[Third Person POV]

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A few days later, rumors circulated in the palace.

Princess Yvette is crazy.

“Even though both legs are fine, she keeps crying that her legs are cut off.”

“Was it such a shock to be whipped by Empress Dowager?”

“I guess so. It’s funny. She hit her maids all the time, but she lost her mind with a few whips.”

No one sympathized with the little princess.

Yvette’s biological mother eventually left the palace with her daughter.

It was for the recuperation of a daughter who had lost her mind.

Yvette, who got into the carriage, muttered with a face as pale as a corpse.

“I, I was wrong. So don’t cut it.”

That was the last appearance of the sixth princess, Yvette.

Side Story 3 Fin

4. The Little Empress (1)

[Siana’s POV]

In the afternoon when the sun was shining warmly, the Ruby Palace was busy.

It was because of the new maids, Nini and Nana.

The two people in brown uniforms were identical twins down to the freckles on the bridge of their noses.

Nini said, flapping a pink dress with dozens of laces and ribbons.

“No matter what anyone says, a cute dress like this suits Princess Aris well.  Her eyes are big, her eyelashes are long, her lips are red like cherries, and she’s pretty like a doll. Do you understand,  Nana.. …?”

Nana shook her head as if that was nonsense, and said while holding out a light blue dress with flower decorations.

“You know too little, Nini. Princess Aris is said to have elegance and brilliance that is not befitting her young age. For such a princess, such a neat dress is perfect…!”

“She looks better in a pink dress.”

“No. A light blue dress would be better… … !”


There was an unusual atmosphere between Nini and Nana.

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I could feel the fierceness that even sisters from the same ship could never yield.

Soon, the two turned their heads and looked at Siana.

“What is Siana’s opinion?”

“… … .”

Standing still and standing at the crossroads of a crucial choice, Siana blinked her round eyes.

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It was Aris who saved Siana, who was troubled as she looked at the same faces of NinI and Nana alternately.

“Don’t trouble Siana, you guys.”

Nini and Nana’s eyes sparkled when Aris appeared.


Nini and Nana bent down on their knees and unfolded their dresses so that Aris could see them.

“It’s a dress that I’ve sewed for a few days.”

“Which dress do you like more?”

Aris said hmm, narrowed her eyes, and looked at the dress in turn.

“Both are fine.”

“… … !”

“… … !”

“Originally, if you’re as pretty as me, you’re pretty no matter what you wear. Don’t you think so?”

Nini and Nana looked shocked at the confident words.

Then they shouted.

“Certainly. Yes indeed!”

“Aah, we were foolish. There’s no dress that doesn’t suit the Princess.”

“How can you be so intelligent at such a young age?”

“You’re beautiful and brilliant. How wonderful, Princess.”

Aris’ cheekbones rose to the praise that was so intense that she wondered if this was okay.

“I’ll try on both. Bring it.”

Nini and Nana shouted “Kyaa” and ran after Aris. The corners of Aris’ mouth went up.

Seeing this, Siana chuckled.

‘She said she didn’t like other maids.’

Aris was not happy about the new maids coming. It was because of her distrust of the maids.

So, after careful consideration, Siana chose her maids.

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Nini and Nana had been working as low-ranking maids for a long time because of their humble origins, but they were kind-hearted and did a good job.

Above all, they had a longing for the princess.

On the first day they saw Aris, they knelt down with ecstatic faces.

[It is an honor to serve the beautiful princess.]

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The two burst into tears and sobbed toward Aris, who turned her head around with a look in her eyes saying, ‘Do you think that’s going to make me look at you?’

[What can I do, you’re so pretty]

[I’m glad I became the maid of the Imperial Palace.]

Praise makes even an evil dragon dance.

Aris gradually opened her heart to the two maids who praised her.

‘I’m so glad.’

This reduced the burden on Siana.

To the point where I could leave the Ruby Palace comfortably, leaving Aris behind.

* * *

Siana bowed her head.

“Then I’ll be back.”

Nini and Nana,  who were clinging to both sides of Aris like wings, spoke bravely.

“Today, we are going to play dressing up with the princess with jewels and dresses sent by Empress Dowager.”

“So don’t worry about the princess and take your time, Siana.”

Aris, who was between the two of them, also added.

“If that human does something weird, don’t put up with it, come back right away and tell me.”

Siana smiled brightly at the words and nodded.

After leaving the Ruby Palace, Siana headed toward the palace of that human, Aris’ brother, and Crown Prince Rashid, who was at the top of the imperial palace’s hierarchy.

The other day, Siana heard from Rashid about Aris’ biological mother.

When Siana asked how she could pay for the story, Rashid asked her to come to his palace.

Siana understood that to mean, “Come to the palace and do some work.”

‘So I ate a lot and brought homemade cleaning products.’

I paid for it by making a cup of tea every time, so I was going to pay the right price this time.

However, when Siana arrived at the crown prince’s palace, she couldn’t help but panic.

This is because she was guided to a drawing room deep in the palace, not to a kitchen with a pile of dishes, a garden full of weeds, or a hallway full of things to clean.

“His Highness the Crown Prince will arrive soon. Please wait patiently until then.”

The maid was wearing a blue uniform, the symbol of a senior maid.

How could a high-ranking maid treat a low-ranking maid so respectfully?

‘What the hell is going on… ?’

The maid said to Siana, who was unable to sit on a chair because she did not know why.

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“I was told that the person who came today was a valuable guest of the Crown Prince.”

She meant that there was no need to feel burdened because she was only treating her accordingly.

That’s how the maid even served colorful refreshments and tea in front of Siana.

Siana hurriedly refused the offer to serve tea until Rashid arrived.

“Tha, That’s all right!”

A tea that’s served by a distant boss. You won’t know even if it goes through your nose.

Fortunately, the maid did not offer further and withdrew.

“Okay, then I’ll go out, so call me if you need anything.”


Siana stood with her hands together with a stiff face until the maid left the drawing room.

The door closed and Siana, who was barely alone, let out a big sigh and sat down in her chair.

Siana murmured with a face that had been through something terrible.

“I’m the Crown Prince’s honored guest?”

It was too much for a joke on a low-ranking maid.

It was even a stranger if it wasn’t a joke.

‘… … Let’s not dig into it too complicatedly.’

Siana concluded, ‘As expected, His Highness the Crown Prince is out of his mind.’

It was convenient to do that.

With that in mind, Siana who had calmed down, looked around the drawing room.

I hadn’t noticed earlier because I was paying attention to the high-ranking maid, but this was no ordinary parlor.

The high ceiling was made of transparent glass, so you could see the blue sky, and underneath it were full of lush trees and gorgeous flowers.

‘It’s more like a well-kept indoor garden than a drawing room.’

—It was when I had this thought.

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When I turned my head at the sound of footsteps, Rashid was already in the drawing room.

Fine silver hair and purple eyes. Her face was as beautiful as usual, but … …

“You have a strange appearance.”

A white ferret with a long waist was held in Rashid’s arms, a small squirrel was on his shoulder, and a small bird was fluttering above his head.

Rashid answered in a soft voice.

“I was taking a walk with these kids. I rushed over when I heard you were here.”

Rashid smiled at Siana.

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“Welcome, Siana.”

“… …”

At that moment, Siana’s heart sank with a thud.

This is because his smile looked excited as if he were a child who received a gift that he had been waiting for for a long time.

I felt strange.

Siana shook her head inwardly.

Rashid answered in a soft voice.

“I was on a walk with these kids. When I heard that you came, I hurriedly ran.”

Rashid smiled at Siana.

“Welcome, Siana.”

“… …”

At that moment, Siana’s heart sank.

His smile was as excited as a child receiving a long-awaited present.

I felt strange.

Siana shook her head inwardly.

‘Don’t be shaken, Siana. You know he’s out of his mind.’

Siana quickly sorted out her emotions and said.

“As we promised earlier, I have come to pay for the story to the crown prince. What can I do today, Your Highness.”

‘I never came as your guest. I’m not here to play,’ she said firmly.

“… …”

It must be an illusion that the beautiful man’s face looks downcast for a moment.

Rashid lowered his eyebrows and said to Siana, who had gathered her brows together without realizing it.

“You’re impatient. You could have slowly returned to the main point.”

“I beg your pardon. I’m a little busy.”

Instead of blaming the maid who boasted that she was busy in front of him, Rashid said something else.

“Okay. Then I’ll talk to you right away. What you’re going to do today is….”

“… …”

Siana’s eyes widened at Rashid’s subsequent words.

– Continued in Volume 2

TL/N: Sorry for the long wait and thank you for your patience!! I’ve been getting really really busy with school. The only reason why I still have weekly updates for Reason to be a Villain is cause it’s my focus novel so I managed to prep chapters for the whole school year in advance. Will try not to make y’all wait too long for the start of Volume 2!


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