It says that Ardi Lepos, who ascended the throne immediately after you killed the former king, made a promise with you.”

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“Promise? Coming to find me?”

“Did you know that?”

Cadella nodded vigorously.

“Yes. Ardi Lepos said he’d pick me up. He said he would definitely come to the Traitor’s Labyrinth, find me, and get me out. But he didn’t come. What a liar.”

“He probably couldn’t make it. He died of fever a year later.”


To the stiffened Cadella, Hayer read the history book.

[King Ardi abolished all the corrupt practices left by the previous king in a year.]

[King Ardi reduced his sleep and meals.]

[King Ardi had a fever and wanted to be sent to the Traitor’s Labyrinth, but those who were concerned about the king did not accept.]

[On the last day of his life, King Ardi ordered his children to take Cadella, the traitor, out of the labyrinth and recognize him, because he was a traitor and vassal that dethroned the wicked king.]

“But it was not heard. There is no guarantee that a good king is a good father.”

Cadella was staring at the unreadable book. Then he said, fiddling over the letters.

“…I thought he forgot, again.”

As Cadella reminisced, Hayer asked a question to him.

“How was it? Did he seem like a person to forget?”

“No. I thought he was someone who would never forget it.”

Cadella murmured like that, then ran his hand over his teary eyes.

“But come to think of it, he did seem like a person with a short lifespan.”

“People die early if they overdo it.”

“I know! I told Ardi Lepos about it before I entered the Traitor’s Labyrinth, but he didn’t even pretend to hear it.”

“There’s no problem with this. Rather, as a public figure…”

Hayer, who was in a hurry and was about to take the book right away, stopped his haste when he saw Cadella was still looking at the letters.

Cadella asked.

“How much does this book cost?”

“I’ll make you a copy.”


Cadella nodded and hugged the book tightly. Then he smiled and said.

“You’ve been cursed at for 60 years for no reason, Ardi Lepos.”

“No. If you don’t keep your promise, you should get cursed at.”

“That’s true.”

Cadella nodded.

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Hayer, who was watching Cadella for a while, said.

“But you have long hair.”

“…Has my hair grown?”

“Yeah. Compared to when you were in the maze.”

“My hair grew!”

“You grew up.”

“After 60 years! Well, then I’ll be taller, right? Right?”

“You’ll grow a lot more than now.”


Cadella hugged Hayer excitedly and jumped around.

Hayer frolicked with him together, as if playing with the child, then picked up the gag again and said.

“I’ll be back soon.”

“Yes. Okay. I really believe you this time.”

Cadella answered excitedly, and said, looking at the restraints lying on the floor again.

“I heard you used this?”

“Oh, is that so? Was I this small?”

“I’ve been feeling awful these days.”

“Rather, it gets better with time. Humans are animals of adaptation.”

Hayer responded lightly and said, looking into Cadella’s eyes to give him a sense of confidence.

“Wait a few more days. I’ll figure it out within that.”

“Yes. I understand.”

Hayer laughed at Cadella’s unhesitant answer.

“Aren’t you trusting people too much?”

“No. I don’t trust people. I trust Iris. I trust you a little bit too.”

“Okay. I don’t know, but Iris is trustworthy.”

Hayer agreed with a smile and came out of prison after redoing the things he had released.

Hayer headed straight to the east building where Iris was.

The royal family was not punished unless they committed a fairly serious crime. The punishment of not coming out of the room for a week, which was received from the judge for taking out a weapon in the courtroom, was slowly coming to an end.

Hayer leaned against the railing, facing Iris’s door guarded by the Royal Knights.

The Royal Knights were conscious of Hayer resting there and watching them casually.

Hayer asked leisurely.

“Are you nervous?”


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“Then loosen your fist.”

Hayer continued, as the two royal knights did not budge at the words.

“Are you going to punch me if I attack you guys? No, you’re not. You’re going to use a sword right away. Then you shouldn’t be clenching your fists. It takes time to open your fist, and lifting it also takes strength.”


“They didn’t teach you? That’s dreadful.”

At his words, they gulped as if their saliva was salty, and then one of them slowly loosened his fist.

* * *

After spending time like that, it was a week ago when Iris’s detention began.

As soon as it was time, Hayer said to the knight who was blocking his way.


“It has not yet been approved…”

Ignoring the knight saying so, Hayer knocked on the door.

Soon Iris came and opened the door.

“It’s already over… Hayer?”

“Let’s go in.”

When Hayer spoke, Iris nodded and brought him inside.

Iris was relieved to see the book in his hand.

“You found something, huh.”

“Yes. Here.”

Hayer opened the book and pointed to Ardi Lepos’s will. After reading it, Iris muttered in a bitter voice.

“You didn’t keep your promise. No one.”

“You kept it. It took 60 years.”

“Hm, yes.”

Iris smiled and continued.

“Let’s go now.”

“Right away? Not for a trial?”

“Yes. It’s not a trial, it’s a matter of promises made by the Lepos family.”

Iris said and went out with the book, and Hayer followed her in a daze.

The two royal knights, who had been harassed by Hayer for hours, looked dumbfoundedly at his back, fidgeting in fear that Iris might be in danger.

* * *

Iris arrived in front of the king’s office with the history record. It was late, and moonlight was pouring in through the window.

Iris said to Hayer, waiting at the door of the office until the king came.

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“Do you want to do it? Because you found it.”

“No. You are the descendant of the Lepos family, so you should do it.”


Iris nodded with an apologetic expression.

After a while, the king arrived at the office.

“What’s going on?”

Then Iris greeted politely and answered.

“There is a record that the great king, Ardi Lepos, considers Cadella not a traitor, but a meritorious subject.”

At her words, King Eswa glowered at Iris for a moment in silence.

Eswa’s servant went and took Iris’s book and handed it to King Eswa.

King Eswa read ‘The Will of Ardi Lepos’ and replied in a deliberately relaxed voice.

“I see.”

“Release Cadella and call him a meritorious subject, Your Majesty.”

“But the thoughts of 60 years ago and the thoughts of now can’t be the same, correct?”

At the words of King Eswa, Hayer, standing in front of the door, clicked his tongue.

After a moment’s thought, Iris continued.

“Yes. That’s what I think too. One’s thoughts will change.”


“But it’s just a liar’s excuse not to keep a promise made 60 years ago just because 60 years have passed.”


King Eswa looked down at Iris at the bottom of the stairs.

Iris thought for a moment and closed her eyes, then slowly opened them again. Then she spoke in a voice that sounded strong, as if she had made up her mind.

“Your Majesty.”


“I am the daughter of Celios Lepos, and the legitimate line of descent of King Ardi.”


“So it is right for me to keep this promise.”

The legitimate line of descent of King Ardi.

When the words King Eswa hated the most came out of her mouth, he saw. The pure white moon, which had been hidden by the clouds, illuminated the legitimate descendant.

King Eswa’s eyes, which were always detached, and the corners of his mouth both trembled with anger.


iris is so fucking cool she ate and devoured also hencke and annamaria talking abt hayer n iris in the beginning got me LOLLL

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