Translator: Nacchi

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Editor: Ajie

Whose love

It took Lin Feng Qi several minutes to convince, but he couldn’t convince himself to accept it.

His complicated eyes stayed for a moment on Fang Huai’s arrogant face, and he sipped his drink.

He once heard people say that the bitter wine hurts the throat.

He seems to have this feeling now. It’s a bit suffocating.

After Fang Lianshu finished his speech, he brought his son over to find Lin Feng Qi happily: “Son, come and get to know him. This is the founder of Fenghang Technology, Lin Feng Qi.”

Fang Huai stretched out his hand: “Hello.”

Lin Feng Qi stared at that hand for two seconds before shaking his hand: “Happy meeting.”

Fang Lianshu was very satisfied: “You young people, you can communicate more if you have nothing to do, right? Xiao Huai, Mr. Lin also likes to play billiards. You can usually ask Mr. Lin out to play billiards. ”

But Fang Huai suddenly deviated from his line of sight and left. “Excuse me, Dad, you guys talk.”

Fang Lianshu shouted “Hey. ” but didn’t stop him, so he had to explain to Lin Feng Qi: “This kid is like that. He’s very busy, I hope Xiao Lin doesn’t mind.”

“It’s okay.” Lin Feng Qi said, but his eyes followed Fang. Huai, seeing where he was walking…

Wen Xia was not very surprised when he was stopped by Fang Huai. He held a mousse in his hand and calmly dug a spoon into his mouth.

Fang Huai looked at him up and down, then looked at Zou Boyan, and said sarcastically, “Isn’t this Wen Xia? Your clothes are familiar. At first glance, I thought it was two Zou Boyan.” Zou Boyan had worn this dress shirt before.

Wen Xia did not speak, and took another mouthful of mousse, quietly watching.

“What’s the matter, are you too shabby now that you can’t even afford a dress shirt? Tell me if it’s difficult, we’ve known each other for so many years, why can’t I help if you have difficulties?” The expression was stern.
Wen Xia remembered that two days he dreamt of something similar, immediately he put down mousse: “I’m just waiting for you to say that.”

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Fang Huai was surprised for a moment: “? Ah”

“Well, brother, I recently heard that you bought a new sports car again? Let me drive it for two days.”

Fang Huai: “?”

Fang Huai: “No…”

“Of course, if I drove it smoothly, you could just give it to me. “Brother Wen Xia patted him on the shoulder nicely, “Anyway, we have been in friendship for more than 20 years, you wouldn’t even be reluctant to give your brother a car, right?”

“Who…who wants to give a car to you!?” Fang Huai almost bit his tongue.

In the past, the two of them had been fighting with each other in full swing, spitting out words, until the other side was speechless, there has never been a time when one party followed the other’s words.

“Didn’t you say this yourself, I have difficulties, you can’t help?” Wen Xia said arrogantly, “I am experiencing difficulties now, tell me can you send it or not??”

“I, I…you…”

“I, me, you, you, do the brothers still divide between you and me?”

Fang Huai was stupefied by his tactics. He looked at Wen Xia incredulously and jumped with anger: “Wen Xia, you are sick!” ——As soon as Lin Feng Qi came over, he heard Fang Huai cursing Wen Xia.

He looked at Fang Huai and frowned, and couldn’t help but say: “Little Fang President.”

The three of them looked over. With a calm expression on his face, he said again, “Could we step out to speak.”

Fang Huai glanced at Wen Xia and left with a stinky expression.

Wen Xia thought that Lin Feng Qi had to leave, but the latter stood still, looking at him with calm and cold eyes.

Wen Xia had eaten a piece of mousse at this time, and took the second piece of mousse slowly, and asked him: “Is something wrong?”

Then he found that Lin Feng Qi’s eyes had become very complicated when looking at him.

After being silently looked at for a few seconds, he finally said solemnly: “You are not sick.”

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Wen Xia: “…”

Wen Xia: “?”

Before Wen Xia could respond, Lin Feng Qi got up and turned away.

Seeing him walking away, Wen Xia asked Zou Boyan confusedly: “What is wrong with him?”

Zou Boyan: “I don’t understand, but I think you are all quite sick.”

Wen Xia looked at him.
Zou Boyan: “Me too.”

Wen Xia went to see Lin Feng Qi again, his eyes fluttered on his ring finger for a second, and he dug a spoonful of cake into his mouth.

Fang Huai waited for a long time, and Lin Feng Qi, who claimed to want to talk to him, didn’t come over but started chatting with others.

This young master waited impatiently, so he had no choice but to look for him nobly: “Why are you looking for me?”

Lin Feng Qi: “Huh?”

“‘What? Didn’t you just ask me to step out to talk about something?”

Lin Feng Qi showed an expression that seemed to have been realized, but this expression wasn’t shown clearly on his face, and it seemed that his eyelashes were only slightly raised.

Then he said coldly: “I’m sorry, just forget it.”

Fang Huai: “?”

The birthday dinner is coming to an end, Wen Xia is about to leave with Zou Boyan first when the cell phone in his pocket rang, and Lin Feng Qi’s call was answered: ” Wait for me and go back together.”

“You can give me the key and I will go back first.” Wen Xia said.

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The phone hung up.

Wen Xia glanced at the phone interface where the call ended, then looked back at the banquet hall, and finally said to Zou Boyan, “Go back, don’t worry about me.”

“Are you waiting for Lin Feng Qi?”

Wen Xia answered yes.

Zou Boyan looked at him in silence for two seconds, and suddenly said: “Don’t you get sick again.”

Wen Xia raised his eyes: “What disease can I have?”

Zou Boyan: “Lovesickness.” He paused and added: “One-sided kind.”

Wen Xia put away the phone: “You can’t walk without talking too much. Just leave some for the road and talk to the driver.”

Zou Boyan knew that the young man would be really angry if he went on, so he stopped in time, waved his hand, and left first.

Wen Xia played a mobile phone game for ten minutes in the hotel lobby, and a message popped up above him. His cold-hearted Party A said: [Come out. ]

Lin Feng Qi’s car drove to the front of the hotel, he was drunk in the back seat. There was a strange young man in the driver’s seat. Wen Xia thought it was the driver called by him. As soon as he sat in, he heard the young man ask: “Mr. Lin, where do you go first?”

Lin Feng Ai: “Go straight back.”

The young man was taken aback, “Huh?”

Lin Feng Qi: “The same way.”

The youth reacted for two seconds: “…oh.”

Wen Xia looked at him, then at Lin Feng Qi, but didn’t intend to ask.

Lin Feng Qi raised his chin and introduced: “My assistant, Zeng Yuan.” The car started slowly. Zeng Yuan glanced at Wen Xia through the rearview mirror of the car and smiled slightly: “Hello, this… ”

“Wen, my name is Wen Xia.”

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“Hello, Mr. Wen.” After the car entered the main section, the inside of the car became quiet. Zeng Yuan concentrated on driving. Lin Feng Qi and Wen Xia sat side by side, but there was nothing to say.

Wen Xia tilted his head to look out of the window, feeling a little embarrassed at first, and soon became a little drowsy. He ate too many sweets and pastries at the dinner party today, and it is easy to get sleepy if he ate too much sugar.

Just when his head almost came into close contact with the car window, Lin Feng Qi, who had been silent for most of the road, suddenly spoke.

“He is not for you.”

Wen Xia was a little awake, raised his head, and waited for two seconds to make sure that Lin Feng Qi was talking to him. SH wondered: “Who?”

Lin Feng Qi raised his jawline slightly, not wanting to say the name.
There were more and more question marks in Wen Xia’s mind.

What a riddler.

Seeing that Lin Feng Qi didn’t speak, he didn’t bother to ask further, retracting his head and intending to continue squinting for a while.

“Fang Huai,” Lin Feng Qi said, “he is not worthy of you.”

Wen Xia’s thoughts were eclipsed by sleepiness, and he didn’t want to understand the logic of Lin Feng Qi’s words for a while but stepped on Fang Huai. He must squint his eyes and nod his head: “Indeed.”

Fang Huai is a fool, of course, he is not worthy of being compared with himself.

Lin Feng Qi glanced at him complicatedly and stopped talking. He lowered his eyes, his thoughts surged.

It seems that Wen Xia… was badly hurt by that person.

T/N: Guys its a new year but don’t forget to always wear mask and keep safe. Happy Reading Everyone!

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