Chapter 32  So That’s How It Is 

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“Why are you avoiding me? “
Su Yu lowered his head, GuYun  could not see his face, only to hear him say with lisped,
” I did not. “
Su Yu was heavily drunk with liquor as he spoke. Gu Yun’s tightly knit her brows together frowning, he must drink a lot, he just lowered his head and did not talk to her anymore. GuYun was puzzled, when did she so annoyed others  and curiously asked,
“Have I offended you? “
GuYun was just casually asking Su Yu , but he was like a hedgehog, and every thorn stretched straight and his hoarse voice almost screamed,
” I said no! Why can’t you not appear in front of me? “
Su Yu was screaming but it also aroused the curiosity of GuYun,
“Why? “
” No why, just don’t want to see you! Leave me! “
Su Yu’s hands pushed her chest wound that has healed while he was talking. It was pushed  but not as hard as it would cause to hurt. GuYun however has clearly started to be impatient,
” What liquor is that which made you this crazy?!”
She shoved him on the shoulder with an open hand. GuYun decided not to  have an idle talk with a drunk person and decided to leave.
GuYun turns, suddenly there’s a pain on her wrist with strength that’s over powering. GuYun gasp in pain, looking back it was SuYu, dragging her and though she tried to be released but her strength means nothing.She cursed, “this dead joker wanted to crush her hand, ah! “
GuYun was considering giving him a punch to sober him up. Su Yu slips and raise his head and  projected a frightening face which made  Gu Yun  skipped in alarm. His fist that grasp her  hand was rigid.
He drunk too much  that  his face was blackened red. He always has a bright and clean face but now  it appears he was just recently became an  outrageous dregs.  His bloodshot eyes  were dark and dull, as if staring at her, but drifting badly .The thick smell of alcohol is always rushing in the air. GuYun’s face was gloomy. Is Su Yu  engaged in any ghost? He is pretty straight, handsome and good looking and in just a few days I haven’t seen him, why he’s so messed up?
Gu Yun would like to withdraw her hand  and lead SuYu back to his courtyard to rest. Who knows he seems to have been drunk and a complete mess. Her hand  was being gripped too tightly that no matter how she tried pulling back her hand , he never let it let go. Finally, SuYu put her hand to his chest and pat it to his chest. GuYun was surprised and she did have not enough time to react. Afterwards, Su Yu threw her hand like insane and  in panicking  and shouting in a low voice,
“’You are big brother’s. You are his!”
It was already a precarious walkway and in only a few steps, Su Yu stumbled to the ground. His body almost fell down directly to the ground , face first and then he  cried and muttering words that was not clear.
GuYun never dealt with drunks before. When they go for drinks, she normally does not get drunk and when the end is near she is the first one to leave. She never have to pick up the slack. Looking at the man collapsed on the ground, she was helpless and ready to call on the night patrol officers to carry him back. Walking by his side, she heard Su Yu  muttering something about Bing Lian  sword and her … … You … … Or something like that.
She was aware about Bing Lian having a hidden secret, Su elders, those old men refusing to say it. She went closer to Su Yu, squat her body and carefully listens to what he was muttering.
“Why Bing Lian have to select you? Why you?! Bing Lian-…”
Off and on for a long time he was muttering like this. GuYun still didn’t quite understand.Taking advantage of his confused state, GuYun asked in a low voice,
“Bing Lian choose me, do you have any special meaning? “
Su Yu closed his eyes and mouth then open his lips to whine. GuYun was listening attentively to the whining  but it was not clear. Disappointed and about to leave, suddenly Su Yu sat down and started to act crazy. He stared at Gu Yun not like just as trance, but straight glaring at her and his eye radiates a complex difficult solutions of light and GuYun was nervous for a long time. Su Yu finally opening,
” Bing Lian selected you, you are brother’s wife, you are brother’s woman, I cannot,  I cannot…… like you!”
After the last three words he said, his collar has been grabbed by GuYun, she glowered at him and asked in a tone of impatience,
“What did you say, Bing Lian who, who is the wife of Su Ling? “
Su Yu suddenly laughed, but laugh then cry ugly. GuYun still refuse to release him, forcing him to confess.
“You know, if you don’t make it clear, I will not let you go! “
Su Yu dissatisfied, with bloodshot eyes look back at GuYun, laughing, he said,
“For thousands of years,  Su eldest daughter-in-law, the Bing Lian sword selects her, as long as it is selected, no one can object. No matter what, whether the woman is beautiful or ugly, clever or stupid, as long as it is selected, the Su clan must agree. By Bing Lian you are chosen, I don’t even have the opportunity to compete. You understand it now! “

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It seems in order to vent out his emotion, every sentence from Su Yu’s mouth was yelled loudly. What Gu Yun wants to hear are difficult, the last sentence of Su Yu, she hadn’t had time to process it for the first sentences were severely hammering her head and ruthlessly shot her in the heart.
Be it beautiful or ugly, clever or stupid, as long as it is, not optional, the Su clan must agree! Su Ling did think so, too right?
She unconsciously released holding Su Yu’s collar. GuYun muttered,
“You mean, it doesn’t matter who? Unless the sword tried to choose me then Su Ling would not pay attention to this woman! “
Gu Yun let go of Su Yu, he snapped and fell to the ground laughing heartily,
“Both women around big brother are beauties! He does not need a woman, that thing he never lacks! “
Yes. She remembered the first time she met him, how arrogant and mean to even look at her. Ling Li sword sparring with him when he saw her holding the ice sword.His eyes were filled with surprise and rage. He turned out to be trying to protest who Bing Lian has selected and he was in a hurry to leave. Is he  in a hurry to leave because he feel aggrieved? All because of Bing Lian!
GuYun always wanted to know the secret behind the Ling Li sword. Now she knew, why is she so uncomfortable? She has to breathe, her heart was depressed!
No matter what Su Ren was not too far and hearing Su Yun’s yelling. He saw Su Yu lying and Qing Mo is half kneeling, pulling each other around. His heart frightened with panic he shouted,
” Come, get SuYu! “
In two big steps he was over them  and dragged back drunk Su Yu. He was staring at Gu Yun as she busily explained, ” He is drunk and don’t listen to him! ” Damn, how much Su Yu drink?
Gu Yun stared straight at Su Ren, with an anxious tone asked, ” The Ling Li sword selection is to be the Su daughter-in-law. You are so polite to me from the start, family Su elders were good to me afterwards  as well  Su Ling. He even show fondness to me, is it  because Bing Lian chose me, isn’t it? “
Su Ren heart sank, Su Yu have said it! He wondered what should he answer to that. He hesistated.
“In fact…” “…”
She could see his hesitation and GuYun said the word,
“I want to hear the truth! “
People too sharp, not good, ah! With a sigh and he replied,
“At the beginning it  was because Bing Lian sword choose you, but we all really sincerely fond of you! “
Turns out to be true, GuYun’s face suddenly paled and didn’t say anything and turned away.
“Qing Mo! ” Su Yu tried to chase but entire person of Su Ren holding on him, he couldn’t catch up. Watching at her slender figure walking away with the rare indifference appearing. Su Ren’s eyes quivering. He caught the drunk  Su Yu before he gets on the ground. He scolded him, “Brats, you brought back a big catastrophe! ” Eldest brother if you knew, she peeled a layer of skin!(meaning she found the  hidden secret).
GuYun continued walking on the road towards Yi Tian Yuan. She constantly recall in her mind Su Ling’s every anxiety, disgust, anger and indifference, to the subsequent identification related to Bing Lian sword, she recalled the attention or even the acceptance. If not of Ling Li sword, he will not accept my advice in the suppression of the gold thieves, the clerk may not have listened to her opinion, he may not listen to a foreign woman says a word more; but because of  Bing Lian concerns. He should not let her, a woman, trains his Su army of elite soldiers, if not of Bing Lian, will he still say the phrase “I am willing”?
With the depressed heart, GuYun came into the room, hanging on the wall at a glance see the Ling Li sword, gently removing it, held in the palm of her hand, feel very comfortable cool breath before tonight, something different tonight, this chill seemed to leap up into the heart, making her heart cold.
Stroking the white blade, GuYun said in a low voice,
“All because of you? “
Lonesome sound so lost for the first time, she asked this sentence with her heart bursting forth, this is different from the stab wound pain and let her become unstable, she held Bing Lian and in a whisper asked,
” Why did you pick me? “
GuYun sneered. She thought she was special. She thought, this person  was genuinely fond of her, was it at the beginning or is it because the sword chose her? In the eyes of Su Ling, who she was is not important, it is no wonder that he would accept a broken face, it is no wonder he is patient with her arrogance, it’s no wonder that everyone is being nice to her the General’s Office!
So that’s it – no more–why her?! She don’t need a sword to let herself get liked by him!
GuYun threw the sword back in the box, turned and left.
Bing Lian was lying quietly in the wooden box and seem to be sensing something amiss. The sword sprang out of the box and  roving in front of Gu Yun like in an act of goodwill and seems to be courting her to be held by her. White sword shining in the moon light, that beauty she normally awe in wonder but tonight GuYun did not acknowledge its mood. The  sword was reluctant to move she coolly said,
“I don’t belong here, you should not choose me! “
She wants to go back! She will return to the  modern era! Cross Bing Lian. Gu Yun continued to leave. The sword steadfastly followed her. GuYun did not appreciate it and roared back,

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“Don’t follow me! “
She’s a mess, she just wanted to be alone!
Bing Lian stopped and did not leave the door. GuYun stepped out of manor. At the moment the sword was shaking violently for its owner to keep it! Blinding dazzling white light filled the spacious rooms, cold moments of white fog swept over the entire Yi Tian Yuan estate.
GuYun appeared in the General’s Office door late at night, soldiers was startled at the gate and asked, ” Qing Mo, so late, you have to go out? “
” Well, walking. “
She did not know where she is going, perhaps really just walk. Only leaving this present, she felt suffocated and need a breathing space, let her heart ache leave the house, perhaps to calmly think . GuYun simply thinking to help herself. The General explained to her free access to the General’s Office and they dare not stop her, they can only watch as GuYun stepped out of the place.
Smaller older youngsters think it’s inappropriate and whispered, ” The General hasn’t come back, must or must not go without a command? “
The little old men thought for a moment and replied,”.. Nevertheless you want to still find him, I presume! “
The youngster nodded and ran away towards the Yi Tian Yuan.
Nobody noticed, behind, a dark figure follows Gu Yun.
Late-night streets, the pavements have  no street lighting and the alley has no moonlight, black horse and people on horseback riding  into the night, one can  only to hear the hooves from far and near, the sound the horses is not in a hurry. Su Ling holding the reins, his mind still thinking of today’s news on the East China Sea.
The east side territorial waters often have the pirate insurrection, but because Dome Mountain is Qiong Yue’s basic sea cargo route, the emperor did not interchange with the neighboring island of the plan, and also there were so little confrontation with the pirates, but in recent months, the pirates have repeatedly landed on the territorial waters. The pirates unexpectedly many times has disembarked in recent months. They killed and burned in the territorial waters and small towns were plundered. The small Naval Forces are weak. They pursued many times but lets it escape. Su Ling and the officers and all ministers discussed all evening. They decided upon writing a petition or recommendation to the emperor. Definitely, they have to ask the emperor to dispatch troops and to strengthen  East China Sea guards.
Su Ling was also wondering which of his team will be deployed to the East China Sea.  Chixue suddenly become hot, strange white light emitted in the dark of the night and it is a magnificent and bizarre. While the blade was shaking violently and though they are separated by clothing , he could actually still feel the heat.
For Chixue, this  is unusually so intense performance, that spoken parts of a dazzling light  let Su Ling get alarmed. What matter did the Bing Lian has had? He thinks of that day the matter what Su Ren said in his report. Su Ling’s heart was surging uncontrollably, one hand tightly on the rein. He gathers that the Spirit Island people are so, to be seriously fierce, Bing Lian and the shadow guards could not protect her? He gets hold of the reins, Su Ling braced the horse’s body and the steed as if also generates master’s urgency gave a long neighing sound, the dark black form like sharp sword sped along, went through on the roadway .
Rapid hooves sound attracted the attention of the entrance guards. They looked up and at the distance, a shadow was galloping very fast. Immediately pulling the reins to stop, horses gave a long neigh, stopped in front of the General’s office. Upon seeing him. the people immediately greeted,
General’s face was serious. The guard was hesitating  to say that  Qing Mo left the the house. Su Ling dismounted off the horse and threw the reins  into the hands and hurriedly ran to the house.
Su Ling had just entered the gate when he was met by serious face of  Han Shu in a haste. Han Shu had a long sigh of relief, “General, you finally came back. “
Su Ling worries about guessing things come true with some impatience,”
“What’s going on? “
Han Shu look eerily says, ” Yi Tian Yuan has something wrong, you go and have a look. “
Things really went wrong! Su Ling’s brain automatically remembers the sword through the heart in that scene, and a cold feeling sweeping his body, he suddenly turned pale and his vision became blurry. Han Shu  saw him looking  strange and  breathing heavily. Anxiously he asked,
“General, what has happened to you? “
Han Shu’s loud voice snapped Su Ling’s sanity back. Looking at Hans Shu in addition to the expression something strange but there is no difference in his character, by his disposition if Qing Mo was attacked at the manor he should not have such a look. Su Ling was under pressure and in restless mood, while walking to the direction of Yi Tian Yuan he  asked,” What is the matter?
Following the footsteps of Su Ling, Han Shu frowned with blank face replied,
” I do not know but within the vicinity of Yi Tian Yuan , it was suddenly surrounded by a chill, exceptionally  cold. I was going to go in but when I walked to the yard  it is very frigid  and  considering the  freezing cold I had to come out. I do not know if Qing Mo is in the room or if in trouble! “
Frigid?  Bing Lian not allowing  people to come  into the yard level, Su Ling also have no explanation. It’s not a night attack and half of his worries was put down but did not halt to haste into the house.
The shadow of the two generals running to the house disappeared while older guard secured back the horse. Then went back to the youth that ran back before he could stand he asked anxiously,: “Did you see the General?”
The youth shook his head replied.” No “
” Su command it?”
The youth defeated replied,” I did not find him, he wasn’t in his yard. “He also went to the library and looked, but saw nothing .If he didn’t go out, where is he?
The night wind was howling at night, the guards were sweating anxiously,
“I thought I heard Han Shu said that Yi Tian Yuan has had an accident. Is it not Qing Mo is  living  in there? “
” What do we do now? “Youngsters fellow was nervous, knowing that this is the case,  they just can’t let Qing Mo out of the house!

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With his fists clenched, the older little  guard put his hand across his chest and to the younger guard said,  “Say you are here guarding and I went to  look for  the general at Yi Tian Yuan. Who let Qing Mo out of the House? ” Withholding information is a greater sin!
“Ahh! “
The young man break out in a cold sweat quickly nodded. The older guard began to rush towards the Yi Tian Yuan, after walking a little more, he felt a chill just gazing out of the house forcing its way to his heart and he unconsciously tremble.
Su Ling  and Han Shu arrived at Yi Tian Yuan and was shocked with the sight for everything was frozen..
On the wall higher than the man was a thin layer of ice, tiled over a section of more than two inches of ice, dense foliage in the night wind blowing hard, swinging when this should be the rustling leaves but because the leaves are frozen at the moment it makes strange noises like stones falling down. Yi Tian Yuan as a whole was covered in ice and  under the moonlight it is like glistening fantasy.
At Yi Tian Yuan, only the night patrol soldiers watched the spectacle. They standing  in front of the manor bewildered , tensed and shivering.
Su Ling was the first to regain his composure and walked towards the gate. Han Shu  stared at the bunch of icicles falling straight from the wall. He could not help but cried, “Oh, good heavens! Just now when I came in it’s not freezing yet? How can there be such a strange thing! “Dome Mountain is located in the South, capital should be warm and pleasant place to be this year, only on New Year will float some snow. When will you see such a scene?
Su Ling walked to the door and the door suddenly opened from the inside, a surge of very cold air came out at once. All people standing at the door and they  unconsciously shivered! A tall figure on the ice come out while cursing,
“Deathly cold! “
The sight from the outside to the inside revealing the blinding white light shining in the yard. There was half a foot thick ice on the grass. The windows on the roof was full of ice. The ones  standing outside the house could feel the cold penetrating the bone.  To be exposed in them, one cannot imagine what it is like. Su Ling quikly approached,
“Yan Shu, is she in there? “
Su Yan quickly closed the doors behind him while rubbing his stiff fingers, shuddering, replied,
” That girl is not here. Bing Lian got mad and we did not know why. Something less than ten feet away were all frozen into ice and dazzling white stand all over. I did not expect Ling Li sword power is so strong, if not I will lose  more than forty years of internal cultivation keeping myself warm. I have to get out here! “
” She’s not there? “Where did she go? Su Ling a pushed open the door, going inside to find out. Bing Lian must have wronged Qing Mo. He must know what happened to her.
He opened the gate and the cold that came out was more bitter. Su Yan shrunk his neck trying to cover it. He was grabbing  Su Ling’s sleeve and cautioned him.
“Ling, you don’t go in, Bing Lian tonight something was not right! “
Over the years, Ling Li sword has been cold and they always wish to touch it but it would chill their whole body. It would be fine if it is only the chill but the frostbites they are suffering tonight! Bing Lian tonight, rather than just convergence of cold air, instead any thing  gets closer it will chill the object more quickly and turning it to ice. If he had not have the agility to leap away, he would have been frozen on the inside.
Su Ling frowns, had a bad premonition breeding inside, she must have had an accident or Bing Lian will not be like this. Holding Chuxie, Su Ling replied,
“I have Chuxie, it will be alright! “
More so, he need to get in, took one look at his dark sword, Su Yan eased a little and finally let go of the sleeve.
Su Ling stepped in the room cautiously with his backhand shutting the door closed. The housing within of Bing Lian seems to induce their coming and the   gleaming white became more dazzling. At that, the always quiet Chuxie also began to be disturbed and jittered. The hilt gave a stream of warmth by the palm that block the biting cold. It helped Su Ling to approach smoothly the center of almost frozen cabin..
Su Ling pushed open the door and saw the huge room has no signs of fighting. The sword was suspended mid-air, as Su Yan says, more than ten feet around it was frozen into ice and become empty cylinder. And under the dazzling white sword, the reflection was more blinding.
Su Ling resist the sharp wind and entered the room, anxiously asked,
“Bing Lian, where is she? “
Unfortunately,  Bing Lian felt disregarded under the questioning and immediately the sword got infuriated . Across the ten feet  thick ice, the sword suddenly move over to him. With each movement he makes, the sword also will follow. In an instant, the Ling Li sword carrying vital energy  was pressing ruthless strength towards him. Su Ling was frightened, after a leap back, the red blood sword cleave in his hands and like a lightning hit the ice block.
The ice impressively was divided into two parts. Unfortunately, Su Ling and Chuxie will not let off so lightly. The stuffy pain in the chest reminds him, that the sword made a false counter accusation a moment ago. The energy almost nearly made him suffer internal injuries, but Chuxie after the moment ago was still shaking!
Su Ling’s eagle eyes slightly squint, he also wants to move inside again but the red blood sword suddenly crossed his path and does not let him proceed even one step. Away from the fragmentation of solid ice, Bing Lian seems to also not convinced and released a cold air like crazy. The broken ice actually had a little  condensation and it seems Bing Lian does not intends to stop with him. Su Ling thought deeply for awhile and decided not to proceed and turned to leave outside the cabin.
The door opened and he was immediately pulled out by a big hand. Su Ling was not only covered with ice, even his hair and eyebrows were sheathed in ice. His breath bring out white fumes of mist and cruelly visible his inside  was frosty! His distressed appearance give a perception right away that red blood sword did not rushed to help!  Su Yan quickly helped him pat down the ice on the body and anxiously asked,
“How? “
Su Ling with solemn face replied,” Bing Lian is in violent anger. I can’t approach it. ” and without further explanation he asked, “This and Qing Mo, how did it all come about? “
He did not know what it is! She’s gone, Ling Li sword was strangely mad for no reason. Su Ling’s was compelled by the situation to directly get angry.
At this point, Su Ren and Su Yu also came to the front of the court looking at the situation.  Su Ren who was always smiling  has also have a very serious face.

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“Qing Mo knows about the matter of Bing Lian selecting a wife. “
Su Ling after lingering in  anxiousness for a long time now knew the core of the problem. She Knew? His deep cold voice suddenly resonate,
“Who said it to her? “
Su Ling glared at Su Yan. Su Yan took a step back and answered quickly, “Not me! “
Su Ren in a low voice explained, ” Su Yu got too drunk tonight, just it happened he met Qing Mo, he haphazardly say the things in his heart without choosing the words, but…… ” is that he was negligent. To a proud woman, how could she stand to be just a sword-like-appendages (sword attachment).
Su Ling heart sank, she’s gone? As if to confirm his suspicions, the door guard on duty from awhile ago quickly step forward and said,
” In reply to the  general, the young girl,  went out of the manor half an hour  ago . “
” Where did she go? “
Su Ling irritated yell frightened the door guard and with pale face and trembling replied,
” She …she…, she said she wants to walk and we didn’t dare to stop her. “
” Damn! Why did you not ask her where she would go? Why did you not follow her! “
Su Ling restless temperament, really shocked not only the people standing on the side of head of the guards but even in the presence of everyone was surprised by his rage.
Concerned, Su Ling had apparently mixed up confusion, Su Ren quickly said to him, “Eldest brother, she has Su clan shadow guard protection, she will be alright! When the Chiefs come back and the  shadow guard  Zhao is recalled, you will know where she is.” Shadow Guard protects only the Su families and only accepts the Chief’s orders. Su Ren was very calm but Su Ling have not such a good practice, still in panic in matters about her, after all  the one missing is his woman.
“You in the government office and Chief of the clan head back to the house. Send a message to Elder Qing to stop her or in any case if you find her, be sure to let me know! ” Su Ling at the  drop of the words and regardless of their reaction, he turned towards the house running  away, leaving only his anger that swept the men standing there, shocked.
Staring at the tall figure go like a whirlwind, Han Shu heart was clear, general flurried panic, he had seen it for the first time. It is self-evident that  Qing Mo is treasured in his heart . He then turned to look at the Su Ren  beside him equally solemn  and asked,
“What do we do now? “
” She did not ride. She will not be far away. I’m here for the Patriarch. Divide your soldiers into squads and search the capital to find her! “She could not be found, and third younger brother will suffer, even if big brother is willing to let him off, he might kill himself.
Han Shu nodded and replied “Well, I’ll go. “
” Han Shu ,” Su Ren suddenly called him, thought for a moment and in accountable way,
” Be prudent, don’t drop what somebody said, Ah! “
Han Shu pats his fellows chest,” Rest assured. “
Just after Han Shu has started speaking, there’s a snapping and creaking sound in the night and swallowed his voice in vain. All looking along towards the direction of the sound, the ice on the walls like vines generally began extending to the ground. The clear the transparent ice was very beautiful. But it swallowed everything along the way on the ground that come in. Now, people have a terrified creepy feelings.
Seeing the ice climbing on the instep. Su Ren had a rude awakening and yelled,
“Back! “
They hurried back outside around Tian Yuan, staring at the ground in the progressive extension of the ice. Su Ren’s face began to pale and to Han Shu  he lowly shouted, “Go! “
” Oh! ” Han Shu came back to his senses and went to training field barracks. Bing Lian’s fury extended in all directions, night patrol soldiers were scared, the Qing girl, if she does not come back, the General’s Office will it not be frozen?
General’s Office civil commotion and chaos was in a heap but Gu Yun was not aware of the circumstances.
Gu Yun slowly walking along the quartzite alley. She looked up to see above ahead and only a few clouds covered the dim stars and even the moon was not clear. The road was also a dark in front and it seems like an invisible road. She walked slowly step by step and her heart from the moment ago was of anger and then later disappointment and then to the moment of confusion. Perhaps in such a quiet night only her footsteps and heart sounds clearly visible.
Her feet, she did not know how long she’s been walking because she did not know where to go? This is the first time she did not know what she’s thinking?.
She was 17 years old when she enlisted. Then at 19, she was elected to the people’s armed police special police. Reconnaissance operation, field, round up, rescuing hostages and anti-hijacking … … She can’t remember how many times she performed the task, until the age of 24 when the counter-terrorism implementation task right in the shooting, a caliber Sha Ying by SOAE hit one side her lungs. She had to retire from that department but she requested for transfer to the Criminal Investigation Brigade. The assessment were all excellent,. She got a very high detection rate and a variety of tasks were done very well.
However, in this patriarchal world, she thought she could rely on her own strength for recognition. The results in the end, she didn’t know , so it was all herself thinking that she is infallible but in she is in fact a sword accessory. In their eyes, perhaps this girl is may not matter at all.
She just wish to know at the moment, the one who usually roar at her always but complied with her actually, impatient but would silently accompany her to take her medicine, always indifferent black eyes but will say awkward thing like ‘I am willing to’. Is it from him or whether it is the fancy of that sword too? Did he liked her or just habitually recognized the tradition of the clan for the sword?
Her footsteps are heavy, GuYun leaned her back against the cold stone wall. She sat on the side of the wall, to hide in the dark with her head gently on her lap. She gently closed her eyes.
She always thought she didn’t care, but now in her heart why so bitterly unbearable?

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