A Returnee Wants to Play VRMMO

Chapter 56: Celes... Unedited

"Ha!" the leader of the group laughed coldly upon realizing his opponent strength level, "You are just an A-Ranker like us and clearly not part of any Clan he should worry about, while we on the other hand, from Brilliant Night! One of the top 10 Clans!"

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"You should just kneel and apologize…" he tried to release his hand with some force but it didn't even budge, he stared at Nex and spoke coldly, "You really want to play like that? If you let go now we may still return that bitch to you in one piece."

"It seems I needed to show more for you to realize something," Nex sighed and shook his head while starting to put strength in his grip.

"What?" the leader furrowed his brows before his twisting his face in pain as cracking sounds start to come from his hand, "Argh!"

"I can ignore how you just treated me," Nex's eyes didn't change even when the bones in the man's arm started to fill with cracks, "But not only did you curse her, you even dared to try and hurt and treat her like an object."

"You will not die," he didn't seem to care as the rest of the group pulled out their weapons and started to close in on him, he just gave the leader's arm a final squeeze to break all of the bones there to pieces before he let it go.

"But you will need to pay for it."

"Arrgh!" the leader cried in pain and jumped back the get help from the healer while staring at Nex with a gaze filled with hatred, "He is a body strengthening type with a grip related skill! Keep your distance from him and use spiritual attacks to knock them both out! I want him to look as we play with is left from his girl!"


Spiritual attacks are a type of attack that talented hunters could use after training for a while, they will not cause physical damage but they are much harder to block and will hurt the conscious directly. An average A-ranked could suffer a few direct hits before losing his conscious, but a normal person like Jane couldn't suffer even one before she would have a most likely permanent mental damage. The group clearly wanted to make Nex and Jane suffer in more ways than one.

And as the group aside from the healer and the leader circled Nex and Jane, Nex didn't move from where he is and instead patted Jane's hair as she quietly hugged him without showing any signs of worry, and whispered in her ears, "Don't worry, I will finish it now."

"En, just don't go too far," she nodded meekly and kept hugging him as if he was the warmest and most relaxing thing for her emotions.

"Attack him!" the leader burned with anger as he saw how Nex act and quickly ordered his subordinates.

The three attackers didn't waste any more time and quickly unleashed their attacks. Causing several transparent attacks to shoot toward Nex and rapidly close in on him.

"Childish," Nex said simply and waved his hand.

And to the group shock, their attacks dissipated along with his wave as if they were made of thin smoke.

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"There is no point in wasting any more time."

Nex waved his hand again, and before the group managed to react, immense pressure came down on them crushing them to the ground while damaging their bones and internal organs, causing them to puke blood and pass out from the pain. They wouldn't be able to move their bodies in the next months and use magic power for at least twice the time.

"Let's go," Nex smiled at Jane disappeared.


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A moment after the sounds of sirens was heard and in less than a minute the alley was filled with high ranking hunters from the Hunters Associations with the lowest among them being A-rank.

They detected that a group of A-rank people is using a large amount of Magical Power and most likely having a fight. But now that they are here, they saw to their shock that instead of the badly damaged area they expected, all there is was several badly wounded A-ranked Hunters that seemed as if every part of their body was smashed by a very heavy hammer.


"We arrived," Jane heard Nex say and yet she felt a gentle wind on her meaning they are still outside.

She looked around and saw that they were on a mountain that gave a beautiful image to the city.

"Were not home?"

"I thought you wanted some time to talk before you want to go back," Nex smiled and led her to a bench that suddenly appeared to their side, "It took some time to convince Eddie, but after telling him his sister will feel much better after it, he agreed."

"God, Eddie," Jane face became full of guilt and tears started to come out again, "I just left him at home like that and ran away. And after the things I said, he must hate me now!"

"You don't have to worry," Nex said with a gentle expression and wiped her tears, "Do you know what he said to me before I came?"


"I don't care how much time it takes, as long as she is well and feeling better, nothing else matters."

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Jane's eyes instantly filled with tears again and she began to sob.

"I'm such a horrible person! I don't deserve to be his sister!"

"That isn't true," Nex soothed her down, "You did a perfect job taking care of him until now. And the only reason you're feeling so hurt is that you love him so much. If anything I'm the horrible person for making you reach this state in the first place."

"That's not true!" Jane denied fiercely, "If I wasn't so stubborn and agree to let him train like everyone else, all of this wouldn't have happened. It's just that every time I think of that I remember our parents…"

"Can you tell me about them?" Nex hugged her gently and asked. He already knew there was some story behind the reason he had never heard of her parents, but because his relationship with her wasn't at the level of telling that kind of things before, he didn't ask her about it.

"They were hunters, high ranking ones," she began to tell, "And one day when Eddie was less than a year old, they got un urgent mission to be on the front lines of a Demons invasion that occurred near us. And since I was used to them going on missions, instead of crying and telling them not to go I instead cheered them and send them away while telling them to be the great heroes they were."

New didn't say anything and just hugged her trembling body close to him and took her palm that immediately held him like a vice. He knew very well that all he should do now is to support her like that until she finished the story.

"I was so dumb back then, " Jane voice constantly broke and she tried her hardest not to sob. Clearly, this was her first time telling this story, "I didn't think about what might happen and instead of preventing it, I encouraged them to go straight to the danger. So you can guess what I felt when suddenly someone from the Hunters Association arrived and told me that my mom and dad sacrificed themselves to save others and that they were great heroes."

At this point, her voice completely broke and instead was replaced by loud cries like those of a child. It seems that her emotions from back then were repressed all this time until now when they were finally released to the world.

Nex didn't need much to understand this and just hugged her close to him so that she could put her head on his chest and cry while hugging him.

"Jane, " after a few minutes like that where Jane was sobbing and Nex was wordlessly consoling her, the latter finally opened his mouth, "Do you know what was the place I always mentioned about?"

Jane sobbing suddenly stopped and she lifted her tearful face and tugged his clothes while trying her hardest not to cry, "You don't need to! I didn't do anything to deserve it!"

"You did more than enough, " Nex wiped her tears and smiled, "I would still be stuck inside myself for who know-how long if it wasn't for you."

"And besides, " he lowered his head and kissed her forehead, "You made me fall in love with you."

Jane blushed deeply but her expression didn't change, "B-but-"

"I was summoned to a different world."

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"W-what?" Jane's face changed to shock.

"Sounds like something from a story right?" Nex smiled, "But it is the truth. A very long time ago, when I was a teen, I was summoned to another world that was called Perias after being was asked to fight for my life all the time in order to protect the people there. Being a young kid that didn't have much in his life on Earth, I unhesitantly answered yes."

"At first I was satisfied," Nex's gaze started to become distant as he reminisced, "I could see grow stronger than I ever dreamed about and I found that although I had to risk my life for that, fighting was quite fun for me. If there was one thing that I bothered me, it was that I was alone and didn't meet other people yet and all I did was to fight monsters and demons. And then after more than a year of fighting, I finally managed to get myself to find a city with people in it. And upon meeting them I realized something. There was something wrong with this world."

Jane didn't do anything and just stared gently at him. She didn't need to use her power to know he was speaking the truth.

"The people of that world were corrupted by a curse," Nex said simply with a slightly pained expression, "It made their souls dark and cold, and as a result turning them to horrible people that couldn't care about others lives and all they want was to grow stronger and step on others, in whatever the cost that needed. Because my soul belonged to another place, I didn't get corrupted and was among the few people there that wasn't affected. Thinking it just the nature of this world I didn't bother much and chose to live with a few close ones that weren't affected."

"This was one of my greatest mistakes," his face turned bitter and Jane held his hand tightly, "Although the curse didn't affect me directly, it caused instead my closed ones to be targeted by not only the corrupted but also the demonic beings that apparently had a special connection to the curse. And from that moment I started to regret ever setting foot in that place. I was just one man and no matter how strong I became and what way I used, the curse always managed to be one step before me and kill the ones I cared about."

Jane's eyes were filled with tears and complicated emotions, she loved dearly him for telling her this story, but she also hated him for making himself pained as he told it. But Nex as a response just smiled and kissed her forehead softly, passing along a clear message. 'Because I love you that I want to tell you this.'

"So I decided to just seal my emotions and don't let anyone near me. But it was futile, I was too soft-hearted to just ignore everything that I saw so I instead sealed and lowered my emotions to a minimal level, and that is another great regret of mine. However cold I was, in the end, when I saved people many times they chose to follow me and put their trust in me, something that my heart couldn't do anything about other than accept."

"In the end, I found myself with only two people who stayed with me until the end," Nex smiled sadly as he thought about the two beautiful figures, "Celestina... Celes, was someone who was with me since the beginning and was very powerful but because we lived in different realms she couldn't help me much until I already sealed my emotions for a long time and grew strong enough so all of the support she could give was to give me company. But for me, it was enough, because she was too precious to me to ever wanting her to fight for me."

"And the other?" Jane could guess what kind of relationship he had with those two, but she knew that Nex wanted to finish his story so she asked softly.

"Nana… Ariana, She was someone that was all alone in the world like me," the grief in his face became more and more evident, "But she was much better than me. She didn't care about what bothered her and did whatever she wanted. I met her when I was about to reach a whole new level of strength, I was back than afraid of the price that will come with that, and she saw right through. She wasn't afraid of dying by the curse like the others and neither did she needed to, so without even caring about my thoughts on the subject, she spends all her time with me and after a long time together where she didn't let go of me and always pushed me forward, she finally made me breakthrough and reach that level I was always feard from reaching. And when I found myself filled with the strength I never came close to before and yet nothing in me really changed, she laughed and kissed me, saying that the man she fell for will never be such a weakling. At that moment, even with my sealed emotions, I realized I fell for her."

"What happened then?" even though Jane felt jealous for the two to be able to spend so much time with Nex and be with him, but she also knew that it wasn't Nex's purpose and indicated him to continue.

"Then Ariana died," the light in Nex eyes dimmed, "We three were together for some time we only had each other because of me but we were happy. But suddenly one day, we found ourselves getting attacked by forces that shouldn't have been there, they led by one of the few enemies I didn't stand a chance against that was very related to the core of curse. And before I could do anything Ariana was killed. Celes then quickly used some secret magic and teleported the two of us away before I managed to even get close to Ariana corpse."

"The magic Celes used came with a great price, and in order to not lose her too, I forced her to seclude herself until she recovered. And in the meantime, I trained and trained and forced myself to grow beyond what was thought possible, all for a single goal, to finally stop the madness of this world and return home to Earth."

"And I did it," Nex smiled as if he trying to be proud of himself, "I killed the world's greatest enemies and erased the curse from existence. But at this point, I couldn't allow myself to stay in Preias anymore and came back to Earth immediately. Where I met you."

"But what about Celestina?" Jane asked when she realized something was amiss, "What happened to her?"

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"I'll tell you what happened."

A beautiful and divine voice was heard and caused Nex to shiver and lift his head and stood up to look at the heavenly beautiful lady that appeared in front of them with shocked eyes.

"Celes… why are you-"

"After he became the stupidly powerful being he wanted to become," the lady ignored him and stared at Jane with a warm look, "He came and saved me from the state I was in with his new powers and together we did what he should have done before and grieve about Ariana death."

"Can you answer me-"

"But this fool already broke himself with all of his repressed feelings," the lady snorted at him and turned back to Jane as if she was eager to continue her story, "I barely even started to relax when he suddenly said that he is going to fight the most dangerous being we ever met and afterward leave. I realized he was out of his mind because he knew that I can't leave and tried to keep him with me with all I could."

"You know that it wasn't-"

"Shut-up!" she silenced him again with a hiss and came to Jane and held her hand with a warm smile, "I succeeded for some time but because of a certain damn reason, being with me increased his desire to leave. So before he went we did it one last time."

"With his divine skills," the lady winked at Jane with a clear message, 'You will realize it soon enough,' causing Jane to turn completely red, "And the will to be with me one last time, he did it with me so much that even without the locking spell he did afterward I couldn't move for a while."

As she said that she lifted her head and glared at Nex, "You sure overdid it you bastard."

Nex furrowed his brows upon hearing her words. Although talking like that is like her, doing this in this situation didn't seem right, "What nonsense are you-"

"And then when I found myself released," the lady continued to speak with Jane without care about him, "I learned that the world's greatest crisis has been eliminated and that the great curse was erased."

"And yet, me who was supposed to be the happiest about it the most felt at the lowest I ever was instead."

The lady then turned her gaze and stared at Nex deeply with countless emotions swirling in her multi-colored eyes, "Because the man that I loved left me behind because we knew it was the best for me."

"Celes…" Nex became filled with guilt upon meeting her eyes.

Their relationship was a long one, the longest Nex ever had. They went through a lot together and sacrificed for each other more than what others in their place may. She was his strength and will to move on throughout his time Perias and he probably wouldn't make it halfway if it wasn't for her. But some will probably think she should instead be the most hated person in his heart and that he should take revenge against her everything he has.

And the reason for this is very simple.

She is the goddess that summoned him to Perias.
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