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They looked incredulously at Samyukta, her father said, 'What are you thinking? Zaffar to be sent out? Will he come back? He is a prisoner.. ' she looked at her father and said, 'no father, I have a plan!', she summoned Zaffar into the chamber in which they are talking, he looked at them with bitterness, he didn't greet them.. he didn't like masking his feelings.. Samyukta said, 'Zaffar.. we have one last thing you need to do for us.. ' he looked at her questioningly.. she said, 'we got news that Shah is trying to wage a war on Hindustan.. I need you to go and ask what he wants.. ' he looked at her in an irritated manner and muttered, 'he is looking for treasure.. you think it's a big secret... ' she looked at him and said, 'oh, I know that you gave that scroll to him through your man.. I hope you know that your man.. Mirza was killed by your beloved Shah.. ' Zaffar's heart shook like a withered leaf, he knew somewhere deep in his heart that Mirza wouldn't desert him.. unless he died.. somehow he still nurtured a hope to see him.. now his hopes shattered.. Samyukta said, 'I think you realize what happened now.. I need you to go as my messenger to Shah' Zaffar said, 'no.. Shah will kill me.. '

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'I will kill you if you don't obey.. remember that I am the empress of this land.. ' she looked regal and her voice was filled with authority.. he said, 'ok, but what is your message, ? ' she said, 'tell him to surrender or else we wage a war against him.. ' Zaffar was utterly shocked.. he said, 'what? ' she said, 'yes, tell him to surrender or face the consequences.. , now go and start your journey.. General Rudra Verma and Shiva with his men will accompany you.. '

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Zaffar left the room, Emperor Krishna Chandra said, 'Samyukta, what is this? ' she looked at him and smiled, she said, 'it's time to threaten others, our days of fear are over, Ujjain is with us... soon entire Hindustan will be with us.. ' Emperor Surya Gupta said, ' It's only Ujjain.. ' she said, 'Father.. Ujjain king agreed to send a portion of his Kala Hara army with Pinaka.. as we speak, they are moving out.. I got that message just now.. ' both the emperors looked impressed..

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'Kala Hara army, the most ferocious army in the world, each man can kill at least ten men.. their techniques and warfare are on the next level.. only because of that army, Ujjain remained autonomous without merging with any empire.. ' Emperor Surya Gupta said.. they nodded.. this was ap great development.. their strength increased by many fold.. a thousand men are coming with Pinaka.. they are enough to face ten thousand men..

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Raj guru was feeling better, but he felt sad and a feeling of doom.. he closed his eyes and concentrated, he was able to see Shameen and the Shah, he came out of his reverie and stood up.. he said, 'she is trying something.. something dark and dangers.. '

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