A New Age of Magic

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Trip to the Top Hill

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"Leh… Tay…" The burning torch suddenly got brightened.

“Dang… Shin… Leh… Csi…” Four lanterns floated in the air around the silent room, lightening up the whole room.

Moths started to fly over and rush into the flames, and then safely went through the fire-like lights. Those bugs might be confused. They turned over and tried to fly over again.

Light-dark spell: the caster’s mind activates air particles in a circular area somewhere, and then accelerates the movement of the particles in that area, so that the particles get warmed up and glow like a burning torch.

Light-dance spell: the caster forms four lanterns or light balls for illumination within a short distance around himself.

The two magic spells look very similar, but in fact very different.

Light-dark lasts longer and makes a moving flame. So the flame looks brighter but slightly unstable in terms of brightness. This type of “torch” is suitable for a field trip. 
Light-dance actually builds an air shell with the caster’s mind to protect the warmed up air particles. Since the heat has no direct contact with the outside air, there won’t be swaying flames. This type of “lantern” thus is more suitable for indoor lighting.

Especially when small items fall to the ground, the four lanterns combined could be used as a shadowless lamp for the perfect searching condition.

Of course, it’s not the point to study those two level-zero magic spells. Their effects are just a few light bulbs after all. The most important thing is the spell contents Fowls just used!
The two long spells used to contain lots of syllables. After differentiated by another world's signal processing method, they turned out to be spells only two or three syllables long. And they worked the same!

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Hilton’s speculation was no doubt correct.

The spell simplification varies from wizard to wizard. Due to each person's tone range is different, the way of reduction will be different. Usually only some senior wizards can find the exclusive spell reduction methods based on their magic experience. And their reduction takes one syllable out a time, which could never be as efficient as Fowls’.
Moreover, after a long period of meditation and deduction, Fowls found that if his mental thoughts were powerful enough, he didn’t even have to recite a spell or give gestures to use magic. As long as the spell castings and the gesture movements could be simulated in his mind, he could complete the magic.

Some other wizards could have such skills as well, but only from long period of practice and combats instead of talent gifts. Wizards characterized them Super Magic skills.
The super magic is the most special kind of the general magic. Almost all wizards are trying to study it, whether he is an apprentice who has just started, or a master who has already reached a dozen levels. Yet the highest level of the super magic is only level three.

The special feature of the super magic is that its power is not determined by itself, but by the magic that the caster attached it to.

For example, level zero Light-dark spell’s heat and brightness, if you use a level one super magic enhancement, can be greatly increased. And of course, the difficulty of controlling the light-dark also rises straight up to that of the first-level magic.
Level zero magic, if attached with a level one super magic, would become a new form of level one magic.

Level one magic, if attached with another level one super magic, would be equivalent to a new level two magic.

Naturally, combining two level one super magic, or attaching level one super magic twice to a level zero magic, would be comparable to a new level three magic…
However, whether it is a combination of multiple super magic, or a repeated attachment of a single super magic, the total number of the levels the super magic can upgrade shall not exceed three. Otherwise the casting will inevitably fail, and the reason for that is also the focus point of study for all wizards.

This kind of improvement seems to be useless. If one is already familiar with a higher level magic, why bother use an enhanced version of a lower level magic? 

But in fact, the application of super magic is significant. Magic spells of certain levels are incomplete from the ancient books, and super magic could help lower magic to reach the comparable effects for the missing spells. A more important thing is… that the special nature of some super magic skills.

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The applications of super magic skills on spell range, material upgrading and power enhancement are the simplest and the most straightforward ones. The wizards are more interested in the others, such as silent spell, stone spell, fast spell and flash spell.

Silent spell: a level one super magic skill, one can use his magic without chanting the spells;

Stone spell: a level one super magic skill, one can use his magic without waving gestures;

Fast spell: a level one super magic skill, one can speed up his magic effects without reducing the success rate of the casting;

Flash spell: a level three super magic skill, one’s magic can instantly reach the full power.
A Nineth-level meteor explosion can certainly kill the targets; A spell of fireballs can also be vital if targets are not prepared. When two wizards fight, a level nine meteor explosion is surely not as handy as instant fireballs.

The high level magic spells that above level eight are usually used in big wars, and… wizards who can master these levels of spells usually can’t care less about fights with ordinary humans.

Fowls was like a wizard who had super magic gifts in silent spell, stone spell, and fast spell. The silent spell and stone spell skills came from his special spirit and computation ability; the fast spell skill was a function of the mathematics application from another universe.
Although Fowls was only a second-level wizard, it is no exaggeration to say that he can battle with eight same level wizards in certain areas.

The more impressive part was that, his three super magic skills were not really super-magic. Since the skills were from his unique body, their applications were beyond the super magic rules.

These three enhancements were definitely the dreamed skills of most wizards… Just because of Fowls’ poor magic level, the effects of the enhancements were still weak.
“But... I’m good with it! I can quietly release a few burning hands, and feel the heat waves in the air!” Fowls clenched his fists with satisfaction.

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"Swaydi, pack your stuff. We need to head out." Fowls stepped out of the silent room, and rang the bell for his maid.

"Ah, young master, where will we be going to? What do you need to pack?" Swaydi was surprised. Since she started working here, her boss had never traveled far.

"Wizard Tower." Fowls answered.

Wizard Towers are the basic organizations of the Wizard Association throughout the Eastern Sea Union area. They are mainly responsible for monitoring monsters, crisis alarms, issuing regional missions from the Wizards Association and some other logistic jobs like selling magic materials.

Wizard Towers are usually built in the large-sized cities. Since the port city of Earendur used to be glorious, a wizard tower was built in this medium-sized city. Now it is still not abandoned. Some wizards chose to stay there.

Fowls again learned about this from his body’s former owner.

"I’m going to buy some materials and check some information there. You take a basket, oh, and pack half of the shell powders in the lab."
Swaydi quickly packed the stuff as she was told. It would be late in the night when they return home, she took some extra clothes to keep her boss warm.

"Do you still remember what you learned yesterday? Do not forget all about it after your sleep…" When Swaydi was busy packing, old Hilton stopped reading his book and asked his student loudly.

Fowls did not hire the old man to be his tutor as a joke. He really needed Hilton to “teach” him the science from the previous universe. However, the progress of the learning was more like a joke.
Old Hilton would never know that he was teaching Fowls something he already knew.

After only two or three hours of class, Fowls had become his favorite smart student. 

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"Yes I got them here." Fowls pointed to his head, "But I am afraid I can do no class tonight. I will make it up tomorrow."

The value of the old man was so tremendous that Fowls didn’t mind playing an enlightened student in front of him. Fowls even planned to take the old man along with him for a long time in the future.

Fowls would often need him to make the right "inventions" at a right time. It would be odd if he required him to do so as a young master of a traditional noble family. But it would be much easier to suggest scientific experiments when he became a science student. In addition, the more Hilton taught about the previous universe, the more common topics from the past life Fowls could share with him without being suspicious. 


Earendur is a city on the coast. The terrain is not considered flat or smooth. There is a small beach and lots of black reefs and mountains. The ground on the reefs about tens of meters above the sea level, is relatively flat.

Perhaps because of the steep crustal characteristics, Earendur has the best and deepest harbors in the main cities.

The Wizard Tower of Earendur is located on the top hill in the suburbs area. Fowls walked a long way along the hill path with Swaydi’s support by her arms. They finally made it to the Wizard Tower at the top of the hill before sunset.
Fowls took some advantage of Swaydi on the way, of course, to make his walk more pleasant!

From the outside, the Wizard Tower looks like a conventional architecture. It is about ten meters high; and it has three floors in total. The tower has a diameter of five or six meters. One would feel crowded if two people both get in at the same time.

But everyone knows, it is just the outlook!

In this universe system, all Wizards Towers possess the power of space. The outside appearance and the inner space are fundamentally from two different worlds.
A Wizard Tower like this one, if assessed by the secular constructing, could cost over tens of thousands of gold coins. Therefore, although the Wizard Association is wealthy enough to buy off a whole kingdom, they would not waste a built tower no matter what happened to the city.

"I'm sorry, it's too late, and we are closed." A magic apprentice in the tower seemed to notice the Fowls and his maid outdoor. He opened the door and talked to them.

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