Chapter 6 Sacrifice (Part II)

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Damn it, this was the culprit!

"It was just absorbing half year of your spiritual strength. Don’t be so excited. I had absorbed my former master’s spiritual strength for over 10 years.” The spirit said in an easy way.

"Do you know how much I have been laughed at over the past half a year? Are you aware of the pressure I had been under?” Zhou Han said madly.

"You are not left with nothing. At least you have seen how the so-called friends had been treating you. In future, you will not be someone who always helps people without any judgement. Like Wei Cheng, you helped him win the battle. What did he do to you in the end? He reported your condition to the higher rank!” Said the spirit.

Zhou Han wrinkled his brows and said nothing. Six months ago, there were a lot of achievements that he could have taken them as his own. But he gave them away to new soldiers. In the end, only Xiao Yong still remembered him when he was no longer powerful.

After he calmed down, Zhou Han’s mood gradually improved. Now he had figured out the reason behind the plummeting of his strength. He was sure his talent would come back to him. He would no longer be the person who helped everyone on the battlefield. It wasn’t impossible for him to achieve level eight strength if he worked harder on the battlefield. 

Sometimes one only knew to cherish it after he lost it. So when he regained the strength, Zhou Han cherished it even more. 

With his mood improved, Zhou Han did not feel the spirit to be too annoying. But his tone was very cold: "I don't care what you are, the spirit or the altar, if you want to continue to absorb my spirit, sorry, I can't afford you, you’d better look for someone else."

"Oh, other people do not have the five element strength as pure as yours. They don’t have such a strong soul perception like you.” The spirit said “You can rest assured. Since I allow you to come here, I will no long absorb your strength without your permission in the future.”

"Oh, then I don't need you either." Zhou smiled coldly. He had decided in his heart that no matter what the spirit said, he would not be tempted by him.

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"Young man, do you want to be stronger? Do you want to regain others’ respect?"

"I already know the reason behind my plummeting strength. I have my own plan to become stronger. Why do I need you?” Zhou Han said.

"Yes, your talent is good. But don't forget, you are almost eighteen years old. If you can't enter the realm of essence, you will never be an opponent to Zhou Liang. You will never have to chance to revenge! ”

The realm of essence. This was a realm that one could only achieve after reaching level ten strength and exceeding both the innate and after-birth strength. 

Zhou Han wanted to take revenge. He must be promoted to the realm of essence before 18 years old. Then he would be accepted to Fuzong through Fuzong’s assessment. Leveraging the resources of Fuzong, Zhou Han might be able to catch up with Zhou Liang.

This was the only path for Zhou Han to enter Fuzong, and it was also the reason why Zhou Han joined the army.

"If it wasn't you old thing absorbing my strength, why would my strength plummeting?” Being reminded about his pain point, Zhou Han screamed and cursed. Right after that, Zhou Han had another puzzle in his mind. It was a secret of Zhou Liang. Zhou Han had never told anyone about this secret. How did the spirit manage to know it? 

"You only entered here with your soul, not your body. Of course, I can scan your memory and get to know about everything.” The spirit explained.

Zhou Han was completely succumbed. Things had already developed to this stage. It didn’t help no matter who he blamed. In martial practice, the foundation was crucial. He had wasted half a year’s time and wasted his level five strength. 

There was only one year left before he reached 18 years old. In the first half a year, it was probably possible for him to practice into level eight strength. But it would be nearly impossible for him to develop from level eight to level ten and to exceed his innate and after-birth strength. 

Zhou Han sighed with disappointment and looked at the spirit “So you have a way?”

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"Of course!" Said the spirit.

"Then how about this. You will help me to enter the realm of essence. Then we can forget about how you absorbed my strength over the past half year. How about this?” 

"Young man, this is a good deal for you!” Said the spirit.

"If you are of no use to me, why do I bring a burden with me?” Zhou Han said “If you want to continue absorbing my strength, you must give me something in return.”

"You are my new master, I would not treat you badly.” The spirit took a pause and said “Do you want to become a Fu Master? ”

"Fu Master?" Zhou Han was shocked and said “Of course yes. You are asking for nonsense. On the southern mainland, everyone wants to become a Fu Master. But it is extremely hard. One needs to have the extraordinary talent as well as a master who teaches him everything…”

Zhou Han didn’t finish his words. He suddenly asked “Does it mean you have those preconditions as a Fu Master?”

When Zhou Han was ten years and Zhou Liang was twelve years ago, the Fuzong was in taking disciples. Both Zhou Han and Zhou Liang took part in the test. But Zhou Han didn’t even pass the first assessment. 

Zhou Liang successfully passed all the examinations of Fuzong. Zhou Han knew how hard it was to become a Fu Master, from the mouth of Zhou Liang. Zhou Han never thought he had met these requirements. 

"Since I let you here, you are naturally qualified." Said the spirit. 

"But I didn't pass the first assessment of Fuzong, I am..."

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"Fuzong? I wouldn’t even consider them grown-ups. They know nothing compared with me!” The spirit cut off Zhou Han’s words.

"Hr..." Zhou Han was speechless. Fuzong was like the behemoth above the emperor. It became valueless in the mouth of this spirit.

"Hey, what are you hesitating. Do you still want to become a Fu Master? ”

"In order to become a Fu Master, I also need someone to teach me everything. Will you teach me?” Zhou Han questioned. 

"Nonsense. If I can't teach you, why do I waste my time talking to you here?"

"Then which level of Fu Master are you? Are you as powerful as the court master of our emperor?” Zhou Han curiously asked. The court master of the emperor was a level six Fu Master. People were all after the different types of characters he made of. 

Once the character was made, it would be used on the trainer, leveling up the trainer’s growth by 10%. The character could also be used on medicines, enhancing the effect of the medicines by 10%. At last, it can be used in combats, adding 10% additional strength to people. 

Fu Master was an occupation that was above the refining pharmacists. Of course, with the positons of Fu Master so high, there weren’t many Fu Masters in the world. Very few people had the quality to become a Fu Master. 

"Level six Fu Master? Hey, it really scared me!” The spirit said in a weird tone, and quickly became dissatisfied “So, do you want to learn from me or not? ”

"Of course, I want to learn from you!" Zhou Han nodded directly. Being able to become a Fu Master without joining the Fuzong was a deal no one would reject.

"Well, so let’s talk about it until after you level up to the realm of essence.” 

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"So you will not teach me right now?” 

"When Fu Masters make characters, they need the support of essence. Do you have essence now?” 


"Then that’s it. You try your best to level up to the realm of essence. Then I will teach you.” 

"Then why don’t you help me to level up to the realm of essence.” Zhou Han said anxiously. 

“Did I promise to help you level up to the realm of essence? ”

“Then what do you mean? ”

“It seems that I only promised you to teach you into a Fu Master. I didn’t promise you to level you up to the realm of essence.”

"Oh..." Zhou Han felt a little dumb now. All his mind was focusing on becoming a Fu Master just now and he forgot about he had to level up his strength. 

"However, although I will not help you directly into the realm of essence, I have something that can help you.” Just when the spirit finished the word, a skin roll flew into Zhou Han’s hands. 

"This is..." Zhou Han took up the skin roll and immediately started checking on it.

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