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Vocado : "Yawn."

I smacked my lips and rubbed the sand off my eyes.

Vocado : "(*sniff) I hate mornings…"

Vocado : "Welp better get some training in before heading out."

I left my bed and got some pills from the storage for breakfast and headed outside to break a sweat.

Having to exercise and train this early in the morning was a pain in the ass.

But after what happened with cyclops yesterday I needed to get stronger so I wouldn't be at the whim and mercy of others.

After training I had time to think things over.

If I went back to Earth now my progression would stagnate.

I was as strong as I was gonna get with Mr.Popo and Kami's training.

If I can integrate myself with the saiyans and learn from them.

Not only would I get stronger but I can learn a lot like ki techniques and controlling my Oozaru form.

It also wouldn't hurt to learn how to make an artificial moon for myself when i'm in deep shit.

So I decided on staying a little longer in planet Vegeta.

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Having to rely so much on my Psychic Wave and Destructo disk during battle has become something of a crutch for me.

Despite both techniques having some serious flaws.

For example the Destructo disk although lethal are slower than ki beams and can be easily canceled out with a stronger ki wave attack.

What's worse, unless I can confirm a kill my opponent could learn and copy the technique from me.

It would be a worst case scenario if someone stronger than me used it.

As for my psychic wave well it all comes down to needing physical contact to use.

When someone is stronger and faster than you.

Unless your lucky or somehow catch them off guard this ability is otherwise useless.

I also need to keep my magic materialization ability and evil containment wave a secret for obvious reasons.

The only advantage I would really have living among the saiyans is that I can publicly display my afterimage technique.

Since that is more of a physical feat than anything related to magic or ki techniques.

I still have a small bag's worth of Senzu Beans.

Vocado : "I should probably start saving them in case of an emergency."

Instead of making another umbrella I just quickly flew through the waterfall and created a towel with my magic materialization to dry up.

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Tossing the towel away mid flight.

I wasn't going back to the town after that fiasco yesterday.

So I searched for other pockets of civilizations throughout the planet.

I avoided places like facilities and other small towns.

Since I still wasn't familiar enough to blend right in.

I passed by towns, facilities flying saucers and even other people.

Quickly and quietly keeping my distance observing the inhabitants of planet Vegeta.

It wasn't until I stumbled upon a large castle built on top of a mountain hovering above a large population next to a great body of water.

The castle was a beautiful pristine white with red accents inspired by Greek and Roman architecture.

Mixed in with dragon balls iconic sphere like building design and some sci-fi elements.

The Castle was being supported by a large pillar that kept it from falling into the city populace and water beneath it.

The city although much bigger than the towns I saw.

Still had the same kind of design a rocky yellow with tubes and green half spheres sticking out of them.

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The town and castle were as different as night and day.

But this contrast only helped with the impact the castle gave off when looking at it.

Vocado : "I know this place!"

This is where King Vegeta lives it's the royal castle.

I still remember seeing it in the Dragon Ball Z Super Broly movie!

Vocado : "I wonder if I'll get to see who Vegeta's mom was?"

I didn't have to worry about blending in.

But just to be safe I used my clothes beam to change into the armor worn by Raditz and what looked to be other lower class saiyans.

I didn't copy his red bands around my arm and thigh to avoid sticking out.

In all honesty I hated having to wear this skin tight underwear.

It looked ridiculous and I was a little embarrassed by how it didn't cover everything.

Especially from behind and gave this constant wedgie like feeling.

I flew down into the city below walking among the large bustling crowd of saiyans and other aliens.

That were coming and going flying in or out of the crowd.

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I asked a friendly looking plump saiyan woman who was wearing what I assumed to be lower class armor too.

Vocado : "Hey miss do you know where I have go after conquering my first planet?"

She was busy eating meat from what I could only describe looking like a cooked dinosaur leg.

When I asked her for directions.

She turned to look at me and happily pinched my cheeks.

She had short black hair narrow eyes and a motherly smile.

Friendly Saiyan Woman : "How Cute."

She pointed somewhere into the crowd and said.

Friendly Saiyan Woman : "You'll want to head that way until you find the stadium."

Vocado : "Thank's."
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Stadium? Whatever I'll just go with the flow and see what happens from here on out.

I flew away waving my hands at the nice lady for helping me get started.

I flew over the city and over the crowds until I saw what looked like a familiar fighting stadium.

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