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The scouter said the white knight only had a power level of 5.

He was basically just an average person underneath the suit.

Still for that armor to not only protect him but come out unscathed even after my attack is impressive.

The white knight dashed over to me raising his sword for a swift swing.
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Shining Armored Knight : "Begone villain!"

Swinging the laser great sword down on my head.

Shining Armored Knight : "Shining Slash!"

Vocado : "Humph".

I dodged to the left avoiding the swing.

But before I could retaliate the white knight thrusted the pommel of his sword into my face.


Smashing the metallic hilt on my nose leaving it bloody and with a nasty bruise.

Vocado : "Oww-Fuck!"

I dropped the scouters into the crater and covered my face with my free hand rubbing my nose.

Using this opportunity to attack again the white knight quickly reacted.

Instead of going for another swing the white knight majestically spun around 360 degrees.

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Slamming his energy shield into me.

Shining Armored Knight : "Shining Slam!"


Vocado : "Oof".

The shield made a zapping noise when it came into contact with me.

It had a stinging burning sensation to it that I could feel even through my armor.

Smacking my body higher into the air as I tried to regain composure.

The white knight pursued aiming to impale me on his sword with a piercing strike.

Shining Armored Knight : "You will face death this day by my blade."

The white knight ascended the sky's like a guided missile.

But the moment his sword came close to me I got my bearings.

Vocado : "Eat shit!"

I flipped my entire body upside down while in the air feinting the strike.

As his sword passed by me mid-flip.

Using the momentum to kick the white knight in the head with my right foot.


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My foot slammed into the scalp of the helmet causing the visor lights to flicker.

The kick was strong enough for the average person's head to come flying off like a soccer ball.

But thanks to the armor the white knight only crash landed face first into the crater.

With only minor injuries not even leaving a dent or scratch on the helmet.

I gave him no time to recover as I descended from the sky like a falling anvil.

Aiming to stomp on his head to hopefully kill the white knight.

Vocado : "It's not over yet!"


I buried the white knights head into the ground beneath my feet.

Creating a cloud of dirt and dust with my landing.

Vocado : "I win."

I let out a sigh of relief thinking it was over as the white knights body went limp.

The scouter showed a decreasing power level by the second 5,4,3...

I let my guard down and focused my attention back to where Kaper landed.

But before I could go anywhere.

I heard a muffled voice through the ground where I buried the knights head.

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Shining Armored Knight : "Shining Overdrive!"

I couldn't understand a word it was barely audible from where I was standing.

Vocado : "Huh?"

The ground beneath me started to glow red as the armor reflected a blinding light making me squint then close my eyes.

Vocado : "What the?"

Like a volcano erupting the same red energy from the sword and shield a pillar of neon red light engulfed me.

Vocado : "UWAAH!"

Shooting out from the white knights armor as I was blasted off into the sky burning alive.

My scouter was destroyed and my armor began cracking and breaking away.

I was slowly disintegrating.

powering through the pain I focused all of my ki into charging my aura to resist the blast.

Vocado : "HAH!"

My ki exploded out of my body pushing back the growing red pillar of energy.

Like a yellow ball stopping a stream of red water.

Instead of pushing back down or firing a ki beam like they did in usual dragon ball fights.

I simply flew out of range letting the red stream of energy blast off into space as it dwindled.

My skin was red and when I touched my arm I flinched.

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Vocado : "Ouch-ow okay everything hurts."

It was like getting a really bad sunburn everywhere.

Looking down at where the white knight should have been.

I was surprised to see him standing and looking back up at me.

Perfectly fine and with a different suit of armor on.

Vocado : "You gotta be fucking kidding me."

The white knight was now a red knight.

With the laser sword and shield along with the color of his visor and the circuit boards beneath the plating glowing a bright neon green instead of red.

The knight's armor was almost identical except for the red spikes protruding from his helmet and shoulders but now sporting a long black cape attached to the back.

Not really sure where the cape came from or what it's purpose is?

But it does look pretty bad-ass.

Shining Armored Knight : "Behold the pinnacle of my creation."

Vocado : "I swear to god this better be your final form!"


In the middle of space nowhere a giant floating monitor and system unit sneezed.

God : "Achoo".

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