Chapter 25 Seeking For Another Method

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Inside the elegantly decorated room, there was a comfortable soft couch, at the moment, lying on the couch was not a beautiful woman.

 Jin Yan Hen was lying on his belly on the soft couch, wearing only inner clothing and his back was pricked with seven or eight silver needles. Lou Chen was sitting beside the soft couch. She was not reading a book as she habitually does but her eyes were on the clenched fist of Jin Yan Hen and the blue veins sticking out.

“I am going to pull the needle.”

The man lying just nodded slightly. Lou Chen eyes have some hesitation but she eventually pulled the needles very neatly. 

The moment a needle was pulled out, Jin Yan Hen could not help but cough uncontrollably.

Jin Yan Hen was clutching a white silk to cover his mouth, tried to suppress the coughing noise, sensing Lou Chen hands tightly holding the silver needle.

After about the time of fragrant incense passed, Jin Yan Hen slowly turned over. He just had a burst of coughing and his face was a little flushed but Lou Chen eyebrows raised seeing his face for he was unexpectedly smiling happily.  Jin Yan Hen took a deep breath and sighed. He raised his hand and stretched his waist. He happily said, “Compared to the previous one, this is better. Before when the internal force was used, my whole body was in excruciating pain. ” 

Lou Chen glanced at his hand clutching the white handkerchief; looking his face she did not feel relieved with Jin Yan Hen’s words, she actually turned more serious.

 “Not a good way to proceed. We will try another way.” Anyway, Fang Ru Hui had a lot of herbs here and she was not afraid of wasting them.” Jin Yan Hen sighed, this girl was more determined than he expected, even if she had a photographic memory,  very smart but she never rested and almost sleepless, constantly searching and even a person made of steel would not be able to stand it. 

Lying with his side and covering his head with his one arm, he was lying idly and this became his most favorite recently because without putting an effort, it made him look very weak.   

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Looking at  Jin Yan Hen at such state, Lou Chen’s was anxious. She did not feel this uncomfortable feeling growing up and this was the most frustrating thing she had ever experienced.

The medicine she concocted, he never questioned what it was and would drink it without complaint. When she would like to try acupuncture, he would just lie down obediently, smiling and let her do whatever. She did not know why Jin Yan hen trusted her so much and now the only thing she knew she couldn’t make him suffer and could not go on with this trial and error test. In just a few days, he lost a lot of weight and those medicines she had given him did not make him better. The pills she gave him could only neutralize the toxicity at the beginning and delay the onset of the poison’s effect, now the pills were beginning to lose its effectiveness, the poison was beginning to erode his body and she could not afford to do the trial and error means, his body couldn’t withstand such testing.

Lou Chen got up, took the thin quilt next to her and covered  Jin Yan Hen with it.  “We will stop testing today that is it for today, you take a good rest.” 

 Jin Yan Hen raised his eyebrows, surprised by attention and the care. However, after Lou Chen gave him the thin quilt, she turned and left the well-decorated room. 

After she left, Jin Yan Hen loosened his palm holding the white handkerchief, the center was stained with red.


    “Fang Ru Hui.” 

 Fang Ru Hui was drying the medicinal herbs in the backyard when he heard the chilly but gentle whisper behind him. He does not have to turn because he already knew who was the person behind him. He took some medicinal herbs in his hands before turning around. He saw Lou Chen inside the quiet courtyard, like her hair, she was wearing a black elegant gown and in her cold indifferent eyes were the appearance of frustration. 

  “What’s the matter? Recently, were you too disturbed? Do you want me to change the yard for you?” Fang Ru Hui was secretly laughing thinking of what Aunt Jin Ru was brewing these past few days, he naturally saw it. He could only allow these “love rivals” that were visiting and he was afraid it was disturbing Lou Chen.  

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 At this point, Fang Ru Hui evidently wanted to branch to the subject of the “love rivals” but  in the eyes of Lou Chen, she did not pick up that hint in his eyes that of ‘love rival”, but Lou Chen could not grasp why he was looking at her with that ridiculous expression in his eyes. 

She came for more important matter and was not interested in finding out what was in his expression. She stated the purpose of her visit. “Can you find a Yu Lu?”

Two days ago, she read a rare medical book and saw the record about Yu Lu. The book record claimed that it could “resurrect” the vitality of internal strength.  Lou Chen was definitely not a believer, in a matter of “death”, no drugs can bring back anyone to life. But the book mentioned that Yu Lu can clear the pubic region and promotes its vitality. Before she only sealed Jin Yan Hen’s pubic region to contain the spread of poison and tried to dispel the poison, and she never thought of increasing the power of the pubic region to resist the effect of poison. Now, she thought of increasing the vitality of the pubic region so when she dispel the poison, his pubic region will not be damaged. 

 “What?” Fang Ru Hui was stunned and did not understand it clearly. 

 Lou Chen patiently explained, “Yu Lu -the root or blossom of Moonflower.” 

 Fang Ru Hui heard it this time, but his brows wrinkled and shook his head. “I have only heard of Yu Lu but never seen one.  I don’t know where to look for it.” 

 The Moonflower grows in an extremely dry land. The so-called Yu Lu was the juice of the ground root of the Moonflower. One root of a Moonflower can only provide one or two drops of Yu Lu. Taking the medicine from the root, the whole plant will be ruined. If one wouldn’t want to ruin the plant, it can be done so also by waiting for the flowers to bloom and dry it into powder.  It was a good medicine for dredging and poisoning, so even if someone had Moonflower, they were also reluctant to make it into Yu Lu. The Moonflower alone was hard to find, let alone the Yu Lu. 

In this case, she can only go home and ask aunt to help lift the poison? Lou Chen was very adamant. She was very smart since childhood, whether it was sword or medicine, or even in surgery that expert can hardly figure out, she can penetrate a few difficult points, but today she was defeated by this “poison”.  She was pondering about it for a few days and she has some clues. If she can find Yu Lu, the poison of Jin Yan Hen can be lifted. If she can’t find it, then she had to consider going home for help. After all, if it was delayed any further, the life of Jin Yan Hen though he will be survived, the strength of his pubic region will be forever ruined.

Lou Chen was secretly tangled thinking of her options when a man walked into the courtyard and a  deep voice with a little confidence but sounds quite pleasing to the ear, “I know a place, maybe they have that  something that you are looking for.” 

Xing Mu’s poison was already lifted after three days, though he needed resting and self-discipline several more days. His wound had not completely healed yet but his color was better, the grayish tint on his face was gone and his heroic spirit was flourishing. He walked a few steps with his hand raised bearing an elegant demeanor.

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 Fang Ru Hui was very interested in the medicinal herb and medical treatment. When he heard that Xing Mu knew that Yu Lu can be found,  he quickly asked. “Where?” 

Sensing other eyes coldly gazing at him, he looked over Fang Ru Hui, Xing Mu’s heart leaped slightly. “ Xinglin Pavilion.”  ( Xinglin is an honorific name meaning fine doctor).

 A streak of light crosses Fang Ru Hui eyes and his brows unconsciously wrinkled. After a long silence, he whispered. “Is it the legendary Xinglin that has all kinds of rare and exotic herbs, but not for sale?” 

 Xing Mu did not expect that the doctor in this small town actually knew of Xinglin Pavilion. The look of interest in Fang Ru Hui’s eyes cannot be hidden. “Is the Doctor Fang and people in Xinglin Pavilion are acquaintances?” 

Fang Ru Hui smiled faintly and replied, like the gentle and neat appearance of the past, said with a smile. “No, we are not.  I just heard of it. If it is that Xinglin Pavilion, perhaps there may be Yu Lu.

Lou Chen incident in Liao Yue was leading her to more things. Listening to the two, it seemed that this Xinglin Pavilion really had some reputation and a bit of ability. Lou Chen was very much interested, “Where is the Xinglin Pavilion?”

  “The City of Ling (or  Lingcheng). It is more than a thousand miles from here. It is one of the three famous cities in Liao Yue. “

The distance from Luo Shui Town to Qiong Yue Capital City was more than six thousand miles and at the most, it will take less than 20 days to reach it. Going to Lingcheng will also take awhile but nearer by many. If they can get the Yu Lu, Lou Chen was confident that she can cure Jin Yan Hen.  After weighing the situation in her heart,  Lou Chen said. “Then let’s go to the Xinglin Pavilion.” 

 Lou Chen said so readily and it seemed so easy for her to say this. Xing Mu was worried that Lou Chen was not aware of the rules of Xinglin Pavilion and wanted to go there excitedly. She might be disappointed, so he explained to her in a low voice. “According to the rules of Xinglin Pavilion, they can only exchange the medicinal herb with another. They should approve the herb or else, they won’t exchange.”

 Lou Chen did not say anything after hearing it. Fang Ru Hui was the one who was a bit worried, Thousands Grass Hospital had many herbs, but the one that Xinglin Pavilion will be interested in, he naturally does not have any. After pondering for a moment, Fang Ru Hui looked at Xing Mu and asked in a low voice. “If there is no medicinal herb that we can exchange, will they accommodate other things?”

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Xing Mu shook his head. This was the rule of Xinglin Pavilion and will never make an EXCEPTION for anyone.

 Xing Mu and Fang Ru Hui’s faces were seriously gloomy. When they heard the chilly voice of  Lou Chen, “Do not worry, since I said go, naturally  there is a thing that can be exchanged with them.”  

After finding the King’s grass inside the cave, she took it and placed it in a small basin. She nurtured it with spring water and the original soil was wrapped around it, to fed and it was preserved. Compared to King’s grass, the value of Yu Lu was far less.  The rare thing about Yu Lu was that it can be found in dry places but the plant was completely destroyed to get a Yu Lu. Even for thousands of bloom of  Moonflower, only a small bottle of Yu Lu can be obtained. The King’s grass, on the other hand, was truly the rare treasure, it was extremely difficult to find one. Although there were only a dozen blades that were left on her plant, it was enough for exchange to any elixir in the world. 

Lou Chen just said the sentence lightly and Xing Mu believed her without further questioning. The corner of his lips raised a smile and said, “So very good. Xiaojian Mountain Villa is not far from Ling City. I will go with you. After all, Yan Hen was poisoned also because he wanted to help me find the Zhi Ge.  Xiaojian Villa and Xinglin Pavilion have also a bit of a friendship, maybe they will let it slide for a bit.” After that, Xing Mu quietly looked at Lou Chen, seeing that she was not stopping him to go with her, he was secretly relieved. 

Fang Ru Hui was silent for a moment and said with a smile. “I have always been very curious about the Xinglin Pavilion. I also want to see it. I will go with you.”

 “When are we leaving?”  A voice with a dumb and relaxed tone sounded.

They did not realize that  Jin Yan Hen also arrived in the small courtyard. He was in the medical hall earlier treating his wound; he was not wearing his normal constabulary uniform but rather changed into a beige close fitting hospital gown. At this moment his hands were on looped on his chest and he was half leaning at the entrance and looked very sluggish. At corners of his mouth was a faint smile. The smile combined with his pale face made people had a hard time looking at him carefree, uninhibited and somewhat devilish.

 Looking at Jin Yan Hen’s obvious emaciated figure, Fang Ru Hui was very worried. “Ah-Hen, you want to go?” 

 “I am like this, if I don’t go with you, I will be dead when you come back. Chen’er also said that she will not leave behind, right? “ Jin Yan Hen said thus but his expression does n’t appear concerned, but actually leisurely looked pitifully at Lou Chen.

Fang Ru Hui glanced at him and shouted. ” Aunt Ru will not agree with you, she will not let you leave Luoshui Town.” 

Jin Yan Hen winked at Fang Ru Hui, gathered his facial expression, straighten up his chest and feet together, ” Rest assured, I have my own way.” 

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