When Shi Xi said that, the people present were all stunned for a while. Then they started to laugh. It had to be said that Shi Xi was indeed very good at variety shows, his improvisation was brilliant. If he gave her the task right away, the atmosphere at Gu Feining’s area that was already awkward would become very boring, but now it had become livelier.  

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As the person involved, Gu Feining thought, So this is what a variety show is like.

Naturally, she had no problem with crying on the spot. However, she could not allow herself to be tricked in vain. 

She took a step back and signaled to the contestants who were behaving wildly behind them to quiet down. “Since it’s like that, why don’t we choose a plot and you can act with me.”

After that, she encouraged everyone to pressure Shi Xi into accepting her suggestion.

She might as well drag him down with her.

Shi Xi did not reject her suggestion and turned his body around to give some screentime to the contestants standing behind them. “Why don’t I ask a contestant to choose the plot then?”

There were too many tricks in variety shows and Gu Feining was a complete newbie to it. She had just come up with a ploy to deal with Shi Xi when it was stopped in its tracks.

The selected contestant also had a few tricks, and in a manner that matched with the production team’s tastes, suggested the plot of a couple breaking up.

A staff member who brought a stopwatch came over. Shi Xi took it and handed it to a contestant to start the timer as soon as Gu Feining said the words: ‘Let’s break up’.

Gu Feining felt that if she was still at Shi Xi’s mercy, it would be way too pathetic. Therefore, she planned to take the initiative to attack.

However, Gu Feining was a little overwhelmed by Shi Xi’s reaction. She had originally planned on making Shi Xi the scumbag in the plot, but Shi Xi worked hard and turned his character into an infatuated lover.

No matter what she said, he managed to find a way to counter it, making her unable to break up with him. She noticed they were acting for a very extended period and felt that her acting career had faced some problems.

After a while, Shi Xi finally let her off. Till the end, she was unable to say the words ‘break up’. Following the plot that Shi Xi had created, she was moved to tears.

Gu Feining sighed in her heart. She needed to take more precautions against Shi Xi. The next time she met him, she would definitely take a detour.

The two of them stood face to face. Shi Xi made a gesture to the contestant in charge of keeping the timer. The contestant started the timer, and Gu Feining’s tears fell exactly at the ten-second mark. When it came to acting, she was never perfunctory.

When Shi Xi saw Gu Feining had cried, he reached out to wipe away the tears on her face. He held her face and lowered his head slightly…

Angling towards the cameras, Shi Xi’s lips pressed on the corner of her eyes. He even said an affectionate line, “Why do you always want to push me away?”

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His acting, which had a hidden meaning to the two of them, caused Gu Feining’s chest to tighten and her heart to beat faster for some reason.

The contestants also went crazy. They really didn’t expect Shi Xi’s performance to be so good.

If it weren’t for the fact that there were too many people present and the fact that she was wearing a microphone, Gu Feining would have beaten Shi Xi up. This man had too many tricks up his sleeve.

She felt deeply relieved to have successfully gotten another slot for her team, however. All these interactions had left her exhausted. Doing variety shows was different from filming; there were no breaks between scenes. It was too difficult, especially since Shi Xi was in it with her.

After Shi Xi walked away, Yue Mei felt relieved. As long as the production team did not cut the scene ruthlessly, the audience would have a good impression of Gu Feining after this episode has been aired. Shi Xi really knew how to take care of people. Not only did he help Gu Feining to resolve the awkward situation, but he also helped her gain popularity.

A high viewer rating of this episode was guaranteed, which was a relief. When she looked around at the contestants present, Yue Mei was shocked, the popularity of the first episode was definitely going to be higher than she initially anticipated.

Gu Feining didn’t have the list of contestants in her hand because this part of the program was real. The contestants could freely decide which mentor they wanted to choose. Due to this, when Gu Feining saw the contestant that was walking towards her now, she didn’t know whether to cry or to laugh. 

The person walked over with a hat on. After she took it off, all the contestants present were stunned.

Because that person was a popular young actress, Miao Yi.

Besides the production team, it was likely no one had expected Miao Yi to come. Miao Yi’s appearance surprised everyone. The reaction was so explosive that people from the other two groups also looked over, not knowing what was going on.

Miao Yi and Gu Feining were actresses of the same age but the former had made her debut later on and specialized in idol dramas. She had very high popularity, but her popularity stemmed from her scandals and her family’s background. Because she always worked together with young actors1, and every time she worked together with one, a scandal would appear.

Everyone thought that she was using these scandals to increase her popularity and that they weren’t actually true. Only Gu Feining knew that Miao Yi had really dated that many boyfriends. She was really popular with those young and fresh actors.

Miao Yi stood in front of Gu Feining, smiling as she greeted her, “Teacher Gu.”

Gu Feining did not know whether to laugh or to cry, because Miao Yi was her closest friend in the entertainment industry.

Miao Yi never tried to cover up her scandals but she would always try her best to hide her friendship from the public eye. Therefore, even though her reputation was not good, no one knew about her relationship with Gu Feining.

Every time they met, they acted like thieves. Miao Yi had always said that Gu Feining, who always worked so hard, should not be implicated by the negative news surrounding her. The media and netizens’ trains of thought were strange. They felt that she was immoral because she dated too many people and that her friends could all only be immoral people like her.

Gu Feining did not care about these things. She made friends openly and there was no such thing as one person dragging the other down.

It was actually a pity that Miao Yi was acting in idol dramas with her acting skills, but she was especially independent. Despite having debuted a long time ago, she had no intention of changing the type of dramas she acted in. She focused on acting in idol dramas without much substance and getting together with the cute and handsome new actors. After all, she joined the entertainment industry to play around.

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Gu Feining asked her why she was here to participate in this program.

Miao Yi’s response made Gu Feining want to cry in laughter. She said she came here for Gu Feining and kept praising Gu Feining’s acting skills.

Gu Feining quietly watched as Miao Yi praised her, giving her a look that said ‘If you continue, I’ll eliminate you during the audition stage’.

As Gu Feining’s good friend of many years, how could Miao Yi not know what Gu Feining was thinking? She quickly changed the topic. “Who doesn’t want to work together with Shi Xi? I’m no exception.”

That made more sense.

Miao Yi’s skill at variety shows was not bad. Her appearance on the show made the atmosphere in Gu Feining’s room become even livelier. She knew how to make things funny and was willing to joke around. Gu Feining was also relaxed in front of her and when she was interacting with Miao Yi, there was a lot of laughter.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in Gu Feining’s room became the most harmonious among the three rooms.

Gu Feining passed Miao Yi without any dispute. Miao Yi, who had gotten the film, hugged Gu Feining and smiled very happily.

During the break at noon, Gu Feining found Miao Yi waiting for her backstage. Miao Yi was sitting there like she owned the place and flirting with the staff. She was the kind of person who was able to act familiar with everyone. When she saw Gu Feining arrive, Miao Yi rushed towards her happily. Miao Yi hugged Gu Feining and asked her if she was surprised.

Gu Feining had no choice but to bring Miao Yi into her lounge and the two of them ate the boxed lunch prepared by the production team together.

“Why did you come here?” Gu Feining did not intend to hide it from her. Miao Yi would probably be able to find out about this easily. “Don’t you know the female lead has already been decided internally?”

Miao Yi didn’t care about that at all. “How can I not support my friend’s first variety show? Who wants to act in that kind of fantasy show? If I have to hang on wires the whole day, I’ll die. I just want to act in idol dramas with handsome actors.” 

Gu Feining didn’t know what to do with her. She knew that although Miao Yi said that, the truth was, she could only do that. No matter how hard she worked, the media’s focus was always on her family background. No matter how hard she tried, no one could see it. Thus, she just gave up. Anyway, she was quite happy right now.

“But if it’s Shi Xi, I’m quite interested. Shi Xi looks even taller and handsome in real life. Tut tut…” Miao Yi rested her head on her palm and said meaningfully.

Gu Feining reached out and flicked Miao Yi’s forehead. “What are you thinking about?”

“Even if we don’t work together, it’ll be good to be able to date him.” Miao Yi had always spoken frankly in front of Gu Feining. “Sleeping together with him once will be alright too. His figure is not bad, it isn’t considered a loss.”

Gu Feining almost choked on her rice. She felt so guilty she couldn’t say a word.

Miao Yi asked her quietly, “Do you have his number? Give it to me.”

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Thanks to Shi Xi, practically everyone on the Internet knew that she had Shi Xi’s contact information.

Gu Feining ignored Miao Yi. “If you want his number, you can ask him for it yourself.”

She didn’t intend on playing matchmaker for the two of them. She felt that Miao Yi would be the one to suffer if she got involved with Shi Xi. In the beginning, she thought Shi Xi was a proper gentleman. But after interacting with him for a while, she had realized that he was a man full of tricks. She couldn’t let him harm her friend.

Miao Yi was very straightforward. She took the suggestion and actually ran to Shi Xi’s lounge to ask for his number. Gu Feining felt helpless. Her friend’s brain was only full of matters about love. She was the kind of person who would die if she did not date. There was never a time that she was single.

After a while, Miao Yi returned with her head lowered.

 Gu Feining asked her, “What’s the matter? You didn’t manage to get his number?”

Miao Yi looked frustrated. “He gave me his manager’s contact information. He said if there’s anything I need, I can directly contact his manager.”

Gu Feining, who was drinking water, choked. Wasn’t this her response when he asked for her contact information?

Miao Yi sighed. “He looked even more handsome up close.”

Gu Feining despised her for saying that. “Is he really that handsome?”

She thought about it carefully. It seemed that he was indeed quite handsome. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been so muddled that she slept with him after only drinking half a cup of alcohol.

It was truly a disaster for a man to look like that.

Miao Yi did not stay much longer. She still had work in the afternoon and she only accompanied Gu Feining for a while before she left.

Gu Feining had more lively interactions with the contestants in the afternoon. It was probably because Shi Xi and Miao Yi had helped her gain a lot of popularity in the morning. She managed to record the first two episodes of the audition in a very harmonious way.

Shi Xi only filmed for an hour in the afternoon before he left. He had given out all the tasks to the three of them by that time. Gu Feining didn’t fight for the remaining slots. The quality of the contestants at her side was not as high as the contestants with Teacher Zhong and Teacher Gu. She took two slots from Shi Xi and did not compete with Zhong Lin and Teacher Gu for the remainder.

After they finished filming, Gu Feining had a few days of rest before filming officially started. Before the next filming, they had a press conference. Thus, they needed to start rushing the itinerary. As a result, the agreed vacation was shortened and she could only play around with her parents for a week.

The night after the audition ended, the official Weibo of the ‘Best Female Lead’ posted a short clip. It was a photo of Gu Feining and Shi Xi hugging.

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Gu Feining didn’t know about it until later. The production team was the one who dealt with the materials in the program. It was only when she noticed she and Shi Xi were trending together that she saw the photograph and was stunned.

She had to admit the effect of the photo was very good. The lighting created a warm ambiance. Gu Feining’s back was facing the camera as she was held in Shi Xi’s arms, surrounded by studio equipment. In the chaos, Gu Feining’s cheongsam was like a flower in the ruins, full of vitality. And Shi Xi, who was dressed messily, was hugging the elegant Gu Feining. They looked like they were a couple full of happiness after overcoming a matter of life and death.

Just looking at this photo, one could imagine a passionate love story between the two of them.

That was exactly what the CP fans did. The artists, the writers, the photo editors, all appeared. The program had yet to air and the CP between Shi Xi and Gu Feining had gotten popular once again.

The fans were just quietly enjoying this new material at first. The CP fans were all saying that they hadn’t expected sweet moments between the two of them to appear so fast. They had just started filming and they were already hugging each other.

Soon, some fans realized something was wrong. According to someone who had witnessed the filming that day, they analyzed the situation and realized that the clothes the two of them were wearing were not for the scene they had filmed together.

This time, the CP fans were completely worked up. They weren’t even in the same group, why were they hugging each other?

The biggest mystery in the history of the good-looking couple2 had appeared.

When Xiao Mang saw the gossip, she foolishly ran over and asked Gu Feining, “Sister Ning Ning, is what the Internet is saying true? That your hug with Shi Xi wasn’t part of filming?”

Gu Feining couldn’t answer and only held the script as she avoided that question.

This gossip continued for many days. The production team was watching the situation and seemed to be fine with making the situation worse. They even released some more clips. Shi Xi was the one who took the initiative to hug Gu Feining, it looked like it was out of an idol drama.

The popularity that was reduced with much difficulty went up again.

Gu Feining watched as her name appeared together with Shi Xi’s more and more frequently. The number of followers on her Weibo also slowly increased. She didn’t know what to say.

She held herself back for a few days before she finally decided to call Shi Xi.

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Translator’s Notes:

The young actors refer to this specific range of actors, in the raw, it directly translates to fresh meat, which is an Internet phrase for handsome young males that tend to be rising celebrities. The good-looking couple here refers to Gu Feining and Shi Xi. It’s like the fans are calling them the good-looking couple.

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