A Slave who became Emperor

Chapter 118: 118

Pinaka kept strolling in the royal garden. He could not digest what Rudra Verma did..he could have never fathomed that a person like the General would commit treason. During his childhood when he grew up around the palace, the general always watched out for him..he kept him safe..he gave a chance for him to grow.. and all that time he had feelings for Samyukta..??a thirteen year old girl?? The general was a father figure to both him and her and now everything came crashing down..he went to join the Shah..he didn't know how that turned out to be..he had a feeling of unease building in his gut..

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Samyukta came looking for him..she looked at him.. he was not paying attention to his surroundings..he was lost in deep thought.. she was looking at his well built masculine body..he had a nice and fit build up but he can't be considered bulky..she appraoached him slowly and called out softly.., 'Pinaka..,' he didn't respond..he didn't seem to hear her..

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She moved. towards him and called him out again , he slowly turned around and said,'Samyukta..we must declare war with the Shah...! ' she looked at him and said,'are you sure?' he said,'I don't like this..but instead of waiting for Rudra Verma to leak out all our secrets and face Shah's dark forces, it's better we encounter him in the light..we can't keep staring behind our shoulders and keep checking all the time whether the threat is approaching..'she sighed and said, 'I think you are right..but before that, we need to arrange an alliance..' he looked at her and said,'what alliance?' she said,' a marriage alliance...of political benefit..' he looked at her and said,' no.. I don't want to marry anyone else..,but ofcourse if it is for purely political reasons.. I am ok with it..' he had a teasing smile on his face..she looked at him and said scornfully,' don't get your hopes high emperor.. it's not for you..' he looked at her and said,'then who?' she sighed and said,' my elder brother Prince Deepak and your cousin Princess Mallika of Nanda dynasty..' he looked lost and said, 'when did this happen?' she sighed and said,'you remember when we were discussing about unification of the empires, my brother mentioned that the capital should be moved to Avanti city?, that time your maternal grandfather, old emperor Nanda just proposed it..' he looked at her as slowly that memory surfaced, he said,'oh yes, now I remember..was grandfather serious?' she said ,' indeed..we became busy in administration..but he kept in touch with father and pushed it..' he looked at her and said,' did they both agree?' she said,' well, they are going to meet today.. let's hope they agree..if they do.. both our empires will have stronger bonds.. and we can face the enemy with a common front..' he said,'I wonder if Princess Mallika is as beautiful as you or not..' she looked at him and said,' you know that I never cared for my beauty..' he said,' yes because you are born beautiful..why would you care...' Samyukta sighed and said,' I was never the one to take care of my complexion..or hair..my sisters used to spend hours taking care of their beauty and appearance.. I was always out in the sun..' he looked at her, held her hand , took her face in his hands and said, ' you know that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in this entire world..' and slowly kissed her lips..she closed her eyes, and returned his kiss..she slowly opened her eyes and said,'Pinaka.. I want to have peaceful moments like this with you.. before we wage a war.. let's live our lives like this..free from worry..free from politics..a small break ...' he nodded and hugged her.. what would he not give to just get lost with her in this moment..but both loved Hindustan and their people very much....

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