Chapters 15-27

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Shen Qiaowei had not contacted me in the past two days.

He just had to compete with me on who could act more cold.

I was very anxious and angry, but I dared not say anything, after all, I still owed him a “blood debt” of a pair of underwear.

I looked up to the sky and cried.



This Saturday.

Before participating in the volunteering activity, I confirmed many times that Shen Qiaowei was not on the list.

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Fs, obld R csyaele vbl pnbssz cwp byrrkzu yde pyo Fbld Ckysolk’p bydepsxl qynl, R oyp rlvakqkle.

R nshlale xu qynl, vbkdjkdt kd xu blyav, usw nyd’v pll xl, usw nyd’v pll xl…

“Uzyppxyvl Uwk Zkdtukdt, vblal kp yd lxrvu plyv blal.” Fbld Ckysolk rskdvle vs bkp pkel, “Mblal xyu cl ds plyvp zlqv yv vbl cynj.”

R pxkzle yde pyke, “R okzz ts vyjl y zssj.”

Gqvla oyzjkdt esod, R nyxl cynj ytykd.

W*nj, vblu olal ynvwyzzu yzz tsdl. Ebu eked’v R nsxl lyazkla!

R pbswzed’v byhl nbydtle Grrzl’p cllrkdt yzyax vbyv nswze nywpl nyaekyn yaalpv!

R pbswze byhl…

“You won’t sit down?”


I sat down angrily.

Then I regretted it.

Help, why were the girls all around looking at me with that look!

I definitely did not have the intention to take Shen Qiaowei for myself!

Shen Qiaowei: “Have you had breakfast?”

SOS, don’t talk to me in such an ambiguous tone!

Shen Qiaowei: “I have snacks here, do you want to eat them?”

PLS, shut up, please!

Shen Qiaowei puzzled, “You…”

I stood up with a jump.

Shen Qiaowei: ? ?

Everyone in the car: ? ?


Me: ……

I forcefully smiled: “I get motion sickness, I’m just standing up.”

Shen Qiaowei: “The bus hasn’t started yet.”

Me: “I…get motion sickness from hot guys.”

Dignified fake smile.jpg

Then, I saw Shen Qiaowei’s face actually turn red.


There was a reason why the school hunk was called the school hunk.

How, how could a person blush so beautifully?

My family, if I were a man, I would go for it already.

I sat down again, stared at Shen Qiaowei, and praised sincerely, 

“You look really good.”


His ears were now red too.


The truth of life.

One should not be afraid of a handsome guy being handsome, one should be afraid of a handsome guy being handsome and innocent.

It’s too much to handle.


This time’s volunteering was to participate in an academic activity.

We would help them set up the venue first, and then become the audience to fill up the crowd.

During the whole process, I was hiding from Shen Qiaowei, but I couldn’t hide from his admirers.

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A few little sisters gave me attitude and stuffed two big trash bags into my hands.

Me: ……

Sisters, will you promise me? Do not have female rivalries, do not have female rivalries, do not have female rivalries!


A handsome guy’s face is like a flower, it does not need to be blown by the wind, it will wilt from the sun.

It’s good to look at, but it’s not useful!

At this moment, Shen Qiaowei appeared behind me: “The trash bags look heavy, give them to me.”


I looked at the back of Shen Qiaowei carrying the two trash bags away…

I changed my mind, he seemed to be quite useful.


The event finally started.

I found a remote seat to sit down on, thinking that Shen Qiaowei would never be able to find it…

Me: “When did you come here?!”

Shen Qiaowei: “Just now.”

Help, does this person not make any sound when he walks?

I subconsciously distanced myself from him.

Shen Qiaowei frowned: “Do I smell?”

Me: No…

Shen Qiaowei: “Do you smell?”

Me: ……

Well, I decided to accept my fate.

I tried to ignore the sharp eyes of those little sisters and focused on the academic speeches on stage.

Then I was sleepy.

What b*llshit were they talking about?

I yawned, and my eyelids were fighting frantically to stay open.

In the end, my head leaned to the side and I fell asleep. Before I went to sleep, I was still thinking that the air conditioning in this conference center was really cold.

I was woken up by something.

The first reaction I had when I woke up was, it’s very warm, the second reaction I had was, whose coat is this? And the third reaction I had was, who is this shoulder I am leaning on…

I sat up straight suddenly.

Shen Qiaowei: “Your quality of sleep is really good.”

Me: ……

Me: “Classmate Shen, you should have woken me up!”

Shen Qiaowei: “I called you, you didn’t wake up.”

Me: ……

I hurriedly returned the coat to him: “Thank you.”

Shen Qiaowei smiled and stood up: “The event is over, are you still going to sit there?”

It’s over?

I looked at the venue, there weren’t a lot of people left.

Why hadn’t Shen Qiaowei woken me up sooner?

Me: “What about the free lunch for volunteers?”

Shen Qiaowei: “It’s probably gone.”

I cried so loudly.

Shen Qiaowei: “Don’t cry, I will take you out to eat some delicious food.”

Me: “Really?”

Shen Qiaowei: “Really.”

At this moment, the phone in my pocket vibrated wildly.

It was Xiaozhen’s WeChat messages bombing my phone.

Xiaozhen: Yingying, I heard that Shen Qiaowei and his girlfriend went to volunteer together today!

Xiaozhen: The photos at the scene are crazy!

Then she sent me a photo.

In the photo, I was leaning on Shen Qiaowei’s shoulder, my face and body were covered by Shen Qiaowei’s coat.

And Shen Qiaowei, he seemed to be laughing…

Xiaozhen: Didn’t you go too? In thirty seconds, I want to get all the information about this woman!

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Me: ……



How could I explain this to her?

Tell her that this woman was me?

But I was not Shen Qiaowei’s girlfriend!

God, why did you want me to suffer this way!

Me: Xiaozhen, I still have something to do, let’s talk later.

Shen Qiaowei: “Are you okay?”

I wiped away my tears: “Do I look like I’m not okay?”

Shen Qiaowei: “Let’s go to eat?”

My tears disappeared in a flash, “Let’s eat!”

Then, Shen Qiaowei and I ate fish hot pot in the small mall next to the convention center.

I was determined to pay the bill: “I’ll pay for this meal, I still owe you 360RMB.”

“You keep owing it for now.”

Ah? ?

“Shut it and eat, otherwise the whole school will know that you took my underwear tomorrow.”

Damn it, threatening me? !

I… I dared not say anything.

A meal was eaten quietly.

How was it possible for there to be someone who would reject free money?

I cried.


After returning to school, I walked around the campus three times before coming up with an excuse for Xiaozhen’s questions.

As soon as I stepped into the dormitory, I was surrounded by a room full of girls.

Wait, this number was wrong, 123456789…

Sisters, where did you all come from?

Xiaozhen was really anxious, “Hurry up, everyone has been waiting for you for a long time, tell us what you saw today.”

I hesitated, “That…”

They craned their necks.

I hesitated, “Actually…”

They held their breath.

I was quick witted in the face of an emergency, “I was asleep at that time, so I don’t know anything!”

They all left in a jeer.

“What’s the matter, Comrade Cui Yingying, you’re not useful at all during such a critical moment!”

I covered my face and sat back at the table.

The phone screen lit up.

Shen Qiaowei: See you in the West Canteen at noon tomorrow.

Me: ? ?

Me: Why?

Me: I’m not going!

Wouldn’t I substantiate the title of being your rumored girlfriend if I went? I was finally able to fool the others today after so much effort.

Shen Qiaowei: Not going?

Me: Yes!

Shen Qiaowei: Really?

Me: Probably…

Shen Qiaowei: 360?


 feeling super wronged

Me: I’ll go…


Because of this incident, a heartless person like me— had insomnia.

It was obvious that Shen Qiaowei’s threats had caused so much damage to the young heart and spirit of a three-year and two-hundred-four-month-old child like me!

As a result, I was still sleeping in class the next morning.

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After class, Xiaozhen woke me up: “Yingying, why are you so tired? Did you go out and steal someone’s green onions last night…”

I sat up abruptly: “I didn’t steal the underw…”

The word “wear” was stopped halfway, I swallowed the rest whole forcefully.

Help, I was almost exposed!

Xiaozhen: “I’m just kidding, let’s go to dinner together?”

Me: “No, you guys go first.”

I spent a while dawdling in my spot before sending a message to Shen Qiaowei.

Me: Did you go?

Shen Qiaowei: Just arrived, how about you?

Me: I’m still at the water taps.

Shen Qiaowei:…

Me: Brother, wait for me, I will go to the cafeteria to support you now.


There were quite a lot of people in the West Canteen.

So even if Shen Qiaowei carried a handsome face, I couldn’t find him for a while.

Just when I was looking around blankly, someone patted me on the shoulder.

“Hi, classmate.”

When I turned around, it was quite a refined looking boy.

He looked a bit familiar, as if I had seen him somewhere.


Damn it, isn’t this the guy who kept calling “Qiaowei”, “Qiaowei” in the swimming hall? !

He was also one of the witnesses when I had entered the wrong locker room!

He was stopping me now, could it be….

Boy: “Classmate, I think you look familiar.”

Me: ……

Boy: “Do you have a light green jacket?”

Ah, help!

Boy: “Did you have long hair before?”

Did he recognize me! ?

Speaking of this, the boy stopped suddenly, and then pointed to the seat behind him: “Don’t stand, let’s sit there and talk.”

I was stiff all over as I sat down with him.

The phone in my pocket kept vibrating, and I could already feel Shen Qiaowei’s impatience.

The boy sat opposite me: “Classmate, what is your name? I will introduce myself first. My name is Ji Chao.”

Me: “The Ji from Yu Ji1?”

Ji Chao: “The Ji from Ji Chu2.”

A very… special last name.

Me: “My name is Cui Yingying.”

I stared down at the table, feeling the phone in my pocket about to explode.

Me: “Classmate, wait.”

I quickly turned on the phone and saw an infinite amount of new messages from Shen Qiaowei.

Ji Chao: “Boyfriend?”

Me: “No, my creditor.”

Ji Chao was taken aback, there was obviously something wrong in his gaze now.

I was afraid that he would misunderstand me as an innocent female college student who had gone astray and borrowed an unsecured loan or something, so I added: “…love debt!”

Ji Chao stretched out a long “Oh”.

I sent Shen Qiaowei a message back.

Me: Classmate Shen, there is an emergency on my side. My reputation will be destroyed soon. You can eat by yourself first. Next time…

Before I could finish typing, I heard Shen Qiaowei’s voice: “You’re here?”

Ji Chao: “Qiaowei, didn’t you say you wouldn’t eat with me?”

Shen Qiaowei squeezed Ji Chao aside: “Go to the edge.”

Then he sat across from me.

I felt Ji Chao looking at me with strange eyes!

Ji Chao: “Qiaowei, do you guys know each other?”

I quickly answered: “In fact, we are just ordinary…”

Shen Qiaowei: “Yes, I am her creditor.”

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Me: ……

Ji Chao’s gaze towards me became more and more weird.

I wanted to cry but there were no tears, and I forcefully explained: “Actually…it’s not what you think…”

Ji Chao: “Oh.”

Me: ……

Help! I want to escape this place right away!

Ji Chao: “Qiaowei, do you think that classmate Cui Yingying looks very familiar, have we met her at the swimming hall before?”

Shen Qiaowei: “I don’t think so.”

Ji Chao: “Then how did you two meet?”

Shen Qiaowei: “Why should I tell you?”

Ji Chao, who was stunned, sent me a piercing look in an instant.

Me: ……

Brother, what does this have to do with me?


It was like eating a meal in prison.

I quickly slipped away after eating.

There was only one common required class in the afternoon, and I felt so irritated that I skipped it.

Xiaozhen sent a WeChat message to check up on me, and then sent a photo that someone else had secretly taken.

Xiaozhen: Yingying, are you okay? Looking at your expression at noon, you look like pretty down.

In the photo, I was sitting down at the dining table in despair, like a thief in handcuffs. Shen Qiaowei and Ji Chao were talking like policemen discussing how to punish me.

I gave a thumbs up in my heart.

Who was the crazy talent that finally captured the essence of my relationship with Shen Qiaowei through this secretly taken photo?

Xiaozhen: Although I don’t know how you met Shen Qiaowei, the atmosphere between you two seems a bit tense.

I almost burst into hot tears of joy.

As expected, the sister who sleeps with me head-to-head every night knew me too well.

Me: I was really nervous, mainly because of some misunderstandings that I am currently trying to resolve.

Xiaozhen: Okay, this sister here will support you in difficulties.


 Love you!


I ran around the sports field.

While running, I suddenly found that there was another person behind me.

Shen Qiaowei: “Why didn’t you go to class?”

Me: “How do you know I have a class?”

Shen Qiaowei: “I also have this class.”

Me: “You are a top student, how could you skip class?”

Shen Qiaowei: “Seeing that you didn’t come, I also skipped class.”

My heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

All the recent worries and secrets stuck in my chest suddenly rampaged and burst out.

I couldn’t help but ask, “Classmate Shen, do you know who posted about the female pervert who stole your underwear on the confession wall?”

Shen Qiaowei: “Ji Chao.”

I had vaguely guessed it was so.

Me: “I really did pick up your underwear, do you believe it?”

Shen Qiaowei: “I believe it.”

After a while, my conscience was really troubled.

Me: “You believe me so much? What if I am the pervert who stole your underwear?”

Shen Qiaowei suddenly turned his head to look at me and laughed, his eyes sparkling like stars in the sky.

My breathing was stagnant.

Shen Qiaowei: “If you are then so be it. I have a lot more in my dorm. Do you want me to leave them all for you?”

Me: ……

Shen Qiaowei: “I have one on my body right now too, if you want I can take it off for you.”

I turned around and ran.

Help, there is a pervert here!

[Translator’s Note: And the plot regarding the underwear thickens kekeke….]

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