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[Are you Master's friends?] Sapphire stared at the group curiously before smiling brightly at them.


"She is so cute!" Jane called upon seeing the little Spirit and took her to her hands and patted her, something that the Sapphire accepted with a content smile that resembled a spoiled cat.

"Hey Big Bro, is she really the awesome Spirit you talked about that can cast Magic better than mages?" Eddie asked in doubt, he thought that the super-powerful Spirit Nex talked about would look cool and intimidating like a legendary beast, not a cute little fairy at Elite Rank.

[Hmph! Dare to underestimate Sapphire!?] before Nex could even react to the question, Sapphire escaped from Jane's hands and glared at Eddie with rage before pointing at a training dummy dozens of meters away, [I'll show you what I'm capable of!]

"Sapphire no!" Nex quickly called but at the moment he opened his mouth, a magic circle was already created and out of it a blast of concentrated mana was shot out and hit the target before he finished saying her name.


A shaking explosion occurred, and aside from the training dummy that deserved to in a Saint dojo for a reason, everything else in 7 meters radius was in total ruins.

[Do you doubt the fact that Sapphire is awesome now?] Sapphire asked Eddie with a prideful gaze.

"No!" Eddie quickly shook his head in denial. Screw the one who gave fairies the impression they are harmless! That's a mini death ray gun over here!

"Sapphire," Nex called in a very stern voice and made the Spirit flinch, "I told you not to cause problems right?"

[I'm sorry!] Sapphire's eyes instantly filled with tears and she hugged buried her face at Nex shirt without showing any intention to let go, [I promise not to do it again so don't be angry! Please let Sapphire still form a contract with you!]

"Don't worry I'm not that angry," Nex sighed and took the small fairy to his hands and after calming her down a bit he lifted her to his eye level and opened his mouth, "But from now on, promise me that if you have something that is bothering you then you first tell me about it and I will help you. If you keep acting as you did just now, then we two will found ourselves in a whole lot of trouble!"

[Okay! Sapphire promise!] like magic, the mood of the Spirit returned to before and even reached a new level of happiness.

"Every time," Celes rolled her eyes from the side upon seeing this scene. Although Sapphire seemed just a bit too mischievous and energetic, the truth was that it is only Nex is there, if it wasn't for him she would probably turn into an unruly and arrogant trouble maker that could destroy half of the place because of childish reasons.

"Good," Nex ignored Celes and patted the Spirit softly while using a subtle amount of mana, causing the latter to purr in satisfaction, "Now go tell to everyone that you are sorry. Once you did that, you can play with them I will start to prepare for the contract."

[Yes!] Sapphire called in enthusiasm and turned to the rest before bowing her head respectfully, [Sapphire sorry for acting bad!]

Nex saw that everyone is still wary of the Spirit and smiled, "Don't worry she's a good child and won't cause any harm to you, she only a bit spoiled and mischievous that's all."

"Sapphire," he then turned to the fairy and pointed at Eddie and Roland, "Those two just started to learn how to manipulate mana, can you help them?"

Eddie and Roland's expression turned tense, is it really okay to let someone like her help in something that needs careful guidance such as mana manipulation? Eddie was about to open his mouth when the Spirit already answered.

[Of course!] she called excitedly as she was told to do something very fun and before the two kids managed to react, she grabbed their hands using tentacles she made from mana and dragged them away.

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"Nex is it really okay that the kids will be guided by her?" although Jane trusted Nex, she still couldn't help but ask in worry.

"It's okay," Nex saw that Sapphire has gone far enough and stretched his sore body, although it didn't consume much of his physical energy, it was still a bit taxing to awaken her as it required both careful control of large amounts of mana and special use of a high-level Spirit language.

"If there is a being that knows how to use mana without problems, then it's probably a Mana Spirit. For this stage of training, it's much easier and safer for Sapphire to help them achieve great results than me. You will know it too soon enough."

He then threw the necklace that Celes was released from to Celes, "This toy is quite nice, although it lost most it's power in order to allow Sapphire to keep sleeping and then to awake her, it is probably for the best as it allows you to use it right now grow with you as it recovers."

As if the moment she long-awaited for finally arrived, she caught the necklace and examined it with expecting eyes before smiling brightly.

[Magic Heart Necklace (Growth - Legendary - Semi)


Bounds to the wearer should the will of the necklace deem them worthy

Current Growth: (locked until it returns to peak ability)

All Stats + 30

Mana + 65

Loss Of Power: While the necklace power is still not restored to peak ability, Mana Manipulation difficulty is greatly increased.

Mana Blessing(Passive): All magic will cost 20% less while having an increase in power by 20%

Magic Heart(Active): Fuses for a short time with the wearer's heart and start the following effects:

-Increase the power of all magic by 20%(40% together with Mana Blessing)

-All magic will cost 20% less(40% together with Mana Blessing)

-Increase the mana capacity by 50%

-3% of the current total mana capacity will be restored at every second.

-The Loss Of Power option will increase by a large margin.

Current restoration rate: 1%

Note: this necklace was made with the idea of creating something that will imitate the mighty Dragon Heart of the dragon-kins. The knowledge used to build it is only known by few and it's origins and the reason why it served as a hibernation Spirit of an unknown kind is shrouded in deep mystery.]

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"Wow! This is necklace is amazing!" Elise and Jane's eyes widened in shock upon seeing the details of the necklace, "I never heard of gear of this level yet, it is even a growth type at that!"

"Too bad though," Jane then shook her head in disappointment, "Since this was once a top rank piece of equipment, its Will will probably won't allow anyone to wear it unless they have a high level of strength and ability. And not only that, The [Loss Of Power] effect is quite bad and probably be proportional to the merit it will give even if you manage to wear it," she then added while glaring with anger at Nex who began to clean the remains of the Formation after the nagging of Louis, "That no-good actually gave you the defective equipment while he got the amazing Spirit."

"Is that how it seems?" hearing Jane words, much to the former surprise, Celes actually began to laugh as if what Jane said made a very funny image rise to her head, "I'm sorry, it's just that if you thought I am the one who has to suffer from this deal then you couldn't be more wrong! I wouldn't form a contract with that brat even if I got nothing instead!"

"What do you mean?" Jane and Elise became confused, wouldn't forming a contract with Sapphire will give you amazing benefits? Why did Celes say she prefers getting nothing than doing that?

"As much as you think that this necklace will only be demerit even if I will be able to wear it, contracting a Mana Spirit at the level of Sapphire will be much worse!" explained Celes with a smile.

"How so?" the confusion of the two only deepened, "She isn't high leveled at all and her rank is something Nex will probably be able to easily handle as she isn't a boss right?"

"That is only how it seems," Celes shook her head, "A Mana Spirit won't receive the ability of a Boss or Lord Rank until they reach what here probably is Fourth or Fifth Awakening. So until then, they at most be Elite Ranked, but that is terrifying enough as thanks to their amazing purity of mana and ability to use Magic and Spirit Energy, they are able to defeat a Boss that is one rank above them, more if they grew for long enough and are talented."

"That's amazing…" they murmured in shock and turned their head to where a small fairy was teaching Eddie and Roland with an arrogant expression.

"But as amazing as the Mana Spirit's abilities are, such is great the difficulties that come with contracting it," Celes shook her head, "Because of the sharp increase of mana purity and capacity that comes with the fusion of one's mana pool and the Spirit body, the Spiritualist have to have superb control of the mana inside his body that now far exceeds his physical and most likely other abilities. And considering the fact that he has to control the mana while sharing with another being, the difficulty is raised to a ridiculous level that is much greater than the one I will have from wearing the necklace!"

"And that's not all," Celes sighed, "There is also the Spirit Energy. Even talented Spiritualists will have problems when they have Spirit Energy directly inside them while normal people will quickly bring harm to themselves even with the Spirit's help."
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"Although Sapphire is still young because of her hibernation and probably couldn't handle more than a Lord Boss, her abilities for her current level are still immense and aside from Nex, others will probably have a hard time until they will be able to use the power they would get from Contracting her to its full potential," Celes concluded before rubbing the necklace lovingly, "And since I have this little cutie that I can raise to compete in benefits with that spoiled brat, you can say I am quite satisfied with what I have now!"

"But how are you going to get accepted by the necklace Will?" Elise asked as it seemed to her that Celes was acting like she was already about the item.

"Oh? That?" Celes smiled and to Jane and Elise's shock, cut her finger using mana and put it on the necklace gem.


The moment the bleeding finger and the gem met, the latter vibrated violently and shook Cele's blood off as if it didn't want to absorb it.

"Don't resist when it isn't anything bad," Celes smiled and began to infuse mana and Soul Force into the blood that came out from the wound.

Like it didn't expect this move, the gem didn't react in time and could only absorb the blood. Once that happened, Celes quickly controlled the blood inside along with the mana and the Soul Force and used them to nourish the weak and damaged parts inside it, quickly causing the gem to decrease its resistance and instead make satisfied reactions(or at least so they seemed) until it finally shinned and became quiet.

"Good kid," Celes caressed it lovingly before putting the necklace on like it's the most natural thing.

"What did you do?" Jane asked in wonder before noticing Celes's pale face and still-bleeding finger and quickly came to support her and cast a healing spell, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, thank you," Celes nodded and smiled at the two worried girls, "I had to use some energy exhausting means so I am just a bit tired that's all."

"Sister Celes, how did you do it?" Elise asked and helped her as well.

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"It was just wounded and wary," Celes smiled, "After treating him a bit he quickly opened up and became nice to approach."

"And what about the increased difficulty of mana manipulation?" Jane asked while furrowing her eyebrows, "Won't it hurt your performance too much?"

"That's never was a problem," Celes shook her head with a slightly arrogant smile, "It won't influence me in the slightest since my mana manipulation ability far surpass what the debuff could affect with the current level of spells I can use. To say it simply, the necklace raises the difficulty of casting spells of the current level to 4 while my ability in using them is 10, and since the debuff will decrease as the necklace restore its power, I don't have to worry from it at all!"


"Are you ready Sapphire?" Nex asked the fairy while standing inside a magic array that was filled with Mana Stones, "This will be a bit painful and uncomfortable."

[Sapphire ready!] the little Spirit called joyfully.

"Good," Nex nodded and then turned to the group that was watching them with curious eyes, "Since most of you didn't saw a Spirit Contract before, then I have to say that it usually doesn't need so much preparation ahead and also it won't go how it will now."

He then turned back to Sapphire and stepped on the place while embedding his leg with mana, causing the Magic Array to activate.

"Sapphire you can start."

[Okay!] Sapphire called happily before turning serious and flying to Nex and putting her forehead against his while streaming her Mana and Soul Force into him.

[Oh! Great person! I, Sapphire of Pure Mana, is requesting you to form a contract me and create an everlasting connection between us!](Superbia Spirit Language)

[The Spirit Sapphire is asking you to form a Contract with her! Do you accept?]

"I accept!" upon hearing the Spirit words and seeing the system message, Nex smiled and declared while streaming his Mana and Soul Force into her as well.

[You have accepted the request!]

[Begining to form the Contract…]

[Use of Soul Power from both sides detected! Raising the Contract level to Soul Bounded!]

[Checking the compatibility between the player soul and the Spirit soul and the result of the contract!]





[???% Went beyond the limits of the current level of strength! The changes the player's body will experience increase depending on how much the player could tolerate and deal with his current Mana, Spirit Energy, and Soul Force Affinity and Manipulation abilities!]

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And right after this message appeared, Sapphire's body melted into Nex's forehead and spread across his body, instantly feeling it with pure mana to the point he was about to explode.

But Nex didn't get nervous from the imminent danger, and instead calmly guided the Spirit's soul that was inside him and seemed to be looking for something to his mana pool.

Upon getting inside his mana pool, Sapphire's soul shone excitedly and began to fuse with it at rapid speed and along the way absorbed all of the mana inside Nex's body to help her do it.

Nex then activated the Magic Array to full power and began to absorb the mana that came out of it.

But different from the Formation that focused on the quantity of mana along with adding it certain Spirit-related properties, the Array function was to purify the mana gathered as much as possible, making the output much smaller.

Sapphire absorbed the mana at the speed that it arrived and suddenly, a boom occurred when she was about halfway done fusing Nex Mana Organs, and out of nowhere, they began to create another energy.

Spirit Energy.

And at this moment where the Spiritualist usually requires the Spirit careful guidance in using the energy, Nex actually took control of the Spirit Energy the moment it appeared and guided the shocked Spirit on how to continue the fusion process so it will end up on the best way.

Sapphire never imagined that she would find herself being guided in using Spirit Energy by a human, but once she took another look at Nex's amazing soul, all of her worries disappeared and she happily followed his directions even if she couldn't understand the transformations that they are causing to his Mana Organs.

Another boom happened inside Nex's body and the fusion was complete. But just as Sapphire thought it was over, Nex still continued to gather mana and when she was about to ask him he sent her a calm smile using their connection and told her that she just needs to relax and wait until he finished.

He then used the gathered mana and run it through some of the newly changed places in his Mana Organs and to Sapphire immense shock, turned it to Spirit Energy!

"What!" Louis who could see it as well, couldn't keep his mouth closed, a human producing Spirit Energy without directly using a Spirit!? Not a single Spiritualist that he knows would believe it even if he showed it to them!

But Nex didn't care about that as he continued to make more and more Spirit Energy until the previous amount that only occupied a tenth of the capacity, now had over four times the amount!

Now that he reached the Spirit Energy-mana ratio he desired, he began to run the two energies together throughout all of the Mana Organs in his body starting from the most changed place, the heart.

And then a process that Sapphire knew very well happened, the Mana and Spirit Energy began to fuse.

With each circulation of the two energies, they became lesser and lesser while another energy replaced them, something that wasn't Mana, nor Spirit Energy, but something new entirely.

As the energy passed through Nex's body, it seemed to enrich and increase its power and quality to a whole new level!

And soon, after a few minutes, one last boom happened in Nex's body that spread out of him silver energy that seemed to have been mixed with a bit of blue and green.

[Master,] Sapphire opened her mouth in shock as she felt herself being filled with a power that felt much more terrifying than her previous Mana that had Spirit Energy abilities.

[What is this thing?]

Nex took a deep breath and smiled before opening his eyes and revealing a pair of shining dark-silver eyes that now had a little blue and green mixed into them.

"Prime Force."

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