Lord Meishan burst into tears on the spot as he grabbed little crow and cried out when it was in his arms, “Little crow! Which bastard dare to hurt you?!”

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Zhen Hongsheng said, “I was bored these days. Thinking that Jiuyun fellow might had given you a new set of wine, I thought of coming here to ask you for a glass of wine to drink. Who would have thought that when I drove nearby Mountain Wanlan, I would see your precious crow fell on top of a tree and was badly hurt. So, I have brought it back to you with all my kindness.”


Where did Lord Meishan even listened in to his explanation. The spirit ghosts had long been holding the bottle jar of ointment pill powder. He poured all over the little crow, turning it into a white crow, which was then cherished in his arms and nourished with his own immortal energy.


Zhen Hongsheng was too lazy to take notice of Meishan’s nervous appearance. He turned his head to look at Xin Mei and then, he took a look at Lu Qianqiao again. He looked thoughtfully at him from top to the bottom. Finally, he gave him a hard look with his eyes, as he unwilling said, “You little girl, I haven’t seen you for a while and now you have already found a suitable husband? Well, not bad looking, also... very manly ...“


Xin Mei obediently greeted him back, “Fox Fairy daren (title of respect toward superiors), he’s not my husband. That’s right. Speaking of manliness, your dressed up today...”


“Stop!” Zhen Hongsheng immediately changed colour as he waved his hand to stop her from continuing on. He wiped his sweat as his heart still had a lingering fear when he asked, “Why did you come to the House of Meishan?”


This..... was a long story. Xin Mei was thinking of how to explain her ill-fated relationship with Lu Qianqao, when the said man suddenly opened up his mouth, “Was there an unusual sight around Mountain Wanlan?”


Zhan Hongsheng was actually quite annoyed at the sight of Lu Qianqao’s magnificent appearance.


A certain person seemed to be only wearing a plain common black garment. So, how could that certain person look so manly? He touched his wide sleeves, and then the glittering golden crown on his head. He was afraid that Xin Mei might commented on his style of dressing resembled a painting of a heavenly maiden or something alike. When Xin Mei didn’t pay attention to him, he immediately create a smokescreen, while he replaced the clothes on his whole body into a fluttering white clothes. Holding a fan in his hand, he elegantly shook it a few times before he braved himself to meet Lu Qianqiao’s disgusted filled gaze.


“I didn’t pay attention to it while I was nearby Mountain Wanlan. If you’re worried, you can go there and take a look.”


Lu Qianqao pondered for a moment, but then refused to comment on his final decision. Lord Meishan sniffed and sobbed, “The little crow is seriously injured. I don’t know when it will wake up. The matter you asked before, has to wait until it recovers. If it’s urgent, you can leave first. I’ll let you know when I get the news. “


Lu Qianqao nodded, “Alright, I’ll have to trouble you then.”


On one side, an alert spirit ghost led Lie Yun Horse out for him. Lu Qianqao jumped onto it and held out his hand to Xin Mei, “Come up.”


Zhen Hongsheng suddenly asked softly, “Xiao Mei, can you not go? Is it not good to stay and play for a few days?“


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Lord Meishan was originally hugging little crow while crying silently. When he heard these words, his was suddenly in high spirit as he raised up his face.


Xin Mei hesitated for a moment. She looked back at Lord Meishan, who was full of eagerness but mixed with a bit of fear, and then looked up the expressionless Lu Qianqiao. He didn’t say anything, just took a talisman from his chest and fiddled it around his fingers.


Qiu Yue!


She immediately jumped on the horseback and smiled apologetically at Lord Meishan and Zhen Hongsheng, “Er... Next time...”


Zhen Hongsheng looked thoughtfully at Lie Yun Horse as it rode away in the wind. Suddenly, he heard Meishan asking, “You fox, why did you ask her to stay for? For no apparent reason you have to call the war demon to bring trouble to me?“


Zhen Hongsheng smiled and turned to look at him up and down, “I think ... she will be much safer with you. It’s very dangerous to mix with the war demon General.“


Lord Meishan was stunned, “What kind of danger are you saying?”


Zhen Hongsheng rolled his eyes, “I just gave a wild guess! Troublesome, are we still drinking or not?”




Different from when he came, this time Liu Qianqiao seemed a little anxious. Lie Yun Horse could feel its Master’s mood and ran like a meteor. Xin Mei was somewhat curious, “Lu Qianqiao, what are you worried about? Although the little crow was wounded near Imperial Mausoleum, didn’t you say your Mist Formation is very strong? “


He shook his head and gave no further answer.


Maybe he couldn’t explain the faint anxiety in his heart. The wound of the little crow was not caused by ordinary weapons. That kind of wound was very familiar ... but, how was that possible? Was that really her? Could it be her? It had been so many years ...


"Lu Qianqiao, today seems to be April 28, and in two days it will be May."


Xin Mei seemed to sigh.

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Lu Qianqiao whispered, “What about May?”


“On the third day of May, I will be sixteen years old. My father said I had to get marry before I turn sixteen anyhow. But I haven’t bought a husband yet.”


Lu Qianqao was largely to blame for her not being able to buy a husband yet. She looked up at him with resentment.


At this moment, he... what was he going to say? Lu Qianqiao was silent. Should he comforted her by saying that she would be sure to find the right husband, or a husband was not a thing to be purchased? He was a bit tangled, trying to figure out what to say.


“Look at you, forcing me to fly around with you. Why don’t I just save my time and marry you? How much do you think would be a good price?”


Her shocking words made him released his hold on the reins.


Lie Yun Horse flew so fast that both of them were thrown off its back with a swoosh and fell straight down from a height of ten thousand feet. Xin Mei’s scream was only a short and subtle as at the next moment, Lu Qianqao had opened up his hand to pull her to his chest with all his might. They fell down at a great speed and he gave his all to whistle.


Lie Yun Horse was very spiritual. When it found out that two people were off its back, it immediately rushed back from within the clouds and snuggled up to Lu Qianqiao. His free hand grasped the reins firmly, and turned his waist as both of them finally managed to securely saddle up once again.


Lu Qianqao wiped the cold sweat on his head and looked down with trepidation at the troublemaker who always utters amazing shocking words. She managed to grow up her mouth properly by giving it a talent to provoke the receiving party with words coming from it. After quite a while, she slowly closed her mouth after murmuring, “I... Actually, I’m just kidding...”


He looked down at his hand. He really wanted to pinch her to death and then pinch her back alive, then pinch her back to dead, then did it over and over again, ah, why did he wanted to pinch her that much... 


Xin Mei happily smiled, “You take it seriously?”


With a cold face, Lu Qianqao took out the talisman which was holding Qiu Yue, and shook it.


She immediately lowered her head,“I’m sorry, I was wrong.”


After learning its lesson, Lie Yun Horse never dared to fly so high nor so fast again. It slowly descended from the clusters of cloud and leisurely walked on the sea of verdant tree tops.

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The warm spring wind was blowing against the back of her head and Xin Mei shook her head uncomfortably. It was only then did she realize that because she had fallen off the horse’s back and was pulled up again just now, she had been sitting face to face with Lu Qianqiao. One of his arms was still around her waist, and her face... Well, her whole face had been sticking to a certain someone chest.


“Lu Qianqiao... Lu Qianqiao.” She raised her head and looked up at him.


He started to have facial paralysis again, pretending not to hear.


Xin Mei leaned back and stated, “You make my waist ache painfully.”


The facial paralysis gentleman suddenly froze, as if he had not realized the ambiguity of their sitting posture until now. He drew back his hand stiffly, while his face became red with a swoosh, and so did his ears. His head turned away suddenly.


Xin Mei finally felt a little embarrassed, “You, what are you blushing for ...”


Even the nefarious her knew how to feel a little embarrassed.


This was so embarrassing. When there was a similar plot in a play, there would be someone coming to interrupt or something ... well, whoever it was, hurried up and please interrupted this scene!


God seemed to really hear her heartfelt wish, as Lu Qianqiao’s sunset red face instantly turned pale again. He gently pulled back the reins, and Lie Yun Horse quietly stopped at the top of a tree.


“What’s the matter?” Xin Mei was startled with the sudden stop.


Lu Qianqiao did not answer. He just quietly looked at the distance a few feet away – blue sky, green trees, a snowy carriage, and the two people standing next to the carriage. A gentle breeze stirred their clean white clothes. Their standing posture was like a thousand-year-old tree, tall and proud. Under the cold jade-like forehead, there were a pair of chilling bright red eyes.


The heavy-lidded red eyes of war demons mean that they were ready to battle.


Liu Qianqiao’s muscles tensed instantly, like a long bow being stretched to the extreme.


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Xin Mei’s eyes flowed around the two war demons and the snow-white carriage. When she noticed their blood-red eyes, she could not help but be surprised, “Their eyes are so red, like...” Like strawberries.


Her next words were gently covered by Liu Qianqiao’s hand. He covered her mouth as he trembled, “ better not talk.”


The murderous look of the red eyed war demons were aimed at any kind of provocation, without caring whether it was goodwill, unintentional or malicious.


Lu Qianqao put the talisman where Qiu Yue was resting into her hand. He had bullied her, restrained her and forced her to fall all the way till here, and somehow, he just gave her Qiu Yue back with such understatement.


“Go back. Go back to your village, nefarious Xin, “ he instructed


Xin Mei hesitated for a moment as she thought, ‘Are you going to fight? Afraid I will be a drag on you?’


“...leave quickly.” He had no choice as he gently pushed her head.


She summoned Qiu Yue, then quickly jumped on its back and looked back at Lu Qianqao earnestly, “Then I’ll be going. You must be careful. Don’t let yourself be beaten to death.”


She always seemed unable to say anything pleasant to hear or spoke gently at him.


Lu Qianqiao watched as Qiu Yue flied away, which prompted Lie Yun Horse to leap down from the tree top and gently landed in front of the carriage.


Spotless snow-white carriage, drawn by pitch-black Xiao Feng Li (whistling wind black horse) with its hoofs, when running could bring sound as loud as thunder and lightning.


It really was her. After so many years, he finally saw her again in such a place.


Liu Qianqiao turned his body over and dismounted. He then strode over and knelt in front of the carriage. His voice was calm.



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