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Extra chapters: ko-fi 14


A month had passed since the dungeon appeared. The jet black tower that stood proudly in the middle of the desert suddenly disappeared into particles of light. The merchants, tourists and adventurers that had gathered there all stared up at it.

“Hey everyone, come out and take a look!”

At a certain tent former challengers that had been receiving treatment appeared one after the other to look.

“No way.”

They appeared one after the other, all of them at a loss for words.

“The dungeons……..been cleared…”

Knight of Dams Ardan, Leonardo Astar, the moment he said this a great cheer rose up. Leonardo was none other than the man that had tried to stop Masamune’s party from entering. But now he was smiling, because he knew that someone had cleared the dungeon.

Nobody had entered the dungeon after Masamune and the others, many who arrived to challenge it had ended up as tourists instead. Everyone was frightened by the number of injured.

Before he’d had a chance to enter there were many who’d witnessed Masamune being interviewed. Many of said witnesses were merchants that had immediately spread the information around between themselves.

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“Its seems that the hero of Razhousen Nito is here to challenge the dungeon.”

The rumor spread rapidly but the merchants themselves didn’t necessarily care. They didn’t actually care who challenged the dungeon or who died in the dungeon, all the merchants were here to do was make money. All they did with the information was use it to kill time.

But when the dungeon disappeared and four people descended down from the sky, even the merchants forgot about their businesses and cheered.

It’s said that if a dungeon appears once every 100 years a dungeon being cleared occurs only once every 1000. As such it was clear how rare of a thing this really was.

Many people were rushing to where the dungeon was and among them were Francesca and Dolly.

“Dolly hurry! That’s Nito!”

“I’m hurrying!”

They both ran forward as the four challengers landed on the ground.

We cleared the dungeon, kind of, not really. Although everyone that had gathered would refer to us like that. ‘Dungeon clearers’ ‘dungeon capturers’. The three people beside me were nervous when heading in but their expressions were different now. While I suspect they more or less enjoyed themselves I probably spent far to long talking with Bell and they’d grown tired of the dungeon.

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“Haaaa…..even though we’ve just gotten back.”

It appears that Toa is frustrated by the people that had gathered around us.

“Well, it can’t be helped. We’ve just done something that no one else could. We captured a dungeon.”

“True but…I didn’t actually do anything.”

“Me either.”

Everyone was quite tired it seemed, beside me Nem was holding my hand while dozing.

“Let us pass! Hey! Let us pass!”

Francesca and Dolly appeared from out of the crowd.

“Congratulations Nito!”

As she said this Dolly immediately takes a picture of me, good thing I had a mask…

“Thank you. ”

I answered with a bitter smile.

“How do you feel now that you’ve cleared the dungeon?”

I already agreed to be interviewed after clearing the dungeon so it can’t be helped, although Toa didn’t look too happy.

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“Uhh happy, we were able to clear it without running into any problems.”

Although honestly quite a lot happened but it’s not like I can actually tell them about it. So I was forced to answer in that way.

“Please tell us about what went on inside the dungeon.”

“The same as the other challengers said, the sun was always setting and there were several strange buildings.”

“Many of the challengers did not return. Nito, what are your thoughts on this?”

Francesca’s line of questioning changed.

“Oh yeah, the dungeon had several corpses inside. I assume they were the challengers, while I was inside I didn’t meet any other survivors so it’s probably safe to say that no one else will be coming back.”

Then after Francesca declared it as her final question.

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“Well then Nito, what message do you have for the world that was waiting for you to capture this dungeon?”

I thought hard, how am I supposed to answer this question? It’s not like I can provide a deterrence by saying ‘don’t dream about dungeons anymore’ to keep people out of them…

“A dungeon is not a graveyard for dreaming fools. It’s a place where a handful of dreamers find the truth beyond their dreams. If you want to reach the truth beyond that, challenge the dungeon. However, those who have no will should not even dream.”

Toa answered from behind me.


“Your eye is red.”

Toa whispered and I quickly closed my eye.


I replied back in a small voice.

“Well then, that’s all for the interview. Thank you Nito.”

Dolly lowered the camera as well.

“Good work Nito. I never thought someone would actually be able to clear a dungeon.”

Francesca said as she was leaving.

“It was harder than I thought a lot happened. By the way are you recording something?”

I was curious about this journalism style reporting.

“Oh that’s just incase, sometimes I write an article under the heading ‘uncut interview’ so it’s used for that.”

It appears it wasn’t that interesting after all.

“By the way how much time has passed since we went into the dungeon?”

“About a day or so.”

“A day? Did you get any information during that time?”

I was worried about Sierra.

“No, we haven’t received any information from Razhousen.”

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“…..I see.”

Does that mean the war hasn’t started yet? Although thinking about it normally that isn’t something that just happens right away is it.

“If anything happens please let me know.”

“No problem, in exchange could you tell me what the dungeon was really like?”

It appears that Francesca was aware that I was lying.

“Well honestly, it’s better if noone challenges one anymore.”

“What does that mean?”

“Hmmm, I’d say it’s useless to challenge it? That most people won’t actually be able to clear a dungeon regardless of their abilities.”

Francesca was confused but I can’t say anymore.

“By the way, you can publish what I just said.”

Francesca’s eyes shined.


“Yeah, that much is fine.”

“What are you going to do now? Head back to the academy?”

“I have an errand to complete so I’ll be heading back once that’s finished.”

“I see, well then I’ll be heading back to the academy first then.”

“Hmm? You’re going back to the academy?”

What kind of job could she have at the academy.

“The qualifying matches for the competition between schools will begin soon so I want to interview the candidates.”

There was something like that wasn’t there, I wonder how Patrick is doing with the spirit?

“Is Nito going to participate?”

“Hmmm, I haven’t decided yet.”

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“I see, by the way Nito. Do you know the Fishnatica magic academy?”

[《T/N: it’s katakana, I hate katakana I never spell katakana names the same way twice and couldn’t find where and what I called it first. I think it showed up anyway. It’s the other magic school besides greyberg…..》]

“Of course, It’s Halekuwaits opponent right?”

Francesca smiled.

“Did you know that currently there are 19 heros from Greyberg in that academy?”


“……19 heros?”

“Correct, we talked about it before didn’t we? How Greyberg summoned Heros.”


Francesca seemed triumphant.

“2 of them are missing.”

“Yes, I remember.”

“The newly crowned king, king Arthur of greyberg entrusted their futures to Fishnatica.”


“Yes, during Dragon Hearts attack Greyberg lost a large number of teachers and the school was no longer able to operate.”

“In other words, the match between the schools…”

“The 19 heros will be joining in.”

Francesca seemed to be reading my thoughts. In otherwords it’s not a proper match, it’s Halekuwait vs 2-3 heros.



“Do please participate, I’d love to cover it. ”

What a scary woman, how well does she understand me?

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