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Everyone was happy with the outcome, Princess Samyukta was the most suitable person to ascend the throne. The emperor summoned Pinaka to his chamber, Pinaka bowed and stood in front of the emperor. Krishna Chandra said, 'today I have something to tell you Pinaka, it will change your life and might be a huge impact to the Royal Family too.. there was a reason why I didn't share this with you earlier and I hope you forgive me.. '

The emperor was asking Pinaka to forgive him.. what is going on? though the emperor liked Pinaka, he was just a slave..his heart was beating fast, 'your majesty, this lowly slave doesn't deserve to be spoken to in such a gracious way, you are the emperor of Magadha,.. please tell me what ever you wish to say.. 'said Pinaka.

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The emperor said, 'Pinaka, I know that you like Samyukta, I know that you love her.. ' he was stunned, this was something which he never revealed to anyone. Not even to his friends or family. He never dared to even have these thoughts in front of Samyukta or the Royal Family. He always cursed himself for having fallen in love with Samyukta. He simply couldn't help it, his proximity to Samyukta from childhood through teenage was something no one could have had.

Her looks, her character, her perfection, her majesty, everything made him fall in love. The best quality he liked about her was her kindness. She was perfect to become the future empress of Magadha. He never dared to think about proposing his love to her, even in his wildest dreams. How did the emperor know. Pinaka knelt in front of the emperor, drew his sword out and said, 'my emperor, though it is true, I have never forgotten my status, I have never even thought of speaking about my feelings to anyone.. no one apart from me is aware.. if you feel that I have committed a mistake, please cut off my head, '

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'Pinaka.. raise., there is no need for all this. I need to tell you something, really important. ' he stood up, but didn't raise his head. 'You are not a slave.. you have a past...

..., you are not from the Veera dynasty, ' Pinaka couldn't believe his ears. Something was amiss, how could it be.. from his childhood he was brought up at the slave quarters. His mother.. father.. were they really not his parents.. what was happening.. his head was spinning.

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'There is a mark of Sun god ☀on your chest...this was given to you by the Gupta is the Royal mark of the Guptas...' Pinaka saw this mark many times, it was there since childhood. He never really minded it, he felt it looked good, his father said that he put the mark of sun on him because he felt he would shine like the sun in the empire of Magadha once he grew up.. he was lying..

'Three days back few people came to meet me. I think its better if they speak to you directly,' he summoned a guard and asked him to bring over few guests. They came in and bowed to the emperor, Krishna Chandra said, 'Gentlemen, please tell him what you told me earlier, ' one of them bowed and started narrating, 'Your majesty', he said addressing Pinaka, he was staring with a wild gaze, Pinaka was being called his majesty.. what was happening..

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the man continued, ' you are the only son of Emperor Surya Gupta, of the Gupta dynasty. You are the sole heir of the Gupta empire. Emperor Surya Gupta was dethroned twenty five years ago, he was played into the hands of his cousins who wanted to take over the empire.They made the rule of Gupta empire unstable by joining hands with enemies of the empire. Due to threat to the emperor and the new born prince, some of us who were loyal to the throne, helped the emperor and you to escape. The emperor asked us to hide you well and he went away in another direction luring the people chasing us,away from you. From then onwards your mother ,our great Empress, her majesty Chandramati Gupta was kept as a prisoner in her own palace. The enemies are controlling the empire from outside through their puppet, General Devadatta, under their tyranny the public is suffering, we handed you over to the elder of Veera dynasty saying that we came across you in a forest, they took you in and your foster father promised us that he would care for you as his own, we have been keeping a close watch on you as you were growing up.. we were always in the shadows, though you were in the slave quarters, your upbringing couldn't have been better, you were nurtured like a prince along with the Princess Samyukta, we thank the great emperor Krishna Chandra for his support till now, we request you to return home, we need to overthrow General Devadatta and you need to ascend the throne. '

Pinaka felt as if he was dreaming. He was in a daze and kept gazing at Krishna Chandra as if seeking guidance. The emperor said, 'My son Pinaka, whatever this gentleman has spoken, is the truth. Magadha empire and Gupta empire were very closely associated. It can be said that your father Surya Gupta was a learned emperor. During his rule, the kingdom flourished. But he trusted his cousins and vested majority of power in their hands which led to his downfall. The Gupta empire is now being controlled by forces outside Hindustan. They are none other than the Ghoris. They are a set of barbaric and nomadic rulers. They plunder and loot wherever they go and abuse the women of the conquered land. Now, they are trying to enter India through their hold on Gupta empire. They hail from Afghan region. Only because they were busy spreading their rule in middle East,they didn't set foot here.If we don't counter them now, it will be a huge setback to our empires as well as to the country. It's time for you to take your rightful place, Prince Pinaka Gupta'

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