It was morning by the time Reia and the others who were chasing the Goblin King’s dummy returned.

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Chiharu must have been tired because she was sleeping in Reia’s arms.
Chloe had returned to human form, dragging the Goblin King’s dummy behind her.

“My apologies. We finally caught him only for it to be a fake”
“Ahh, don’t worry. He’s already sworn to not come back”
“I- I can’t believe it”

Reia and Chloe were stunned.

“Y- You caught him? The main body”
“Yeah, he was crying a ton while apologising”
“A- As expected of Takumi-san. To easily catch the main body while we were fooled by the dummy”

They misunderstood on their own, it’s just that he showed himself.

“Not to mention, to allow the Goblin king, who is said to get stronger after running, to flee. Takumi-san is giving the hidden message ‘Come back anytime, I’ll be waiting for when you’re stronger'”
“I- I’m glad you understand. That’s exactly right”

Nope, what the heck is a hidden message.
I just banned him normally and let him leave.
But it’s a hassle so I go with my usual line.

“Well, good job everyone. Chloe, we made potato soup yesterday, want to join us?”
“Is that okay. By all means, allow me to accompany you”

The moment I invited Chloe into the cave.
Her attention turned to Demon Sword-san in my right hand.

“Takumi-dono. I don’t mean to be impertinent but, if possible, could you entrust that demon sword to me?”

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Demon Sword-san twitched.
That reminds me, Chloe said that sealed in Demon Sword-san was the disgrace of the dragon race.

“What will you do if I entrust it to you?”
“…..Destroy it. With my own hands”

Demon Sword-san was silent.

“Could I hear the full story?”
“Yes, after the meal”

It’s an important story but it seems her appetite takes precedence.

“Long ago there was a genius amongst the dragon race. It was said their talent would surpass even the ancient dragon, a candidate for the next dragon king, raised with everyone’s expectations”

The story was long from the beginning.

I’ll leave the complicated matters to Takumi-san.
Was what Reia said as she quickly ran away while carrying Chiharu.
But you’re the one who bought Demon Sword-san.

“However, that genius began to lose themselves in their talent and repeated foolish act after foolish act. Eventually the genius became known as an evil dragon, stripped of their true name, and exiled from the dragon race”
“…..Evil dragon”
“That’s correct. A dragon that is evil written as evil dragon”2

I stare at Demon Sword-san.

“I- I’m not that evil. It’s a misunderstanding”

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That reminds me, the special technique’s name was ‘Evil Dragon Darkness Great Flame Bullet’.

Uh, aren’t you pretty evil, Demon Sword-san.

“The banished evil dragon held a grudge and would continue to pick fights with the dragon race screaming ‘You’ll regret this, see what happens!’. Then, at the peak of our anger, we sealed the evil dragon into the demon sword”
“T- That’s weird, I- I don’t remember saying anything like that…..”

…..You definitely did, didn’t you.

“That was my older sister, Evil Dragon Karna”
“Eh, sister!?”
“Indeed. That demon sword’s name is Karna. My detestable older sister”

At the shocking truth I unintentionally look at Demon Sword-san again.

“It’s true, Chloe is my younger sister”

Now you mention it, Demon Sword-san….. Karna and Chloe are both jet black. Somehow their form also feels similar.
When you think that way, the scabbard and hilt look somewhat erotic. Is it fine for me to hold this? Am I not touching some part I shouldn’t?

“Despite being sisters, Chloe wants to destroy Karna?”
“Yes, even sealed, my elder sister is collecting power and plotting her revival. I must not allow that to happen”
“Would it be bad if she returned?”
“She would dedicate herself to misdeeds again”
“Really? Karna?”
“Nah, I won’t do that again. I’ve reflected a lot. I’m sorry Kuu-chan, seriously”2

Karna seems somewhat dispirited.
It doesn’t look like she’s lying but…..

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“Takumi-dono, have you been talking to Kar….. the demon sword?”
“Aah, we’ve been talking. As expected, Chloe can’t hear her voice?”
“Yes, it’s likely that the demon sword can only speak with its true owner. I believe that Takumi-dono is the only one in the world that can hear it’s voice”

A demon sword that drains the strength of those that wield it.
Ironically, as no one can wield it, Karna was always lonely.

“What is it? D- Do you have anything to say about our situation?”

They’re definitely sisters. They probably don’t truly want to quarrel with each other.

“I won’t do that again. I’ve reflected a lot. I’m sorry Kuu-chan, seriously. Or so she says”

I relay Karna’s exact words.


For a instant, Chloe’s makes a gentle expression.
However it immediately stiffens.

“I- It’s not like I believe you but as Takumi-dono has you I’ll turn a blind eye for today. Besides if you do return and commit evil deeds, it should be simple for Takumi-dono to punish you”

I can’t though.

“You can’t though.”

My thoughts and Karna’s voice overlap.

It was the early afternoon, a bit after Chloe left.
Reia and Chiharu, who chased the Goblin King all though the night, were piled up sleeping on the straw.

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“Takumii….. mhm mhhm”

Chiharu called my name in her sleep.

“…..We’ll talk later, there’s no time right now”

I’m interested in Chiharu’s transformation during the fight with the Goblin King but it’s not a pressing matter. No matter Chiharu’s true identity, right now in the present, Chiharu is cute. That alone is enough.

The weather is good, I’ll hang up the hammock and sleep too.
As I planned to do so and went outside.

A delivery bart flew by and left an envelope at the front of the cave.4
Over the past ten years, I have never received a letter.
The black envelope was shut with a red seal.

I have a bad feeling about this but since I can’t not open it either, I tear it open. Inside was a single card.

[ Dear adventurers ranked 1st to 10th.

As the Demon Lord Progenitor has revived, the Conference of the Ten Greats will be held. Please hurry to the guilds main office.

Adventurer Guild Chairman Barbaroy Sauza ]

For now I’ll act like I didn’t read it and take an afternoon nap.

Translators Notes:
1: Evil dragon(邪龍) is a shortening of dragon that is evil(邪悪な龍).
2: Chloe/Kuroe hence the nickname Kuu-chan.
3: Karna + Onee(older sister) = Karnee
4: This isn’t a typo or anything bart is the name of a fictional species of bird in this world.

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