Chapter 4 - The Returner’s Entrance Exam (3)

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TL Notes:
[1] 100kg=~220lbs

Romantica and Treveurie were relieved by Desir’s presence; a commoner
couldn’t even be considered competition.
“Since he’s a commoner, I doubt he’s even received a proper education.”
Romantica remarked. “I won’t complain though, it just means one less
opponent for me. I was a bit worried about the spellsword in our group, but
him being here makes everything easier.”
Treveurie chuckled in response, “Seeing what we’re up against, I think the real
struggle will be between you and me. What do you think Romantica?”
Romantica nodded. “You’re probably right; let’s have a good competition.”
Both of them enthusiastically shook hands, treating the test as if it was a game
between two friends. While Romantica and Treveurie continued to talk with
one another, Desir and Ajest silently observed their surroundings.
Besides their group, the loud waiting room was filled with the chattering of
fellow students, all anticipating the start of their own exams. After some time,
an announcement resounded.

| The group entrance examination event has been decided. The following
information present the event’s details.
| Class 10 Shadow World: Ernste Plains Race

| The condition for clearing this Shadow World is to be the first person to cross
the finish line. The position of the finish line is 8 kilometers away from the
starting point. The use of magic is permitted; therefore, attacks between
participants are also permitted. The Student Safety System has been activated
for this exam, and pain will be suppressed by 80%. If a student wishes to forfeit
at any time during the exam, they must simply verbally announce their
resignation. Upon said verbal resignation, they will be expelled from the
Shadow World. In the event of a fatal injury or attack, the receiving student
will likewise be expelled from the Shadow World. Rankings from first to fourth
place will be assessed at the end of the exam.
Romantica and Treveurie perused the information regarding the Shadow
World they would soon enter.
“Man, I’m glad it’s just running,” Treveurie said. “I heard that Group 8 has to
deal with trolls.”

“It’s basically just a race isn’t it? Do we even have to fight each other?”
Romantica asked.

Desir and Ajest still waited in silence as they had been before the
announcement, a bubble of empty space around them. Ajest sat down and
swept down the length of her scabbard with her finger while Desir stood a
away from the boisterous crowd, leisurely leaning against the wall. Soon, the
dull mechanical voice of the announcement returned:

| The gate will soon open. Participants, please line up in front of the gate in an

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orderly fashion, and be prepared to register yourselves.
The participants in Group 0 lined up in front of the gate. Soon after, the gate
opened, and a bright light shone through. As the students walked through the


gate, they were completely engulfed within the light, and their figures
disappeared without a trace.
| Entering the Shadow World Ernste Plains Race.
Soon after entering the gate, Desir was transported into the artificial Shadow
World. Checking his surroundings, he and the other three students stood in the
middle of a large plain. The green grass and vibrant blue sky stretched before
him. The flowers bloomed all around him, and an an enormous river ran
through the middle of the field, giving this Shadow World the feeling of an
idealistic Spring day. The warm air blew at his hair, and the sun kissed his skin
with warmth. This place was the embodiment of serenity.
| The race will start in three minutes. Participants, please stand behind the
starting line.
Hearing the announcement, Desir looked down at his feet, and sure enough,
there was a starting line on the ground. The four of them got into their
positions behind the starting line in the order of Group 0’s participant list.
By pure chance, Desir and Ajest stood beside each other. Compared to his
previously cool attitude, Desir felt extremely awkward standing so close to her.
He was staring at Ajest with an inquisitive look, when her head suddenly
snapped towards him, her eyes meeting his gaze.
He greeted her with an awkward expression, unsure of what to say. “H-hi?” He
mumbled nervously.
Ajest didn’t react in the slightest. Her face remained expressionless, as if she
was wearing a mask. Her gaze quickly swept over Desir with a dull look, and
she turned away just as quickly as she’d turned towards him.

As Desir lowered his eyes in embarrassment, he noticed an unusual, yet all too
familiar, weapon at Ajest’s waist. It was a one-handed sword that seemed to be
a mix between a broadsword and a two-handed longsword. As his gaze moved
back up, a hundred shimmering golden hairs waved in the breeze before his
eyes. Seeing her face was as cold as it had been before, Desir thought that
rather than coming off as bashful, she was more like the personification of a
frigid blade.
‘Come to think of it, was she like this back then, too?’
6th circle ice attribute spellsword and holder of one of the strongest
spellswords, the Queen-rank swordwoman— Ajest Zedga F. Kingscrown. She
led the front line ahead of everyone. The Goddess of the Battlefield. And part of
The Shadow Labyrinth expedition team and one of the last six people to die.
Undoubtedly, she was a callous woman at that time.
“You,” Ajest proclaimed.
Desir’s heart jolted, and he needlessly cowered. Judging from the way

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participants continued to talk on the other side, it seemed that they couldn’t
hear this conversation.
“You’re weak,” she said.
Although it was a very sudden personal attack, Desir answered casually. “I
“No, you don’t know.” She said in a way only Ajest could. “You’re weak. The
lowest-rank spell level. Physical ability is below average. No matter how high
you take it, class 6 Shadow Worlds are the limit.”


He already knew all of this. So, of course, she’d have to point it all out.
Their eyes met.
An odd current ran between Desir and Ajest, making the air around them
extremely tense. Desir knew this atmosphere very well. It was a situation he
had experienced several times in his previous life. It was like the calm before
the storm. The twitching of gunpowder just before it burst.
Desir tensed. ‘You want to fight me here right now?’
“You can relax,” Ajest said. “I’m not thinking of attacking you like what the
mentor said.”

Desir raised his eyebrows, taken aback. “Why is that?” he asked.
Ajest’s long eyelashes fluttered slightly in the wind. She shifted her attention
and looked straight ahead, clearly stating that her business with him was over.
Imperiously, she said, “I don’t have a hobby of attacking people as weak as
Desir smiled bitterly. That, too, was also very much like her.
The sound of an alarm rang out.
| The race starts in ten seconds. Participants, please prepare.
Desir took a deep, steadying breath and then let it out slowly.


| Race, start!
The participants listed during the announcement surged forward at once. In
this race, physical ability was paramount. So, it came as no surprise when Ajest
Kingscrown and Treveurie Tigus immediately took the lead.
Of course, mages didn’t excel at such physical pursuits. As such, it also came as
no surprise that Desir and Romantica were eating the dust from Ajest and
Treveurie’s feet.

With their physical prowess and swiftness, it didn’t even take five minutes for
the difference between the two courses to emerge. Desir and Romantica lagged
far behind. So far behind, the dust had already settled in front of them.
Coincidentally, when it came to speed, there was hardly any difference between
Desir and Romantica.

“With all that pretending to be good,” Desir panted for breath. “This is what
you are in the end.”
Romantica scowled. “Why don’t you focus on the event?” She refused to let it

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be known that her pride was even a little bit wounded.
“Even if I focus on the event,” Desir gasped. “At this rate. We both. Are going to
be. Eliminated.” He took another big heave of air. “Is what I’m saying.”
Romantica had nothing left to say. Because it was an accurate point. What was
worse, she was already beginning to breathe roughly. At this rate, catching up
was out of the question.
“Well, you don’t look any better than I do,” she said.


“Please,” he wheezed. “Just... shut up. Please.”
Romantica glared at Desir like he was some sort of bad-luck charm, hoping he’d
somehow magically disappear. But every time she looked back at him, he was
still staring at her—and it made her more and more anxious.
She couldn’t take it. “Ugh!” ‘This whole thing is annoying’ she thought. So she
yelled at Desir. “Why the hell are you making that kind of annoying face?”
“Well,” Desir quipped. “I just thought this wouldn’t be a big deal for a 2nd circle
Romantica’s eyebrow twitched. He had just dismissed her skills... this
commoner had just insulted her!
‘THIS bastard has the nerve!?!?’ Romantica’s chest burst with fury.
“FINE,” she exclaimed. “You asked for it. I was waiting for just the right
moment.” Romantica thrust her arms in front of her, and the wind’s current
began to subtly shift. “Open your eyes and take a good look. A commoner like
you will never reach the level of a 2nd circle mage.”
Romantica released her magic power, and concentrated on the forest far ahead
of them.

A high-speed incantation rushed from her mouth:
[Sweep the Air!]

Her spell manifested itself and shot in the direction of the forest—towards
where Treveurie Tigus and Ajest Kingscrown competed against each other.


‘At this rate, isn’t this an easy victory?’ The Pawn-rank swordsman, Treveurie
Tigus, had already convinced himself that he had won. After all, the figures of
Romantica and Desir had long since disappeared behind them, and the gap
wouldn’t diminish unless he decided to take a nap.
The corners of his mouth curled upwards. ‘Those guys back there are mages. We’re
clearly superior when it comes to physical ability. This exam favored us, swordsmen,
from the start.’
Treveurie looked towards Ajest, who was keeping pace with him. Her ability
surprised him—he had risen to join the elite group of Pawn-rank swordsmen,
who his peers called “geniuses.” He was confident that, among those of his age,
there were only a few other people faster than him.
‘I didn’t think I would find someone on my level.’ Treveurie chastised himself for

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slightly underestimating his opponent.
Treveurie looked back, wondering where the rest of the participants were

Right at that moment, the wind’s direction changed and whooshed passed his
face, the sound roaring in his ears.
An extremely powerful gale tore through the azure sky. The trees in the forest
buckled and shrieked under the force of the wind.


“Wa-wait!” Treveurie yelled.
The wind’s overwhelming force pressured him back. He quickly drew his sword
and stabbed it into the ground before he could be blown away—the sheer force
of the wind felt like it would tear Treveurie’s limbs from his body.
‘It can’t be... magic? But with this power—it has to be Romantica!’ It took all of
Treveurie’s strength to hang on for dear life.
‘My armor weighs nearly 100 kilograms. You can’t send me flying. If I just keep a firm
grip on my sword, I’m not going anywhere!’ [1]
But he still had to use all of his strength to struggle against the wind. He used
every trick he knew in order to endure for even a bit longer. And then, finally,
while straining against the never-ending wind, the swordsman found his
footing. He shook off the initial embarrassment and started to think through
the current predicament.
Treveurie had been correct. It would be impossible to send him flying. If
Romantica had intended on sending him flying with wind pressure alone, she
would definitely have failed.
‘What were you hoping to do to me with this pathetic level of magic?’ Treveurie
smirked. ‘This lousy spell is unbecoming of a 2nd circle mage.’ He lifted his head
and looked ahead with renewed determination.
But what he saw made his eyes widen.
“Wha—what is that!”

Ajest, the lead runner, had advanced even further. She had drawn her sword
from its scabbard and pressed on, slashing the gale in front of her as she
moved. Her movements—swift but almost desperate—made it seem like she was
trying to blast through that area as quickly as possible.
The sight of Ajest piercing through the typhoon-like wind amazed Treveurie.
The swordswoman sliced through the wind as if it was cloth. She certainly
deserved his respect.
But the swordsman couldn’t figure out why Ajest was trying so hard. “Why?
You’re just gonna get tired... it would be much better to go after the wind—”
His attention was forced towards the massive trees in front of him, swaying
precariously in the wind—the roots of the trees didn’t seem particularly deep,
and as the fierce wind blew, they quivered ominously.

With a deafening roar, a tree was ripped out at its roots.

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