Gu Feining couldn’t believe Shi Xi wanted to bring her home. He was even offering to make supper as an excuse for that.

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Even putting aside the fact that he was a man and she was a woman, they were not close enough to be visiting each other’s houses, right? They were a single man and a single woman, if they were photographed together, it would be hard to explain.

This matter was so shocking for Gu Feining that she couldn’t even get angry. As a female celebrity, she did not want to eat supper at all. It was in the midst of filming, and she needed to be careful of her diet.

“Send me back to the hotel.” Although Gu Feining was not angry, her tone was cold.

Shi Xi asked her, “Aren’t you worried about Yuan Jinyan coming to look for you at night?”

Gu Feining was utterly speechless. Were these two that scared that she couldn’t get on the trending page?

“If he dares to come, let him come.” 

Gu Feining wasn’t afraid of Yuan Jinyan looking for her. If he dared to come over alone, it would be a good opportunity for them to clear out all the crap that had happened in the past and get it over and done with once and for all.

Right now, the thing she was most annoyed with was Yuan Jinyan dragging others into the mess. If more people got involved, she wouldn’t be able to do anything to him.

He knew Gu Feining cared about her image more than he did. Thus, every time he appeared, he didn’t meet her alone so Gu Feining couldn’t do anything to him.

A soft smile was hanging from the corner of Shi Xi’s mouth as he focused on driving the car with no intention of slowing down.

Gu Feining felt was helpless. “Let me get off the car, I’ll call a cab to drive me back to the hotel.”

Shi Xi responded with a ‘no’ without missing a beat, acting like a stubborn child.

“Shi Xi,” Gu Feining was now really annoyed. She felt that even her image of having a good temper was about to be ruined at this point.

Shi Xi only hummed, not showing any intention of stopping the car nor slowing down.

“In any case, I’m considered your senior, right?” Gu Feining decided to use her status. “Shouldn’t you ask for my opinion about where you’re bringing me to?”

Only then did Shi Xi slow down his car and turn his head to the side to glance at Gu Feining. “Senior, are you worried that I will do something to you?”

Gu Feining became speechless. Her face turned red and she quickly turned away to hide it while insisting that he should stop the car, “Let me get out of your car. I won’t return to the hotel. I’ll call a cab and go back home.”

“It’s already very late, I won’t feel at ease if I let you do that.” Shi Xi’s attitude was very firm.

“I don’t feel at ease following you,” Gu Feining instinctively responded.

Shi Xi went back to focusing on driving, but he sounded happy. “Why are you so worried?”

Gu Feining was speechless and did not want to bother with him anymore.

Shi Xi had probably sensed she would lose her temper if he continued teasing her so he changed the topic, “Senior, after I changed my company, I moved.”

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Shi Xi asked, “How long has it been since you went home?”

“Why does it matter?”

“Are you unfamiliar with the streets outside your home?”

It was true that Gu Feining had been returning home more often recently. But every time she was on her way home, she was busy yawning in the car, not looking at the scenery outside at all. Only when she was reminded by Shi Xi did she finally realize that the streets outside the window were very familiar. “You…”

“I live here too.” Shi Xi entered a high-end neighborhood after making a turn. “So it’s fine if you eat supper before heading back, right?”

The hotel was booked by the production team for convenience. If they wished to, they could return home without staying there. Gu Feining stayed in the hotel because that way, she could give the contestants extra lessons after filming ended, and it was already late by the time she was dismissed. If it wasn’t for how she was supposed to eat supper with the production team tonight, she was likely to return home. She was already used to staying in hotels. After all, as a celebrity, she’d stayed in hotels more often than she had at home.

The level of privacy and housekeeping services the estate offered had attracted many celebrities. Although it was expensive, it was worth the price as it delivered the high level of privacy it promised. Furthermore, the location was extremely good. It could be considered a secret garden amid the busy city. Thus, it wasn’t strange for Shi Xi to stay here.

Shi Xi parked the car in the lot and got off to open Gu Feining’s side of the door.

Gu Feining felt the reason why she hadn’t lost her temper was that on one hand, she didn’t know him well, and on the other, Shi Xi had a face that really caused people to lose their sense of propriety. His handsome face was always smiling when he looked at her, making her unable to lose her temper. On top of this, it turned out they lived in the same estate.

Shi Xi saw that she still looked unwilling so he persuaded her once more while smiling, “Do you really not want to come? I’m quite good at cooking.”

They were already downstairs. Does she even have any other choice?

Gu Feining didn’t know what to say. Every time she felt like Shi Xi had some ulterior notice, he would often be able to correct her misconception. She was beginning to think she had been judging Shi Xi too harshly.

She wasn’t sure how exactly she felt about him, but she did know her relationship with Shi Xi was delicate.

Initially, she had been resisting out of nervousness, but now that she’d calmed down and thought carefully, it was quite reasonable even if something happened when she went upstairs. With that thought, she relaxed as if she had figured things out. 

Shi Xi swiped the card to open the lift doors and Gu Feining followed him. Their faces reflected on the mirror inside the lift. Gu Feining’s expression was one of tiredness while Shi Xi looked full of vitality. Gu Feining felt unhappy and secretly glared at the person in the mirror but Shi Xi caught her quickly. He then lowered his head and a chuckle was heard. Gu Feining didn’t know how to react and just let it pass.

After the high-intensity filming that spanned throughout the whole day, Gu Feining was quite exhausted. But when she was together with Shi Xi, although she would feel a little uncomfortable, she didn’t feel much pressure. If it wasn’t for the fact that Shi Xi was younger than her and was her junior in the company, she might be even more relaxed in her behavior.

Perhaps it was because she felt he knew everything about her and so she did not need to wear a mask in front of him.

Shi Xi lived on the 22nd floor, and the lift went directly to his apartment. As soon as the door of the lift opened, his apartment was right in front of her, catching her a little off guard.

The space indoors was very spacious. It was an apartment that took up an entire floor after all. The decoration was simple with a grayscale theme. Looking at it made her uncomfortable. The furniture was also simple yet elegant. Every part of the house was clean and neat as if to show that the owner of the house was just like the house, clean, neat, and meticulous.

The main attraction was a floor-to-ceiling window in the living room where the night-view outside was breathtaking. Standing in the middle of the city and looking at the gorgeous night scenery, the thousands of lights made one feel intoxicated.

While she stood by the window for a while, enjoying the view, Shi Xi was already in the kitchen, asking her what she wanted to eat.

Gu Feining had yet to answer when a cat came out of a room. It climbed onto the sofa with elegant steps and Gu Feining’s attention was immediately on the cat.

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“She’s called Tang Tang. I picked her up when I was filming outside once.” Shi Xi opened the fridge to look for something to eat and asked her, “Should I cook you some seafood noodles?”


Gu Feining wasn’t a picky eater. She didn’t eat much during dinner as she had been nervous and barely ate two bites. Now that she was relaxed, she felt a little hungry.

The kitchen was open and Shi Xi could be seen cutting the ingredients skillfully as he cooked the noodles. His movements were well-practiced and it seemed like he truly knew how to cook.

Because Gu Feining had nothing to do, she secretly moved towards Tang Tang. Tang Tang was a local cat and because she was well-taken care of, she was like her owner and had a good temperament. Gu Feining sat closer to her and lightly stroked her fur, hugging the cat. Tang Tang meowed once and gave up on resisting her.

Shi Xi looked at the cat and the person snuggling in the living room and smiled as he said, “If I knew that a cat would be able to win you over instantly, I would have let you see her from the start.”

Gu Feining ignored Shi Xi’s joke, hugging the cat and leaning back on the sofa. She played with the cat as she watched Shi Xi cook.

What was it like watching a handsome man cook? It was like she was looking at this supper with rose-tinted glasses. The food wasn’t ready yet but she already felt her appetite growing.

After the bowls of noodles were carried over, Shi Xi switched on the TV and put a disk in. “I said before I would let you watch a musical.”

Supper and a musical. It was quite unique.

Gu Feining asked him, “You kept thinking of ways to bring me over here. Was it just to let me watch the musical?”

Shi Xi nodded his head seriously.

At this moment, Gu Feining realized she was completely wrong from the start and felt embarrassed. She had thought too much from the beginning. He was a gentleman, and she was the one with impure thoughts.

“You could have told me directly instead of acting so mysteriously.”

Shi Xi crossed his legs and sat on the floor. “If I told you so, you won’t reject me?”

Gu Feining couldn’t find an answer to that. Instead, she moved to sit on the floor as well, lowered her head, and ate her noodles.

The noodles were surprisingly tasty. As she was starving, she even finished the soup and felt a little embarrassed.

After they finished their supper, Shi Xi made her a cup of milk tea and the two of them, together with the cat, sat on the sofa and watched the musical. Gu Feining held the cup and slowly drank it, the sweet smell lingered between the two of them, and the atmosphere slowly became ambiguous.

When Gu Feining noticed there was something wrong with this increasingly ambiguous atmosphere, she placed the cat in between them and secretly increased the distance between the two of them. 

Shi Xi pretended not to notice and let Gu Feining do as she wished.

Gu Feining normally did not watch musicals and she didn’t have much knowledge about them. But with a professional by her side who explained as he watched the musical, she was able to understand it.

This was a sad musical. The music was heartwrenching and tragic. In the end, after the male lead died in the female lead’s arms, the female lead committed suicide. With the music and the actors’ explosive acting skills, Gu Feining had tears streaming down her face as she watched.

Shi Xi passed the tissue box to her without saying anything. He was probably worried that she would feel awkward and did not turn around to look at her.

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When the musical ended, Shi Xi started to rewind backward and picked some main points to explain to Gu Feining, his serious expression looking especially charming and attractive.

In this small space, the charm he radiated enraptured Gu Feining.

He carefully explained to Gu Feining what role music played in some parts, the singing of the protagonist, what the music wanted to express in this scene and what kind of emotions the protagonist wanted to convey.

Gu Feining had interacted with Shi Xi only a few times of intimate contact and thus, his impression in her mind was quite superficial. It turned out that when one was truly willing to let go of their assumptions and understand someone, they would easily be conquered by the charm of the other party.

Gu Feining suddenly felt nervous for some reason. The man in front of her was exuding such an irresistible charm.

Tang Tang, who was next to her meowed. Gu Feining felt like she had been hypnotized and called out, “Shi Xi.”

Shi Xi hummed and turned his head.

Gu Feining bit her lips and retracted her thoughts, “It’s… nothing…”

“What’s the matter?” Shi Xi realized that Gu Feining was acting strangely.

Gu Feining had originally been sitting on the sofa and hugging her knees. When Shi Xi looked over, she instinctively tilted back and fell onto the sofa, earning a laugh from Shi Xi. 

“Why are you so silly?”

“I… should head back now.” Gu Feining struggled to sit up and accidentally kicked Tang Tang in the act. Tang Tang made a sound of protest and jumped off the sofa.

Instantly, there was no obstacle between them. Shi Xi leaned over and resolutely said to Gu Feining, “You can’t!”

“What?” Gu Feining leaned back on the sofa.

Shi Xi also leaned over some more. “You’re not allowed to leave.”

“It’s very late… I should leave.” 

Although they stayed in the same estate, there was still a short distance away. Shi Xi’s high-class area was not that close to the middle-class area she lived in. It was already past midnight and it was about time for her to leave.

“Ning Ning…” Shi Xi called her name softly.


Gu Feining realized that this person would normally call her ‘senior’ politely, but when it came to these sorts of ambiguous moments, he would address her in this especially intimate way.

As he got closer and closer, Gu Feining could no longer retreat. She stared at Shi Xi with a complicated look in her eyes. She had never looked at him so closely when she was sober. The milk tea she had just drunk was extremely sweet and gave off an increasingly stronger sickly sweet fragrance the closer he got to her, causing her to feel dazed.

Then, Gu Feining noticed something bad. She didn’t want to push him away at all.

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However, Shi Xi stopped moving closer at a safe distance. He stretched his hand to flick Gu Feining’s forehead and reached out to pull her up. “Let’s go, I’ll send you back.”

Gu Feining was stunned for a moment. Did she overthink things again? So the other had no such impure motives but she had overreacted again?

“You… are you like this to other female celebrities?” 

Gu Feining regretted it as soon as she asked that. She shouldn’t have asked that sort of question. At least, with their current relationship, asking this question made it seem like she cared about him too much.

Shi Xi was stunned for a moment. He really didn’t expect Gu Feining to ask that.

Gu Feining instinctively realized she had said the wrong thing, and as if she wanted to make up for her mistake, she pulled on Shi Xi’s hand and pressed her lips to his.

Shi Xi was stunned again. When Gu Feining wanted to pull back, he reacted quickly and pressed his lips against hers.

He had endured the whole night. Ever since she performed the wonderful swordsmanship in front of everyone, his gaze hadn’t been able to leave her. When a person was serious, they would unconsciously spread their charm. Shi Xi could almost guarantee that most of the male audience members became her fans.

This made him feel a little unhappy.

He naturally had selfish intentions for bringing her home, but such things didn’t need to happen. He thought he should let her get to know him first. At the very least, he couldn’t allow Gu Feining to keep treating him in the same manner as she was treating Yuan Jinyan.

Naturally, once the kissing started, things got more and more uncontrolled.

The heated atmosphere made them unable to control themselves. She felt like all her rationality became particularly fragile at the moment, shattering as soon as she touched it. She was enticed to touch the other’s body and felt his instinctual desire.

Slowly, she became less and less like herself.

The removed clothes, the skin that was pressed close together, and the entangled fingers caused an ambiguous atmosphere throughout the room. Even Tang Tang ran back into the bedroom.

Surprisingly, this time felt better than the previous two times without the influence of alcohol.

Her lips were kissed repeatedly and her hands were pressed over her head. Her body trembled uncontrollably as his lips landed on her pretty collarbone, leading to a series of sweet sounds.

Gu Feining bit her lips, giving herself up as she cooperated with him. She struggled to squeeze out a sentence. “Don’t… leave any marks…”

Shi Xi turned his head up to look at Gu Feining’s eyes. Her eyes glinting in the darkness took away all his reason. He pressed her onto the sofa and bullied her severely.

The beauty of the process was indescribable.

Gu Feining simply felt that Shi Xi was different from the previous two times. If he was a gentle little beast those two times, today, he was a wolf that hadn’t been domesticated. She almost cried as there was no use struggling or saying no. There was no use begging for mercy and her voice became nasal from almost crying. Even if she felt good, she felt like all the energy in her body had gotten sapped away completely. She was tossed and turned until she slowly fell into a daze.

Suddenly, there was a sigh by her ear and her earlobe was sucked as an intimate voice sounded by her ear, “Ning Ning… please date me!”

Gu Feining was extremely tired and in her daze, she didn’t know what she answered. All she knew was that the other person suddenly seemed to have the urge again. She cried and wanted to stop him but he kissed her before she could.

After that, she was carried up from the sofa and brought into the bedroom. Then, she was eaten once again on the soft bed.

That night, she was truly… very very tired.

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