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When we pushed open the large doors I heard Sufilia scream, the king had fallen onto his but in front of Seig and the others.

They had killed anyone else who got involved and the bodies laid scattered around the room. Their blood was pooling on the floor and I straddled is as I made my way forward.

“You’re……Dragons heart?”

“Fredrick Artemias, for the crimes of embezzlement, rape, murder, and mass murder, you are here by sentenced to death.”

Seig proclaimed with a sword resting in the king’s neck. I had no idea this guy was that terrible.

“What are you talking about! This country is mine, and I’m free to do whatever I want with it!”


“I don’t care what you think. You’re going to die.”

“I’m going to die? Hahaha. In that case, what’s the difference between us? You’re also guilty of murder.”

“We believe differently.”

“You’re calling it your beliefs? Then what I did was based of my own belief? That’s not enough to kill me? The definition of a crime isー”

“That definition is why we’re here.”


“We decided to kill you, that’s all there is too it.”

“My daughter too? Are you going to kill her as well? Wait! Wait my daughter is different, my daughter isー”

Sieg cut off the kings head, blood sprayed from the wound.

“That too, is at our own discretion.”

Sieg muttered to the headless corpse.

“You’re turn.”


Sieg asked me to kill Sufilia.

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There were no tears in the princesses eyes, she didn’t even look sad. I wonder if this is how one feels when their parents are killed in front of them.

“Princess I want to ask you something.”

The princess looked at me.

“Did you order the people to be killed?”

I can believe it, at the time she seemed to feel the people’s sadness inside herself. She mourned that she couldn’t help the people. But now, I don’t feel any of that from her, she’s like a completely different person.

“I’m going to take off my mask for a moment.”

Sieg and the others moved away and turned their backs then I took the mask off.



Looks like she remembers me but, I don’t feel happy about it.

“Answer my question, did you give the order to have those people killed? The people who gathered here back then.”

“Why are you here?……oh, I see. You’re part of Dragon’s heart.”

“Was that a lie?”

“A lie? No, I didn’t lie.”

“Then is it OK for me to believe that you give the order for them to be killed?”

“No, I did give that order.”

Her expression didn’t change when she answered.

“Then….why did you mourn about how powerless you were? How you couldn’t do anything?”

“Because that’s what you all wanted right? A princess that felt sad for her country.”

Is this really Sufilia?

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Her expression held no affection for anyone anymore, the guard was right, she is crazy.

“Did you order the slaughter?”

“I did. But my father didn’t listen to what I wanted then. I wanted to set them all on fire but he had them killed with arrows and swords, if I was going to die anyway I wanted to see it at least once. A crowd of that size all burning together.”

The princess I met was a fake, this is the true princess. But my heart still wants to believe her.

“Are you lying to me?”

“No I’m not lying. Haven’t you already seen what you wanted to see?”


“I don’t understand why you looks so sad.”


“Im the princess and Sufilia, I lived wearing these two masks. Princess to the people, and Sufilia in the castle. That’s how I lived, it’s the same for everyone isn’t it, even you Nito. The adventurer Nito, Nito of the Dragon’s heart. You have to masks as well so what is it that’s so different about me?”

“The problem isn’t the difference between us. The problem is that you ordered those people killed.”

I noticed it now, Sufilia felt even less guilt about killing people than we did.

“I don’t understand, is that why you’re going to kill me? I knew it, we’re the same. I didn’t understand why people adored me.”

“You didn’t understand?”

“Isnt it good that they adore me? Then aren’t I free to do whatever I want with them? Didn’t you know Nito, everyone is selfish. And I thought to myself one day, why is it that they adore me?”

I know that people are selfish. Saeki was selfish and it turned in to me being bullied.

“But I realized the didn’t adore me, they adored the princess. They wouldn’t understand me, so I just played along, gave them something to adore. Do you get it Nito? You’re the same as everyone else, you saw what you wanted to see.”

Everyone lives for themselves, this is true. Most actions can be explained in this way.

“They chose to adore me without understanding, while I happened to choose to kill them. Although chose is a strong word, it felt like it was just happening in front of me. Not everything is good or evil like you think it is.”

Good and evil are abstract concepts, we act according to our beliefs. That’s what sieg said, but what are my beliefs? Aren’t I pointing my sword at her neck?

“See we’re the same, people reject things they don’t understand.”

What she said isn’t wrong, Saeki and Aries both rejected and abandoned me. But did her people really adore her? Maybe that’s something only she was capable of seeing.

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“Why did you ask me those things?”

Why am I the one suffering?

“Isnt it unreasonable?”

Yeah, it is.”

“Why did I have to be born as a princess?”

Why am I suffering. Someone else would have been fine.

“So then, isn’t it OK for me to kill them?”

Yeah, I’m going to kill them Saeki and the others.

“Nito, kill her!”

I don’t want to.

“I won’t kill her.”


If I killed her, I would be denying who I am.

“Nito what are you saying?”

“She shouldn’t kill.”

“Murder isn’t her only sin, they’re sending weapons to other countries promoting wars. They use the trifar technology, she’s one of the lead alchemists and manufacturers.”


“She was the one controlling the manufacturer of Trifar.”


“If Sufilia is killed.”

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“Then the production of Trifar will be halted.”


“The others have already been killed, she’s the only alchemist in this country. If we kill her the weapons won’t be produced anymore.”

That’s why you’re going to kill her? That sounds like it’s for Siegs convenience.

Sufilia closes her eyes, waiting for death.

“What about the trifar that has already been made?”

“The factory will be destroyed after this, we can’t help what’s already been released. But magic tools can’t be used forever.”

“So that means that if she doesn’t make anymore then there won’t be any more?”

“Thats what it means.”

“Ok. Then let me look after her.”

“She can’t be allowed to live!”


Siegs angry shout echos through the hall.

“She won’t make Trifar anymore.”

“Her very existence is a sin.”

“Seig you told me once to follow the path I believed in. I believe that Sufilia shouldn’t die here, I think the evil died with the king.”

“What do you plan to do with her, build a country here?!”

“She will join my party. From here on she’s no longer a princess. She will live as an adventurer.”

I turned to Sufilia who still had her eyes closed.

“How’s that?”

“I’ll dedicate my life to Nito.”

I took Sufilias hand.

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