Special Chapter 2

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[Rashid’s POV]

Crown Prince Rashid never asked for the safety of the same royal family.

She was the only one whom he asked how she was doing.


The escort knight, Sol, replied.

“She is doing well and is healthy. However, a few days ago, the maid of the Ruby Palace quit the palace again. She could no longer wait on the tyrannical princess.”

At Sol’s words, Rashid lowered his eyes and said.

“It’s not because she’s a cruel princess, she’s a princess of lowly blood, she probably doesn’t want to serve her.”

When Aris’ biological mother, Rosemary, became the emperor’s official concubine, the palace was in an uproar.

“A wandering dancer has become His Majesty’s concubine!”

The people in the imperial palace lamented.

“No matter how much she conceived Her Majesty’s seed, a dancer or something like that would become a concubine. This is such a terrible thing.“

“I know. After giving birth to a child, he should have kicked her out of the castle. It’s too much.”

“It’s a waste to just throw it away.  If you are a normal man, she looks so glamorous that you can’t take your eyes off her.”

All sorts of nasty things were said.

It even reached the ears of the young prince, Rashid, who was only eight years old.

Of course, Rashid didn’t particularly care about that.

The emperor had dozens of concubines, and she is just one of them.

There was no reason to be interested.

Until I met her.


It was by chance that Rashid met Rosemary.

The most deserted place among the gardens of the Imperial Palace. So there was Rosemary in a place that was not properly managed.

A woman sitting on a wooden chair was humming something while touching her bulging belly.

Rosemary, who was muttering with a happy face, noticed someone’s presence and turned her head.

She opened her eyes wide when she saw Rashid standing among the bushes.


Rosemary instantly recognized Rashid’s identity.

It was because the silver hair, purple eyes, and beautiful face with fine lines resembled the emperor.

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Rashid asked Rosemary, who was trying to get up in a hurry and say her greetings.

“Are you a witch?”


Rosemary’s eyes widened at Rashid’s words.

It was one of many rumors about Rosemary.

It is certain that the lowly woman possessed the majesty’s heart with the power of a witch.

Rashid’s words continued to Rosemary, who unknowingly bit her lip.

“Witches are pretty. It’s like a bright red rose that blooms in summer.”


Rosemary stared blankly at Rashid, then lowered her eyebrows and laughed.

“Thank you.”

Rosemary, who responded briefly, straightened herself up and slightly bowed her waist.

“My greetings are a bit late. Greetings to His Highness the Crown Prince. Forgive me for not being able to greet you properly because I am uncomfortable.”

Rashid’s gaze moved to Rosemary’s stomach.

Rosemary was holding her belly with her hands as if she were protecting her baby.

Rashid, who was staring at it, asked.

“What have you been doing here?”

“That …”

[Rosemary’s POV]

Rosemary was the one who caused a stir in the imperial palace. Everyone in the imperial family hated her.

So she stayed in the Ruby Palace as much as possible out of their sight.

But sometimes, when she was too frustrated, she would leave Ruby Palace and walk in a deserted garden where people were rare.

‘No matter how young you are, the prince is the prince. What if he gets angry at you for daring to walk around the gardens of the imperial palace with a lowly body?’

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Rosemary swallowed and answered cautiously.

“I was taking a short break while taking a walk.”

“No, not that. You were mumbling something with your hand on your belly. That’s what I’m asking.”


Rosemary’s eyes widened at the unexpected question.

Rosemary answered while rubbing her stomach.

“I was talking to the baby in my belly. How warm the sun is today and how pleasant the wind feels”

“Why would you do that? The baby in the womb can’t even hear it anyway.”

An ordinary person would have thought that he was being sarcastic.

But Rosemary saw Rashid’s innocent face and knew it was an aimless, innocent question.

Only then did Rosemary relax a little.

She said, lowering her eyebrows.

“It is said that even the baby in the stomach has ears and that they can hear human voices. In particular, they say that they can hear their mother’s voice very well.”

“Even if it were, they wouldn’t be able to understand the meaning because they haven’t learned the language properly.”

Rosemary smiled at Rashid’s serious face.

“It doesn’t matter. It’s important to tell the story. They say that the baby in the womb feels comfortable when it hears its mother’s voice. And how much I love you.”

Rashid stared at Rosemary’s stomach without answering.

Rashid asked after a while.

“Did my mother ever say that to me when I was in the tummy?”


Rashid’s voice was calm.

But there was something earnest about those words.

So Rosemary was perplexed.

‘I heard that Her Majesty the Empress is a kind and benevolent person to everyone. But why does such a person’s son look like that?’

As if you’re not the slightest bit sure about your mother’s love.

Rosemary hurriedly opened her mouth, thinking that if it was so, there was a huge misunderstanding.

“Of course, Her Majesty the Empress must have said many things when she was carrying His Highness. Because I’m a mother.”


“No matter what anyone says, a mother loves the child in her stomach dearly.”

It was a voice full of conviction that could never be considered false.

After a long time, Rashid murmured in a low voice.

“……I see.”

His pretty face turned a little red like a doll in the forest.

Rosemary covered her mouth because it was cute.

‘I thought everyone in the palace was scary. It’s not.’

The child was also a child.

It was then.


Rosemary let out a small sound and rubbed her stomach. Rosemary said to Rashid, his eyes wide open.

“The baby is kicking my stomach.”

“Kicking your stomach?”

Baby, stomach? Is that possible?

Looking at Rashid, who seemed to be thinking that way, Rosemary chuckled.

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She took Rashid’s hand and placed it on the round belly.

There was no time to blame for holding his hand without permission.

Rashid opened his eyes wide.

“Something is wriggling in your stomach.”

“Right? Maybe it resembles me, but the baby is incredibly energetic.”


“It’s especially so today. I guess it knows it has a brother.”


Rashid blinked his big eyes as if he had heard something strange.

Only then did Rosemary realize her mistake and cover her mouth.

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The emperor’s children have no concept of brothers and sisters.

Because they are just rivals fighting for the one and only throne.

There, Rashid is the empress’s son. He is the one closest to the next throne.

On the other hand, the baby in her stomach had a humble mother.

‘I can’t believe you’re talking about a brother to someone like that.’

It must have been unpleasant.

But instead of blaming it, Rashid asked with a curious face.

“Am I a brother?”

“……Actually, it’s not really certain yet. I can’t tell if the baby inside is a boy or a girl. However, I want to have a daughter, so I think of her as a girl.”

So she was about to cut it off and say that the word “brother” came out unintentionally.

Rashid muttered, his eyes bent.

“Brother. It’s not bad.”

It was a very pretty smile.

Enough to stare at him without even realizing it.

‘His Majesty is also a very handsome man, but the younger prince is even more beautiful than that!’

Even now, the size of a bean makes the heart pound like this, but how many people will be thrilled when he grows up.

Thinking about the young prince’s future made me feel dizzy.

Then she heard a sound in the distance.

“Prince Rashid, where are you? Her Majesty the Empress is looking for you.”

At that moment Rashid’s face changed.

The innocent child’s appearance disappeared, leaving only an expressionless face with unknown emotions.

“I’ve got to go now.”

Rashid gave a short greeting and turned around.

Rosemary, who was looking at the small back of the child who was moving away, shouted.

“Come visit Ruby Palace when the baby is born, Prince!”


“Babies have soft cheeks, are warm, and smell good. The prince will surely love your younger sister.”

Rashid did not answer.

But Rosemary felt like as if she heard a small answer, yes.

That’s how the two separated.

Since then, the two have never met again.

This is because Rashid, who lives in the innermost part of the palace, and Rosemary, who lives in the corner, had no contact.

[Rashid’s POV]

But Rashid was often curious about her news.

‘How’s the baby?’

I wanted to go see her, but it wasn’t easy.

It was because the empress did not want it.

Then, a few months later, shocking news came.

“Lady Rosemary died during childbirth.”


“Fortunately, the baby was born safely.”

The funeral was held modestly.

Rashid did not attend.

“A concubine with bad rumors. You don’t have to worry about such a person, Rashid.”

It was because of the empress’ words.

The empress did not want Rashid to be entangled with a vulgar woman.

However, one day when the empress was away, Rashid secretly left the Imperial Palace.

The place he headed was the Ruby Palace.

The palace, which lost its owner, was desolate. For some reason, maids were nowhere to be seen.

Rashid entered the room without hesitation.


Under the bright sunlight, the baby was soundly asleep on a small bed.

Rashid slowly approached the baby.

Rosemary’s words were true.

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The child was small, milky, and cute.

Especially the cheeks that are about to burst are the best.

“It’s funny that you don’t have any hair.”

Did she notice that I was gossiping about her? Just in time, the baby opened her eyes.

The baby stared at the little boy in front of her with her big eyes.

Then she laughed out loud.

Rashid had a strange feeling from her bright smile.

Somehow, my heart tickled, that kind of feeling.

Rashid murmured, placing a finger in the hand of the struggling baby.

“I won’t be able to come here in the future. My mother will be upset if she finds out that I’m here.”

I won’t be able to take care of you.

I am the one who must compete with you for the throne.


“When I become an adult and have strength, I will help you.”


Rashid continued to speak to his younger sister who was waggling about.

“Because I’m your brother, Aris.”

Special Chapter 2 fin

3. Lonely Empress Dowager

[Siana’s POV]

Siana shouted with her eyes twinkling.


Chuchu shouted, wriggling her arm muscles.


The two hugged each other with fierce expressions.

TL/N: Rejoice!!! Chuchu our best girl is back!!

Since Siana became an official maid, the two have rarely met.

This is because Siana had to spend most of her time in the Ruby Palace.

Chuchu said, looking down at Siana, who was buried in her arms.

“How come it seems to have gotten smaller.”

Siana raised her head and said.

“You seem to have grown taller.”

“Huhu, you’ve noticed. These days, I’m working out as much as I can to build up my body.”

Chuchu showed her bulging biceps with a stately expression.

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Siana generously praised her friend’s big forearms.

“Awesome. That’s cool, Chuchu.”


Chuchu’s eyes grew as she smiled while showing her white teeth.

It was because an emerald pin was shining in Siana’s hair.

The last time we met, Siana didn’t have a hairpin. Siana said with drooping shoulders.

‘I accidentally dropped my hairpin into the pond. I’m sorry, Chuchu.’

It was a face that looked like it was about to cry.

So she thought she’d never be able to find it… … 

“How did you find the pin? You said it would be hard to find because the pond is deep.”


Siana recalled the uproar that took place to bring the tiny hairpin back on top of her head.

* * *

Not too long ago, Rashid came to the Ruby Palace.

Rashid smiled and said to Aris, who had a rotten expression.

“I came as you’ve been wanting to pay the right price for the confirmation I wrote you before.”


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At the same time, Sol, the escort knight standing behind Rashid, added an explanation.

“We’ve also brought you a cake topped with plenty of Kaana chocolate, princess.”

Sol had a huge chocolate cake in his hand.

The cake was covered with shiny dark brown chocolate, and the rich chocolate scent made her nose dizzy.


Aris stared at the cake with two tall men and nodded.

“Come in. It’s absolutely not because of the cake. It’s not because I like my brother. I’m just paying off the remaining debt.”


Rashid entered the Ruby Palace with a smile without any sign of disappointment.

Sol, who was carrying the cake, also followed him.

Aris and Rashid sat at a round table in the garden.

Rashid held out a luxuriously wrapped tea tin to Siana.

“Please take good care of me today, too.”

No member of the royal family greets a maid serving tea, Your Highness the Crown Prince.

Siana thought to herself as she lifted the teapot.

Rashid looked at Siana with high anticipation this time as well.

‘Uh. It’s burdensome.’

It bothered me even when an ordinary person looked at me, but when someone called the Crown Prince looked at me with such strong facial features, my mind went wild.

In my mind, I wanted to turn Rashid’s face that way or poke his bright purple eyes.

However, it was impossible to do so, so Siana managed to manage her expression and got into making the tea.

Soon the garden was filled with the fragrant scent of chamomile.

Rashid sipped the finished tea with the happiest face in the world.


Aris, who was sitting next to him, sipped the tea with the same face and said.

“Of course. Who poured the tea.”

Aris hated tea, but Siana’s tea was an exception.

Siana’s tea with milk and honey tasted better than chocolate.

‘I can’t believe I have to share this precious thing with my brother.’

She felt bad, but she held it in.

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Because today Aris had something to gain from Rashid.

“Brother, Siana’s tea is the best.”

“I feel the same way.”

“So it’s unfair to charge the price of only one confirmation letter with two cups of Siana’s tea. So grant me one more request.”

Rashid’s eyes widened.

Because he knew how much his little sister hated asking others for things.

Rashid looked at Aris with curious eyes and said.

“Tell me.”

Aris pointed to the wide lake on the other side of the garden and said.

“I want to find something that fell into the lake.”

At the word “lake,” Siana’s eyes widened as she stood next to Aris.

‘No way…’

Rashid, unaware of what happened between Aris and Siana,Rashid  asked while sipping tea.

“What kind of object is it? I need to know that so I can tell you if it’s possible or not.”

“It’s a hairpin.”

Rashid narrowed his eyes.

The lake of Ruby Palace is quite large. The depth is also deep.

This is because the emperor, who once favored Aris’ biological mother, put his heart and soul into making it.

Looking for a hairpin in a place like that?


That’s what he meant to say.

Until he heard what Aris said.

“I accidentally dropped Siana’s hairpin…”

“I’ll find it.”

It was a lightning-fast response.

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